SR-6-M (22) 4EPWM CP AA RS sm S \sp1427\cc1427-6 Council Meeting June 24, 1997 6 M. ~ - ~ Santa MOnica, California JUN 2 It 1997 TO Mayor and City Council FROM City Staff SUBJECT Recommendatlon to Waive Competitive Bidding Procedures and Authonze the City Manager to Negotiate on the Open Market for the Completion of Extenor Slgnage at Parking Structures 1-6 Introduction This report recommends that the City Council authorize the City Manager to waive competitive bidding procedures, negotiate on the open market and execute purchase orders to complete the extenor slgnage at Parking Structures 1-6 In an estImated amount not to exceed of $130,000 This recommendation IS to be Implemented pursuant Section 2 24 071 (d)(1) of the Santa MOnica Municipal Code Backaround On June 25, 1996, the City Council awarded a constructron contract to Tn-Build Development CorporatIon (Contractor), In the amount of $1,097,000 for vanous Improvements including constructing Improvements to the lobby of Parking Structure No 5 as a demonstration of potential upgrades that could be Implemented In the future In the remalnlng five (5) parking structures, up-to-date extenor slgnage and Intenor graphics that reflect the new attendant parkmg arrangement, and stairwell and elevator cosmetic work that Will beautrfy those areas and minimize future maIntenance costs Tn-Build commenced work on all of the project elements As the result of a number of factors, Including delay and non-performance by the Contractor, the City termmated Its contract with Tn-Build on May 8, 1997 ,. 6 M JUN 2 It 1997 Of all of the elements currently Incomplete, of particular concern to staff IS the exterior slgnage Prior to contract termmatlon, all eXisting signs on the exterior of the bUildings were removed and Installatron of metal frames to support the new signs had started Lack of adequate slgnage on the exterior of the downtown parking structures results In confusion for vIsitors to the area and potential safety and liability concerns regarding the need for the public to Identify their location In the event of an emergency Due to the urgent necessity to restore the mIssing exterior slgnage and protect the public safety, staff beheves that these public works Improvements can be constructed more expeditiously and at a fair price If Council waives competItIve bidding and allows the City Manager to negotiate for thiS work on the open market A bid package IS beIng prepared for the remainder of the work In the parking structures and staff plans on returning to Council In August for approval to award the remamlng project work on a competitive baSIS BudgetlFlnanclallm~act The anticipated contractual amounts can be funded by the "Third Street Mall Improvements" Account 01-720-263-20094-8900-99044 Recommenc;l~tlon Staff recommends that the City Council waive competitive bidding procedures and authOrize the City Manager to negotiate and execute purchase orders on the open market for the completion of extenor slgnage at Downtown Parking Structures 1-6 In an amount not to exceed $130,000 Prepared by Craig PerkinS, Director of EnVironmental and Public Works Management Anthony Antlch, PE, City Engineer 2