SR-414-001 ~" ,. _ e '1/tj----oo/ ~.~ -. -\ "1 "~ A th.. 1 ' }~. ~'"1' -,\ ~.:l I -oj...j ~ .~. F 1"'i .. j" "c....-.. -=::=:=-~~_!~~ ..J.7-:~ '5 tb5 ) e . ,,~\ I \ '1 '~j '('''1 <..}<11 J;............-r; ~.. ~ , ,. ~ C/ED:EDD:EF:SW:mb Counc~l Mept~ng of 12/17/85 Santa Mon~ca, Cal~fornia TO: Redpvelopmpnt Agency/City Counc~l FROM: Clty Staff SUBJECT: Recommpnoat~on to Adopt Resolut~ons to DptE'rm~np Th~rd Strpet Mall Par klng and Public Improvpmpnts to bp of Bpnef~t to the Downtown Redevplopmpnt proJPct INTRODUCTION Th~s rpport rE'commpnos thE' Agpncy/Council adopt resolut~ons wh~ch f~nd cprtaln Thlrd Street Mall parKIng and publIC improvempnts to bp of-bpnef~t to the Downtown Redevelopment Project Arpa. BACKGROUND Thp Th~rd Street Mall Prpl~minary Plan was presented to the C~ty Counc~l for comments and reVIew on October 1, 1985. As part of the Plan, a Mall ParK~ng and Publ~c Improvement Program was pres- ented, and the pOSSIblE" use of tax incremE'nt funds from thE' Down- town RPdpvP10pmpnt Project was proposed. WhIlE' the CIty Counc~l took no formal actlon to allocate Downtown tax lnCrE'mpnt for thp Mall proJPct at that t~me, ~t is recommpndeo that the fleXlbllity to do so be presprvpd. For that rpason, and to mept thp tpchni- cal requ~rpments of rpcpnt State Lpglslation, the Redevelopment Agpncy and Clty Counc~l arp requestpd to take var~ous technlcal actlons prIor to January 1, 1986. DISCUSSION Rpcpntly, tnE' State Lpgislaturp passpd and thp Govprnor slgnpd AB 265, an act to ampnd Spct~on 33334.3 and to add Sectlons 33334.6 - 1 ~ __ __ e e and 33334.7 to thE' Health and Safety Codes. The new statute rp- qUlres that, unless Redevelopment AgpncIes take certain actlons prlor to January 1, 1986, twenty percE'nt of the annual tax incre- ment must be set aside for the purpose of increasing and lmprov- ing thE' supply of low and moderate incomp housing for all proj- pcts adopted prior to 1977. The Downtown Redpvelopment Project was adopted January 13, 1976 and therefore the future usp of Downtown tax lncrement wlll be subject to the IlmItatlons set forth ln AB 265. If in the future thE' Agency wlshE's to set aSldE' lE'5S than thp required twpnty percent for housing, thp Agpncy must take action by January 1, 1986 to find the Mall Parklng and Publ1c Improve- ment Program to bp of benefIt to the Agency. Agpncy Counspl has determlnpd that adoptIon of a CoopE'ration and Reimbursement Agreement for the ThlTd Street Mall ProjE'ct will fulfill the technIcal and lpgal reqUIrements of AB 265 and also assure that thE' AgE'ncy/City WIll have the future optIon to expend Downtown tax Increment for thp Thlrd StrE'et Mall Plan or to df'dlcatp such funds for thp productIon of low and moderate Incomp hOUSIng. The actions recommpnded in thIS rpport malntaln thp Rpdpvelopment AgencY/Clty CouncIl's abIlIty to annually-allocate Downtown tax Incrempnt funds based