SR-8-A (51) CA'RMM'SSS'msl~sleaana CIty CounCIl MeetIna 2-26-85 !.-.A p:~ II. Santa MonIca. CalIfornIa STAFF REPORT TO. Mayor and CIty CouncIl FROM: CIty Attorney SUBJECT' SIgn OrdInance I-NTRODUCTIOt.! ThIS staff reoort transmIts for IntroductIon and fIrst rpadInq an ordInance adoptlnq a comprehenSIve 510n Code for thE> CIty In addItIon to an analysIs of the speCIfICS of the SInn ordInance, thIS report contaIns the CIty Attorney's leaal analYSIS of constItutIonal and leQISlatIve restrIctlon~ and an pstImate of the costs of e~forcement ~ACKGROUND The CIty has conSIdered the adootIon ot a comprehensIve SIan corle for a numbf"r of vears. In 1982, the Plan~lna CommIS<;lon dpproved a proposed SIQn OrdInance, however, the CIty CounCIl dId not reach aqreement on dn approprIate "amortIzatIon per I 0 d 'I for the phaslnq out of eXIstInQ Slans that dId not co~form to the nFW standards and t~e ordInance w~s retprred back to t~e CIty Attornev in 1983. the State LeOlslature pas sed t he " E 11 1 S B 11 1 " (CalIfornIa BusIness and ProfeSSIons Code SectIons ~490-5497), WhIch lImIt,,> the extent to 'Hhlcl1 Cltle<; can reaulate "on-premIses advertlslnQ dIsolays." In 1984 the UnIted 1 F-A FEb Z 6 1tIJ ~/ Stdtes Sura l~me Court held U'l .k.1.1Jl_of Los Angele..lL V-,-_1'.axpayer~ faL- VIncent! 80 L.Ed. 1d 772 (May 1~, 1984) ("VIncent") that CItIes may, ("anSI~tent ';lJ th the Fl [' S t Amerldmen t La the ConstItutIon, reaulate SIans and prohIbIt types of SIgns found to be contrary to the publlC weltare for 1esthetlc or tr~fflC satetv reasons The CItV Attorney's offIce analyzed the oroposed ~lan Code 'in lIght of the EllIs BIll and constItutIonal r-onslderatlons_ We roncluded that whIle the SIan Code was oenerally constItutIonal under Y..!...Qc en t _ the ordInance as drafted lacked suffICIently "narrow) oblectlve. and defInIte" c;tandards tor de~lan reVIPW to wIthstand constItutIonal scrutIny under the CalIfornIa SUQreme Court deCISIons ot DIllon v _MunICIpal _(:_~HHt. 4. Cal. 3d 860. 4A4 P 2d 94,5, 94 Cdl Rptr 777 (1971) and Du)aney v MunICIpal Court, 11 Cdl 3d 17. 520 P 2rl 1, 112 Cal Rptr 777 (1974) AccordIngly, the proposed S19n Code was re~drafted to prOVIde for narrower rlnd mor~ speclfJc staDdards of r~v]ew The ElllS Bl11 precludes mandatory unlompen~ated removal of most p~rmanent OD-premlses Slan~ ~n the CItv Accordlnglv. the proposed SIan Code was redrafted to prOVide for requlatLoD to the extent permItted hy State Law. The SIgn Code now reqUIres prompt removal of all sIqns not protected by the EllIS HIll and removal 01 orotected Slans 15 years after the adOP1..Ior. ot the ordln.:J.flce, as permltted by BUSlness & ProfeSSIons Code SectIon ~495rdl. The reVIsed SIon Code was reVIewed by the ArchItectural RflVIew Board) WhICh fl1ade several techn1cal comments The 2 /' --- Plannlnq CommlSSlon i:l}<;O revlPwpd the SIan Code ilnd made varlOUS comments. The followlnq sectIons of thlS reno)- r COl1talo a sectIon-by-sectlon analVS1~ 01 thp ordInancp~ the Clty Attorney's lC>Qal anrdVSlS. and an analYS1S of the budqetary lmDdcts of ImplementInq and enforclnu the SIqn Code. SECTION-BY-SECTION ANALYSIS The Slqn Code would be d new Chapter g of ArtIcle IX at thE' MunH'lpal Code Tne eXl~tlnq SIan Code [ArtIcle VIII Chanter 51 would be repe~lpd Sectlon 9900 adopts the 1982 edltlon of the Unlform Slgn rOde a~ the structural sIqn code for the CltV: cxcppt where there IS an express confllct between the unlform code and the CIty code 3ertlon 9901 contaIns leaI51~tlVP fIndInas In addltIon to the basJc flndlnq that the regulatlon of slgns IS necessary