SR-6-M (6) It 41 ?o 3'-C1~7- -p~ ~qo GS:SS:RD:db SaDta MO~1~a7 CouncIl MeetIng, Nove~ber 27, 1984 Callfor"na ~-N( OEe 4 1" To: Mayor and CIty Cou~cll From: CIty Staff SubJect: Proposed Super-truck Ordlnance IntroductIon ThIS report recommends CIty Cou~cll Instruct the CIty Attorney to prepare an ordl~a~ce establIshIng a permIt process for vehIcles or comblnatlo~ of vehIcles exceedIng specIfIed WIdths or le~gths to use hIghways under the JurIsdIctIon of the CIty. Back&~,~,~'1d The Federal Surface Tra~sportatlo~ Act of 1982 prohIbIts the States from enfore H:g restrictIo~S of certaIn vehIcle combi~atlonS dlmer.slons O~ Interstate Hlghways and certaIn Fed er al AId pr 1m ar y hIghways. To make Callforr.la law con form to thIS lImItatIon AB866 has been adopted as an urgency statute and IS In effec t. The Act Inel udes prov 1510ns to perm 1 t C 1 tIes and Cou~tles to establIsh stricter dimenSion lImIts O~ highways under Jurlsdlctlon by ordInance. Such actIo~ could lImIt "Super-Trucks" (over 96 I~ches WIde and up to 75 feet long) to Federal and State HIghways, whIle permIttIng trucks up to 96 Inches WIde and 60 feet long to cortl~ue to use establIshed truck routes. The streets a~d hIghways In the CIty of Santa MonIca were not deslg~ed or constructed to accommodate vehIcles or combInatIon of vehIcles of the "Super-truck" WIdths or le!"lgths. The regular operatIons of such vehIcles would result I~ trucks beIng unable to turn wlthout crOSSIng the ce~terll~e, create u~safe Co~dltlons - 1 - '-,At{ IU 4 !IN .. e e for parked veh1cles, and prese~t pote~t1ally dangerous sltuat10ns for pedestr1ans a~d traff1c sIgnal equ1pment from traIlers Jump1ng curbs dur1~g turns. The Dee as 10>"Jal use 0 f C 1 t Y streets by "Super-tr ucks 11 c an be safely accomp11shed whe>"J such use 1S dOl'1e 11'l compl1ance wIth a"l permIt wh1C'h spec 1 f1 es the spec IflC route approved by the CIty Parklng and Trafflc Englneer. The League of CallfoPlla CItles recognIzes thlS as belng a local lssue and are e"lCOuragl>"Jg local JurIsdlctlO"lS to enact an ordlna>"Jce dealIng wlth Super trucks by January 1, 1985. Fl~a>"Jclal/B~d&~~ ~~~act There are no fInancIal or budget Impacts. Recommendatlo>"J It IS recornme!'lded Clty CouncIl lnstruct the Clty Attor'1ey to pr epar e a'1 ord P1anc e est abllshlng a perml t proc ess for vehlC les or combInatlon of vehIcles exceedlng speclfled wldths or lengths to use hIghways u>"Jder the JurlsdlctlO>"J of the CIty pr epar ed by: Stan Scholl, DIrector of General SerVIces Ray Davls, CIty Parklng & Trafflc EngIneer Attachme"lt: League of Callfornla Materlal - 2 - i... I... r.... .... .... ...~ It e League of California Cities 1400 K STREET . SACRAMENTO. CA 95814 . (916) 444-5790 ~ Ca"'..:;....~ C-'-cs ,"-':j--" 7":Jget""er Sacramento, Call fornla September 11, 1984 TO: Mayor~. City \~anagers, City Clerks in Non-\hnager CitIeS, City I\ttorneys, and Public \\'orks Directors FROM: DWight Stenbakken, Legislative Representative RE: Reasonable "\ccess of Trucks to Termmals and Services -- Important ]'isue Requmng Local Action Background 1'1 the closing hours of t'1e 1982 Congres'itOnal SeSSIOn, the Surface Transportation <\c;slstance Act W3" passed bv Congress and then slgn€'d Into law by the PresHient. The 'nore notable aspects of that legislatIOn Included the federal 5c