SR-8-A (9) . . jI(}(f}-00'1-03 Santa Monica. California CA R~~'SSS ssmoosr Slty Co~n~ll Meetina 1-d-85 ~TAlr REPORT R-4 JAN 8 1985 TO. Mayor and City CouncIl FROM. CIty Attorney 5UB3ECT Ordlnance A~endlng Chapter 1 of Ar~icle X of the San~a MODIca MunICipal Code RelatIng to Santa MonIca AIrporL In connect:.10'i wlt:.h the adoptlon of the Santa MonIca Al r'oort Plan and NOIse MItlcatlon Program, the CIty CounCIl rj:r~C"tetj the Cl~V At':ornev to Ol'epa re an ordlnance establlshlna lIew aIrport nOIse regulatIons In response to till '3 dlrectlo~. the accomnanYlng ordInance has been prepared and IS oresented for CIty CouncIl conslderatlon BACKGFQUND T~e Clty ha3 ooera~ed ~he MunIcIoal A!rport contInuously Since 1948. when the UnIted States Government transferred i-: r:1 Y"i. 't r 0 l b a c k r") t- t-l eel t v aft eo [ ... he ~nd of World War II. The rules 90Vernl'1Q ooeratlon of the AIrport were baSIcally (:':Jd 1 f 1 e.j 1 n nrd I rjan'~e NU'l'her 414 i ;~CS ; . adopted In 1953 A 5erIes of ordinances Intended to requlate nOIse at the AIrport ',./.3:::: ~nact:erj IJet'^,een 1973 anel 197'3 These ordinances were conC::lcere-j by t.he Federal courts 10 Santa MonIca AI.!]2Q!:'.t. ll~.;; Q~J_.s! 1:01 Q~ ~ C lDl- 0 f _;:EJll-fL1:1Qll.l..f.E!. . 479 F Supp 927 lC D Cal 1 ~! 7 9 " ~f~ 6 =, 9 F. 2 d 1 ij U ! 9 t r, C 1 r. 1. 9 8 1 '] . In that case, t.}le "~'l+-ed 3tar-r:. l"'Yjc': or ;0:)':0':;;':'. al~ltoq')h invalldatlna an 1 6>-,4 JAN 8 /985 . . ordInance b 3. n 11 I no l~t 31rrraft from ~he AIrport. upheld the other nOIse reaulatlons as reasonable measures to protect the 'lllJnlCIOal enVlrOnme'1t from the effects of aircraft. nOise In January. 1984. the Cl~Y Council approved Resolution 6814 [CCS '; ;;idoot1 l'1Cl -an A:rDort Plan and NOIse MltloatIon Peooram for the AIrport and approvIng an AIrport Agreement ...rlth the Federal AVIation AdmInistration (FAA! providing for the operatIon of the AlrDort until the year 2015 The Aoreement calls fl~r the redevelopment and inprovement of Airport faCilities and the implementatIon of the NOise t-lltlGCition Proaram ThIS ordinance implements the NOIse MltloatIon Prooram by redLJClnq the maXimum "SIngle event" or ." SENE~ It nOise 11 ml t f CO";l 100 deCibel.;;: [dB j to 95 dB and 1 n s tIt '.; tIll q adm 1111 stra t I ve remedies and procedures for Its enforcerr'ent. In October. 1384. Sraff proposed that the entIre chapter governll1<;:l the AIrport be revIsed to remove obsolete language rtnlj prov I S 10n'5 Dn~e'UP1: ed - - bv Federal r-eaulatlon of the navIgable airsoace of the UnIted States. as well as to lmplenent t.L.e Alcoort Aareement The AICDort CommISSion ccnslde::-ed a "dISCU'S::'>IOr: outlIne" of the proposed AIrport Code Re v I S 1 ,) ': a tIts October 1934 meetlna, acceoted the structure of t~H:~ proposal. and referred the proposal to the AIrport WorkIna Grouo fThe AIrport WorkinQ GrJup is an informal advlsor-y Dody composed of AIrport neIghbors. AIrport userS, and aovernment offICIals. WhlCb was convened to aSSIst In the develooment of the AIrport Plan and NOIse MItIgatIon prograw. 2 . . The WorkIng Group dIscussed proposed text on October 22, 1984. N~ve~~er 2~ 1984 and D~cember 12. 1984 SectIons '''''eTe added. deleted. and modIfIed In lIght of comments and concern t.v Workino Grouo memhecs and the Federal AViatIon AdminIstratIon [~O ensure that the ordInance IS In accordance Wlt}-, r~'e Al ro,""'rt ~,<] t- eemen ~ Sind does not confll~~ WIth any Federal AVIatIon Reculatlons) The constructive comments and effort bv the l1embers of the AIroort Worklna Group ale aCknowledged and apprecIated The ~IrDar~ CommISSIon. at Its meetIng on December 17. 1984. favorably consIdered a draft of the ordinance SInce the I\lfoort C Oll1fl1I S'; I ,)f. mee~lna. the CIty Attorney ~as made varIOUS technIcal chanaes to the ordInance. LEGA1_3.NALYSI5 The CIty'S rIGht. as orOOfletor of the AIcoort. to adopt ~'e a S <:I nab 1 e regulatIons to protect the local enVIronment from the UnIted States Court of .3.1rCr3ft ~OI~e was establIshed by ApDeals for the NInth CIrcuIt 10 Santa MODIca Alroort a~2~atlQrr-y~_CI!Y-2L_Santa~~~A The Aareement WI th the FAA resolved the legal controversy ovpr the e~teq~ to Whl~h the CIty c0uld re9ulate nOIse Under that agreement. the CIty may reduce Its maXImum .31nal", event nOIse lImIt to 9~ dB. ado?t a performance based nOIse lImIt. and maIntaIn the currect restrIcLIons on pattern flYII1? nlClr.t ,jeoar t'JI'es , ana helIcopter traInIng. TIll '3 ordInance Implements the terms of the Agreement 3 . . The rIaht of the CIty as proprIetor to adopt regulatIons governIng field 00eratlons O~ the AIrport 1; well establIshed The changes to fIeld regulatlons are. for the most part) technIcal and editorIal 1n nature The proposed permIt and appeals procedures are non-dIscrimInatory and allow fleXible, effI'~lent ("1'111 rerned I ~." The varIOuS leClal claIms of IndiVidual ooerators are. far the most part. unaffected by the ordInance. t.he sole exc,=,pt10n IS that the orocedures for scheduled aIr serVIce permits have been modIfied so that all 'iew - . ~ -:l ~ L ,- Fl r l' 1 e l' ora PC' '3 a 1. s must be -3CCOffiOanled by an envIronmental assessment. Since an EnVironmental Impact Report was certIfIed 10 CODDectlon WIth the adoptIon of the AIrport Plan and NOIse M I t I ':J a '= ;. 0 n Pro? r a ill. the lIn 9' a. <:' t 5 <) f t I j1::> q <) I S e [' e q u 1 at Ion s h a v e alreadv been evaluated and no further envIronmental assessment 1'": renull'ed SEt-':' ION BY SECTION ANAL YS IS The d:-aft: ordInance IS l'i1lmbered somewhat dIfferently than tre eXlstlng MUD1CIpal Cod~ prOVISIons (MunICIpal Code P..c:lcle x. C hap::.el' 1 J. SeC~10ns lOlOO-10145j We have oraanlzed trle Airport Code Int.o rour subchapters. General P c {) V 1 .3 1 -"I n s .Sectlons lOOOO-1:J0021. NOlse Abatement Code fSe-ctlc.ns l0050-100591) AlrDoet Field Reaulatlons iSectlons lillnO-lrlllq.;, 31ld Glossary of technical ter'1lS (SectIon llJ150J ,II summary outlIne of the oroposed AIrport Code follows T..-lhe r e .3?D:roprIare. co r t- e s 0')11'11 fl') sectIons of the eXlst:lna 4 . . MuniCipal , = .:' d ear e I [i dl ;- ate d The essence of ~roposed new or changed preVISions IS orleflv described A GENERAL PROVISIONS See t I I} r. 1 j) 0'3 0 .Name-,-_DllrDos~, and scop~ This defInes the scope of the 'AlrDort Code" as aovernlno the use and operatIon of the Airport and states the C1er'eral p\J!"Dcse of the 0rdlnance It IS based on eXlstln0 SectIon 10100 With "clean-uo' :anguage changes. SectloiI 10DU1 ~~thorltv for Reaulatlons This s~ates ~hat the CIty IS exerCISlna Its proprietary powers over the Airport conSistent With federal and state control over oreemoted areas :t IS based on eXlstIna Section 10100ro, . With lanouaae cnanCes primarily drawn from the Alroort Agreement Section 1U002 Powers of AIL22r~Dlrec~Q~. ThIS section states the general enforcement authority of the ;lroort D Ire c t 0 ~' and four specific powers. General au'::.horl ty to enfor'ce law~ requlatlons. and orders. delay of -3.1rCr3f1:- ooeratlons; susoenSlOP of flluhts. and regulations It IS derived from several Code sections, Including 10105(c) 10eaCe officer aod rul~-makl~~ authority) 10113 [~usoenslon of flIahts) 10134 [discretion of DlrectorJ. and 10144 Ipower to eiec': or deny use to VIolators) The "peace officer" Dowers of the Alrcort Director have been deleted. as has the oower ~ 0 d eo" c 1. ear an':" e '3 3 r..j '5 u s pen d p l' act Ice f i I 0 h t s "I nth e 5 . . lpterest <='f S :l f e tv" The Idle-maklno provlslons have been slmpllfJed B AIRCRAFT NOISE ABATEMENT CODE Sectlon 10050. Name P~r005e. and Scope. The NOIse Code would b€ separately named for ready reference. Its General Intent IS to encourage all pIlots ~Slna the Al~?Ort t~ fly theIr aIrcraft a~ qUIetly as possIble conslstenL wIth aVIatIon safety It IS also Intended to set max IlTll~m lI~Its on oer~ISSlble ~lrcraft nOIse and to reoulate nloht and repetItIve aIrcraft operatIons as well as hellcooter '.)perat !,,")ps Tl-te Code wc,jJ Id (Iovern all take-offs fl'om. landIngs at, aDd other operatIons from the AIrport. S e <:' t 1 'J n 1 0 0 C, 1 Aut h <) r 1 t Y f 2I Reg u 1 a t Ion S . ThIS sectIon reCItes that the CIty 5 power to regulate nOIse derIves from the prInCiples of Santa MonIca AlrpQrt a~~ocI~~~Q~__Y-____f~~ and the Clt.y s AlrDort Agreement and approved NOise MItIGatIon Program 5ectlvtl 10052 BaSIC D~ lQC'IPles TblS :; e c t I ':tn states fO'l1' baSIC enforceMe~t prInCIples for nOIse VIolatIons FIrst IS cooperatIon WIth the pIlot conrnll":""'"ll ":.".r Second IS the aeneral orohlbltlon on ViolatIons of the Code. AIrport DIrector reQUlatIons or order::., and 3collc.'