SR-502-007 (4) GS:SS:JH:a . Courcil M~etIng: t 12, 1985 Sarta ~ca, CalIfornIa I S~2-o0 "7 II--a MA~ 1 2 \985 To: Mayor ar.d CIty Council From: CIty Staff SubJect: SaF>ta MOF>ICa Bay Water QualIty Introductlon DurIng the weeks begIr.r.Ir.g Februa~y 18th ard 25th, the r.ews medIa pUblIcIzed excerpts from research or Southern Callforr.la coastal wate~ qualIty dare dur~r.g 1978 to 1980 apd commerts f~om D~. H. W. Puffer, a pathologIst at the use School of t-1edlclr.e Staff. ThIS InformatIon was reported to Courcll Feb~uary 26, 1985 (Informatlor: Item attached). ThIS report cor:talns addltloflal irformatlon WhICh has subsequertly become avaIlable. The staff belIeves the currert SItuatIon reflectlF>g practices for the dIsposal of tOXIC mate~lals should he evaluated utlllZIflg the same extensIve research methods as performed In 1978-80. A newly formed task force chaIred by Tom Hayden, D-Sarta MerIca, Mallbu, IS apparently Investigatlrg changes to prever:t recurrer:ces, ar:d has already met WIth State Health offICIals. Ir. that meet 1 Pg, the agency agreed to perform a study evaluating ar.y poter.tial publIC health hazards to consumers of fISh from the bay. Ir.cluded In the several groups studylrg the S1. tuatlor: lr. Santa Mor:lca Bay IS the Santa Morica Bay AdvIsory CommIttee. AB 2642 (Hayder), created th is 12-member committee ar,d prov Ided $ 60,000 fUflding to study the SItUation untll Jarual"Y 1, 1986. Local members are: - 1 - II-~ MAR 1 2 198i GS:SS:JH:a Coune 11 Meet If:g: . Sar:ta .ea, CalifornIa 12, 1985 Stan Robbir:s Frank Dor:ahue DaVId Epstein Dan Frumkes ChrIS HardIng Ge"'ald Deluca WIlma Harley Dr. Rimmon Fay Dear:e Dar::a thke WallIng Robert SullIvan Hartin GottlIeb F If: ar:c I a1 Impact No Impact IS ar.ticlpated at thIS tIme. The outcome of the varIOUS current studies WIll be evaluated and some local fInanCIal Ipvolvemer.t may be IndIcated. RecommendatIons Staff plar:s to cartlnue to maritol" and evaluate developments and report slgr.ifIcar.t Information. Prepared by: Stan SchollJ Director of Ger:eral SerVIces Ed Lash, UtIlItIes Mar-ager Jack Hoagland, AdminIstratIve Water Er.gIreer Attachmer;t: Informatlor:: Item - Santa MonIca Bay Water QualIty dated February 26J 1985 - 2 - GS:SS:.J:-i:a Fe'bruary 26, 198. Sa r t a '.\ 0 r. Call f 0'" r 1 a Trfo"matlor Item To: Mayor ard Clty Courcll From: CIty Staff Subject: Sar.ta Morlca Bay wate'" Quallty Recent medIa presertatIors have focused atter-tlon or. wate'" qualIty ard cortamlratlor. of mar1re lIfe ir the Santa Morlca Bay. Several agencIes are irvolved lr; the regulatlor of the bay: The State Departmert of FISh and Game regulates ard mar ages the natural resources of the bay; The Regloral Wate'" QualIty Cortrel Loa"d regulates the dIscharge of materIals WhICh have the bay as theIr ultImate dest1ratIor., ard; The Courty Health Departmert regulates beach access for "ec"'eat10r. uses of the bay water. Mcrltcrlrg of the Los ~rgeles Courty Coastal Waters IS ccrduc:ed prImarIly by t~ree g!"cups, the Los :\.rgeles Cour.ty Sarltatlcr Dlstl'"lct, the Los Argeles City Bureau of Sarltatlor (Hyperlcr Waste DIscharge ~.1orltGrIrg) ard the Southerr Cal1for(la Coast.al Water Researe~ prOject (SCC~RP). Ir add~tlor, the Coast Gua~d ard LIfeguards respcrd to ary lrClderts WhICh nay ~ccur lrvolvlrg pOlft pollutlor sources ( s P 111 5), a r d the C 1 t Y 's .4 ate r :h VIS lor rl 0 r 1 tor s t. h e P 1 C 0 - K e r t e r Stor~ ~ralr outfall. The food ard Drug AdMlr1strat1or regulates - 1 - G2:SS:JH:a . Feb~uary 26, 198 S;J r t. a \i 0 r. Call f 0'" ria all cClTlmercial fISh moveo:Jer-t Hcludlrg that f~cm Sarta. 