SR-506-003-07-01 (2) G3; 3ES: ~\lB: ld S. MOn~Ca~r~ ....... ---- " Caunell Meetl.u.une 12, 1984 5?J6-t:)o 3-0 7Z-0/ Tv: Ha:foc and C~ty Counc~l ~-F City "';taff JUIl12 \984 FROt1 : SJJ3J.c;CT: Restorat.1.on of 3treetllghting IntrvdUctl.on fhl.s report reCQiLlluends that the C~ty Co(.]ncil author~ze staff to re-energlL.e stresl:.ll.ghts In certain areas of the C~ty where 1lghts were turned off for energy conservatlon purposes several years ago. rlaekc,Jround In 1974, the Cl.ty Cauncll dlrected staff to turn off apprax~mataly one-thl.rd of the streetl~ghts 1.n the City and .1.nstJ..tute varl.vUS energy conservat.1.on measures In Clty facil1.tles. Th~s a~tl.on was taken ~n response to the OPEC ::).1.1 embargo wUleh dl.srupted 011 supplles nat1.onwide. Approximately SOJ Ilghts were turned off 1.n commercial areas. In 1979, the Clty Councll author1.zed staff to restore streetl1.gi1t1.ng to tnose streets wh~ch are heav~ly traveled (over 15,000 veh1.cles per dci.!) or have at least 25-6 of bUSlneSSes open at nl.gat. Tn~s resulted In turnl.ng on the l~ghts on Llncoln Boulavard, W1.l5h~re BOulavard, P1.CO Boulevdrd. Ocean Park Bou18vard and Hal.n Street. Of tne est1.ffiated 500 llghts whl.ch wer8 turned off .1.n 1974, approx~l[lately 125 streetl~ghts remal.n off. These 11.gnts are located on Santa ~on.1.ca 3oulevard, Ocean Avenue and Barnard Way. 1 ~-F JU~ i 2 \9114 ---- ---- -- - Go::) : SEa: .i.'IB : Ztl '-. . Counc~l Meetln~une 1.2 , 1984 .:;. Mon~ca, Californla In response t:l .:J. recent request from a bus~ness on one of these streets, staff ndS exa!n~ned the cost of turn~ng on all the rema~n~ng l~ghts. Tne pr~nc1pal cost assoc~dted w~th turn~ng the llghts OIl 1S tne cost of convertlng each lamp from a 400-....att mercury vapor to a 300-watt h~gh pressure sod~um vapor lamp. l'h~s convers~on 1.5 conslstent w~-c.h the Clty'S program to convert all .Lncandescent dnd mercury vapor lamps to more eff1.cl.ent h1.gh pressure sod1um vaj?or lamps wh.Lch provide more llght and use less electr1clty. The cost of converS1on .LS approxlrnately $20 per lamp, or a total of $2500 for all 125 11ghts. Labor for the COilverS1.0n and restoration .IlIl be provlded by Clty forces. Accordu1g to the Edlson Company, the cost of electrlc1ty for each l~ght 15 $14.77 per month or d total of nearly $1850 per year. 'llhe total cost of electr~clty for these l~ghts l5 less than 1/2 of l'i; of the current 5treetl1ght electrlc~ty budget ..vhlCh 1.5 $575,000. The cost of electr~c~ty for streetllght1ng lS expected to 1Dcrease at the sa.ne rate as electrlcity for other reSldent~al or commerclal uses, or an estlmated 10-15 percent next year. The cost of C~ty labor for malntenance of streetllgh1:.5 l5 not ~ncluded In thlS figure. Staff recommends an lllcrementdl approach to the conversion and rest.0rat1.0n of these l~ghts, IIlh1Ch would result ln all l.1.ghts restored \>'1 thln 3-4 months, wlth mln~mal disrupt~on to other C1ty electLlcdl proJects. 2 --- G.::i:S.2.s:ti1B:~rl 3. Mon~ca, , - , . Counc~l Meet1n~une 12, 1984 Cal1forn1.a F1nanC1al Analis~s Thl.S 1nl.t1.al capl.tal cost of tllrn1.n-g- the 11.ghts on is est1.mated at $2500. The cost of operatl.ng the 11.ghts 1S approx1mately $1850 per year. 'rherefore, the cost of restorlng full street11ght1.ng 1S est1.mated at $4,350 for the f1rst year. Funds are ava1.1able l.n the operat1.ng budget of the Electr1.cal FaC1l1t1.-3S Dl.Vl.S10n of the General SerV1ces Department. RecofiliJenda t 1.on It. 15 r~coiilinended that the C1.ty Counc~l author1.ze staff to restore streetl1ghtl.ng to areas of the C1.ty where llght5 have been turnt!d off for energy conservat1on purposes. Prepared by: Stan Scholl, D1.rector of General SerV1.ces ~hna Byrne, Adm1.nstrat1ve Analyst 3 - ------ ------------ - ----- ------- --~~-----