SR-8-A (47) "J f ~ . , . AD/) fa }-A- JAN 2 R I. _AW C FF'CES KATES, SCHWARTZ & DAV] S 235::)1 ==AP'{' 50RR!::~TO,SuIT~ 212 TEl..EPI-\ONE f8la~ eB7-5~OO KATES AND SCHWARTZ A p~crESSIONAl. CO=tF=GRA-nJN NORMAN SCHWA'OTZ ROY A I<ATES ROBERT J DAviS CALABASAS. CALIFORNIA 91302 REFER TO OUR FILE NO January 28, 1986 Cl ty Council Cl~y of Santa Monlca 16~5 Maln Str~et Santa Monlca, CA. RE: PROPOSED MASSAGE LICENSING ORDINANCE Dear Clty Councll Memoers: ThlS office contlnues to represent the owners of the fallow~ng massage estaOllshments located wlthln the Clty of Santa Manl ca : Orlental Spa j2 621 Broadway Street Santa Monlca, CA. 90401 Tokyo Health StudlO 817 Pleo Boulevard Santa Monlca, CA. 90405 FUgl Orlental Massage 1439 Llncoln Boulevard Santa Monica, CA. 90401 ShlnzuKu f.lassage 1913 Santa Monica Boulevard Santa Monlca, CA. 90404 Orlental Spa #1 2104 Wllshlre Bou1evara Santa Monica, CA. 90403 Gln]a Massage 2512 Wllshlre Boulevard Santa Monlca, CA. 90403 /1 DD -f~ i-A .!!;fj 2 8 1_ ... e e Ordlnance No. 1l6l, Sectlon 6201l of the proposed ordlnance), even though they subsequently applled for and were denled renewal pernlts. (A change has been made ln the proposed ordlnance to provlde that the exemptlon wlll apply only to eXlstlng permlttees who otherWlse quallfy for permlt renewal.) There is a further problem concernlng whether, as to such persons, the commlSSlon of an "1l11r.loral" act lS grounds for refusing to renew a permlt pursuant to Section 6120 of the Munlcipal Code. It lS proposed that the Clty Attorney's office conslder these and related questlons concernlna the standards appllcable to pendlng appllca- tlons ror per~lt renewal and develop, wlth the Llcense ReVlew Board, a polley for deallng wlth these cases ad~lnistratlvely. (See attached lnformatlon ltem and memorandum.) ALTERclAT IVE S There lS no exenptlon contalned In the ordlnance for buslnesses, such as acupressure centers, WhlCh ~ay fall wlthln the statutory deflnltlon of massage, but may not requlre the sane klnd of regulatlon. Hlth respect to such buslnesses, the requirements of the ordlnance, partlcularly those regulatlng facllitles, ~ay be onerous and uncalled for. The Councll may wlsh to consider lnclusion of some klnd of varlance procedure WhlCh would per~lt exemptlons to be granted adminlstratlvely on a case by case basis. -7- ~ ,~ .. .; ,-A.~V CFFIC~5 KATES, SCHWARTZ & DAVIS Page Three (1) Sect~on 62003 and Sectlon 62008. 30 days lS stl11 too lengthy of a tlme perlod especlally lf the Clty 15 1nslstent upon llmltlng tne numoer of technlClans which may worK at any one estaolishment. Presently, certaln estaollshments are only allowed to have 1 or 2 techniclans. If one qUltS, leaves or is flred, lt lS extremely dlfficult, li not imposslble, to Keep the DUSlness In operation If the operator has to wait for a perlod of up to 30 days to secure the services of a new technlcian. Perhaps an interlffi permlt can be glven the ~echnlclan If they meet the educaclonal requirements sUDJect to ultlmate approval wlthln the determlned period of tlme, or pernaps the 11mltation upon the numoer of allowed technlcians can De removed or lncreased to a mlnimal amount liKe 5 or so. (2) Sectlon 62007(e). Tne word oral myster10usly appears for the first tlme. OD~iouSly, one wonders why especlally Slnce Government Code Sectlon 51031 appears to authorlze only a practical examlnatlon and not an oral or wrltten one. It lS common Knowledge of the City Attorney's Offie and Santa Monlca Pollce Department that most, 1f not all, the massage technlclans employed at the estaol1shments I represent speaK limited Engllsh, at best. It is our hope and expectation ~hat th1S ~s not a thinly dlsgu1sed attempt to