\h:e stat.:. and fe,:J.er-al laws ThIrd IS that all leases. !,,'erml t.s . and contractual rIqhts are condItIoned on compliance WI til law 3nd mav ~e rev~ked for ~ultlple Violations after a 6 . . h e a 1 i n .J Fou~th 15 ~he duty of the AlrDort Director ~o Inform all persoqs uSInq the AIrport of applIcable regulatIons. to '.:'"o~Jn se 1 ard educate pIlots. and to record vIolatIons and take approprlate actIon. S~ctlOr< 1n053 CIVIl ThIS and sectIon Eli f orcem.::l! t an,j Appea 1 est3tll~hes standards and procedures for admInIstratIve enforcement of nOIse vIolatIons by ~he AlrD0r~ Dlrect0r Th~re are e:gbt subsectIons A VIolatIons of the NOIse Code are remedIable by order _,f ~~e ~:r?ort DI~ect0r 3~~ctlon5 m3Y be Impo~ed for reoeat or wilful vIolatIons B Ealh vIolatIon IS punIshable by a CIVIl penalty of UD to $500. a 5uspen810n elf aIrport prIvileges or permIts for un '::') one veal'. (aft:er "'JtlTlcatlon to the FAJ!>.I. or both The AIrport DIrector may also reqUIre the abatement .::>f v "' 0 1 a t 1 'J'l S ar.d cOf'l.DllanCe WIth conditions related to abatement of further vIolatIOns. D The A.lr'Dort D 1 r' e c tOt' shall conSider all relevant fact~r~ in enforclrc the NOIse Code. IncludIng the WIlfulness. number and severIty of violatIons. weather ~ondltlons! and the eXIstence and USE? of safe nOIse abatement procedures ap!:Jt""0t)t- 1.3 te to the a 1 r- c t- 3 f t The prOVISIons of the AIrport Agreement C0ncernlng violations of the 95 dB maximum nOIse Ilml~ have been lr,corD0rrited E Orders of th~ AlrDolt Director are appealable to the CI tu s Year 111<] Exa'Ull'er 7 . . F ,A, WIlful 'J 1) lac I 0 i1 ot an oc,jet' of the A.Irport DIrecto~ IS punIshable as a mIsdemeanor ,~ If d person falls ~~ Day a CIVIl penalty WIthIn 30 days. the AIrport DIrector shall Impose a 10\ late charge and mav ~x~lude the Ge~SQn from the Alcooet until full payment IS JTIade ti Tr-L€ re~edles upder SectIon 10053 are supplementary LO other legal or eaultable remedIes avaIlable to the CIty SectIon lfJ054 Re=.Q0n~.lt:)lllty for' CompllaIlce T"!--: 1 S .:; e c :: 1 r) ;-1 01' ,) V 1 d e ~ :hat an .:ccder of the AlrOcHl: DIrector mav be dIrected to a P 1 lot. a I r n- aft owner, or alrrraf~ acCOrdInG ta CIrcumstance3 and prescrIbed standards An alrcKafl may be excluded from the AIrport If It exceeds '!oIse Illnlt.S We dIstInguIsh between "LIsted AIrcraft," w~lch cannot comply wIth the maXImum SENEL and may ~ e ex c- 1. u d e d aft e 1- 1: he f I t- S t v 1 0 1.;; t: 1 r) n 0 f t it e 9 5 d B 11m 1 t, and "PermItted AIrcraft." WhICh may be excluded after repeated Vlo2--3tIOt'3 1 f t:he 31rc~aft 1-:; "lIkely 1:.0 vIolate [SectIon 100551 even If flown aCCOrdInG to recommended safe operatIng ~roc@dures under normal weat~er condItIons ~11 ots may be sanct: loned for repeated nOIse VIolatIons wIthIn the con!::t0l 0f the Pllot and not caused by an approprIate and safe response to an emergency PIlots can o"lv be 3anct:lo-r:ed If the\! 1 n d 1 V 1 d '1 a 11 y co rom I t m u 1 tIp 1 e vIolatIons. The m...n e r' I ,) t P e l' t: r. ant he p 1 lot. -I 0 f ape r m I t t e d aIr era f t based ot t!,e P. 1 roo l' t IS sut:;1ect to sal.ctIons I f he 'n- she 8 . . rails to adVise the pl~ot of the NOise Code or recoqnlzed safe pcocedUl'es to achIeve compliance An owner of a listed 31:'craft IS al20 sub r e r: t r. ,', ilPe or exclUSIon We have defined "owner" to include FBOs who allow thIrd parties to use 3.n aircraft under a lease-haCk 30reemept wIth the registered owner S~ctlon 10055. Maxln~m NOIse LimIt No aIrcraft shall exceed a Slnqle Eve~t NOIse Exposure Level iSENEL) of 95 deCibels as measured at the AIrport NOIse "1cn~to::nCi S-t:.3!:1()11'3 TbJ."S aPlel)d3 e:<l_=;tlliO Sectlcn 10105 to lower the maXImum nOise limit as called for DY the AIrport :"'r:n eeme"-,': T~ 1. < additional nOl~e mODltorl[)Q statlOn'3 are established. an SENEL limit eqUIvalent of 95 dB at the orl?lnal ~onltor10n ~tatIon~ WIll apply The effect of Section 10055 cannot be precisely oredIcted Some alr~raft types. most of WhICh are not based at the AIrport. WIll be unable to meet the 95 dB limIt. Some tvoes. 9redominatelv Jet;. tWin enOlne pcopellor aircraft. and "warbirds. ,. WIll samet lfnes meet and sometimes exceed the lImIt As to these alrc~3ft. the Airport Director and NOise Abatement Officer Will use both educatIon and sanctIons under 5 e ,- t I r) 11 S 1 0 0 5 2 -1 i) n 54 t <) e f, for ':: e and a bat. e v I 01 a t 1 0 n s SectIon 10056 Performance Based NOise LImIt ThIS new section Will Implement the Performance Based NOI'5e L Ilnl t called fnr ~)y t ~j ~ Airport Aoreement. SectIon 10056 prOVIdes that ~o aIrcraft shall exceed tne SENEL lImIt :; . . e5tabllshed by the Alroort DIrector as the lowest SENEL lImIt ,:hat can be met ~v the type of alI~raft concerned consIstent wIth safe operatIng procedures It has three maIn pOInts. A Ti11S Perfor~ance-3ased NOIse LImIt shall be establIshed by the AIrport DIrector pursuant to a two-year experlm~ntal peooraro 111 accordance wIth the AIrport Aareement. B Performance-Based NOIse LImIts shall be based on actual meaS'H-ements of .:::t1rer-aft coer-atlons. c. PepdIng completIon of thIS experImental program, no P 1 1 ,) t who vIolates the Performance-Based NOIse L1mlt but does not VIolate the maXImum nOIse ll~lt of 95 dB may be fIned or excluded from the AIroort SectIon 101)57 ~ours of OOeratIon Pu l~S uan t to the All"port AgreementJ eXIstIng SectIon l0inl WIll remaIn e3sentially JDchanged SectIon 10058 Re2trlctlons on AIrcraft Operatlon~ Pursuant to the Alroort Agreement. eXIstIng SectIon 1{jl11 Wlll rernalll essentlall~ unchanged The 5ectlon has been re-pamed. 'Touch and qo' and' stop and go" operatIons are orohlDlt::ed '-,n Sat'lrdays. Sundays. and holIdays. and durIng sunset and 7'00 a m wee~days between one-half hour after Se,-tI0n 10059 HellC0o~eL OperatIons COnSl'3t~'Jt WIth the AIroort Aoreemept no addItIonal c;'lbstantlal hellcoptel' operatlons WIll based at t'le Alroort: d u 1- 1 no the nOIse be permItted to be evaluatIon perIod Pucsuant to the AIrport Agreement. the eXIstIng ban on 10 . . hellcootec pattern flYIng and traIning operatIons fSectIon 10105,;:1,; 211 w:ll remaIn 'll1-:hanaed The prohIbItIon or new based hellcopter actIvity IS authorIzed lJut not reQuIred by the AIrport Aareement concurred With the Staff Although most of the WorkIng Group proposal. one ODerato~ co~t~nded that the moratorIum on based helIcopter o'OeratIons should not be Imposed untIl after comoletlon I)f the st:'ldv A separate orooosa1 for a helIcopter nOIse study wIll be ')resel',:er] In tbe l'ear future ~ regulat:on may be developed establIshIng nOIse monItorInq statIons underlYIng flIght t l' a c k s actually flown by helIcopters. WIth a maXImum 5ENEL equIvalent to the lIniIt of 95 SENEL at the orIgInal monItors. C AIRPORT FIELD REGULATIONS See t ~ ,) n 1 f) 1 C; 0 Nal'le ocrDOse. and s~ope ThIS sectIon states that the 'FIeld Reoulatlons" are Intended ~o maIntain the safety and economIC VIabIlIty of the po, 1 ~ Y) 'J C +- an'J goveCG all a~tlvIty of persons, motor vehIcles. alid aIrcraft on the around The FIeld RegulatIons shall not derooate ohllaatIons Imposed bv oresent or future FHO leases or ot~er contracts SectIon 11)l01 CommercIal Oper'atlons. T;--,I S s pet I 'J'1 contlnlles the eXIstIna l'equ 1 t-ement; In SectIon 10102 that no persop shall use the AIrport as a base for anv co mme l' CIa 1 aCLI'JI~Y WIthout an 'operatIo~s permIt" lssued by the CIty Manaaer. ThE- term "commercIal actIVIl:Y' IS - ~ . . defIned to 1 n '_ 1 u d e both aViatIon and non-aVIation bUSIness uses on the Alcoort T I, ere was milch dlSC'~SSlon about the scope of requIrements for operatIons permIts, mostly centered around f~lght 1 n s t [' U c t Lon dpd a~lcraft maIntenance FIxed-base ooerators maintaIned tbat free-lance commercIal operatIons both +:hreaten 1:heiT e C 0 ~11) nll ::; VIabIlIty and deny the CIty adequate control over safety. FIlots and free-lance mechaniCS '1ldl'ltalr'ed that there was lIttle potentIal economIC damage to FBOs and that safety concerns could be met by re?lstratlon and proof of FAA ':.