to protect the publIC welfare, we have dratted fIndInqs IdentIfVIna the vIsual blIght caused by unrequlated sIqns: statInG 1 ha l the VlSlJ,ql a~pearance at the C'I'V cannot be protect~d by measures less restrIctIve than the SIgn Code, and spe\'JfVl110 the Intent of doe CIty to regulate SIgns to the maXImum extent permItted by state law SectIon 9902 contaIns the rleflnltIon of S4 terms used In the SIan Code The follOWIng defInItIons have been altpred or added ~n llaht of commellts by Lhe PlannIna CommISSIon and ArchItectural ReVIew Board" J .... ~/ SectIon 9902rk1 BUIldIng IdentIfIcatIon Slans. L) e c t Ion 9902[111 Real Estate SlqDS. SectIon 9902{ccl Neon Slans Sectlon 9902(ppl 81gn Cans The PlannInQ CommIssIon's verSIon of SectIon 99021t) defInes Hlgh RIse SIQnS as Slans located on a bUIldIno ~IX or more stor1€S 1n he1ght We have chanqed thIS defInltlon to allow HIqh RIse SIgns on bUlldInQS of more than four storIes 10 order to be cons1stent wIth the Land Use Element C)ectlon 9903 states that a "SIgn permIt" from the ARB IS requIred for the placInq, changIng, alterlnq, or dIsolaYlno ot any 510n unless spe(,ItIcally exempted by the SIqn Code. Reoalrs and replacement of electrIcal or mechanIcal parts do not reqUIre a SIan permIt. SectIon 9904 prOVIdes that tees for the processIng of SIan approvals shall be set by CIty CouncIl resolutIon. SectIon 9905 speclfl.es the content of SIan permIt ao01JCatIons. A srandard applIcatIon form must be approved by the ARB and PlannIng ComrnI5sIon WIthIn SIX months ot the adoptIon of the SIgn Code Se('tlon 9906 speCIfIes the procedures for 5Iqn dPplIC.'ltIDns The PlannInq and !onlnq DIVISIon must, WIthIn 30 days after recelVIna a completed appllcatlon, eIther admInIstratIvely aoprove the applIcatIon or set d datp for reVlew bv the ARB Section 9907 concer'!,,; actions on SIgn permIt applIcatIons The sectIon has been re-drafted to Include ',tandards belIeved to be suffICIently unarrnw. ub]eCl Ive, and 4 /' " preCIse" to pass constItutIonal scrutIny Under SectIon 9907: a SIgn applIcatIon must be uncundItIonally approved unless the ARB makes one of Lhree flndInQS a That the SIGn ~nterteret. Wl.th Vphlcular or pedestrIan traffIC by dIstractIng attentIon ot" obstructlna VISIon. b. That the SIan IS Inconaruous wIth or detracts from the dIstinct archItectural or hIstorIC deSIgn of Its bUIldlnq or nelqhborhood. c, Tnat the SIan ob~cures other Slans or detracts from the VIS1bIllty of olher SIgns, bUlldlnqs. or publlC VIew corrIdors The J\RB may con",Ider the shape, deSIgn, placement, rolor~ style or quantlty of text. IllumInation. or reflected lIght at a ~Ign A SIgn applIcatIon may not be denIed because at the contents or messa~e of a SIgn Sectlon 9Q08 provides that ARB deCISIons may he dopealed to the PlannInG CommlS~Ion and that Plar.nlnq CommlsSlon deCISIons are tlnal. C' ~ ,,,eCLlon 9909 prOVIdE'S tltat. a ~Iqn permlL shall become VOId unless all condItIons have been complIed WIth w~thln 6 months of the Issuance of the SIan permIt or. for " I an s aSSOCIated WIth proposed new bUIldInGS. before the Issuance of .':1 r.ertlfIC<l\E' of occupancy Photoqraohs of "ilonS must be flIed WIthIn 30 days ot the completIon of the s14n Sectlon 9910 prOVIdes for admInIstratIve dpproval of slqns based on aUldellnes aop~oved by the ARB and Plannlna C:ommlSSlOfl, <:J .