SR-503-002-01 (7) G..5:G.cS:Z,H. Caunell .1eetlng: . St?3-0#Z~. ~ S*SD .....-.-.. ~ '-- June 12, 1984 Santa Manlca, Callfornla 1'0: Mayor and Clty Councll (p-fI JUN 2 6 J9N FROM: Clty Staff SUBJEcr: Modlflcatlon's tJ Refuse Collectlon Ordlnance Introduc"L10n ThlS report reco~nends that Clty CaUDell dlrect the Clty Attorney to inake ffilnor modlflcatlons to the POlnts of Collectlon seetlon of tne MUDlclpal Code. Background I'he 3anta [lImnea l'1urUClpal Code r-i:lqulres that all refuse be pldL:ed for collectlon ''In tll.at portlon of the street or alley abut tlng b1e ,f)roperty". In most cases thlS works very well. tiowever, ti1erc are some parcels wnlcn are landlocked so that they do not abut an alley thus maklng street collectlon extremely dlfflcult. Staff recoilinends that an addltlon be made to Sectlon 5227C of the L1unlClpal Code to allow collectlon at pOlnts nOt abuttlng the subJect property If approved by the Dlrector of General SerVlces. ~ud~et/Elnanclal Analysls .. Thld IDJdlflCatlOn of the Munlclpal Code wlll have no flnanclal l!TIPac-c... ; . 1.tJ-1I JUM 2 6 1.. - 1 - Reconunendat1on . . it 18 reco~nended tnat the C~ty Counc1l d1rect the C1ty Attorney to prepare an amendment to Sect10n 5227C of the Munlclpal Code to enable r8fuse collec~~on at pOlnts no~ abuttlng the subJect prJperty ~f apprJve~ by the D1rector of General SerV1ces. prepared oy; Attachmen~: Stan Scholl, U1rector of ~eneral SerVlces SeC~10n 5227c S~1C - 2 - ~--- ~ f "- $.. 5227. AfII'fndl!d by Or~ ~60~ees M.,1.4 5 2163 s.. 5227C JII".:ndd h nrd 1'95?CCS ...rt.lp't~ 6-18 74 -- '-- S.. ~22711 Aa.dd ., ~<d ~ 762CC$ ~d.p I.d 12 12 67 . SA'-!'\' },10N1CA ~tuNI('IPAL CODF. . 130-A SECTION 5227B Frl'quf"nl'v of Col- the vanous clasSifIcations of refuse for h'l'tlOn for T~'pe A lInd T,pe n Rl'fu"IJ type A :lI1d ty(l(' B refuse ~ervJ(~e shall 8erl I('t' The frequency of collection of not be less than the folIowUlg' Garbage, Dry COIr'mercml Garb- ag"<', and Class A Rubl)[<;h. <' g Papers. Cartons, Cans. rh'tfl"~, A<;h('<;. Glass La\\n ClipPings. Leaves. etc Type of Reft1~e Service Cla~s B Rubbish, c ~. B' US'J and Tree Trllnmm!:[~. Palm Fronds \Vooden Furniture. etc A 2 da \ s per \\ eek B 6 days per week ~:.r('TIO~ 5227C puint... uf Cnl\f'dlnn nf It...fll"l' Anv refu~e pl:H'eoi for colIec- tl1'n ,1..ll! nllt be pl;u ['u f<'r (ollr>ctlOn lJ1 that portion of anv .strCet 01 DIl['}' auut- tme on propel tv oth['!' tlnn lhe plOp- erlv o\\ncd or conlroll('d j,y th/,' pelson plaCIng tll€' rc!u~" Un other th..l.n cul- le~lion da"s, \\ hen r('fuse collectIOns aI e madl.' froP'! the 5t1('['1. contamers shall h:, stor('d on pt'l\C'le propcrt~' no doser II';'n 10 fect fro'l the street r][;:lt-of- \\ a\' 1 tnE'. unlrss the contamer s dre ~t"re<i In an pnr]0swe \'rH:,re tl'ere l~ a J'u',hc alley alf)ng- "hleh refll~e co]- k<'IIDn" a,c rr'lI\[, all r('fu~e 51)311 be pl;IlCd F0r ('oll('('tI"n upon P'Hiltl.' prop- et t)' \\ Lthm ]0 [I'('t (If th/,' ,tile>' pi 0\ 'd- mr: lhf'rp shaH hc no 0hstrucllO'lS be- n\ ('pn ,ueh 1 ,"I u~e a'ld tile alley prop!'r- ty Itn!" In the> {'\ ['nt lh('1 e IS n,'l suff!