SR-9-A (15) rlitL0tJ Ccft fra.vt ~ 1/ '11 cc.s 9A JUN , 71991 CCS JM 'F 'CCSADMN\SHARE'BIG,FDCC CIty Council Meetmg June 17. 1997 Santa MOllIca, CA TO :'vIayor and Clly CouncIl FRO:YI City Staff Su!3JECT RecommendatIOn to Approve the Fmal DeSign for the South Beach Improvements and Phase II of Pal1sades Park Improvements of the Beach Improvement Group (B I G ) Project, Consider DeSign Options for the Restrooms m Pal1sades Park, and Authorize the Cny :Manager to :\"egottate and Execute an Amendment to the Contract for DeSign and Constnlctlon Documents Introduction This report provides IllformatlOn about the preparatIOn of the fmal deSign of the Beach Improvement Group (B I G ) Project and requests Cny Council approval of the linal deSign for two components of the project the South Beach Improvements and Phase II of the Palisades Park Improvements The report discusses the deSign for Ihe restrooms III Pahsades Park wmch IS 10 retum to the Arcmtectural Re\leW Board as a cond1l10n of approval of the enure project The report also requests CIty CouncIl to authonze the City Manager to negotiate and execute an amendment to the contract WIth the deSign lirm Wallace. Roberts and Todd m an amount not to exceed $325.000 to provide for deSign and preparation of constructIOn blddmg documents for the expanded scope of the project deSign The design plans and models ofporhons of the project \,~1l be on display m the CouncIl Chambers for reView by Cny Council members begmnmg on Fnday. June 13 9^ JUN ,';\s7 Background In June. 1995. the CIty Council approved the award of consultant contracts to Wallace. Roberts & Todd (\VRT) for the design of five capltallmprovcment proJecls m thc beachfront area rcnovatlon of the northern sectIOn of Palisades Park. reconstructIOn of the California Inclme. wldemng of the Santa Momca Pier bndge. Improvement to South Beach from the Pier to Ray Street. and enhancement of the gateway where Interstate 10. PacIfic Coast HIghway. and the PIer mtersect \Vhlle each project contams uniquely dlstmct features. all five share common work elements, are contiguous and constItute one encompassmg scemc landscape from Bay Street to the northern City limIts The deSign effort for all five components mvolves collaboratIOn of the landscape architectural firm WRT and public arbst Jody Pmto On July 30. 1996 the City CounCil approved the concept deSign for the South Beach Improvements and Phase II of Palisades Park Improvements ThiS approval followed an extensive public participaTIOn process. mcludmg a walking tour of Palisades Park and the South Beach along ".11h an open House and workshop. and reVIew by five boards and commiSSIOns. the Planmng ComnnsslOn. Arclnteetural ReVlcw Board, Arts COmmIssIOn. Landmarks COmnl1SSlon. and Rccrcatlon and Parks CommissIon. as well as the Pier RestoratIOn Corporal1on and ConventIOn and VIsitors Bureau The Pahsades Park and South Beach Improvements are funded through the PropositIOn A - Safe :'--lelghborhood Parks Act which was passed by voters m 1992 Durmg the Concept DeSign Plan revIew process, It became apparent that aVailable PropOSitIOn A funds would not be suffiCient to mcorporate all of the elements that were Important to the public. boards and commISSIOns. and City Council Over the summer. the City sought addluonal fundmg under the Los Angeles County Park, 2 Beach and RecreatIon Act of 1996 to fund Improved pathways m PalIsades Park and to mcrease publIc access and reduce the conflIct along the beach promenade from mtensIve use by the area's many strollers. joggers. skaters and bIcyclIsts. and to sIgmtlcantly mcrease the appearance and safety of the publIc restrooms m the project area The Cay's request for fundmg was mcluded m the proposed Act and subsequently passed by the voters m ]\ ovember of 1996 -- resultmg m an addmonal $1 7 mtlllOn for the BIG project Staff has also tdentIfied additIOnal grant funds. prevIOusly unexpended project funds. and new Beach and General funds m the proposed 1997/98 CapItal Improvement Program totalll1g an another S I mIllIon for the project The CalIfornia Inclme. PIer Bndge WIdemng. and Gateway projects are pnmanly federally funded \\lth ISTEA and HIghway Bndge Replacement funds and are on a dIfferent fundmg and desIgn schedule. conceptual deSIgn for these projects WIll be underway shortly Discussion DeSIgn Development Process Based on the comments and mput from boards and commISSIons and the CIty Counctl durmg the conccpt deSIgn rCVlew. a number of changcs and enhancements have bccn made. mcludmg those deSIgn