=>rtIfl(::ation Staff i~ primarily concerned that InstrLlrtors are accountable for InformIng and educatIng studellt ?Ilots as ~o nOise abatemept and that rules governing mecranlcs not dlSCrlJTllnate In favor of eIther free-lance rv~chan 1 CS: or fIxed-based 0perators. while ensuring safety and protectln? rhe CIty from Dotentlal liabllltv. We h-3ve pt'OVIded f'''r a dIscretionary expedIted permit procedure for fll?~t Instructors and mechaniCS not r~qulrlng a fi,<ed base iisee Section lU1G2lbi Stapdards f ':J r flIght: Instructors and mechanICS are contaIned In SectIons 10104 and lOins. SectIon 10102. Operatl,)nS Perrrl1:s. TbI":' section states the stat1dards and plocedures for operatIons oermlts There are ten subsectIons: A ApDll.:a t I 0'15" are ore~ented to the Airport DIrector on an approved form and conSIdered by the AIrport CommISSIon 0e~ore : s'O'IJance 0f a oerffilt by the Cl ty "1anager' ReqUIred 12 . . Informat10n Include3 IdentIfIcatIon of prInCIpals, documentatIon of fInanCIal responSibility, types of serVIce to be Pk-O'} Ided, ar-d type~ alLd nl.1mt,.er of aircraft proposed to be l'sed B Reoulatlons prOVIdIng for expedIted procedures for commercial ooeratlons not requiring a fixed oase at the AIrport shall l:)e oromulaated Unless the Airport Director determines that the scope and charact:er of the proposed serVice req~l:es a ful~ operations permIt. an expedIted permIt shall be Issued bv the AIrport DIrector upon proof of FAA cer':lflcatlon, aareement t,) IndemnIfy the CIty. conditIons relatln0 to motor vehicles used in the servIce, and payment of anv fees Or In~urance r~qulre~ents that ~ay be prescribed by the Cl1:y CouncIl Employees of operatIons permIt holders need no~ obtain a sEoarate oermlL - - ~ '- An operatIons permIt shall IdentIfy the locatIon of tlte h_~.:. 1 . ct ::0 '- and the speCIfIC ;J ses pecmltted ll,nlendmen t procedures are prOVIded D Jl.,opi Ication3 for" cornmerclai "aIr carrIer" serVice ll:"1cludlnQ COfl1muters and other federally-certIficated flIght actlvlt;.e~l mvst Identifv aIrcraft nOIse, automobIle traffiC and ot.her environment.al Impacts and propose necessary mltIoatIon measuces A.n operat"ions Dermlt 1. "3 supplementary to other development reVIews. bUSIness lIcenses and approvals. An FBO lease d,::,e,:; not constItute 30 operations permit unless It So speclfles_ 13 . . F Pernllts may De denIed or granted sUbJect to standard condlt-:cns or oartlculac . +- r:-onc 1 'e IOnS related to safety. economIC vIabIlIty. or envIronmental concerns DeCIsIons of tbe "~11::\J Manaaer are Lina... sublect to ludlClal reView D Appllcatlons are deemed approved SUDlect to standard '-;:11,,:1 1 t: ""'IS If not acted on withIn 60 day~ of the fILIng of a comDleted appllctlon. The CIty Manager may extend the .-jeadlll,e f,:,l:' 2r, ad':lltIonal sn nays H OperatIons permIts may not be granted untIl all or::i,ec c ~ a U 1 t' -= d a ;) 0 r 0 v 3 l:s a l- e see u c e d . except that a bUIlding permIt mav not be granted WIthout an operatIons permIt. r The ~lrDort DIrector may Issue an order dIrectlna a permIt holder to comply With the Airport Code or pet"ml t c0'1d:t:l0n'3 1\ WIlful ~JlOlatlon of an order IS arounds for SllsoenSlon or revocatIon of a permIt, appeals are to the Bearln') S:-::amlner J . P\-cceSSlqq fees for ODeratlon-:; permIts and FBO leases May be establIshed by the CIty CouncIl Section i'Hil3 EX~DtlOn'3 ThiS ,:.ect~on prOVIdes exemotlons from operatlOn'3 permIt procedllres for flYIng clubs and the sale or lease of personal dlr"::-raft F1YID() clubs are defIned as non-peoflt membership Or' 0 a fll Z a t 1 on s formed to allow for mult.Iple ownershIp of a::.rcraft ~ flYlng Cl1lb IS exempt fr0'll obtaInIng an ooeratlons permIt If It obtaIns a permlt from the Airport :Jlrector t:>'t 3ubrnlttlro Its bv-law~ and peoof of non-oroflt 14 . . stat'!-=; FlYIng clubs ffi3V no~ enaage In commercIal activIty The sec-tl'Jn IS based on a Dart of eXIstIng SectIon 10138 'Ca<:eac.rles 0f A I I- " C aft 1 wh 1 ChI S otherWIse proposed to be deleted frow the Code A Der'o;;cn may sell hIS or her oersonal aIrcraft wIthout obtalnlna an opera~Ions permIt, sublect to a lImItatIon of two sales wltl'lln a year A pet~'3on may also lease oersonal aIrcraft to an FEO wIthout obtaInIng an operatIons permIt S>:?ctlon 10104 FlIGht Instructors EXIsting :3 e C ': 1 0" 5 10126 and l0126A. t- e qUI r I n 9 f 1 I 9 h t Instructors to be certIfIed by the FAA, to reolster wIth the . AIrDort Dlre-:tor. and t,) adv I '3:e students of nOIse abatement and other AlqJO~t regula.tlons, would remaIn sUbstantIvely unchanged FIloht Instructors must also agree to l~demnlfy the CIty. Except for employees of operations permIt holders, fllaht Instruc~ors must ob~aln an exoedIted permIt. SectIon 10105 s...u:..~!~~.Lt_Ma In tenance and Re~l!: ThIS sec~lon provIdes standards under WhICh aIrcraft r1a.111tena~~re and rena11 IS p~rformed MechanICS must be certified by t~e FAA. reolster With the AIrport DIrector, and acrree to Indemnify the CIty TIle Llty may Impose necessary condItIons relatlno to automobIles used by mechanICS. ~ecr.anIC:;3 mus,: keeo ~al~~enance areas clean and ensure adequate access fOr other AIrport users Except for employees :>f ')oerat Ions oernll t he ider' S . mechanICS must obtaIn an expedIted DermIt. ThIS sectIon does not purport to regulate 15 . . the quaIl -::y Ol~ manner of repaIr serVIces or maIntenance See'JICeS SectIon 1010t. lndemnltv T~e requIrement that aIrport users IndemnIfy the CIty IS derIved from eXIstIna SectIon 10103 SectIon 10107 In~g!:an~g Slmllar~ly, the requIrement that aIrport users have p'JblI'": llabllltv 1 P 3 U r' a '1 c e In am amO'ln t set by the CIty CouncIl IS derIved from eXIstIna SectIon 10103. A clause ['eOI] 1 r 1 no the Cltv to be named an addItional Insured has been added T~~re was ~ucn dIScussIon c0ncernlng the amount and type of Insurance requIred. partIcularly from free-lance mechanICS Wh0 felt that the l~surance carCled by the aIrcraft owner was sufflC!ent Staff belIeves that the specIfICS of Insurance reau i L~em=nt'3 "3hould be addressed "3eparately when the CIty HoweverJ CouncIl consIders fees and InSurance reqUIrements. Staff lJelleves t:hat some form ,)f adequate publIC lIabilIty InSUlance ?rotectlon should be reqUIred based on the adVIce of InsurHnce ~Qnsultants and rIsk manaaer's S~ctIon 10108 ~~r~L~i1_T~~=Do~~_~nQ_HaQgar_Rental EXIstl~q Sectlon 10121. prOVidIng that tIe-down and han,)a r rentals be set by CIty CounCIl ResolutlonJ would be Sllshtly modIfIed. Proposals for the substance of tIe-down and hanaar rePtal~ WIll be addrp3sed separately 16 . . '3ectlon lu109 La'1dlna Fees The subst-3.pr'i'> of eXIstlno SectIon 10142. whIch establIshes a s~~edule of charges for landlnas at the Airport b V va r I .) U S cateaorles of c0m~erclal aIrcraft. is re-stated Landino Fees mav be establIshed or amended by City CouncIl Resol')':lon LandIno fees: are charoed only for tranSient comrperclal operatIons; persons: and busInesses based at the ~lrpor~ would be exemot from LandIno fees. as IS presently the case A reVised fee proposal will be separaLely considered by the Worklno Group 31ld Alrpor~ CommIssIon ID the near future. a - - report :5 now In oreoaratlon. SectIon 10110 TechnIcal Codes Th l":; orOVl3Ion orovIdes that structures at the AIrport are sublect to applIcable prOVISions of the uniform Lechnlcal c 0 n :;!: r 'J C 1: 1 0 n ,- 0 des ado '0 t e d by 1:. h eel t y SectIon 10111 FIre Reaulatlons. EXlstlna Section 10115. whIch contaIns numerous fIre safetv DrOVlSlons. has been SimplIfIed but IS sUbstantIvely unchanged The UnIform FIre Code as adopted by the CIty and other fIre laws are made applIcaole SectIon 10112 ~lL~~L1-~LQ~nd OperatlQrr~ Th!s section Incorporates eXlstlng SectIons 10116 (r~~nl~g enQlnesl 10117 f3ircraf~ securIty), 10118 [OperatIng whIle IntoxIcated}, and 10120 (removal of wrecked or damaged alrr:r~ft:l The larq~age has been SImplIfIed 17 . . SectIon 1[~113 F';e::'l'-I'J Ooeratlon Thl-:= sectIon would establIsh safety standards for aIrCraft fuel]no operatIons consIstent WIth state. federal, and IGcal fIre law It alSO orovldes a recognltlon of a pllot's rIoht ~o fuel hIS or her own aIrcraft and a provIsIon 1:l)at serVIce fee'3 f.') r ~asollne and 011 sales may be escabllshed by the CIty CouncIl [modIflcatIon of SectIon 10123; '3 pe elf Il~ c;tandards for fuelIng trucks may be developed. '3 e,~ t 1 iJ n 1 '-, 1 1 4 Ul.rallgnt Alrrraft UltralIght 3Ircrafc. as deflned by federal regulatIon [FAR Part 1031. are prOhIbIted from operatIng at the AIrport On tl)e advlce of the FAA. we have provIded that such a prohIDltIon be establIshed pendln9 verIfIcatIon by the FAA and t~e CI~l' that ul~rallQht aIrcraft ~annot safely operate at the AIrport SInce It ]$ wldelv aareed that the operatIon of ultralIght aIrcraft In busy urban aIrports such as Santa ~Oll1C8 m3V Interfere W]t~ aVlarlon traffiC. 