gasoline tax mcreasp I;., hlch In turf) resulted In additIOnal revenues for the Interstate and state pnmary roads, as well as local transit capital proJects. TI-Je less VISible aspects of that legislatIOn mc1uded major "productiVity" Increases for the trucking Industry In the form of longer, wider and heaVier truck:s. The legislatIOn preempted a number of state laws llmltmg the dimenSIOns of truckst permlttmg larger vehicles tha, had prevIOusly been authorized In Callforma and other states. Two condItIOns were placed on these larger trucks: 1. They 'Je allowed to operate only on a "deSIgnated syste'Tl" of st3te hIghways v"hlCh consists primarIly of access controlled freeways; and 2. These larger trucks shall ~e given "reasonable access" to services (food. fuel, lodgIng and repair) and termInals. State Law 1mp1e'llentatlOn In order to Implement the CongreSSIOnally mandated larger trucks, the CalifornIa State LegLsldture passedt and the Governor SIgned, AB 866 10 1983 WhlCh contained, among other provlslonst direction to state and local governments for the ImplementatIOn of the federal reqUlrements for "reasonable access" of trucks to termmals and serVIces. The leglslatlOn reqUIres actlOr) on two Issues: 1. SerVice Access. CAL TRA.NS has gone through an extensive process of defmmg locatIOns which had available servICes withm \1 road mile of the deSignated system and determining If trucks could safely reach the services. CA.L TRANS has placed a permIssive sign on these servICe accesses If the local agency agrees with the detenmnatlOn. ThiS process is close to completIOn. 2. Terminal Access. ThiS Issue IS pnmarlly a local Issue. l\. local process must be establtshed to coordlnatet review and deSignate termmal access routes In the local JUriSdictiOn from the deSignated highway system. When a JUflsdlCtlOn has e e establtshed a process locally, by ordinance. then the local government m cooperatwr. wIth CAL TRANS will deslg'late. wIth slg"s. the proper eXits for ter.nma1 access routes In the jurJSdlctlon, 'Vnhout a local ordmance the terrnlnal ~<;ce<;<; process cannot be implementedr wIthout implementatlon, local p;overnments c~w expect leg-al challenges. The purpose of this correspondence is to alert local JUrisdictiOns of the need to enact the termmal access provIsIons as soon as possi~le. The tar~et date for enactment of 1"he ordlllance when enforcement WIll begin JS January 1 ~ 1981. CA.L TRA~S, the California Highway Patrol and local governmef)ts have been workmg cooperatively to set this In motIOn and to obtain a reasonable uniformity on a statewide baSIS. Local government la'W enforcement agencIes should be prepared to enforce local terminal access provlslon~ on that date, Enclosed \1akrJals The mate".als enclosed for your reVIew are mtended to provJde the background necessary to estai)llsh a local system of term mal access routes for the larger trucks now operatmg O~ the des;gnated highway system. The material enclosed IS as follows: 1. 12esigr"lated System Maps. The e;1c1osed TT'ap was developed by' CAL TRA~S and indICates the deSignated system where the new larger trucks will be permitted to operate. The map also contams examples of the signs developed by CA.L TRANS to Inform truck operators of those access locatIOns to serVices and termInals. 