elements pOSSIble due to new PropOSItIon A and other proposed fundmg These are lughlIghted m the summary whleh follows Items whIch were approved m the concept deSIgn and have not changed are not lIsted South Beach: Santa Alolllca Pier to Bay Street o ConstructIOn of new restrooms rather than retrofits to the eXlstmg restrooms, these are SIted m the same locatIons to take advantage of eXIstmg water and sewer connectIOns 3 o Upgraded pavmg treatment along the beach promenade o Enhanced seat walls along the beach promenade w~th a special texture evokmg the beach sedimentation process o Relocation of Muscle Beach to the area somh of the restroom to allow for more open space and expanSIOn o Design of the chIldren's play area as a precursor to Muscle Beach ,vlth a fitness theme geared to child development of all ages o User amemtles at Chess Park mcludmg storage for "life size" chess pieces and electncal and telephone connections for computer access o AdditIOnal trees along the beach to provide more shaded seating Palisades Park Contll1uatlOn of Phase I Improvements slleh as lrngal10n and dra1l1age systems. parkjilrmtllre and lzghtll1g 111 the park area between Anzona and Inspiration POlllt o Construction of a new restroom near the Callforma Incline, With a storage area for mamtenance eqUIpment o Replacement of two eXlstmg restrooms, mcludmg shlftmg the Idaho Avenue restrooms north of the Craftsman arches as approved m the concept deSign o Contmumg the Joggmg path as a separate path along the edge of Ocean Avenue for the entire length of the park o :Ylore edge paths to provide access to news o Artist-deSigned overlook at the CalifornIa Incline to pronde a nemng area o New plcmc grove north ofthe Rose Garden m response to request for shaded tables m additIOn to those at InSpiratIOn Pomt o IncluSlOn of a Veterans Memonal m the area Just north of the Santa Momca Pier Dunng the concept deSign renew. the deSIgn team confirmed that the 655 trees currently ill the Phase II portlOn of Pahsades Park w1I1 be retamed :-.Imeteen of the eXlstmg palm trees w1l1 be 4 relocated due to path alignment or proximity to structures Sixty additional comferous trees and tlurty additional palms Will be planted Shrub and ground cover areas Will Illcrease from 15.000 square feel to approxnnately 81.000 square feet ofxenc plants. The amount of turf Will be reduced from 493.000 to 320.000 square feet pnmarlly as result of the addition of the Joggmg path. the converSIOn of turf to decomposed gramte to create a newplcmc grove and ill areas where the turf has been difficult to mamtam because of exceSSive shade or poor soil condnlOns. and the relocation of the fence Ime III several areas m accordance with the FE:-V1A funded geotechmcal report ReView Process On Apnl II. 1997. a preview of the final deSign was held for members of the City Council, boards and COfmlllSSlOnS, and Cny staff A Community Open House 'was held on Saturday Apn112, 1997. for the public to view the final deSign and hear a presentation by the deSign team Over sixty-five people attended and offered comments The Fmal DeSign ha~ heen presented to the Planmng CommIssIon. Arts CommISsIon, Landmarks C0l11l11lSSlOn, and PIer RestoratIOn Corporatron for adVIsory revIew. formal approval has been granted by the Recreation and Parks CommiSSIOn Formal acceptance by the Arts CommiSSIOn of the beacon and overlook m Palisades Park IS scheduled for June 16 Dunng the Imtlal review by the Architectural ReVIew Board. several members requested a refinement of thc dcslgn of the restrooms m PalIsades Park to mclude more reference to the Craftsman style whIch IS represented III the park by the rock arches at Idaho Street and the wood pergola TIle deSign team conSIdered the comments of the ARB and returned WIth a modified deSIgn 5 on June 2, 1997 :'vlodlficatlOns mcluded more detallmg of the concrete block base and a roof support system of steel struts Wlnle the changes were vIewed pOSll1vely by several members. some members contmued to have concerns Wllh specIfic elements of the proposed deSIgn These mc1uded roof deSIgn and concrete block matenals selected tor the base of the restrooms Regardmg roof deSIgn, the ARB dISCUSSIOn focused on the appropnateness of thc roof for Pahsadcs Park and dIscussed the posslb111ty of a redeSIgned roof. mc1udmg a change of matenaL color and shape Other members expressed support for the deSIgn Regardmg ba~e matenals. the ARB diSCUSSIOn focused on the use of more natural stone The use of stone may have a slgmficant mcrease on the construcTIon