- -" Sertlon 9911 provides tor Slqn adlustments The ARB may qrant dpproval of a <;lon that does not conform to the "non~structural" requIrements of the SIgn Code (IncludIng thp ApprovaL of an otherwise prohibited type at Slqn) upon a flndlno that strIct aoplIcatlon of the SIan Code would result In practIcal dIfficultIes or unnecessary hardsh~n~, that t~e arantlna of the adlustment would be conSIstent WIth the publIC weltare, and that the SIgn wlll be harmonIOUS with the site SectIon 9912 specIfies 12 tyoes of slqns that are exempt from the Slqn CodE'. 1n most cases, 517e reaulreme~ts are speCified for exempt Slons. <) e C t Ion 9913 5pecltles 10 tvpes of ~lqns tJ~at are permItted If approved under the SlqD Code SectlOT' 9913(d) permits hlqh-rlse slqns under certaIn condItIons and was the sublect of conSIderable d1ScusSlon bv the ARB and PlannIng r:ommISSlon. Section '"::1914 speCIfIes 13 r-vpes of nrohlblted Slans Noteworthy amonq orOhlbJLed cateaorles are the followlnq" d Prolectlng and roof Slqns b. Off-premIse SIgns c AnImated or emlttlna Slons d. Portable SIgns e MIscellaneous slqns and posters OD walls, poles, fences, or trees. that are vIslhle trom a publIC wav. TherE' rnav be slqnlflcant c.onstltutlonal oroblems T.-llt') thE' enforceabIlIty of thIS prOVISIon absent a speCIfIC fIndIng for Its neceSSIty. The prohIbItion here embr~ces both commerclal and pOll tIcal SIgns 6 SectIon 9915 eSLabIlsnes the total SIgn area for each type of zon1ng dIstrIct ]n the CIty. In oeneral, permItted slqnaQe IS related to bUIldIng frontaoe measured along the For multIPle use bUIldlnas 10 commercIal slte street address or IndustrIal zones, a maXImum at one SQuare foot of s]gn per lIneal foot of frontaqe IS permItted, In resIdentIal zones, permItted slgnaoe 1S qenerally one~hal[ square foot per lIneal toot of frontaae The maXImum area of any sInole sIgn other than a hlah rIse sIgn IS 100 square feet. no bUSIness may be reaulred to have less thap 25 square fept of Slqnaqe We have deleted the maXImum 51gnage lImItatIon at 200 square feet for any sInale SIte, thIS requlrempnt m1qht Impose dIscrImInatory restrIctIons on larae developments on a sInQle bIte, ~uch as Colorado Place The deslonatlons tor 0I~trlcts In SectIon 9q15 may reqUIre future amendment to conform to the 10rthcoffilDa reVI~lon of [he /onInq OrdInance SectIon 9916 has contaIned been added to speCIfy that the Slgo In the approved ThIrd Street Mall reqUIrements DesIqn GUIdelInes shall govern Sl?nage for Mall pro]ects SectIon 9917 reqUIres that slqns and theIr supportl~q structureg be kept In repaIr. preserved. and neatly dIsolayed. '-,ec t lon 9918 prohIbIts the postIng of any sIqn the property owner by a prIvate person WIthout the consent ot SectIon 9919 prohIblts the postInq of SIan, OD or over CIty ",here streets The CIty CouncIl may permIt Slqns over streets the pro!,erty of more than one person would lJe benefItted. 7 SectlOI1 9920 concerns the modIfIcatIon or removal of eXIstlnq non-conformlnq sIgns As orlqlndlLv drattcd, eXlstlna permanent SIgns would be requIred Lo be removed WI Unn " :::J years from the adoptIon of the Slqn Code unless a hards}np extenSIon was aranted. Non-permanent Signs would be requIred to be removed WIthIn 6 months. The sectIon has been modIfIed by the CIty Attorney to conform to the reqUIrements of the EllIS BIll An addItIonal modIfIcatIon to ~ectIon 9920(elf61 has beel1 made at the request of the Chamber of Commerce A SIan IS deemed to be non-conformIna If It IS destroyed and cannot be replaced WIthIn 120 days after rlestructlon (rather than 30 days} In addItIon, the replacement of such SIgn IS exempt trom ARB approval. As re-dratted, :>E"C t lon 9920 contaIllS the folloWlna prOVISIons' a Prohlblted SIgns WIth a useful lIfe of less than 1~ years from the date of theIr IntallatIon must be