2. LIst of C.I\L TRANS District Contacts. The District Offices or CAl TRANS Will aS51st local agenCIes, If requested, In the slgr"llng and access process. The enclosed IS a llst of md:vlduals in charge of that process In the DIstrict Offices. 3. InformatlOr'l Packet. The enclosed informatIOn packet outlmes the tune fra;ne for Implemef)tatlOn wltJCh the Jomt CJty-County-State Cooperative ComrTIlttee has pr:.posed; the slgrung cnterla for service and tepmnal access; and a suggested proces<; for adoption oJ termInal access ordinances. 4. ~a'!1ple OrdFlances. A number of commUnities have adopted termmal access ordinances, CopIes of some of these ordmances are enclosed as examples only. ActlOn ~eeded Feceral la''''' requIres that reasonable access ~e gIven to these larger trucks for purposes of servICes and termInals. If a local lunsdlctl0n mtends to deSIgnate where these larger trucks can operate, then an ordinance must ~e adopted, WIt",O'Jt the establJs~rnent of a local process, the California Highway Patrol and local law enforcement agenCIes cannot regulate the reasonable access provlSlons of the federal law. PollticallmphcatlOns The CalJfQrma truckmg mdustry JS watchmg the implementation of these local termInal access prOVIsions very closely. If no action IS taken or a local JUrisdictIOn does not meet the "reasonable access test," however that may be defmed by the courts and others. the truckmg Industry Will undoubtedly move to preempt local authontl through state or federal legIslatIOn. If such a move 1S made by the truckmg mdustry you can rest assured there will be less local fleXibility to determme term mal and service access routes than now In federal or state law. - 2- t' ,{ e e. ConCIU5L0'1 The League strongly recommends ImmedLate actwn on this Issue. Action now IS much better than the alternatives. If your local JUrisdictIOn IS 0'1 the desLgnated highway system, the servIce and tenmnal access Issue w1l1 directly affect you. Please use the CAL TRANS contact hst for more IIlf orma t Lon on thiS Issue in your area. The League requests that any ordmance Wh1Ch 15 adopted or any termlnilJ access applicatIOns developed locally be sent to the League office, ThIS will assl,>t us III determinIng progress toward the ImplementatIOn date and wIll be used as examples for other CitIes gOlflg through the terminal access process. One last note, CAL TRANS 15 Intending to publish notificatlOns In local newspapers on a stateWide baSIS about the effort to establIsh thIS termmal access process. Termmal operators and other mterested partIes WIll likely contact city hall after reading tl-jese notifICations. Please be forewarned that thIS Will happen; you may want to set up a local prucedure to handle these InqUirtes. ThiS IS an Important Issue needmg local attentIon. We hope thiS prOVIdes an explanatIon of the baSICS. The Ctl"L TRANS DistrIct Offices will be ready to entertain further mquirIes or do not heSitate to contact the League office about thiS issue. Your cooperatIon IS greatly appreCla ted. " -3- e e Enclosure 5 ATT,'\CP.:~Ein LOCAL mPlE:,\EUTATlON OF AB 866 (Tr:R~n~JALS ) October 6, 1983 GWERJ\L Cltles and Countles should enact ordlnances and/or adopt procedures for the deslgnatlon of local routes to acco~modate the larger trucks from the deslgnated State hlghways to the truck termlnals. These shoulc include the following elements: 1. Termlnal ldentlflcation. 