SR-69-H ~#eIII. GS: S E S: ME: JAS e ::z P5--0t:Jt/ e Counc11 Meet1ng: June 28~ 1983 Santa Monica~ Cal1fornia ~ ?L6 G-H TO: Mayor and C1ty Counc11 JUN 2 8 1983 FROM: C1ty Staff SUBJECT: ReJect the B1d for Civic Aud1torium Restroom Mod1flcatlons Introductlon Th1S report requests the Clty Council to reject the bid for modlf1catlons to the CiV1C Auditorium restrooms. B~ckground During the 1982-83 budget session~ the C1ty Counc11 approprlated funds 1n the amount of $24~OOO for modif1cations to the Civic Auditor1um restrooms. These modiflcations wi 11 remove arch1tectural barr1ers to d1sabled persons ln a conflguration Wh1Ch will provide for maXlmum use at any auditor1um event. The Notice Invlt1ng Blds was published on May 27 and 28, 1983. Plans and speclf1catlons were sent to 9 contractors. Bids were opened and read publicly on June 20~ 1983 by the Deputy City Clerk. One bid was recelved from HWL Constructlon in the amount of $22,500. However, thlS bid was not complete under C1ty and State requ1rements as the bidder falled to return a required bid bond with hlS proposal. As the CltylS b1d requirements spec1fically state that "No bld w1ll be considered unless 1t 15 accompan1ed by such check or bondu~ 1t is staff's opinlon that the 1ncomplete b1d should be rejected. The proJect can be reb1d 1n F1scal year 1983-84. b -(-1 1 JUN 2 B J983 ~ ~-~ GS:SES:ME:JAS ~ Councll Meetlng: June 28, 1983 e Santa Mon1ca, Callfornla Recommendatlon It 1S recommended that the C1ty Councll reJect the bld for the C1V1C Audltorlum Restroom Modlf1catlons for the reasons stated above. Prepared by: Stan Scholl, Director of General Services Marsha Eubanks, Admin1stratlve Analyst 2