removed, modIf~ed: or de-actIvated Wlth~n SIX months of the ~doptlon of the SIal') Code. These Include anImated SIgns: balloon Sl~ns, emIttlrtO SlqllS, mIscellaneous SLans and posters, portable Sl?ns: traftlc SIgn replIcas, vehIcle SIgns. streamers and the lIke. and temporary wlndow slqns. b SIgr>S that are categorIcally exempt from the protectIons of the EllIS BIll must be removed or modItIed torthwlth upon notIce These Include Slan~ that are remodeled or are affected by eXDdnSlon of the bUIldIllq, SIgns [hat are relocated, SIgns that are more than 50 oercent destroyed, B slqns that are abandoned or obsolete~ Slans that are unsafe or ~ trafflC hazard. c Slgns and SlqDS that the that may not be QWnf'r aqrE"e,> to remove ordered removed WI thou t compensatIon by the rltv under the EllIS BIll must be removpd upon the eXpJrdtlon of 15 years from the adoptloD of the SLqn COtje. In accordance wIth the prOV1SlonS of HUSlnp,>s & ProfeSSIons Code SectIon 5495(d1. d The prOVISIon alloWlno the ARB to extend the tIme for removal has been retaIned; althouah It IS not believed to be leqally necessary In llqht of the EllIS Bl11 e The SIgn Code does not apply to off-premIses SlQnS~ so lono as eXIstIng state law (BUSIness & ProfessIons Code SectIon 5412.5) remaIns lD effect SectIon 9921 Olves the BUIldIng OffIcer the power to If the SIan does not conform to the terms revoke a SIGn permIt of the oermlt and the approved plans SectIon 9922 speclfles the procedures for enforcement of the '-310n Code ~ 1 nc Iud 1 nq manda tocv removal of Don-con f 0 rml no SJgns ':)er t Ion 9923 ,pqulres the oreparatlon {)f d hdWibook exolalnlnq the SIgn Code wIthIn SIX months ot Its adoptIon L EGA1~~NAL Y S I ti FII..5J; Amendment pr lllC.Lp..lS'2' The oowpr of a CItv 10 ~equlate SIgns ]5 rooted In the well-settled and recently recoanlzed prInCIple that a CIty "may leqItImately exerClse ItS polIce Dower to ddvdnce aes the tIC va 1 ues C;;! Ui'..-9L_ L05__~E0_e2-_v '-u_nT_a]:{p_a'y~e r s _t2-'L 9 hncen t , 80 L. Ed _ 2 d 7 72. 179 [1984 1 See Bermdn v Parker. l48 u s ;> 6 , 33 (1954) ( " r 1 1 t L:3 WIt h 1 n the OOHer of ,_he leglslatur!'> to determ1ne that the communIty should be heautlful as well as clean " ) The Court In ~1D~~~ adopted the test of [}nl-.!:ed_Stat~ V-,-~_Q 'J!L!. ~ Ll . 3 9 1 U S 367. 377 [196B} for ludlclal reVIew of a "VIEWpoInt neutral" regulatIon affectlrg free expressIon ot Ideas' r A 1 aovernment -' reoulatlon IS suffICIently lustlfled If It IS WIthIn the constItutIonal power of the government, If It furthers an Imoortant or substantIal flovprnmental Interest~ 1f the qovernment Interest IS unrelated to the sUOpreSSIon of tree expreSSIon: and If the 1l'Cldental restr1ctIon on FIrst Ampndment freedoms IS no qreater T_han IS t>ssentIal to the furtherance of that Interest 80 L. Ed. 2d at 785. '1' h e Co u r t 's de CIS Ion ltl VI nee n t a c cor d S 'In t h the n en {' r a 1 orlnCloles establIshed 1n lts earlIer rulIng In l1etrom~dla, l_ll~ ____--Y__ C;::_I t.y"_.Q1__$..Jl.n_Ql..~gg , 453 U S. 490 (19801, ItS analYSIS IS conSIstent WIth tests slated In earlIer federal cases See C.?_n tr a_L__ __H l!