2. App~lcatlon. 3. Route modlflcation or revocation. 5. Cost Recovery. TER:~I:1Al IOE:rrIFIG\TIml Sltes ~~etlng the crlterla for a ternlnal need to be ldentlfied. Cltles and countles near the des1gnated State syste~ should publlclze the need for ter~ln31s wantlng a locally designated route to contact the Clty or county. ThlS process should lncluoe reQUlrlng the termlnal to make applicatlon to the Clty or county for the route deslg~atlon. APPLICATIC~ CO~nE~n The apP~lcatlcn shc~ld lnclude: 1. Na~e, acdress, etc. of the the appllcant. 2. loc2t:or of the termln21~ 3. The preferred route and alternate routes If approprlate. 4. EV1cerce the term1nal rr.eets established criteria. 5, EVldence that termlnal parklng and termlnal entries are adequate. 6. Ot~er conSlderat10ns noted by appllcant WhlCh need resolutlon. lncludlng potentlal road geometric prohlems. APPLICATlO~ PROCESSIitG If a route passes through several jurlsdlct1ons, the city or county which contrc~s the terr1nal's land use should be responSlble for coordlnatlng approval wlth each agency. e - The local agency should reVlew the appllcatlon to determlPe if a route -~! ~e des 19nc.tec \:11 ~c~ :;:eets loca 1 concerns. 1 nc luding safety cons lderat 10ns. ae~: J acy of road ('Ie8metncs, and publlC safety. If an adeouate route is avallab',= the recJ~~e~ded route must be revlewed by the local Caltrans dlstrlct offlC=. and a letter cf concurrence in the route deslgnatlon recelved. After rec= /lna Caltrans' approval, approved signs ldentlfYlng the route need to be erecte~. If elther the local agency or Caltrans determlnes that the route is not ade:.~~~, the anpl1ca"t should be not171ed of acce~table alternate routes, ,f c;r'_,. or snOJ1c be notlfled of those ~odlflcatlons necessary to make a route acce::~Jle. Tne a:pl1car.t nay ~e recuested to el1rnlnate deflClenCl€S In the route :~10r to route a;J~ro\fal. Lcglcally, if there are several appl1cants, thlS cas: ::uld be spread bet~een th€~. r1ODIFICATIC:~ OR REVOCATIml The authorlty grantlng the termlnal route should include a stlpulat~c~ :la: If the des1gnatec route perfor~s ln an unsatlsfactory manner. the agenc; ~ay revc(e the termlnal route deslgnatlon. or deslgnate an alternate route. COST RECOVERY Cost reccvery for aC:-llnlstratlon. analysls. signlns. and route mQdlf~c.:.:'ons ('f a~y) ~~y be co~sldered by the local agency. Authorlty for cost rec:,2ry should reference approprlate local authorlty. n'f . J a 1 ab866. tlO e e" ORDINANCE NO 1'.14 (N.C.S AN ORDINANCE AMENQI~G CHAPTER 20 O? THE SALINAS ClTY CODE BY ADDING ARTICLE XIII. RELATING TO INTERSTATE TRUCKS BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCI~ OF SALINAS AS FOLLrn~S. SECTIO~ 1. Chapter 20 of the Sal~nas Clty Cod~ lS ~~rcbj ~LnaeJ to udd Artlcle XIII thereto. conslst1ng o~ Sectlons ~O- 1&0, tnrou9h 20-lb~, to reud as tallows ARTICLE XIII IN~ERSTATE TRUCKS Sec. 20-160, Deflnlt~ons. The follow~ng words and phrases shall have t1e ~ea~l~gs set forth, and lf any word or phrase used ln th~s artlC:C 1& not ccf~ned In thlS sectlon, lt shall have the meanlngs set fo~th In the Callfornla Vehlcle Code; provlded ~hat If any s~~ word Or phrase 1S ~a~ deflned In ~he vehlcle code, 1t shall r~ve the meanlng attrlbut~d to It In