9artIcularly where there IS no avaIlable seoarate rUDway or fllght corrIdor. It IS not a~tIcIpated that ultraliGhts will be permItted at the AIrport In the foreseeable future Sectlon lr1115 Motor Vei-}lc~eS EXl5tlng Code provlslon5 dealIng wlth ground vehicles at ~he AIro0rt have been consolIdated and SImplIfIed These Incl'Jde SectIons 10127 (parKIn{~l 10128 [o~eratlng on 18 . . deSlonated t"'oadways; l012BA lsceed lllnlt' l0128B ltraffIC sIgnsl 10129 [excepted vehlclesl. 10130 lno autos on landIng 5" t rip 1. 1') 1 3 1 J V I ala tIC n s l, and 1 iJ 1 3 3 I aut ~ 0 r 1 t Y toe 0 VI I _ The term "motor vehicle" Includes bIcycles as well as automobIles, e'::c SectIon 10116 Pede.3tt'lans. EXlstlna Sectlon 10132. DrohIDltlng oedestrlan access to landlna areas IS retaIned 5"",.tlO'1 10117 ExperImental Fllohts EXIstIng SectIon 10137, prohlbltlng experImental fllohts or ground demonstrations WIthout permission of the Airport D1 rect',r IS retaIned SectIon 10118. Dam~g~B~Qort~~~d ResponSlbIllty. EXIstInq Section 10135 (responsibilIty for damage to Alf00rtl WIll r~maln unchanaed SectIon 10119 ~Q~~Q~_Pictur~~ ThIS sectIon replaces eXIstIng Sections 10125 [permIts and re~~al fOf motIon Dlcture 3CtlVltyJ and 10140 [stIll and sound pI ctures "I PerlTlIts for commercIal photography at the Alfoort wOllld be aranted by the AlrpOL't DIrector WI th necessary condItIons. Fees would be set oy the City CounCIl. Section 10120 Penalty ~ vlolatl~n of a FIeid Reoulatlon IS made a mIsdemeanor 19 . . D. GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS. Se':tion 10150 DefInItIon of Terms. A al,)ssarv of - - t'?chnIcal terms used In the Code. IncludInq nOIse abatement specIfIcatIons. has been made a separate .=ectllJn The ter-ms thus far defined Include "flIght patte!'n, " "sound pressure level," "A-weIghted sound pressure 1 eve 1 . ,; "Slngle Event NOIse Exposure Level (5ENEL J ." and "CommunIty NOlse EqUIvalent Level lCNEL) RECOMMENDATION It IS re3pectfully ~ecommended that the accompanYIng ordInance be Introduced for fIrst readIng Pre9ared oy Robert M ~yer5. CIty Attorney 5tephen 5 Star~. ASSIstant CIty Attorney 20 . . CA:RMM:SSS:sssmog3 Clty Councll Meetlng 1-8-85 Santa Monlca Callfornla ORDINANCE NUMBER (Clty Councll Serles) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANTA MONICA AMENDING CHAPTER 1 OF ARTICLE X OF THE SANTA MONICA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE SANTA MONICA AIRPORT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANTA MONICA DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Chapter 1 of Artlcle X of the Santa Monlca Munlclpal Code, conslstlng of Sectlons 10100 through 10144, IS repealed In lts entlrety_ SECTION 2. Chapter 1 IS added to ArtIcle X of the Santa Monlca Munlclpal Code to read as follows: Chapter 1 - MUNICIPAL AIRPORT Subchapter A. GENERAL PROVISIONS. SECT ION 10000. Name, Pur pose, and Scope. ThlS Chapter shall be called the Santa Monlca Alrport Code. It governs the use and operatlon of the Santa Monlca ~1unlclpal Alrport (TIthe AIrport"). The Alrport Code lS Intended to provlde for . . reasonableJ safeJ and efflclent use of the Alrport as a publlc transportatlon faclllty and as a base for aVlatlon and aVlat1on-related operatlons and to protect the munlclpal enVlronment from the effects of alrcraft nOlse. SECTION 10001. Authorlty for Regulatlons. The Alrport Code 1S adopted pursuant to the Clty'S power as owner, operator, and proprietor of the Airport to regulate the use of the Alrport, conSls"tent wlth the power of the Un1ted States Government to and alrcraft safety. control alr trafflc Th1S Code also constitutes an exerC1se of the CIty's polIce power over ground operatlons, motor veh1cles, and other matters not preempted by State or Federal law. SECTION 10002. Powers of AIrport Dlrector. The Alrport Dlrector shall have the rlghtJ powerJ and authorIty to enforce thlS Code and other lawsJ regulatlonsJ and orders relatIng to the use of the Alrport. These powers Include the followlng specIflc powers and dutIes: 2 . . (a) General AuthorIty. The AIrport DIrector IS Invested wIth all rIghts, power and authorIty of the CIty to Issue orders and enforce orders, laws and regulatIons pertaInIng to the use of the AIrport. (b) Delay of AIrcraft OperatIOns. The AIrport DIrector may delay or restrIct any aIrcraft operatIon subJect to any lImItatIons Imposed by State or Federal law and In accordance WIth the follOWIng standards: (1) DIscretIon may only be exercIsed where there IS reason to belIeve that a person or aIrcraft WIll VIolate or has VIolated the proprIetary rIghts of the CIty, that a VIolatIon of thIS Code IS ImmInent, or that ItS exerCIse IS necessary for the protectIon of the publIC healtn, safety, or welfare. (2) The AIrport DIrector may Issue an order ImpoundIng any aIrcraft untIl charges for storage, supplIes, or serVIce rendered to It by the CIty shall have been paId. (3) NothIng In thIS SectIon shall authorIze the AIrport DIrector to 3 . . deny access to the Alrport to employees of the Federal Government or to other persons ln case of an emergency. (c) Suspenslon of Fllghts. The Alrport Dlrector, by approprlate notice, may restrlct or suspend all flights or flYlng when required by mllltary need, emergency, or other speclal clrcumstances. (d) Regulatlons. The Alrport Dlrector, with the approval of the Clty Attorney, may adopt rules and regulations to carry out the purposes of thiS Chapter. The Airport Dlrector shall publiSh such rules and regulations once ln a newspaper of general Clrculatlon wlthin the Clty of Santa Monlca. Wlthln ten (10) days of the date of publlcatlon of such rules and regulatlons, any interested person may flle a request wlth the Alrport Director that the Alrport CommlsSlon reView the rules and regulatlons so publlshed. The rules and regulatlons shall be flnal at the eXplration of the perlod for requestlng for reVlew reVlew ln the event no request lS flIed, or ln the event of the flllDg of a request for reVlew, when 4 . . the rules and regulations have been approved by the AIrport CommISSIon. Subchapter B. AIRCRAFT NOISE ABATEMENT CODE. Scope. Code ThIS be subChapter called the of Purpose and the AIrport SECTION 10050. Name, may Abatement IIA1rcraft N01se Code" or IIN01se Code." It 1S generally Intended to encourage all p1lots US1ng the AIrport to fly theIr aIrcraft as qUIetly as possIble conSistent w1th aV1atlon safety. It IS dlso Intended to set maX1mum lImIts on permISSible aircraft nOise and to regulate nIght and repetItive operat1ons as well as helicopter operat1ons. The N01se Code governs all take-offs from, landings at, and other operations from the AIrport. SECTION 10051. Authority for RegulatIons. The NOIse Code 1S enacted under the power of the C1ty, as proprIetor of the AIrport, to make reasonable regulat10ns Intended to protect persons exposed to a1rcraft nOIse from n01se pollut1on, 1n accordance With the Judgment 1n Santa MonIca Airport Assoc1atlon v. 5 . . CIty of Santa MonIca, 479 F. Supp. 927 (C.D. Cal. 1979), affTd 659 F.2d 100 (9th CIr.1981). The Noise Code IS also enacted In furtherance of the Agreement executed January 31, 1984, between the CI~y and the Federal AVIatIon AdmInIstratIon ("the AIrport Agreement") and the NOIse MItIgatIon Program of the CIty'S AIrport Plan, both adopted by ResolutIon Number 6814 (CCS). SECTION 10052. BaSIC PrInCIples. The NOIse Code shall be Interpreted and enforced to achIeve abatement of aIrcraft nOIse to the extent technologIcally practIcable and consonant WIth aIr safety and to promote cooperatIon, com~unlcatlon, and complIance WIth law. The follOWIng baSIC rules shall apply to the NOIse Code: (a) The AIrport DIrector shall cooperate WIth pIlots and other aIrport users and WIth the Federal Government In order to promote voluntary complIance WIth the prOVISIons and purposes of the NOIse Code and shall aSSIst, counsel, and educate regardIng ways to Improve the 6 . . n01se performance of all a1rcraft US1ng the A1rport. (b) No person shall operate an a1rcraft at the A1rport 1n v1olat1on of any prov1s1on of the N01se Code or 1n v1olat1on of any appl1cable federal or state law or regulat10n or order of the A1rport D1rector. The term "at the A1rport" 1ncludes operat1ons wh1le an a1rcraft is on the ground, as well as land1ng