cost The proposed roof matenalls a custom engmeered fiberglass remforced polyester selected for the quahl1es of translucency and color. ease ofmamtenance. and longeVIty The effect of llght and color IS both artlsl1c and functional through the use of natural llght dunng the day The upliftmg shape of the floatmg roof seeks to dIrect breezes through the restroom for mmnmum ventIlatIon The ARB approved both the South Beach and Pahsades Park. Phase II Improvements WIth the condlllOn that the deSIgn for the restrooms m Pallsades Park return to the Board GIven these concerns and the cost of redeSIgn. staff IS seekmg comments from the CIty Conncll pnor to returnmg to the ARB WIth a reVIsed deSIgn The State RecreatIOn and Parks Department has also approved the deSIgn l'pon approval of the final deSIgn by the CIty CounCIl and the ARB. staff ".,11 seek approval from the Coastal CommISSIOn and begm preparatIOn of constructIon documents C onstructJon IS expected to begm m January_ 1998 and WIll be staged to allow usage of mos1 areas durmg the summer season 6 Construction tS expected to be completed 10 FalL 1998 BudgetlFiscal Impact The South Beach and Paltsades Park improvements are funded pnmanly with two LA County Propos1l10n A Bond Acts Safe NeIghborhood Parks j\ct of 1992 and the Park. Beach and Recreatton Act of 1996 In addItIOn, staff has identIfied approxImately S I mIllIon of addItIOnal fund1Og, 10cluding FEMA, TDA, preVIously approved and unexpended projects, and new appropnatIon of Beach and General funds 111 the proposed FY97/98 CIP budget The follo\\~ng chart summanzes the project budget 1Oclud1l1g currently appropnated funds and those proposed 10 the 1997-98 Capital Improyement budget This proposed fund10g plan results 111 full fund10g for the final deSign as presented to the Cay CouncIl WIth the exception of an amst-designed beacon at the CalIforma Incl10e overlook Staff \\~11 seek approval of the possIble use of 1997-98 Percent for Art funds for thiS fcaturc from thc Arts CommISSIOn The contract \\~th Wallace, Roberts & Todd for deSign and construcnon documents IS for $778,000 and IS based on the ongmal1992 ProposItIon A fund10g of$4 96 mIllIon ExpanSIon of the ong1Oal scope of the project funded by the new S I 7 mIllIon 1996 PropOSitIOn A fund10g and the addmonal S I mIllIon of IdentIfied sources reqmres an amendment of the deSIgn contract Staff seeks authonzatIOn for the CIty Manager to negonate and execute the contract amendment 10 an amount not to exceed $325,000 upon adoptIon of the proposed FY97/98 Capital Improvement Program budget TIle chart below proYldes for the additIonal deSIgn fees, constructIOn management. and constructIOn costs 7 PrOl ect Comuonent Palisades Park Current AppropnatlOn Proposed FY97'98 South Beach Current Appropnal1on Proposed FY97!98 Account #!Source 20-740-511-20094-8900-99650 (prop A) 01-740-511-20091-8900-99264 (Phase I) 01-740-511-20096-8900-99651 (Vet Mem) 20-740-511-20098-8900-99560 (I996 Prop A-part) 13-500-402-35305-5501-13005 (Disaster Relief) TOTAL 20-740-511-20094-8905-99656 (Prop A) o 1-740-560-20095-8905-99081(%for Art) 11-740-560-20094-8905-99081(Bch% for Art) 20-740-511-20098-8900-99560 (I996 Prop A-part) 20-740-511-20098-8900-99561 (IDA) 11-740-511-20098-8900-99560 (Beach Fund) 01-740-511-20098-8900-99560 (General Fund) TOTAL TOTAL FOR BOTH Amount $2.580,999* 53337 20,000 900,000 250.000 53.804.336 51.548,438* 125,000 4,100 800,000 60.000 200,000 300.000 53.037,538 56.841.874 * The total ongmal Prop A for Palisades Park 15 S3 1 J'vlIlhon and 5186 Tv1ilhon for South Beach The amount shO\....n IS net ofthe tmttal deSIgn fee Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council take the followmg actIons Group Project Approve the final deSIgn for the South Beach Improvements of the Beach Improvement 2 Approve the final deSign for Pal1sades Park. Phase II of the Beach Improvemcnt Group Project and proVIde comments regardmg Op110nS for the deSign of the restrooms 3 Authonze the City :Vlanager to negotiate and execute an amendment to the contract ,Vlth Wallace. Roberts & Todd for the deSign and preparal10n of ConstructIon Documents for the Expanded Scope of the Project m an amount not to exceed $325.000 8 Prepared by Barbara Stmchtield. Actmg Director Judith Meister. Beach Manager Mana LUisa de Herrera. Cultural Affairs Admmlstrator Department of Commumty and Cultural ServIces Craig Perkms. Director Tony AutICh. City Engmeer DaVid Bntton. Semor CIVil Engmeer Mark Cuneo. CIVIl Eugmeer Department of Envlromuental & Public \Vorks 9