1'1oflca Bay. The major theme of the recer-t medla actlvlty or the Bay has beer that cor t aml r at ior of f1 sh WI th DDT may pr eser.t a hazard to people who consume large quar,tltles of flSI1 from the bay over lo~g perIods of tIme. Dr. H. W. Puffer, a pqtholog1st at the use School of MedIcIne, ImplIed that so~e car.cer cases may eXlst from thls problem although others lr. thlS research area (prImar1ly Dr. SlUr.OZl of the Reglor.al Wate'" Quality Control Board) feel that there IS rot any eVIdence of specIfIc hUMar health problems f"'om DDT. Furthe'" analysIs of Dr. Puffer's research reveals hIS "'efereree to Santa Morlca Bay IS a gereral tero mear.lr.g esser.tlally all of Southerr. Califorria's coastal waters. The areas of high corcertratlor of DDT l~ fISh are the Southerr portlOr. of Palos Ve"'des OJhIte POHt) ard the L.A. Harbor. The levels of DDT lr. SOMe fish frc~ these a~e2S exceed the FDA aC~:Qr level fJ~ comme~clal flSh (5.0 parts pe~ ffillllor). Levels I~ the actual geog~aphlc Sar~a Morlca Bay are much lower WIth the f1Sh t est e d f... enS art a ~1 0 r 1 c a a r d Hall b u P 1 e r S bel r g 1 O'Z 0 r 1 e s S 0 f the FDA 3CtIOr. level (I.e'r 0.5 ppm D~T or less). The levels If the ro...the~r. Sar:ta 'J[oflca Bay are relatIvely low but they are stIll a se~lOUS erVlro~mertal cor:cerr, although rot ar. appa"'ert acute threat to ror.-professloral ar.glers. - 2 - GS:SS:J)1:a . F'eorud!'"Y 26, 198 Sarta "lC. CalIf.:)rrla . Wlth thIS clarlflcatlor, staff artlclpates cortlrued cooperatlor wIth the Courty Health Departmert u: regards to postll'jg SIE;r.S regardIng hazardous shell fiSh. The current informatIon does rot appear to warrar.t the postIng of slgns by the Clty or ary other agercy regardIng the sUItabllity of fISh for corsumptlor however, cor.tlrued cooperatlor ~lth all Sar.ta MO~lca Bay regulatory ager.Cles wlll be the POlICY of the staff. Prepared by: Star Scholl, DIrector of General ServIces Ed Lash, UtIlltles Manager Jack Hoagla~d, Adnlflstratlve Water Erglr.eer Attachmert A - Persors lrtervlewed regardlr.g DOT Report - 3 - GS:SS:JH:a . February 26, 198 Sart.a ~10r. Ca'_ifo!"rla .. ATTACH~tENT A Persor.s ir.tervlewed regardIr.g the Sarta Morlca Bay DDT Report: Mr. Fry State FISh & Game Dr. ShH:OZl Reglor.al Water Quallty COf'1trol Board 590-5132 744-3251 620-4460 Mr. Saito L.A. Courty Health Richard Gossett Southern Callf. Coastal 435-7071 Dr. Dav Id Browr. Water Research Project Dr. Brlar Melvalr Reglor. 9-EPA 415/974-8106 Note that Dr. Puffer was rot avallable for commert durIrg the tIme thlS lteM was belrg prepared. - 4 - ~ ~. - -- . ,..-~ /t"UL.J ,~~~ //- f! .~ 12, ftJd:r " . -L - (I' / , _ r 1;--- tL o.__pf~ al k-L.a.&"L <; /Lf.-!.A"'- ~JL'C--I.--L v- ~~1 , rl r I ~ !.:{ (-, (,-[r J~ U S J ec, ( . ~ ~~~' '- - ~~\ .$/~3 / / 2 /\fS ~C~-L ---:U,f/J'~7 ~ -+ ~7v -; / t~ ,/---1 '-~ ~ /~ / :: 5 0-I---c-<F-, ~-:c, # I 2-. :Ac~, ~I.~J~' 9'0;/0 <; ~ j--7~" ;z/-/~~ C>-/) C (.1- r ~ L... ~--j.-.....i?- i./ ~'";J.-" ~---'1-1"<-- J {/ ~ _ / c.cX?-, eJ-{f- ~--o.---- 7-/'/1-o-;4.-L~__/ t.zx _~, tYx~,'-c~:r-L>L--Q~- C:;t--l-~--ei__ L~L~-Z-L -y..~~,-::C-tr C .t7C"X/c__ ~~L, ~l/'-__ /..' , -;, t . "t--,: --...JL, C (Y'CC v'--C i.._~_- _ 4L4--~ --L -"7--....----_ - ~- -- ~L-<L---c.....-(.--L0--d-.(:-~___ G-v----" _~b-I.._1.__________- I ~. -- 8 .7Cj~~-t o-u- L C-C-? 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