SR-6-L (21) -- ~~oot/ San I ,", Morn ca} r .- , ,- .~" ,r,:,' ~ e ~j~2$D C,)ll fornl i'l 6-L _i --- f~ _.~.< I PlJ:RNA:fMJ f,ounr 11 Mepi In() June 28} 198~ A TO: MAYOR AND CtTY COUNC]I . . I i__ (c-i * ) -7 .-=~ 7 r U...J JU~ 2 8 '9~3 IROM: C1TY STAFF n UFl J E"C T : R P L 0 M Men d a I 1 0 n r () R P J f~ L"t ^} I B 1 d c; 0 n B l tI N (). 1 B ~i 7 } Motor Genel'ated Power' Contll tloner For The Dat,l Pl'Of t""SS Lng 01111<:;] on I IP..!.J' Q d ~J (" t IJt!l fh.L'3 rf'port concurn', l'l?,lpctlon of all bid', for ,", Motr)f' ()(-:!nerated power COndJtloner fOl' ~J("e by the Dald Pr'ocP~:;slng D11/1':>1011 of" the Clty M~naqur's Off.Lce, Ba.h.!<.l:I r ou n d In rpsponSf~ to publJ',hed Notlce lnvl't'lnlJ Bid':> (publ.Lsheti 2"~!5"R3) to furn1.sh and de}!Vef' a power' conctJ tlonpr ln ,1crordclnc.e wl"th City ',pec Iflcat1on'.>, hlth wprp rpce!v(~d dlld publJ,]Y opened dll\~ rf'arl 011 Md f' c h 15 } 1983. Proposal forMS Wl?rl? MaJ]pd"to 17 v~ndors ~nd riot1.tE<;; were dd vpr t l "Pt! In rlCT orrldlH (-:! W L th r; I I Y Ch,H' t~r <:"Ind MUnl( Ip<:ll r,ode> prov'..,l on<;. rwo proposals were r~cP1ved as follows: BIDDrR Co Mp uterI' 0 wer Producis Atlas Energy SYS~CM HHHH " J_R,ICE I [NCL lJD~NI; TNSItHJ"ATIDN, SEI~VICF_ "" TAXrS $28)877.77 $;';6}439,34 6-L 1 JUI/ 2 8 1983 PU:RNA:fMJ r;()un( 11 MeMilng - S'" n 1" a4lto n 1 c a j r a] 1 f {I f' n 1a JunE' 2Bj 1(103 l~ar,f'd upon the rt'>pol't of {he clatM pro(p<=;sr!1<j !.>tMff i"'Pcell11v l!.,!<>t1ed~ the Clty'e; needs would change under ddQPtlon 01 thr~se r'eLoMMenrlatL(]nS~ l"0quH'lnq a ChiHlfJP In <=;p€'flfIC2d.LOn', 1'/)r the flower' CQndltloner. New speclflca1"l.Ons dre now be 11'1 IJ cons1l"uc\ed and cl new l"eqUl?st foi' equlpMen t w111 bE-' M.H"lr:.> 1 n the rH~dl" fu! Uf'f-' , R e C _o.!tl!.f' n d <:L!.ll.!l I t 1':; l"eLOMM~ndetl that Clty Counnl rE'Ject hoth hlds 011 B.LlI No, 185~' , Pi'ep.H'ed fly: R. N. Aronoff, DIl"€'ctoi' of PurCh~SLnij '") /