SR-8-A (11) RLK: SSS :nc Counc1.1 rItg. .3-79 sant~n~ca, Callrornla gl) JAN 2 3 1979 TO: ~'Iayor and Clty Councl1 FROil: Ci ty Attorney SUBJECT: E.''1ERGE~,;CY LITTER R:L:lOVAL Introductlon Thls report transnlts for lntroductlon and flrst read1.ng an ordlnance deIlnlng a dangerous accumulat~on of Iltter on prlvate property as a pU~llC nUlsance. It sets forth a procedure allow1.ng the Clty to effect the sun~ary renoval of such (langerous or hazardous II tter and to b1.11 the pro?erty owner, If approprlate. Th1.S actlon was approved on January 9, 1979. Background Beetlon 7800F of the Santa ~oniea MUDlclpal Code provldes that the owners of prlvate property wlthln the Cl ty shall raalntaln t:te property In a Il tter-free condl t1.on. Sectlon 7800H provldes an enforce~ent procedure W~lC~ l.ncludes notlce to t~e owner that he 1.S In v1.o1at1.on of the provlslons of the code; a ten (10) day perlod wlthln WhlCh to dlspose of the Iltter descrlbed In the notice, or a blenty (20) day perloe If the notlce lS malled and the Post Offlce Depar~ent lS unable to make dellvery thereof; and a c~arge to t~e property owner of actual costs and accrued lnterest l~ the Clty must effect the dlsposal w1.th Clty forces. rJA JAN 2 3 1979 RLK:SSS:mc Councll !1tg. 0.3-79 Santa ~~ca, Callfornla However I there are occaslons ".vhen the publlC safety de~ands that a Iltter accu~ulatlon be abated lmnedlately. Examples of such condltlons nlght be where old furnlture or appllances have been dlscarded ln such a manner as to present a trafflC hazard to elther vehlcles or pedestrlans or a dangerous attraction to chl1dren, or where the 11tter 15 conposed of hazardous or nOXlOUS substances. The attached ordlnance vmuld allow the C1 ty ;lanager to declare a putI1C nUlsance 'vhen he finds that an accumulat10n of Iltter to an inmedlate hazard to human 11fe ane that the owner of the property involved 15 unable to be located promptly. 7he Dlrector of General Services ~ay enter upon the prlvate property to exanlne t~e lltter. If necessary, the Clty can effect lts removal and charge the costs to the property o~..,ner of record. Subsequently, a pUblic hearlng shall be held. The property owner shall have adequate notlce of the hearlng and be glven an opportunlty to deny hlS responsl01l1ty for the publlC nUlsance. If 1t lS determlned that the property owner was not responslble, costs shall not be assessed agalnst hlm. Alternatlve Solutlons The Clty Councll could keep the current procedure as established In Section 7800H and effect the re~oval of hazardous 11tter through Sectlon 1200 of the Santa ~onlca r1unlclpa1 Code WhlCh dee~s vlolatlons of any of t~e provislons of the Santa Hon1ca Hunlclpal Code to be a pub11C nUlsance. -2- RLK:SSS:nc . Council ~tg. 3-79 Santa r4ltlca, Callfornla RecoIT~endatlons It lS respectfully reca~ended that the Clty CaunCll lntroduce the attached ardlnance. Prepared By: Rlchard L. Knlckerboc<er, Clty Attorney Stephen Shane Stark, Asslstant City Attorney -3-