at, tak1ng off from, or other operat1ons a~ or from the Airport. (c) All privileges, llcenses, permits, and contractual rights perm1tting a person or aircraft to use or be based at the Airport are conditioned on adherence to the NOise Code and other appl1cable laws, and may be revoked for multiple v1olations after a hearing pursuant to the procedures of thiS Chapter. ThiS remedy shall be supplementary to the r1ghts of the City under contract. (d) The Airport Director shall 1nform all persons USing the Airport of appl1cable nOise abatement regulations and recogn1zed safe nOise abatement operating procedures for each type of a1rcraft, 7 . . shall counsel pIlots on complIance wIth regulations, and shall record violations and take approprIate actIon In accordance WIth Section 10053. SECTION 10053. Enforcement and Appeal. The AIrport Director shall Issue orders ImpOSing CIVIl and administrative remedies for Violations of the NOise Code. T~e follOWIng standards and procedures shall apply: (a) All VIolations of the NOise Code shall be remediable by order of the Airport Director. Sanctions may be Imposed for repeat or Wilful VIolatIons. (b) An order of the Airport DIrector may Impose, for each separate VIolatIon, a CIVIl penalty of up to $500, a suspenSIon of airport prIVileges or permIts for up to one year, or both. The Airport DIrector shall notIfy the Federal AVIatIon AdmInistration prior to orderIng the sUspenSIon of aIrport prIVileges or permIts under thIS subsection. (c) The AIrport Director may also reqUIre the abatement of Violations and complIance With conditions related to abatement of further VIolatIons. 8 . . Cd) The AIrport shall consIder dll relevant factors In each case, IncludIng the wIlfulness, severIty and frequency of vIolatIons, and the eXIstence and use of safe nOIse abatement operatIng procedures approprIate to the aIrcraft. WIth respect to pIlots who repeatedly operate an aIrcraft In VIolatIon of the nOIse lImIt of SectIon 10055, the Airport Director, may, after InvestIgatIon to assure that a VIolatIon was not related to extraneous factors beyond the pIlot's control such as loss of power, avoIdIng other aIrcraft, or unusual weather condItIons, Impose sanctIons under thIS SectIon. Ce) Any person aggrIeved by an order of the AIrport DIrector may appeal to the CIty'S HearIng ExamIner pursuant to the tIme lImIts and procedures of SectIon 6126 of the MunICIpal Code. The deCISIon of the HearIng EXdmlner shall be final except for JudICIal review and shall not be appealable to the CIty CouncIl. (f) A WIlful VIolatIon of an order of the Airport Director shall be a misdemeanor punIshable under SectIon 1200 of the MunICIpal Code. 9 . . (g) A person who falls to pay a C1Vll penalty wIthIn 30 days after the Issuance of an order to do so shall pay a separate charge of ten percent (10%) of the unpald amount of tne C1VIl penalty. The Alrport DIrector may also exclude such person from the AIrport untIl such tIme as the penalty and any late payment charge are paId. Such an order shall be flnal and shall not be appealable to the HearIng ExamIner. (h) The remedIes under set forth In thIS Sectlon are supplementary to any legal or equItable remedIes avaIlable to the CIty In Its governmental and proprIetary capaCItIes, lncludlng but not Ilmlted to the rlght to abate nUlsances and hazards. SECTION 10054. Responslblllty for ComplIance. An order of the Alrport Dlrector may be dIrected to a pIlot, owner of an alrcraft, or aIrcraft as the clrcumstances of the case may requIre, ln accordance wIth the followIng standards: (a) Where a partIcular aIrcraft IS operated In excess of nOIse Ilmlts, that alrcraft may be excluded from the AIrport 10 ofl/ . . In accordance wIth the followIng standards: shall that the (1) The AIrport Director maIntaIn a lIst of aIrcraft types are estImated to be unable to meet maXImum nOIse lImIt of SectIon 10055 under any condItIons and operatIng procedures. ThIS lISt shall be based on actual measurement of aIrcraft operatIons. If there are InsuffICIent measured flIghts of a partIcular type, the AIrport DIrector shall act upon the best avaIlable InformatIon, IncludIng Federal AVIatIon AdmInIstratIon estImates. These "LIsted AIrcraft" may, after one violatIon of the maXImum nOIse lImIt, be excluded from the AIrport. (2) An aIrcraft other than a LIsted AIrcraft may be excluded from the AIrport after repeated vIolations of nOIse lImIts If the AIrport DIrector determInes that the "PermItted AIrcraft" is lIkely to VIolate nOIse lImIts even If flown accordIng to procedures condItIons. recommended safe operatIng under normal weather 1 1 . . (b) If a p1lot operates an alrcraft 1n vlolat1on of the NOlse Code and the clrcumstances Indlcate that the vlolatlon was wlthln the control of the pllot and was not related to extraneous factors beyond the p1lot's control, sanctlons may be 1mposed on the pilot of the alrcraft for repeat v1olatlons. Pllots shall not be subject to sanctlons unless they ind1vldually comm1t multiple violations. (c) If an aircraft IS operated 1n vlolatlon of the NOlse Code by a person other than the owner of the alrcraft, the pllot and not the owner of the aIrcraft shall be subject to sanctlons, except as follows: (1) The owner of a Listed Alrcraft shall be subject to C1Vll penalty or excluslon w1th respect to the aircraft 1n v1olat1on. (2) The owner of a perm1tted alrcraft based at the A1rport shall be subject to sanctlons If the AIrport DIrector determInes that the owner falled to adv1se the pllot of the NOlse Code of the appllcablllty to the alrcraft or 12 . . recognized safe procedures to achieve compliance. (3) The owner of an aircraft . excluded from the Airport shall be subject to sanctions or prosecution for knowingly or wilfully violating an order of the Airport Director imposing such excluslon. (4) For purposes of thiS section, the term "owner of an alrcraft" lncludes the registered owner and a flxed-base operator who allows a thlrd party to use the aircraft pursuant to a "lease-back" agreement witn the registered O'lfo/n er . SECTION 10055. MaXimum NOise Limit. No aircraft shall exceed a Single Event NOlse Exposure Level (SENEL) of 95 decibels as measured at the Airport NOise Measuring Stations eXisting on January 1, 1985. If additional Stations are established, the maXimum SENEL shall be set for each measuring pOint at an eqUivalent level. 13 . . SECTION 10056. N01se LImIt. (a) By regulatIon accordance w1th SectIon Performance Based adopted 1n 10002(d), the AIrport DIrector shall provIde for a Performance Based NOIse LIm1t by aIrcraft type. No aIrcraft shall exceed the SENEL lImIt establIshed by the AIrport DIrector as the lowest SENEL 11mIt that can be met by the type of a1rcraft concerned conSIstent wIth safe operatIng procedures. (b) The Performance Based NOIse LImIt shall be for a two-year experImental perIod commencIng on tne date of Its adoptIon and shall be developed 1n consultatIon wIth the Federal AV1atIon Adm1n1stratIon 1n accordance w1th the AIrport Agreement. (c) Performance-Based NOIse LIm1ts shall be based on actual measurement of a1rcraft operatIons. If there are 1nsuff1cIent measured flIghts of a part1cular type, ~he AIrport DIrector shall set a lImIt based on the best avaIlable InformatIon. (d) Pend1ng completIon of th1S exper1mental program, no pIlot who 14 . . vlolates the Performance Based NOlse Llrnlt but does not vlolate the maXlffium nOlse Ilmlt of 95 dB may be flned or excluded from the Alrport. SECTION 10057. Hours of Operatlon. The AIrport shall be open for publlC use at all reasonable hours of the day and nIght, subject to the folloWIng restrlctlons: (a) The AIrport Dlrector may close the AIrport because of condltlons of the landlng area, necessary maIntenance, the presentatIon of speCIal events, and SImIlar causes. (b) No alrcraf~ shdll be started, run-up, or depart the AIrport between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Mondays through FrIdays nor between 11:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. Saturdays and Sundays, except In case of bona fIde medIcal or publIC safety emergency, WIth the consent of the AIrport DIrector or, In hIS or her absence, the Watch Commander of the PolIce Department. SECTION 10058. RestrIctIons on Aircraft OperatIons. The follOWIng 15 . . regulations apply to operations at the Airport: (a) Touch and Go and Stop and Go operatlons are prohlblted on Saturdays, Sundays, and holldays, and durlng weekdays between one-half hour