(j~ ~~_ _____G<!:'i _ & ~l e_~J r l c_~~C_~~_ v ~nu!::~12J, l~ ~~L.V lee CQ~~~~lon. 447 U S 557 (1980): BaldWIn v Redwooq~~lY, 542 F.2d 1360 [9th CIr 1976) ~9~~J:L__~___Jor- t_of_l->o r tJ dnQ. 641 F ?d 1243 (9th Clf. 1981) 1 0 V~~~~n~ clearly establishes that the City may~ under lts oollce power, aenerally orOhlbI( certaIn types ot permanent SIgns The CIty Attorney has orevIously expressed the View ~hat the absolute prohibition on postlnq Slons on public property contaIned 111 MunlCIpal Code SeC[IOn 4231 IS valid under Vlncent (Memorandum OpIDlon 84~J~). Both the earlier ~nd current verSIons of the proposed SIqn Code pase; the fIrst two pronqs of the constl~utlonal ; est- 'rhpre- IS no doubt as to the ~Ity'S power to adopt reaulatlOI1S Santa Monica's consIstently artIculated interest In orE"SerVlna and lTnpr 0VI nq Lhe appearance of theL'ItY1S suffiCIently "substantIdl" to JustIfy a total prohibItIon on certain types of SIons and deslon reVIew of all SIgns SImIlarly. the Ordll1anCe appears to "dIrectly advance" the Jntf'ICSt.S of aesthetICS and trattle safety The COl.lr t l n VIncent - --- ------- recognIzed the "welahty; essentIally aesthetIC Intf'teS1: fof CItIes! In proscrlblng IntrUSIve and unoleasant formats for expreSSIon": The prOblem addressed by thIS ordl.nance--the vI~ual assault on the CItIzens of Los Anqeles presented by an accumulation of SIgns on oublle oroperty--constltutes d sIqnltlcant eVIl WIthIn the CIty's Dower to prohIbIt. 80 L Ed. old at 7BB However! before concludIng that the proposed SIqn Codp ] S free from constItutIonal problems} 1 tIS necessary Lo examIne the speCIfIC SItuation In Santa MonIca WIth respect to 11 whether t~e ordlnance IS "unrelated to expresslon" and whether Its restrlctlons on exoreSSlon are "no greater than IS essential." A Jntended regulatIon IS unrelated to expreSSIon If It 1'5 not to stIfle the messagp expressed and If alternatlve channels of communIcatIon are open Metr.9_rne~ Inc. v'-_~ g! San DleqoJ 26 CdI 3d 848, 610 P 2d 407, 164 Cal. Rptr ~1() (19801. If alternatIve cha~nels for expressIon are opent a total orohlbltlon IS IlkeIv to be held both unrelaled to expreSSIon and essentIal to preventing rlutter The CourL In Y~pcent held the oroblem of VIsual WhIle the First Amendment does not auarantee the rIght to employ every conceivable method of communicatIon at all times and In all olaces, a restrIction on expressive actlvltv may be Invalld If the remalnIna modes Inadequate. The of Los communIcation are Angeles ordInance does not aftect any IndIVIdual's freedom to exerCIse the r::.aht to speak and to dIstrIbute 11tE"rature In the same place where the POSLIOQ of SIgns OD publIC propertv IS prohIbIted. Anoeles omlttedJ 80 ~, Ed. 2 d fTlhere arp avaIlable II' Los at 779 (CitatIons ample alternatIve modes The Court In Vincent co~c]uded by statIna that If the CIty has a suffICient baSIS for belleVlna tnat bIllboards are 12 d traffIC hazards and are unattractIve, "then ObVIously the most dIrect and oerMans the oDlv effectIve approach to ~olvlnq , the oroblem IS to prohIbIt them." 80 L.Ed 2d at 792, qUotIng 453 U S 490, ~08 MetxomedIa lnc v CIty of San_DIe~J (1980) [Thel aesthetIC l.mOlIcated by Interests that are fSlansl are both psycholoqIcal and pconO~IC. The character of the enVIronment affects the qualIty of lIfe and the value of property In both commercIal and reSIdentIal areas. We hold that on thIS record, these Interests are suffICIently substantIal to lustIfy thIS content neutral, ImoartIally admInIstered prohIbItIon 80 L Ed 2d at 792. Numerous state and federal deCISIons have held that local ordInances reQUlatlna commercIal speech must reach no turthpr than necessary to accomplIsh the governmental Interest <;:'~!1J~_L~Hu9-s:'QJ}~~_~__!:I<__J:)ectrIc Co- v PublIC SerVIce CQmf!l"L~S I 0 P . 447 U.S. 557. ~61 (1980) As was recenLly stated hy the ~3lIfornla Court of Appeal In Clty of IndIo v ~rJ_oyroJ 143 Cal App 3d 1~lJ 1~7. 