SR-121085-6I ., ';.'","" e . ..~'/. ,or '!-..... --- I ....., ~ (' -~ c C/ED:NS:BJS:AP:sh CouncIl MeetIng December 10, 1985 r-- /C--. \..... , - >0 f ,. '-..- 6-I DEe 1 0 1985 bd7r.o-ooO Santa MonIca, CalIfornIa TO: Mayor and CIty CouncIl FROM: CIty Staff SUBJECT: ReCOITill~ndatlon to Adopt Federal 504 GrIevance Procedure INTRODUCTION ThIS report tranSffilts lnfor~atlon concernIng a proposed CIty Grievance Procedure as reqUIred by the Federal OffIce of Revenue SharIng and other Federal DepartThents' 504 RegulatIons. It contal ns a br lef explana tl on of the requ 1 renLen ts, tranSIT,l ts the proposed Gr levance Procedure, and recoITLIl,ends that CouncIl adopt thIS Grievance Procedure. BACKGROUND Pursuant to SectIon 504 of the 1973 RehabIlitatIon Act, as amended, the Federal OffIce of Revenue SharIng, as well as other Federal OffIces and Departments, has placed reqUIrements upon all reCIpIents of Federal funds relatIng to dIsabIlIty d I ser In,l na tl on. Included In the regulatIons are adn,lnlstratlve, progranUT,a tIC and structur al requI renlents. An InformatIon Item to Council dated January 10, 1985 summarlzed the above rr,a nda ted requ 1 reo,en ts IncludIng those In the adn.l nl stra t 1 ve ca tegory. One of the adoil n1 stra t1 ve order s was for ree Ip 1ents to adopt a 504 Gr levance Procedure. Our i ng the past year, staff put In place a teIT~orary, Informal 504 GrIevance - I - ~-I DEe 1 0 \965 -- e o.r be Procedure 10 to e . prepared for possIble COIT,plalnts. Subsequently, staff contlnued to research avaIlable naterlals and developed a forThal 504 GrIevance Procedure for the CIty'S adoptIon. The CIty Attorney's OffIce has revIewed thIS document (see AttachIT,ent I) along WI th proper adoptIon procedures. DISCUSSION Many of the regulatIons for SectIon 504 reqUIre recIpients to adopt grIevance procedures that Incorporate approprIate due process standards and that provIde for the pron~t and equItable resolutIon of cOITtplalnts allegIng any actIon prohIbIted by the regulatIons. The grIevance procedure requlreITLent was Included to help speed SectIon 504 lIl,plenLentatIon, thereby effICIently establIshIng a s ys ten, to protect dIsabled persons' CIVIl rIghts. The regulatIons do not reqUIre that grIevance procedures be exhausted before recourse IS sought on a federal level. However, IT.ost federal agenCIes belIeve that It IS desireable and effIcient, In ITlany cases, for corr.pl al nants to seek fIrst resolu tlon of theI r complaInts and disputes at the local level and therefore encourage CItIes to develop and use grIevance procedures. The CIty has an employee-orIented, Job-related grIevance procedure WhICh IT,ay be used by persons' WIshIng to resolve a dIsabIlIty dlSCrlrr.lnatlon cOITlplaInt related to CIty enLployrrLent. In addItIon, the attached grIevance procedure IS to be used by the publIC for (but not lImIted to) the follOWIng: - 2 - e . e . o prograrriTI,atic problerrls (progranls that are Cl ty sponsored such as recreatIon classes, publIC hearIngs, and lIbrary book revIews). o serVIce problen,s (serVIces such as water bill payn.ents, beach parkIng passes, and bUIldIng code aSSIstance). o benef 1 t-rel ated problen.s (benef i ts such as an en,ployee associatIon outings). Every atten,pt wIll be nlade to ensure that the City'S GrIevance Procedure accon.n,odates all persons WIth dIsabIlIties, Including those WIth n.obIllty, hearing, vIsual and learnIng lInpalrTI,ents, and that Interpreters, brallled, large prInt or taped n.aterlals are provIded If needed at any stage of the process. ThIS InformatIon IS Included on a forffi that wIll be gIven to a con~laInant to fIll out In order to begIn the grlevance process. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACT ThIS actIon does not have a prOJected budget or fIscal Impact. RECOMMENDATION Staff recon.nlends that CouncIl adopt the attached 504 GrIevance Procedure to p,eet SectIons 51.52{a) (b) 51.52 (b) (2), and 57.55 of the OffIce of Revenue SharIng 504 RegulatIons and to meet other Federal OffIces' and Departffient's S@4 RegulatIons. Prepared by: Barbara StInchfIeld, Con.nlunIty Developn,ent Manager Audrey Parker, OffIce for the DIsabled Departrr,ent of Con,n,unI ty & Econon,Ic Developnlent - 3 - ,. . e . e . AttachIllent I City of Santa MonIca SECTION 504 GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE The CIty of Santa MonIca has adopted an Internal grIevance procedure provl dl ng for proIT,pt and equ 1 table resolutIon of con,- plaInts allegIng any actlon prohIbIted by Revenue SharIng regula- tIons ImplementIng sectIon 504 of the RehabilitatIon Act of 1973, as all,ended (29 U.S.C. 794). SectIon 504 states, In part, that "no otherWIse qualIfIed handIcapped IndIVIdual... shall, solely by reason of hIS handIcap, be excluded fro~ the partICIpation In, be denIed the benefIts of, or be subJected to dIscrImInation under any program or actIVIty receIVIng federal fInanCIal assIstance....." ComplaInts should be addressed to or made verbally by ap- pOlntIl.ent to: Coordinator OffIce for the DIsabled 1685 MaIn Street Santa MonIca, Ca. 90401 who has been deSIgnated to coordInate SectIon 504 complIance efforts. 1. A complaInt should be flIed In wrItIng or verbally, contaIn the name and address of the person fIlIng It, and brIefly describe the alleged VIolation of the regulations. 2. A con.plalnt should be flIed WIthIn 10 days after the con,- plalnant becomes aware of the alleged VIolatIon. (Process- Ing of allegatIons of dlSCrlThlnatIon which occurred before thIS grIevance procedure was In place WIll be conSIdered on a case-by-case baSIS.) 3. An InvestigatIon, as ~ay be approprIate, shall follow a fIlIng of a complaInt. The InvestIgatIon shall be conducted by the CoordInator of the CIty'S OffIce for the DIsabled. These rules conten.plate 1 nforn,a 1 bu t thorough 1 nvestiga- tlons, affordIng all Interested persons and theIr represen- tatives, If any, an opportunIty to SUb~lt eVIdence relevant to a complaInt. Under the Revenue SharIng regulatIons, the CIty of Santa MonIca need not process cOIttplalnts froIl. applIcants for eIlI- ployn,ent or fron, applIcants for adn,lSSIon to post-secondary educatIonal InstItutIons. - 1 - 7'~-- e . e . 4. A wrItten deterffilnatIon as to the valIdIty of the con~lalnt and a descrIptIon of the resolutIon, If any, shall be Issued by the CoordInator of the CIty'S OffIce for the DIsabled and the DIrector of the CIty'S Con~~nIty and EconO~IC Develop- rr,ent Departn.ent. A copy shall be forwarded to the cOmplalrl- ant no later than 30 days after Its fIlIng. 5. The CoordInator of the CIty's OffIce for the DIsabled shall maIntaIn the files and records of the CIty of Santa MonIca relatIng to the con~laInts flIed. 6. The complaInant can request a reconSIderatIon of the case In instances where he or she IS dIssatIsfIed WIth the resolu- tion. The request for reconSIderatIon should be fuade WIthIn 10 days to the CIty Manager's OffIce. 7. The rIght of a person to a pron~t and equitable resolutIon of the con.pla lnt f lIed hereunder shall not be In.pai red by the person's purSUIt of other remedIes such as the fIlIng of a SectIon 504 co~plaInt WIth the responSIble federal depart- ffient or agency. UtIlizatIon of thIS grIevance procedure IS not a prerequ ISl te to the pur SUI t of other renLedles. 8. These rules shall be construed to protect the substantive rIghts of Interested persons, to meet approprIate due pro- cess standards, and to assure that the CIty of Santa MonIca COThplleS WIth SectIon 504 and IThplementlng regulatIons. - 2 -