after sunset and 7:00 a.m. of the folloWing morning. ThlS restriction shall not apply In emergenCIes, where necessitated by safety conSIderatIons, or when reqUIred by the Federal AVIa~lon AdmlnIstratIon. (b) Touch and Go be per~ltted only after operatlons shall the pllot of the aIrcraft has receIved permlsslon from the aIr trafflc controller In the control tower and In no event shall be made unless the aIrcraft has InItlated takeoff prlor to reaching the touch and go Ilmlt line paInted on the runway. (c) Slmulated forced landIngs shall not be permitted until the aIrcraft reaches pattern altItude and In no event shall be made OppOSIte to the dIrectIon of take-off. SECTION 10059. HelIcopter Opera- tIons. The followlng prOVISIons apply to the use of helIcopters at the AIrport: 16 . . (a) Untll the completlon of the study of hellcopter nOlse authorlzed by the Alrport Agreement, no person shall be granted a permlt or lease to use the Alrport as a base for any operatlon lnvolvlng the substantlal use of hellcopters. (b) Hellcopter fllght tralnlng operatlons at the Alrport are prohlblted at all tlmes. Subchapter C. AIRPORT FIELD REGULATIONS SECTION 10100. Name, purpose, and scope. ThlS subchapter of the Alrport Code may be called the "Alrport Fleld Regulatlonsll or "Fleld Regulatlons." These regulatlons are generally lntended to malntaln the safety and econOIDlC vlablllty of the Alrport through enforcement of unlform standards and permlt procedures. The Fleld Regulatlons govern all actlvlty of persons, motor vehlcles, and alrcraft on the ground of the Alrport. They shall not derogate any obllgatlons lmposed by present or future 17 . . contracts between the Clty and Flxed-Base Operators or other users of the AIrport. SECTION 10101. Commerclal Opera- tIons. No person shall use the AIrport as a base for any commerclal actlvlty wIthout an operatIons permIt lssued by the City Manager. The term "commerclal actIvIty" Includes the carrYlng for hIre of passengers, frelght, express or mall, the sale of fuel and related products or serVIces, the sale or lease of new or used aircraft, the sale of aIrcraft parts and supplIes, flight or ground schools reqUIrIng a fIxed base, aIrcraft repair and maIntenance, the sale of food and refreshments, or any other actIVIty for WhICh a bUSIness lIcense from the CIty IS requIred. SECTION 10102. OperatIons PermIts. The follOWIng standards and procedures apply to operatIons permIts: (a) ApplIcatIons shall be presented to the AIrport DIrector on an approved form and conSIdered by the AIrport CommIssIon before Issuance of a permIt by the Clty Manager. ApplIcatIons shall, at 18 . . a mlnlmum, ldentlfy the applicants and Its prInCIpals, document the applIcant's fInancIal responsIbIlIty, and specIfy types of serVice to be provided and types and number of alrcraft proposed to be used. (b) The AIrport DIrector shall, by regulation, provIde for an expedIted permIt procedure for commercIal operatIons not reqUIrIng a fIxed base at the AIrport. The AIrport DIrector may grant expedIted permIts upon regIstratIon of the applIcant and proof of complIance wIth the folloWIng: demonstrate ( 1 ) The that he or applIcant shall she has valId and current certIfIcatIon from the Federal AVIatIon AdmInIstratIon required for appllncant's as the of t.he performance serVIces. (2) The applIcant shall agree to be bound by the provISIons of SectIon 10106 provIdIng for Indemnity of the City. (3) The applicant shall regIster any ~otor vehlcles used In the course of hIS or her busIness wIth the AIrport Director, furnlsh proof of publIc 19 . . lIabIlIty Insurance for such vehIcles, and comply wIth any condItIons the AIrport DIrector deems necessary to promote safety and maIntaIn adequate access to the AIrport. (4) The applIcant shall pay such processIng fees and furnIsh proof of such Insurance as may be requIred by ResolutIon of the CIty CouncIl. (5) The AIrport DIrector May, based on the scope and nature of the serVIces proposed to be provIded, requIre that the applIcant obtaIn an operatIons permIt from the CIty Manager pursuant to the regular procedures and standards of SectIon 10102. (c) An operatIons permIt shall IdentIfy the locatIon of the base and the specIfIc uses permItted. The permIt may be amended to permIt addItIonal locatIons or uses. ApplIcatIons for amendments need only contaIn InformatIon relatIve to the addItIonal locatIons or uses sought and IdentIfIcatIon of any changed condItIons SInce the Issuance of the orIgInal operatIons permIt. 20 . . (d) ApplIcatIons for shall IdentIfy and of the serVIce aIrcraft nOIse exposure, aIr carrIer assess the on communIty automobIle serVIce effects traffIc, and envIronmental approprla.te EnvIronmental other Impacts mItIgatIon assessment accordance wIth State and sIgnI flC ant and propose measures. shall be In CIty laws and proceaures. As used In thIS sectIon, "aIr carrIer" serVIce Includes commuter serVIce, aIr charter and aIr taxI operatIons, frIeght, cargo, express, and mall servIce, and other commercIal flIght operatIons certifIcated by the Federal AVIatIon AdmInIstratIon. (e) The reqUIrement of an operatIons permIt IS supplementary to necessary development revIews, busIness lIcenses and other fees and approvals as may be required by applIcable law. The leaSIng by the CIty of a parcel of land for fIxed-base aVIatIon operatIons does not relIeve the lessee, or any other person OCCUPYIng the parcel, from the reqUirement of obtainIng or amending 21 . . operatlons permlts unless the lease so speclfles. (f) The Clty Manager may deny, grant uncondltlonally, or grant an operatlons permlt subject to condltlons reasonably related to the promotlon of the safety or econOffilC vlablllty of the Alrport, compllance wlth the Alrport Agreement or Alrport Plan, or the abatement alrcraft of communlty exposure to nOlse or other envlronmental concerns. A declslon of the Clty Manager shall be flnal, subject to Judlclal reVlew. The Alrport Dlrector may establlsh by regulatlon standard condltlons to be part of all operatlons permlts unless speclflcally deleted. (g) Except as provlded In Subsectlon (h), an operatlons permlt shall be deemed granted subject only to standard condltlons If It lS not dlsapproved or condltlonally approved by the Clty Manager wlthln 60 days of the flllng of a completed appllcatlon unless extended by the Clty Manager In wrltlng for an addltlonal perlod not to exceed 60 days. 22 . . (h) No operatIons permIt shall be granted unless and untIl the applIcant or au~horlzed representatIve nas obtaIned all other governmen~al approvals applIcable to the proJectJ except that a bUIldIng permIt may not be granted wItnout an operatIons permIt. (1) The AIrport DIrector may Issue an order dIrectIng a holder of an operatIons permIt to comply WIth applIcable laws or condItIons of permits. The Cl~Y Manager may suspend or revoke an operations permit for Wilful Violation of such an order. Any suspenSion or revocatIon may be appealed to the CIty.S HearIng ExamIner pursuant to the time limIts and procedures of Section 6126 of the MunICIpal Code. The effect of such suspensIon or revocatIon shall be stayed pendIng ~Imely appeal to the HearIng ExamIner. (J) The CIty CounCIl by ResolutIon may es~abllsh and from tIme to tIme amend fees for the proceSSIng of applIcatIons for operatIons permIts and fIxed-base operator leases, WhICh shall not exceed tne reasonable cost of such proceSSIng. 23 . . SECTION 10103. ExemptIons. Opera- tIons permIts shall not be reqUIred If the provIsIons of any of the following subsectIons are met: (a) FlYIng clubs shall be exempted from obtaInIng an operatIons permIt upon the Issuance of a permIt from the AIrport DIrector. FlYIng clubs are defIned as non-profIt membershIp organIzatIons formed to allow for the multIple ownershIp of aIrcraft. Issuance of the permIt shall be based solely on examInatIon of club by-laws and verIfIcatIon of non-profIt status. The permIt may be revoked by the AIrport DIrector If the club engages In commercIal actIVItIes as descrIbed 1n SectIon 10101. (b) A person may sell hIS or her personal aircraft wIthout obtaInIng an operations permIt, prOVIded that no person may engage In two such sales WIthIn any twelve-month perIod WIthout an operatIons permIt. A person may lease hIS or her personal aircraft to holders of commerCIal operations permits WIthout obtaining an operatIons permit. 