191 cal. Rptr. S65, ~69 [19831 fTlhe law must be neIther vague nor QubstantIally over or under InclUSIve, but drawn WIth narrow speCIfICIty to aVOId unnecessary expreSSIon. IntrUSIon on freedom of 11 ThIS IS a specIfIC applIcatIon of the general prIncIPle that the constltutlonal quar-antee of due process of Jaw prevents the erOSIon of FIrst AmendmE'nt 1IbertIes by nrocE'durE's that ,>weep too broadly and wIth too lIttle dIscrImIniltIon) requIrInq rIgorous rrocedural standards so that freedoms of expreSSIon are "rInged about wIth adeQuatE' bulwarks " ~eel Bantam Books~)n( v. S~~lIv~T1l 372 U S 581 66 f1961] 9_ou-.!:he,?_st_S'_LD PromotIons. Ltd v Co~~adJ 420 U.S 546, 561 (197S); BaldwIn v. Redwood Clt~} 540 t.2d 1360. 1365 (9th Clr 1976) The courts havp scrutInized poster and SIan requlalIons closely to ensure that protected speech IS not unduly restrIcted As the nature of the requlatlon shlfts trom the purely (color, structural (sIze. locatIon] to the content at the SIan text), the courts look more closely at tite law SImIlarly.. as the crIterIa for approval ShIfts from defInIte ohYSlcal dImenSions to ludaments as to aesthetIc harmony, the courts apply heIahtened scrutIny lest one person's aest~etIc ~enSJbIlltles sUPpress another's tree expressIon of Idpas The I aT..... also fPcoanlzes that commercIal advertIsement has an economIC value to the property owner, as It IdentlfJes the establIshment and the product In the publIC eye and attracts and dIrects customers. Thus, a SIan ordinance musl afford each owner a baSIC opportunltv to be seen and IdenttfIed. To thIS end, the SIgn Code reqUIres that ~lqns be placed and SIzed so that vIsual access IS maIntaIned and VIews of other SIans are not obscured 14 In Dulaney v. 1 , 112 Cal. Rptr MUn}~lpal Court, 11 Cal 3d 77, S20 P.2d 177 l1974)J the CalIfornIa Supreme Court InvalIdated an ordInance prohlbltlnq the postlr.a of sIgns on utIlltv poles wIthout the con~ent of the owner and the c~ty The ordInance dId not specIfy any standards tor the arant or denIal of a permIt The Court CIted Its parlIer deCISIon In DIllon v. Munlclpal~ourt) 4 Cal 3d 860, 870. 484 P.2d 945, 9~1, 94 Cal Rptr. 777, 783 (1971): Our crItICIsm of the DIllon ordInance applIes equally here" "The glarIng and fatal defect 111 the sectIon, however, IS that It contaIns no standards whatsoever--let dlone standards assumed to be 'narrow, obJectIve, and defInIte' to qUlde theIr and qovern the CIty offlClal~ In deCISIons to araot or deny permIts. 'l'he absence of narrowly drawn standards leaves the lIcenSIng authorItIes free to control the content of speech ThIS they may not do 11 Cal.ld at 86 520 P 2d at 8 , 112 Ci'll _ Rptr. at 784 (Cltatlon omItted) ThIS presents a dIlemma. Aesthetlc ludqments are almost ImpOSSIble to quantIfy or Ob]ectIfy--some sUbjectIve opInIon of beauty or uqllness IS IneVItable. However" t.he laTIi reqUIres both speCIfIC, obJectlve standards and artlculable flndlngs where the qovernment acts on dlscrptlonary permIts concernInq the use at property If the ARB IS to retaIn some 15 d1scretlonary control over slqns that meet the phYSIcal requIrement<=; deCISIons of that the 51qn Code, It must Q1Ve reasons tor 1tS are suffl.cl.ently obJectIve to pass COl"\st1tut1onal c;crutlny If the permIt process 15 ~OO rIqId, there 15 a r1sk of a ludlc1al flndlnq that ~he S~gn Code has reached turther than necessary or has stIfled exoreSSlon to an ~mpermlss1ble extent. As Y I n C J"J2j:: . the Supreme Court observed 1n both ~etro~edla and the orohIb1tlon ot Slgos whose accumulatIon presents an aesthet1C blloht may well be the only satIsfactory solutlon to the problem. It lS the OOlnlon of the Clty Attorney rhat