ordlnary usage_ (al "Ter~lnal~ means ary faCll1ty at ~h1Ch :r~_,~t 15 consol1dated to be s~lpped or ahcre f~ll load CC-S10 - ments may be loaded and off loaded or at wn1ch the veh1cles are regularly ma~ntalned, stored or manufactured, (bl "Interstate truck" means a truck tractor a.d SC~l- traller or truck tractor, sLn1-traller and tra~lcr w.th unilmltcd length as regulatLd by the veh1clc cou~. (c) -Transportatlon Englneer" means t~e tra~spcrtd:1o~ e~glneer of t~e Clty of Sallnas or ~ls a~thor1zed =e?rcsc.t~- tlve. (dl "Caltrans" means the State of Callfcrnla Department of Transportat1on or lts successor agency Sec. 20-161. Purpose. The purpose of thls artlcle lS to cstabllsh procedLres for terminal des1gnatlon and truck route deslg.atlon to terw1~als for iPterstate truck~ o~eratlng on a federally deslg.~t_~ hlghway system and to promote the general healt" safety and wclfar~ of the publlC. Sec. 20-162. nppllcat1on. C...I Any 1lltl.!rcstcd person rcqu1r1ng termInal ...ccess for lntcr~tatc trucks from the federally des1gna~cd h1chw~y sy~tem s~...ll s~bmlt an appl1catlon, on a torn as orov1deJ by the C~ty, together w~th such 1nformatlO~ as ma~ be rcqulrcd by the Transportat1on Englneer ane appropr~ate fees to the C~ty of Sal~nas. -1- e e (0) Upon ,ece'P' of ,'e "p1""'00. ,he ",..S""'O""OO Eng,nee' .,,1 cau,e .n ,"ve't',"'o, '0 be _.ce to ..cert.'" .he,he' 0' no' the O,oeoscO ,erm'o" f.c,1." meers ,ho ,..~,re~ent$ for .n ,nte""" tr"ck term,n.l- u.oa h's .".ov., 0' tha' d..,go."oo. he .,11 then d.,.~'o' ,h' capao",t' of ohe ,ou,e ,""u.steo anO a1,e,aat. ,ou"s. .hetne' ,equested 0' oot- oate,~,'a"o' of ro_,e c...e,"'> .,,, ,nc1ude. w,thOU' "."at,on. · ,eV'" of ..e<_.oe t~,n,n, ,.d'uS aod lane .,.,h' of ra<?s. ,",.r,ece,ons and h,ghways anO qc,eral "a",e cond"'o's such ,,' .cOh' .,,<onc.. spced ao" ,raf"O volu.'s- '0 aeee" 0" a federa1'y de"gnated h,gh'" .,stem .,,1 be a?p,oved .,Ch- out the approval of caltrans. leI Should the ,eques,ed ,oute pasS th<oogh the C"Y of sal,oas to . ,e,m,na1 located ,n another ,0"5d,e"on. the appl,caat ,ha1J complY ."h 'ha' Ju",.,et,on, .ppl'c,- "on proce" cooe."at,on of ,he .pp,o<" 0' ,he roa<e through the c,ty .,11 be ,he resoons,b,J"Y 0' ,he eot'o, .h,eh oo,.c,olS ,he term,n"'s ,.nd use Cos's for t,a"- bl.,e' S'gC' shall be a. O,ov,'.d ,a see"on ,,_J,3lb)- SeC. 20-1&3. fees and costs. la) The oP01,c.nt ,hall O.y a non_re,en.ao:c .00"e.t,on fee, as estab1,sh" b, the c,ty b, res01u"on. ,u",c,en' to pay the cos' of the rev'" of the te,.,na1 de"goa"O' .n' the rev,e. 0' the ,out. .nd alt.roate ,ou,e- lbl Upoo ,he approval 0' the ,e<<"oa: des,go;"OO .00 rOu'c by the C,t, an' by Ca1t,ens the aoo"c.et shail depoS't ""n the C,t, 0' S."O'S suf"e,enC ,uno$ ., est,mated by ,he Ttan,porta"oo En"nee' '0 p.y '0' ,-,c p_,chase and ,n,tal1.t'O' 0' te,",n.' ".,lb'U'o, $'"-'. Te,,'01a'" s,gn' .,11 be ,equ"ed nL evory dcc,$-'" po,n' '0 ,ho C", on tOU'e '0 ,he term,oal Cpo' com- pl.t,on 0' the ,os,.'l.t,oe of the s,ges. the .ct~.l cost shall be eomp.ted and '0, d,,'e,ence "",.eeo ,he actual anO the e",.ete' cosc sh'" be b,11ed 0' ,.fande; to ,ho 'PO"c.n" .h,ehever th" case ..y be. 00 t.,"'n" 0' ,oute ." be .sed un") suc' s,gaS as ~a' be ,eg",ed a,e ,n p1ace- Cos's '0' ,ea,'b1.,e' s,gns may be pO'- oc,t,ooed '0 acoOr.an,e ."h the p,oced.res ,0 seec,on 20-16~~C}' sec. 20-164. Retrot~tt~ng. la) ., all 'e.s,ole ,o~,c' '0 a ,eque,'Cd ,e,e,.a1 u,e found unsac,s'accory by the T,ao,eo,tat.C' E-,'coc" ,ho appl,can' .ay reque" ,e,rof,t"og ,he de"""c,e.