preClude passage of a test oy my cllents. It ~s st~ll our concern and our oojectlon after meet~ng w~th the City Attorney's Office that Secc~ons 62007d) and (e) are 1nconsistent w1th each other for the reasons as prevlously suomltted and that there are 1nsuff~clent gU1dellnes present for the test such that it is qUlte convelvaole that the test could De designed to once agaln preclude passage. It 1S my understand~ng that most of the presently l1censed techn~Clans completed their school1ng somet1me ago. It appears that compl1ance w1th passage of a test w1thln the tlme frame as set forth (62007(e) and 62017(c)), places an unconsclonaole burden upon the eXlst1ng llcensed technic~ans. _ It is hard enough to taKe an eXam1natlon in a forelgn language, wrltten or oral, even if, assum1ng chat to De the case, lnterpreters are allowed, out coupled w1th naving to rememoer speciflc school1ng WhlCh may have occurred 5 years ago maKes It such that expect~ons are that very few, lL any, W1Il De aole to pass the test 1n the t~me allowed. .... 1,. --.. " LA",A' C:-;::-ICES KATES I SCHWARTZ & DAVI S Page Four It ~s requested that e1ther the passage date be extended for an add1t~onal s~x month per10d of time or Lhat those presently 11censed oe exempted from taK1ng the exam1nat1on. Addit10nal concern ~s expressed w1th the 90 day per10d of time one must walt before taKlng the test another t1me. DOVlously, no Jon app11cant 1S g01n9 to walt around 90 days to take a test a second tlme especlally where, at least with the proposed oral part~ 1t may De a sUDJect1ve one. What If a person m1sses passage DY 1%, and the questlons missed concerned theory rather than someth1ng of suostance, must that person walt 90 days? A perlod of 30 days, maX1ffium, would seem to De much falrer to the appl~cant and also achIeve the C1ty'S desIres. (3) Sect10n 62010(P). PrecludIng mats elim1nates a very prevalent form of acupressure and/or Shlatzu massage. It is quite readily Known that greater pressure may be exerted on a person DeIng massaged where lt IS performed on a mat on the floor versus on a taDle. (4) Sectlon 620l4(e}. It was my understandlng that this sectlon was to De amended conslstent w1th the concerns as expressed on page 8, Sectlon 9, of our letter to the City Councll dated Novemoer 22, 1985. In our letter, we stated ~(T)he sect~on 1S inconsistent 1n that if the t1m1ng of the suspen510n 15 sucn that i~ occurs durIng the renewal per10d and thus lapses ~t then Decomes a revocat10n and the penalty ~s thus increased dramatlcally oy admlnlstratlve proceedings rather than oy the acts compla~ned of. For ~nstance, If place X after hear~ng has ~ts lIcense suspended for a 30 day per10d of tIme commenc1ng June 2, the actual perlod of closure would De far greater ~n that 1t would taKe ~n real~ty at least 30 days to process the new appllcatlon and ~here would De no assurance that same would oe granted. (5) Sect~on 62014(f). There IS no provls~on for a hearlng conta1ned w~th the sect~on. Furthermore~ the wording seems to imply that w~th two or more vlolatlons, a suspens~on or revocat~on would De automatic regardless of the type of VIolation and regardless if they are satisfactorlly proven. :) "~ --;>- ~ .;...AV.' O==-'CES KATES, SCHWARTZ: & DAVI5 Page Five Many of the prov1sions conta~ned, for 1nstance, 1n Section 62010 are ffi1nor 1n nature and could or should not support nor oe che oaS1S of a summary revocat10n or suspension. It 15 hoped that the forego1ng W11l De rev1ewed, con51dered and adopted in order that any new ordinance as it may affect my clients 15 one that 15 fa1r for all partle5 concerned and invol ved. \--..very truly "yours, '- - -- 1 cc: Robert Meyers, C1CY Attorney MESSENGERED