prohIbItIon of types not of ~lans that are large, bulky, than necessary" and to permanent accomplIsh does the ., reacl'1 further C1ty'S qoal of f"nCOUradlnq aO attractlve muniCIPal enV1ronment and abat1ng v1sual bl1ght Moreover: a oroperty owner orecluded from construct1nq a oole slqn or roof Slqn may st111 advert1se and be IdentIfIed throu~h a perm1tted type of ~lqn and may obtaIn an "ad]ustmel"'lt" If he or she can demonstrate that strIct adherence to the SIgn Code would operate dS a hardshIP by orevent1nq effectIve commun1catlon. The SIgn Code operates In three prImary ways, 1n order to fulf1ll 1ts purposes nf promotLna munIcIpal aesthetIcs and traffIC satety' (1) It orohIblts certaIn types of 519ns, e q pole Slans and roof SlOns, (2] It sets SIze and 10cat1on standards dpproval for of perm1tted each types and of slqns. ( 3 ) It reqUIres WhIle the SIgn SIan program prohlblt1.0nS requ1rements, and the obJectIve standards meet COl"\stltut1onal the ab'>ence of Cl ty A..ttorney tOUl"\d that 16 standards for desIgn reVIew In the earlIer verSIon of thE> SIan Code appeared to be unconstItutIonal: because (1) there were no standards by WhICh fl~dlnq~ necessary for ~upport and rpVIPW of the ARB's dIscretIonary deCISIons could be made and (2) the llnrpstrlcted subc;tJ tutlOD of the aesthetIC lUdament of the ARB for that of the SIan owner mIGht be hpld to reach further than necessary to proLect the publIC IntE>rest. WhIle the courts have not endorsed partIcular "magIC are some aesthptIc conceots words" for sIqn aoproval: there that appear to be suffIcIently concrete and accepted to be defenSIble. A CIty clearly i)as the ....Ight to DregerVi?' 1...hp unIque cha racte t- of an hIstorIC bUIldlna or dIstrIct. A dlStUlct archItectural style may be readIly determIned ~nd plalnlv stated, It IS neIther unreasonable nor dIffIcult to reqUIre that the style of the 51gn be harmonIOUS wllh the style at the hI5torlC dl.strlct or landmark The same orInC1ple would allow ~IQn rtlsapproval where the deslon of the SIgn IS Inconaruou<, or detracts from an ascertaInable arc hIt e c t L1 r a 1 fe-ature- at a b'llldlnq or nC1qhborhood WIth a dIstInct archItectural IdentILv. A 51gn may not be dlsaoproved because at It~ content or messaqp However~ If a SIgn IS so confUSInq or Intense as to constItute a traffIC hazard or obscure other slgrs, 1t may be dIsapproved on that baSIS. The SIgn Code as re-draftE>d Incorporates the above orlncIples as standards for denIal of SIgn apollcatlons. Both t hE' ARB and the PI a nrn t)q CommI S S Ion a ooroved thf' reVIsed 17 standards as an approprIate and workablE' balance betwE-'en desIreable dIscretIon and necessary oblectlvlty. II ComplIanCE' WIth StatE' Law Chapter 2 5 of DIVlSlon 3 of the CalIfornIa BusInes'. & ProfeSSlons Code. SectIon 5490-5499, 1 unl ts thE> extent to WhlCh cltles can regulate "on-premIses advertIsIng dIsulays " WIth certaIn 5DecIflc exceptlo~s. fNlo on-premIses advertIslnq dlsplay shall be compelled to be rE>moved or abated. and Its customary maIntenance. use: or repaIr shall not be lImIted. whether or not removal or llmltatlon IS reauIred regulatIon because of any ordInance or ot any CIty or county. wlthouL the payment of faIr and lust compensatlon. Sectlon 5491. There are two prImary exceptlons to the requirement that comoensatlon be paId to the owner at a slqn sublect to muniCIpal prOVIdes: requlatlon. removal, or abatement SpctIon S494 The ordInance and regulatIons of any CIty or county, Introduced or adopted orJor to March 12, 1983, nonconformlnq. lawfully In WhICh make place erected on-premlsec; advertlslna dlsplavs, and WhICh have prOVIded tor amortIzatIon tor the lawfulJy ]n place nonconformlnq SIgns, shall not be c;ublect to SectIon 5491. 