- .,- cOs's of eng,oeo"Og. co""""oo aod ,osooco,o, .", be ,he ,espon"b""Y bi the .pp"e.n'- Exce,' .h'O ,he re,rof,tt,n, of d."e"nc,es " ""h,n the :_"sd'c"OO of Cal"'." ,he actual construct,on .,11 be done oy ,he c~ty or by a contractor acceptable to ~t. ,b) When the work " '0 be done by ,he c"y. the oppl"aot s..ll depO.,t .,th the c,t, of sa"oas ~'e e.t,.ated co,, 0' ,etrof,tt,ng. ..]ustne'c, bet.een the est,ma,ed ar~ ac,u.l cost s.a11 be ~"e a!te' co.ple"On of the .0" aod any .,fference bet..en ,he ac,ual .ad ,he e't,.a,ed cost shall be b,'1ed 0' refunded CO the appl,c.ot .s ,he case ma, be. when the wo" 's .one by the .,pJ"a"" the .ppl"an' may ,,)e w"h ,he Tra.,pOreat,on En,.,ee,. on a foem s."".ctO', to the T,anspO"a"on En,'Oee,. a ,tate- ocn' de,a,l..' ,he actu.1 costS of ,he ,etrof,'t,og. -2- e e (c) If at any t~~e w~t~~n 5 years from the date o~ complet~o' of the retrof~tt~~g by the ap~11~3~t, sho~ld a~y ap?l~car.t seex ter.m~nal app~oval wh~cr would use tre route upon wh~ch such retrof~ttlng was acco~~llshec, a~y such applIcants' fee may ~nclude t~at ap?llca,ls porpo:t~o.at~ share of t"e ret~O:ltt~,g. as determIned by the TransyOrtatlo, EngIn~er, wh~ch fee sha:l be d~sbursed by the CIty of 53lInas to the ~ppllcant who pala for the retrofltt~nG ~s well ~s to a,y ~ppl~canl who contr~b~tcd to the C0&t o[ rULro- [ltt1'~ under tll~S subsecllon. NothIng hereIn b~~ll r~YUlrc the ~aymcnt 0: a porport1onate fee If the ~~plIcant d01ng the work faIled to f1le the report w~th t~e Trans- portat1on Eng1neer requlred by subsect~on In) above. Sec. 20-165. Revocat~on of Route. The Tra~$?ortat~on Eng~neer may revoke any approved te~m~nal or route ~f the terrn4na1 or route becones a tra~f~c haZard for vehIC~:ar traffiC A safety hazard ~ncludes the ~r.ab~1~~y of ~~terstate trucks to negotiate the route or sald ve~lcles cdus~ng unsafe drlv~ng cond~tlor.S for otrer ve~lculdr traff~c or pecestrlans Sec. 20-166. Appeal Process, (a) If the Trarsportat1on Eng~~eer den4es ter~4-a~ des~g..at~or., route feasi~lllty or revokes a prev~o~sl} ap~roved termInal or route, the appl1ca~t/t~rffilr-al owner, wLth~n 13 days followlrg ~he date of ~eCel?t of tte de~~51o~ 0: the Transportatlo~ Englneer may appeal sa~d d~C1S10~ tv the C~ty Co~ncl1 1n wr~t1ng An appeal shall be n~de c, ~ fo~ prescribed by the Department of PubliC Wor~s and ~~all ~e f~led With the C~ty Clerk, The a~peal shall state Sp~c~flcal:y wher~ln there was an error or abuse of discretiOn by t~~ Trarsportatlor En~lneer or wherein ltS dec~s~o~ lS pot s~P?orted by the ev~dence 1r the record. With1n 5 dayS of t~e f1llng of an appeal, the 7ransportat~op EngIneer snal: tru-5~lt ~0 tLe CLty Clerk the terw~.al appl~cat~on, the ske~c~e~ G~ t~e re_oked r~ute a~G a~: other data flIed therew~th, tP2 Le?Crt of the ~=ansportat~o~ Eng1neer, the f1nd~~g5 of tte Tra~5?Or- t~tion Engineer and hiS dec~s~an on the appl~cat10; {b) The Cl~Y Clerk s~all make CO?LeS of the ~uta ?ro- vIded by the Transportat~on Eng~neer ava~lable to the ap~ll- cant and to the appellant Ilf the appl~cant LS ~ot the apDcllan~; for 1n5pect~o~ a~d nay g~ve ~o~~ce to a.y o~ne~ Interested party who req~ested not~ce of t~e t_ffie wnen the ap~eal wl11 be cons~dered by the C1ty Counc~l. {c) If caltrans and not the Transport~t~o~ ~..rln~e~ denlEs or revokes term1nal access f~o~ federa~ly des.j~~ted h~ghways, no appeal may be nade to the Clty Co~nCl1, ~ut must be made to Caltrans as may be permItted by Caltrdns Sec 20-167. Constltut~onallty It any sect~on, subsectlon, sentence, c1aus~ O~ ~h~~se oi tne Ord1ndnce 1S fvI any reason held to be invalid, such dec1slo.. shall not affect the val1d1ty of the remaln~ng portlOns of thlS Ordinance. and each sect1on, sUbsectl0n, sente~ce, Cla~$C or -3- e e phrase thereof, ~rrespect~ve of the fact that anyone or mor~ aect~on6, subsectLons, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared inv<lhd. SECTION 2. ThLs ord~nance shall take effect and be Ln force thLrty days from and after lts adopt~on SECTION 3. The Clerk of the C~ty of salLnas LS hereby dLrected to cause th~s ord~nance to be publlshed by one In- sertlon In the sallnas Callfornian, a newspaper of general Clrculatlon prlnted, publlShed, and clrculated In the CltY ot ~~llnas ~nd hereby deslgnated for that purpose by the Counc~: of Sallnas. ThlS ordlnance was lntroduced and read on the 12th day of June . 1984, and passed and adopted on the :9t~ day of June . 1984, by the follow~ng vote: AYES: Councllme~ers Paul D. Grennan, Russell Jeffrles, Blll O'Brlen, Phy11~s Prlce. Mayor James B. Barnes. hOES. None ABSEN'i': None (51 JAMES B. BARNES MAYOR ATTEST: & DOTTl E F. DOUGIlTY CITY CLERK ! -4- e CITY OF SALINAS e ROUTE APPLICATIO~ INTERS~ATE TRCCK TER~INAL Appl~c::lt~on No. Dute: L 2. Pr~nt/ty?e name 0= appllcant Print/type na~e of Ternlnal 3. 4. Prlnt/type address of appllcant Print/type add~ess 0= ~erwlnal 5. 6. Telephone Number Telephone Nurrber 7. PREFERRED ROUTE (Descr1be & attach sketch) 8. l~TE~\ATE ROUTE(S) (descrlbe & attach sketc~(s) 9. JESIG~AIE EXIT(S) FhO~ FEDERALLY DESIGXATED HIGHWAY: 10. CHECK CRITERIA WHICH ESTABLISHES YOUR TERMI~AL DESIGXATI0~: A. FULL Load consig~ent5 loaded 0r off loaded B. Frelght consolidated for shipplng C. Ma:;.ntenance.. st.orage or Iilanufactur~ng fac1.1.ty of llll.:rstate IruL,.o 11. EnDENCE lHAT TER..l1I)l.\L PARKING A..'.;u TER."1INAL DlTRIES ARE ADF..Ql:ATi. FFR.:HSh SKETCH, 1" = 40 t : THi:, APFLIC.\XT CERTIFIES THAT rItE ABorE n~FORYkUIO~ IS CORRECT ~'O THE BEST OF HIS/tiERS !~ILIT{. THE APPLICfu~T ALSO CE~TIFIES THAT HE/SHE HAS READ ORDINANCE ~O. A~J AGREES TO TIiE REQUIRE~ITNTS OF SAID ORDI~~~CE. Date: S~gnature termlnal owner Type/print na~e of termlncll owner ;\FrL I L..:\TI0N F~ \ ...~ $ 2.50.00 ~ON-REFL~DABLE PAID RECE'::PT # DATE: ATTACH~fENT "A" ORDINA...\'CE NO. ) ~ . e INVEST~GA TIO~ e A. Applicant(s) terminal meets requirements for interstate truck term1nal: Yes ~o (if no indicate reason(s)) Addltional Fees Required B. Rou~e a?proved: Preferred Alternate Other (describe) C. Caltrans approval of access from federally designated h1ghway: Yes No (if no indicate reason(s)) S1gndture of Caltrans Representa<lve D. Route lQprOVements: Re~uirel:lents Date Est~L~t~d costs for 1mprovements E. Other affected agencies approval (cities or County) Slgnature of Agency Offlce APPROVED/DENIED: Transportation Engineer Date PER}ITT FEE PAID: RECEIPT NO. & DATE: AP?ROVED/DENIED: Public Works Director Date Lu