on future communlty neE'ds. Under CalIfornIa Rpopvelopment Law, Health and Safpty Code, Spc- tlon 33445, rpdevelopment agencIPs may usp tax increment funds to financp any publIcly owned ImproveIDPnts or faCllltlE'S Inslde or outSIde thf' pro)Pct arpa If a flndlng is made that thp Improvp- ments arp of bpnpfIt to the pro)Pct or thp lmmpdlatp nPlghborhood - 2 - e e -, and that no otnpr reasonablf' means of f1.nanc1.og 1.5 ava1.lablp. 'rhese of-beoef1.t f1.oo1.og$ prov1.oP the bas1.$ for the Coopprat1.oo aod Re1.mbursempnt Agrf'PffiE'nt bf'twPE'n the Rf'dpvplopmE"nt Agpncy and the C1.ty of Santa Monica. Technically, the Reopvelopment Agency and the City Counc1.1 must eaCh adopt a rpsolut1.on that dpterm1.nes the Thud StrE'E"t Mall Park1.ng and public ImprovpmE'nt Plan to bE' of benf'f1.t to the Downtown Redpvplopmpnt ProJPct and authorizps thf' Cooperat1.on Agrpempnt to establ1.sh a fund 1.ng relat1.onsh1.p betwppn the Agency and C1.ty. Summary reports docuffiPnt1.og the of bf'npf1.t f1.nd1.ng$ as well as npcpssary Agency/Counc1.l re501ut1.ons adopt1.ng thE"se f1.nd1.ngs arp attachpd to th1.s report for Agf'ncy/ Counc1.1 act1.on. BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT Adopt1.on of the attachpd re5o!ut1.0ns will not rpsult 1.n f1.scal l.mpact prlor to formal Agency/Counc1.l adoptlon of a f1.nanc1.ng program for thp Th1.rd Strpf't Mall Parklng and PubllC Improvpmpnt Plan. ThlS actlon wlll follow a completp f1.nanc1.al analY51.$ as part of thp Th1.rd StrE'et Mall SpeClf1.C Plan adoptlon procP5s. RECOIlNENDATIONS Staff recommpnds that thE" Agpncy: 1. Adopt a rp501ut1.on of thp Redpvplopmf'nt Agpncy to detpr- mlnp thp Th1.rd Strf'pt :1all Park1.ng ana PubllC Improvp- mpnt Plan to be of benef1.t to the Downtown ProJect Arpa, that no othpr rpasonablp mpan5 of flnanclng 1.S ava1.1- ablp, and approvlng and author1.zing thp e)Cecutlon of a cOoppratlon and rPlmbur5pmpnt agrpPffient bptwppn thp Clty and Agpncy. Staff rpcommpnds that thp C1.ty Councll: 1. Adopt a rp5olutlon of thp Clty Counc1.! to detprm1.np thp Thlrd Strppt Mall Parklng and Public Improvpmpnt Plan to - 3 e e bE> of bf'npflt to tnp Downtown PTOJPct Arpa, that no othpr rf'asonablp ffiPans of fJ.nanclng is avaJ.lablp, and approvlng and authorlZlng thp Pxpcutlon of a cooppratlon and rpImburSPffif'nt agrf'pmpnt bptwf'f'n thf' CJ.ty and Agpncy. Prpparpd by: Ernpsto R. Florps, ManagPT Slanpy L. WhJ.tp, Sf'nlOr AdminlstratJ.vP Analyst EconomJ.c Df'vf'lopffif'nt Dlvlslon Communlty and EconomlC Df'vplopmpnt Dppartmpnt Attachmpnts: 1. Agpncy Rpsolutlon 2. CouncIl Rpsolutlon 3. ExhIbIt A to Resolutlons: Cooppratlon and RpIrnbursp- ment Agrppmpnt 4. ExhIbIt B to Rpsolutlons: Summary Rpport 5. Exhlblt A to Summary RPport: Cooppratlon and RPlffi- bursPffif'nt Agrf'pmf'nt 6. ExhIbIt B to Summary Rf'port: Sltp Map 7. ExhIbIt C to Summary Rpport: Constructlon Cost EstImatps ps2sr - 4 -