18 The CIty'S ArchItectural RevIew Board IS currently uSIng the standards contdlned ID the draft Slon OrdInanCE' a~proved bv the Pla~nlna CommIssIon on June 29, 1981 as Its SIgn 'luldellnes The draft ordlnancp has ~pver been Introducpd by the CIty CouncIl. Even If the draft ordInance IS consIdered to be a "regulatIon" of the ARB for purposes of revlPwlnq aoollcatlons for new SIgns, It cannot be consIdered to "have provIded for amortIzatIon of the lawfully In olace nonconformIng Slans " Therefore, any current regulatIons used by ARB dnd the SIgn ordlndnce that wIll be adopted by the CIty CouncIl are sublect to the provIsIons of SectIon 5491 ThE' second malor exceptIon to the Just compensatIon requlrf'ment 15 SectIon S497, WhIch allows CILles to reqUIre uncompensatE'd removal of Slans meetlna ten crIterIa, IncludIng ( a ) SIgns that dId not comply WIth laws In effect at the tIme of theIr constructIon and erectIon or use (bl S]qns whose use has ceased or whose oarent structure has been abandonpd by the owner for at Least 90 days Ic) SIgns that are more than 50% destroyed and (an~ot be repaIred wlthln 30 days of the date ot destructIon. [d} Where a slqn lS remodelpd (outsIde of a changp of ['opy) . or the parent bUlldlnq ]s remodeled and the dIsplay IS affectpd, or the cost of remodelIng the 51gn exceeds ~O% of the cost of remodellnq the bUIldIng (e} Slans that are relocated ( f ) Where there IS an agreement between the CIty and the owner for removal of tne slqn. 19 ( g) (j-l] Temporary Slg0S. Slqns WhICh "farel or may become a danoer to the publIC or [arel unsafe." (1) SIGnS WhICh constItute a traftIc hazard not created bV relocatIon of streets or hIghways or bv acts ot a CIty SectIon 9920 of the Slqn Code has been modIfIed to allow maXImum cov~rage under the EllIS BIll. The amortIzatIon aerlod ha,> been amended to requIre removal of "temporary" Slans wIthIn SIX months Mandatory removal wIthout comoensatlon IS prOVIded wherever allowable under SectIon 5497 "Permanent" s19ns protected by the EllIS BIll must be removed after 15 years trom the adoptIon of the ordInance as permItted bv BUSIness & ProfeSSIons Code SectIon 5495(d) BUDGET IMPACT Enforcement of the SI9n Ordln~nce may l'eaUlre addItIonal staff ThIS Issue, alona WIth antIcIoated revenue from the fees, WIll be conSIdered In the 1985-86 Budget In an effort to respond to concerns expressed by the bUSIness communIty, statf WIll be condUCIng publIC workshops enforcemenr and lrnolementatlon of the OrdInance. As ot! the reqUIred under SectIon 9923, a Slqn Handbook must be developed WIthIn 6 months of OrdInance adoptIon Staff estImates the cost of thl<; orolect WIll be 56JOOO, based on development and prIntIna of other SImIlar documents for publIC dIstrIbutIon In the Plannlnq and Zon1nq DIVISIon. ThIS sum IS aVdI1able WIthIn eXIstIng approprIatIon authorIty 20 E~VIRONMEMTAL IMPACT The Department of Commun~ty and EconomIC Development has revIewed the prooosed SIgn Code and determIned that It 1S exemot tram the Cal~fornla Env~ronmental Qual~ty Act (CEQAI because Its adoptIon WIll not result ~n any s1gnlflcant envIronmental ~mpac t . The NotIce of ExemptIon and accompanYlng analysIs are attached as Attachment 1 to thIS Staff Report. RECOMMENDATION It IS respectfully recommended that the accompanYlnq ordInance be Introduced for fIrst readInq. Prepared by' Robert M Myers, CIty Attorney Stephen S. Stark) ASSIstant CIty Attorney 21