SR-800-006 .-l 1ttl~tJ~6 . (, CITY OF SANTA MONICA 7o-C-68 ~J r-, , i · DA TE: September l7. 1970 C:C , < ~.< TO: The Honorable City Council J FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Santa MonIca AIrport FlIght Pattern :..,...- ~ ~ 'i.. ~..-c -~-... Pursuant to the instructIOns of the CIty CouIlCI1, the admInistratIon has dis- cussed the Santa Monica flight pattern wIth Mr. Paul McAffee, ChIef of Operations, Califorllla-Arizona Au TraffIc DivIsion of the FAA. Mr. McAffee does not entlrely agree wIth the contention that there are nurrle:rous continuing VIOlatIOns of the flIght pattern. It IS his opllllDn that perhaps the re may be a nnsunde rstandlng concernIng the fhght ?attern. BaSIcally, the flight patt.ern does not ::-equire ev~ry plane to make a 10 degree left turn (a:'ter becomIng aIrborne) to depart the aIrport over the Penmar Golf Course. The regulation is applicable to small sIngle eng1.ne planes which must turn out of the fhght pattern of the heavIer tWIn engine (or other high performance aircraft) planes whose speed would cause them to ove rtake the small plane s . Consequently. the standard flIght pattern for the heavier planes is a straight out takeoff without a left turn. Such planes are pro- hIbIted from makIng nght turns untIl they reach the shore hne or unless dIrected to do so by the aIr traffIC control. The AIr TraffIC Dn.rislOn is qUIte WIlling to coope rate Wl th the CIty to the extent practIcable In relatIonshIp to theIr pnmary responsIbIlIty of assisting air- craft \vlth both landIng and takIng off. It is the opImon of Mr. McAffee that violatIons of the fhght pattern can be corrected by contInUIng cOlumullicatlon WIth the aIrcraft pilots and the fIxed base ope rators on the airport. It IS the intentIon of the admInistratIon to agaIn CIrcularize all pIlots and fixed base operators as well as postIng addItIonal SIgns at the airport fuehng statIOn. In the event thIS does not correct the problem. the CIty wl11 then have to ?",e~~~o~~ tledown prmJcges on the alrport for offendmg p,lots. ~ y /p~ltY Manager PS:JS cc: City Clerk C. V. Fitzgerald ... '",-