24 . . SECTION 10104. FlIght Instructors. No person shall hold hImself or herself out as a flIght Instructor or gIve flIght InstructIon except In complIance wIth the followIng requIrements: (a) The Instructor shall regIster WIth the AIrport DIrector, demonstrate that he or she has a valId and current flIght Instructor's certIflca~lon from the Federal AVIatIon AdmInIstratlonJ andJ except for employees of holders of commercIal operatIons permIts, obtaIn an operatIons permlt under SectIon 10102(b). (b) All persons InstructIng or checKIng out pIlots In flYIng at the AIrport shall fully acquaInt them WIth the NOIse Code and other regulatIons In effect at the AIrpor~ and shall be responsIble for the conduct of such student pllots under theIr InstructIon. SECTION 10105. AIrcraft MaIntenance and RepaIr. No person shall hold hImself or herself out as an aIrcraft mechanIc or maIntain or repaIr the aIrcraft of dnother person for conslderatlon except In complIance WIth the follOWIng reqUIrements: 25 . . (a) The mechanIC shall regIster With the AIrport DIrector, demonstrate that he or she has a valId and current certIfIcatIon from the Federal AVIatIon AdmInIstration, and, except for employees of holders of commercIal operations permIts, obtaln an operations permIt under SectIon 10102(b). (b) RepaIrs of aIrcraft In deSIgnated tie-down or storage areas shall be IImlted to maIntenance and repaIrs that do not Impede the flow of ground traffIC In the area or Interfere WIth access to aIrcraft or aIrcraft movement. (c) AIrcraft parts, tools, or supplies shall not be permItted to accumulate in deSIgnated alrcraft parking or storage areas. Persons conducting maIntenance or repaIr actIVItIes shall be for the prompt clean-up of and removal of any accumulated responsIble such areas material. SECTION 10106. IndemnIty. The prIVIleges of USIng the AIrport and ItS faCIlIties are condItIoned on the assumption of full responsIbllIty and rIsk by the user thereof, and the user shall 26 . . release, hold harmless, and IndemnIfy the City, members of the City Councll and Boards and CommIssIons, and officers and employees of the City from any lIabIlIty or loss resultIng from such use. Nothing In thIS Chapter shall be deemed to Impose any lIabilIty upon the CIty of Santa Monica or Its officers or employees, or to create any private rights of action In any person, or to relIeve any person uSIng the aIrport from any duty or standard of care Imposed by law. SECTION 10107. Insurance. All aIrcraft owners and operators shall be covered at theIr expense by publIC lIabIlIty Insurance In such amounts and terms as establIshed by ResolutIon of the CIty CounCIl. Such Insurance shall name the CIty, members of the CIty CounCIl and Boards and CommIsSIons, and offIcers and employees of the CIty as addItional named Insureds. SECTION 10108. AIrcraft Tie-Down and Hangar Rental. The owner or operator of aircraft USIng the Airport shall pay the prescribed rental rate. The tie-down 27 . . or parkIng rate shall be based on the length of the wIng-span In feet, Lhe weIght of the aIrcraft, the number of engInes, or SImIlar measure, and shall be charged by the month, day, or half-hour. The rental rate for hangar parkIng shall be a SIngle monthly sum. All such rates shall be establIshed by ResolutIon of the CIty CounCIl. SECTION 10109. LandIng Fees. Owners or operators of aIrcraft operated for commercIal purposes shall pay a landIng fee In the follOWIng amounts: AIRCRAFT GROSS WEIGHT FEES PER LANDING Less than 2,000 Ibs. $2.00 2,000 to 4,000 Ibs. $3.00 4,000 to 6,000 lbs. $4.00 6,000 to 10,000 Ibs. .$5.00 10,000 to 20,000 lbs. $7.50 20,000 to 30,000 lbs $10.00 30,000 LO 50,000 Ibs. $15.00 50,000 to 70,000 Ibs. $20.00 Over 70,000 lbs. $25.00 LandIng fees may be establIshed and from tIme to tIme amended by ResolutIon of toe CIty CounCIl. LandIng fees shall not apply to the use or operatIon of aIrcraft by persons holdIng a valId operatIons permIt under SectIon 10101. 28 . . SECTION 10110. TechnIcal Codes. All structures at the AIrport shall comply wIth applIcable prOVISIons of Chapter 1 of ArtIcle VIII of the MunICIpal Code relatIng to TechnIcal and ConstructIon Codes. SECTION 10111. FIre RegulatIons. In addItIon to any other reqUIrement Imposed by law, all persons at the AIrport shall comply WIth the follOWIng speCIfIC fIre regulatIons applIcable to all persons USIng the AIrport: (a) Every person USIng the aIrport or Its faCIlItIes In any way shall use the utmost cautIon to prevent fIre and shall not cause to eXIst any condItIon constItutIng a fIre hazard. (b) No aIrcraft shall be fueled or drdlned whIle Its engIne IS runnIng or whIle In a hangar or other enclosed place. FuelIng shall be done In such manner and WIth such eqUIpment that adequate connectIons for the groundIng of statIC electrICIty shall be maIntaIned contInuously durIng fuelIng operatIons. No smokIng shall be permItted WIthIn 50 29 . . feet of the pOInt where fuel 1S removed from or d1scharged Into any alrcraft. (c) No cylInder or flask of compressed flammable gas shall be kept or stored except at such a place as may be deslgnated by the FIre Department. (d) The cleanlng of eng1nes or other parts of alrcraft shall not be carrIed on In any hangar except wIth nonflammable substances. If flammable 11qulds shall be employed for thiS purpose, the operatIon shall be carried on in the open alr and a safe dIstance from other alrcraft. (e) Durlng busIness hours, hangar entrances shall be kept clear at all tImes to permIt ready access to the bUIldIng to combat fIres. (f) Floors of bUl1dlngs shall be kept clean and free of 011, and no volatlle or flammable solvent shall be used for cleaning floors. (g) No boxes, crates, rubblsh, paper, empty cans or bottles, or other llt~er shall be permltted to accumulate in or about any hangar. 30 . . SECTION 10112. Alrcraft Ground Operatlons. The followlng regulatIons shall govern the operatlon of alrcraft whlle on the ground at the Alrport: (a) No alrcraf~ englne shall be started on any alrcraft not equlpped wlth adequate brakes fully set, unless the wheels have been chocked wlth blocks. No alrcraft shall be started or run-up unless a competent operator lS at the controls of the dlrcraft a~ all tlmes. No alrcraft shall be left unattended on the A1rport unless 1t 1S 1n a hangar completely enclosed wIth the door locked securely or such alrcraft 1S locked In such a manner that 1t cannot be entered or started w1thout the use of a proper key. All unhangared aIrcraft shall be parked 1n the spaces des1gnated for that purpose and locked as above. (b) The pre-fl1ght run-up of eng1nes shall be conducted only at pOlnts deSIgnated by the A1rport DIrector. No aIrcraft shall be operated above ldle power or run-up unless It 1S In such pOSItIon that the propellor or turbIne blast wIll clear all bUIldIngs, all 31 . . aircraft maneuvering areas, and all people In the observatIon areas. (c) No person shall take any aircraft on, to, or from the Airport, or operate any such aircraft, while under the Influence of, or while USIng, any IntOXicating liquor or drug. (d) Wrecked or damaged aIrcraft shall promptly be removed from runways or taxiways by the aircraft owner or operator subject to the direction of the Airport Director and appropriate officIals of the United States of America. SECTION 10113. Fueling OperatIons. AIrcraft fuelIng operations shall be conducted conSistent with safety standards contaIned In state, federal, and local fIre law. The followlng dddltlonal provlslons shall apply to the fueling of alrcraft at the Airport: (a) The right of a pilot to fuel hIS or her own aircraft pursuant to federal law shall be respected. (b) The CIty CounCil may by ResolutIon, establIsh a fuel flowage fee to be paid to the City by all persons or companies supplying gasoline or olls to be 32 . . used, dIspensed, or sold at the AIrport by persons other than the CIty. SECTION 10114. UltralIght AIrcraf~. PendIng verIfIcatIon by the Federal AVIatIon AdmInIstratIon and the CIty that ultralIght aIrcraft can operate at the AIrport wIthout compromISIng aVIatIon safety, no person shall operate an ultralIght aIrcraft, as defIned by Federal AVId~lon RegulatIons Part 103, at or from the AIrport. SECTION 10115. Motor VehIcles. (a) No person shall operate a motor vehlcle at the AIrport except In accordance WIth thIS SectIon. As used In thlS SectIon, the term "motor vehIcle" Includes any vehIcle other than an aIrcraft, IncludIng bIcycles. (b) Motor vehIcles shall be parked In deSIgnated parkIng areas. (c) No person shall operate a motor vehlcle