- ('I('nt unnl>~Utl('t/,',j ,lira In \\r.llh to rh( (' refuse on ~u{ h plnate rroperl) rcf'l~e mil\ b(' pl.l' pd Sf! as 110t to en- ('- (j~ch Upon a pnhltc nUe\, n'o{"(' than 'I [I'('t If th(" ~ 1<; no publt(. allc" I <'fuse' NJnt:llpcr... ..h 11] be placl'fl fDr collcc- t Illn on lhl' palln\ 1\' not mOl e than 3 fef'! from the nu L . Refll~(> containers shall not Ill" placE'fl for c811c("tlf'n e<Irller thdn " 00 pm a df1s heforE' colle< II(".n dav and not later than 6 "0 a M on thE' nay of cO]]('('t'8n P.t'[~l"e l:'OnlR''1C'15 l'!a('ed upon a pub- lIC street or allc\ for co]'{'{ lion shall h:' remo\l'd ti'f'rl'ft I'm not ]atcr th<In tl (In pm on the (hy of collel'1'on Cld~S B rublll~h not 111 a Lont::\Il1('r shall be placed on tile park\\ay. and sl'all neJll1('r exrcn(! lIlto the street n0r b(' placE'd on am- portIon of a parkway use<i as a Sidewalk Refus€' from a corner lot If there IS no :Iller, rrln he placed m accorf!ance \\ lth the pnl\ bIO\J~ of thIS sectIOn on al1~ ft nntag-e <:long whIch refuse collec- t,,",'1 II Ll('k~ a' e router!, prO\ Ided dll rehse from ~tl('h lots shall he placed for ('olleCflllns dt one plMe SEC'TIO'\ 5227D ('olll'ct:..n of tefu'lC in (""l1trat RU'<hw"s,," D,,,trlct Apvthmg in UI'S Code to the LO'1trary nol\\11 h. stantlmg- the follO\"m~ addltJcll'al reg- ulatIOns shal! apply to the dl"tnct bOllnded by Second Street on the South- \', est. \Vllslllre Bou\e\ ard on the No,th. \\ est, Fourth Street on the :'\nrtheast and Broadway on the Southeasl 1 !>;o refuse, or refuse con tame!!; 1 da\ e\l~rv two \\eeks 1 day every two week~ s~all be placed Uprln. or allm..ed to re- mam upon publte p~operty E'xcert be. 1\\e('n 111C 1111111 ~ of q .\ \1 and 11 A ~r ~Ioll.-lay Tuesdav, \V('dnesduy, Thurs- cL'l} Frldpy an.-J Saturday 2 No refuse <.;hall be stored on pn\'ate prorn'l'ty ex('['pt a In Ii hm 1\'pe contamer approved by the Director of Puhlle \Vorks, b Tn a fully endo<.;eTI blll]dmg. or c \Vnhm an enclo~ure around whIch there IS an opaque w'lll f('nee not less than SJX feet In heIght. so arranged that su](l refllse IS not vlsJble from any pomt out<;lrle the enclosure - 3 ;>;0 rpfll~e f)rll~matLng In any place of hu~me<'l <;hall be pl~( ('(I upon Sa'lta lI.TDnlC'a Mil]] C:;ccond S~rer>t or Foullh Strccl umll'r any (,lrcurn~I:l'1(,('s SF~rION r;~2R R{"fn"l' Cont linN." A rllhhl~h cnntalll{T for c'~s~ A rlJhlJl~h shall hE' a Sl1[,.,t,l"tt'1l ('It'! ubI' receptilrle not t''(C('(',ltllt:" n l!nllolh In cap ]rlt\' Smd ('nnt ,UIIl'r ~hall he l''luWpcd w:th a flttf'd!trl \\I'1<h \\t]] pre\('nt p!lpCr f:0"l s. .t 1,'1 m::: nnd the lId el11.11 ill' equ'PrJr'd \\ Ilh a handl,' Clas'l J\ l ub],'"h n'IlY he pl:J.red for ('ol]ect10n In a r ,lrdbOaJ d rar- ton, In \\hlrl1 e\ent said c<:Ido., 11<;df \0.111 be colle'ted A !'ontal'ler for gar- hage "hall he made of m(.ta] or of a ma- t"";,, 'mpi'T\ '01]5 to watf', <)TIll ..baH be wafer-llr,-ht 1'1 construdJrm, Jt shall not <''\1'('('(1 1 G g lll"n~ In C<lplll'tly and shall b" (''lIII[lPCrl \\ .th a 'Jannle or hnnrlle, of SUrrl.lent <;tr"ngth to Sllr'pl'l t the wf'lc:-ht of the contam.:>r and conlf'nts Smd con- tamer also ~hall be eqUIpped \"11h a \f'nnm-tu::ht Itri WIth handle Dry !'om- merc!.ll ~alha~c may be pla('l'd 111 a con- tamer whu..h mav be eIther a cla~s A ruhlJlsh con tamer, a gill bage eDntamer, or a \\'oodt:>n crate Cla~s B rubbIsh need not be placcd In a contamer Ev('r\' O\\TJer. busm<'$s tenant or le>s- see of premIses (',<c('pt a tenant 0, !p<;see of an mdIYll!UIl! dwell1lJg: llOlt Tn a l'1Ultlple dwelhng-, plod1Jung n'fll~e shall prOvide and at all tlmes keep and mamtnm suitable contalOers adequdte to con tam t11(' re,pe<.tl\'e an''111nts of rduse ordlOarl]Y accumulatmg at sllch place dUring the mtervals betwepn col- lecllons All refuse requued to be placed In c0ntamcrs for collectIon "hall be al'- cumulated olLlv In such contalJll'rs dur- mg mlervab between collectIOns Refuse contamers shaH be cleaned R-52 S.. H211 ....,folllde. b) Ord ;:: 60 Ices Al:!ollled 52163