on, upon, or across any portIon of the AIrport except along or upon roadways deSIgnated for travel by motor vehIcles or those portIons of the AIrport set aSIde by 33 . . the Airport Director for automobile parking purposes. (d) No person shall operate, drive, or propel any motor vehicle at a speed of greater than 25 miles aD hour at the Alrport. (e) The Airport Director may place on the Airport such stop signs and parking regulatlon signs as he or she may deem necessary. No person shall park any vehicle contrary to the directIons on any parkIng sIgn or enter any IntersectIon posted wlth a stop sIgn wIthout fIrst brInging hIS or her vehicle to a full stop within 6 feet of such IntersectIon. (f) No person shall operate, drive, or propel any motor vehIcle on any landing area of the Airport. (g) Pollce or flre vehIcles driven on the Airport In response to emergencIes shall not be subject to subsections (e) and (f). Vehicles drIven on the Airport for the purpose of making repairs and Improvements to the Airport or for wreckage removal and governmental vehicles driven on the Airport on offiCial bUSiness shall not be subject to subsectIons Cd) 34 . . and (e), provIdIng that the operators obtaIn a permit to enter the landIng area from the Alrport DIrector, conspicuously display an approved orange and white safety flag on the vehlcles, and enter and leave the Alrport at establlshed gateways. (h) All vehlcles haulIng trash shall be covered. No vehicle used for haulIng trash, dIrt, or any other materIals shall be operated on the Alrport unless such vehlcle lS constructed so as to prevent Its contents from dropplng, slftlng, leaklng, or otherWlse escaplng. Any person who spllls any dIrt or any other materIals from vehIcles operated at the Airport shall ImmedIately clean up the spllled material. (1) Vlolatlon of the provlslons of thlS sectlon shall be punlshable by flne pursuant to Section 3395 of the Munlclpal Code. The procedures of SectIon 3386 and 3386A of the MunIcIpal Code shall be applIcable to vlolatlons of the motor vehlcle operatlng and parklng regulatlons of thIS Chapter. (J) The AIrport Director shall have authorIty to tow or otherwlse move motor 35 . . vehIcles Wh1Ch are parked 1n v1olatlon of th1S Chapter In accordance w1th applIcable law. SECTION 10116. Pedestr1ans. No pedestrIans shall be upon any taxIway or landIng area of the A1rport w1thout f1rst obtaInIng a sIgned permIt from the A1rport D1rector, exceptIng mechanIcs who are by necessIty reqUIred to be on a tax1way or landIng area to remove damaged aIrcraft. SECTION 10117. Exper1mental FlIghts. No experImental cert1f1catIon test fl1ghts or ground demonstrat1ons shall be conducted on or at the A1rport w1thout the wrItten permIss10n of the A1rport DIrector. SECTION 10118. Damage Reports and ResponSIbIlIty. Any person damagIng any Ilght or fIxture by means of contact with any aIrcraft or surface veh1cle shall report such damage to the AIrport D1rector Immed1ately and shall be fully responsible for any costs requ1red to repa1r or replace the damaged faC1l1ty. 36 . . SECTION 10119. MO~lon PIctures and CommercIal Photography. No person shall take stIll, motIon, VIdeo or sound pIctures for commercIal purposes on the AIrport wlthou~ a use permIt approved by the AIrport DIrector. The use permIt shall be In wrItIng and shall set forth any conditions pertainIng to use as the AIrport DIrector shall determIne and the fee or charge to be paId for such use. The fees and charges for the use of the AIrport for commercIal photography shall be establIshed by ResolutIon of the CIty CounCIl and shall be paId prIor to the Issuance of the use permit. Any VIolatIon of the terms or conditIons of such permIt shall be a misdemeanor. SECTION 10120. Penalty. The VIolatIon of any prOVISIon of thIS subchalJter shall be a mIsdemeanor punIshable by a fIne of up to $500, a JaIl term of up to SIX months, or both. 37 . . Subchapter D. GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS. SECTION 10150. Def1n1t1on of Terms. The fOllowIng words or phrases as used In thIS Chapter shall have the followIng meanIngs: (a) TraffIc Pattern. An approxImately rectangular fl1ght track desIgned to provIde for an organ1zed flow of local traff1c around the A1rport 1n Wh1Ch the runway centerlIne forms one part of one of the longer legs of the rectangle. The traff1c pattern shall be establIshed by the Federal AV1at1on Adm1nIstrat1on 1n cooperat1on w1th the C1ty. (b) Sound Pressure Level. The sound pressure level of a sound IS 20 t1mes the logar1thm to the base 10 of the rat10 of the measured root mean square (RMS) value of the sound pressure to a reference sound pressure. Measurement unIts are deCIbels (dB). The reference pressure 1S 20 mIcro Pascals. [SPL = 20 Log (P measured Preference)] (c) A-We1ghted Sound Pressure Level. The sound pressure level WhICh has 38 . . been f~ltered or welghted to quantltatlvely reduce the effect of low frequency nOlse. It was deslgned to approx1mate the response of the human ear to sound. A-we1ghted Sound Pressure Level 1S measured 1n dec1bels w1th a standard sound level meter whlch conta1ns the "A" welghtlng network. A-weIghted declbels are abbrevlated dBA. Relevant standards are def1ned by the Amer1can Nat10nal Standards Inst1tute Spec1f1cat1on for Sound Level Meters (S1.4-1971). (d) Slngle Event N01se Exposure Level. SENEL 1S the t1me-1ntegrated A-welghted Sound Pressure Level of a s~ngle a1rcraft flyover (Wh1Ch exceeds a threshold nOIse level) WhICh 1S expressed by the level of an equ1valent 1-second durat10n reference slgnal. The threshold level at the Alrport shall be at least 65 dbA. SENEL provldes a measure Wh1Ch quant1f1es the effect of durat10n and magnltude for a slngle event measured above a spec1f1ed threshold. SENEL 1S def1ned by Cal1forn1a Dlv1s1on of Aeronaut1cs, "No1se Standards for Cal1forn1a A1rports," Cal1forn1a 39 . . Adm~n~strat~ve Code Chapter 9, T~tle 4 (RegIster 70, No. 48, November 28, 1970). (e) CommunIty No~se Equ~valent Level. The CNEL IS the annual average (on an energy baSIS) no~se level measured ~n A-weIghted Sound Pressure Level for a 24 hour period WIth dIfferent weIghtIng factors for the nOIse levels occurrIng durIng the day, evenIng, and nIghttIme perIods. CNEL IS defined by CalIfornIa DIVISIon of AeronautICS, "NOIse Standards for CalIfornia AIrports," California AdmInIstratIve Code Chapter 9, TItle 4 (RegIster 70, No. 48, November 28, 1970). SECTION 3. Any prOVISIon of the Santa Monica MuniCIpal Code or appendIces thereto InconSIstent WIth the prOVISIons of thIS ordInance, to the extent of such InconSIstenCIes and no further, are hereby repealed or modIfIed to that extent necessary to effect the prOVISIons of thIS ordinance. SECTION 4. If any part of thIS ordInance ~s for any reason held to be InvalId or unconstItutIonal by a deCISIon of any court of competent JurIsdIctIon, such deCISIon shall not affect tne valIdIty of the remaInIng portIons of thIS ordinance. The CIty CounCIl nereby declares that It would have passed tDIS ordInance and each and every part not declared InvalId or unconstItutIonal Without regard to whether 40 . . any part of thls ordlnance would be subsequently declared lnvalld or unconstltutlonal. SECTION 5. The Mayor shall slgn and the Clty Clerk shall attest to the passage of thIS ordlnance. The Clty Clerk shall cause the same to be publlshed once In the offlclal newspaper wlthln 15 days after ltS adoptIon. The ordlnance shall become effectlve 30 days after the date of ItS adoptlon. APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~ ",... ~- - Robert M. Myers CIty Attorney 41 .;-~~-- - ~~~ ;7~" --'\ ~~.~~~~r~; ~~~:i;- ,{of: '-.....~L ~ i'" t~: -~t =. "~ ~j. ~_~ _4- _ -ri t" - _!c~- -~~~ -- :f~~~g:tiH~-; ~~;,,-~t~~fi ti! :h~~~l" ;f~-::: ~ :~}~ "!l - - o!~ I ~~~ ~--~ ~~~ ;4"U - ~~_ !_---::;...-OF -1 - == . "-~i?~:;i~. :~3 :~--.J ~_:L~~~ _ - .~ lk~~df_~- iu/~ pCUvT-- '..--- : -~ .. .... ....-. --- .... ~""" ~ ~ -.... t .It._~!.".".'bl:.,,,. - .# /~ I ."),, ~"~"a.- .I- ......... .... ~ ~ ':. .............. _ ___11 .. .'-UL,;AC.t. "'F~ A ("Ot<..."Ct . ~l.r- ," ,...C". to"'.;).?_ -- II a't{ "'.3..~....sii -- ~k ......! "'.. ,. . p a":;'-~~ ;; a :;;- ~ - - , ~ . .y _ 'W r -. ?i"~ :!Ii' _ ---. -n ... ~- Ii ~- 'IIol' ~a j- - -- .. r :s;& ~-~- -:,., _ _ ~i:- ~~-~~ ~ei~sj ~-; . r~H ~O<C-= --"~~~ ... "-"'~:~r- ~ ': ,I ~ .. .- "\, . \ . ~ ~ ! f\ - ~.JIl_-~__~_:..... -~ ~='""=-_ ~>!i"" - -l..., IiM .... 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