SR-501-002 (6) 1 It e 5t?/,- 002 $S-I CM:LCB:dvU1 CIty CouncIl Meeting 8/13/85 Santa MonIca, California JUG 1 3 ISIs TO: Mayor and CIty Council FROM: City Staff SUBJECT: Cable CommunIcations Work Plan IntroductIon On February 26, 1985 the Cable CommunIcations Task Force presented the results of theIr two and one-half yeer study efforts to the C~ty CouncIl. At that tIme, City staff was dIrected to evaluate the reco~mendatlons of the Task Force (part~cularly in light of the newly adopted Cable Communications POlICY Act of 1984) and return wIth a work prograw which addressed both the future use of cable in the Ci ty of Sante. Monica as ","ell as efforts thet would be needed to prepare for renegotiation of the current ceble franchise vThich expires on January 13, 1928. On AprIl 26, 1985 the f~rst portIon of the staff's analYSIS was presented by the CIty Attorney. It Included a review of constitutIonal and legIslative restrIct~ons WhICh may lwpact City actIons In this area; end a legal analYSIS of the major recommendations of the Ceble Task Force. With this information as a baselIne, staff has continued their work in the last few months to arrIve at the work progra~ wh~ch ~s summarized here~n. The task before the City IS two-fold -- one relates to developing a plan for expandIng the use of currently avaIlable publlC 5S-1 - 1 - JUG 1 3 r985 e e access, municIpa I and educatIonal channe Is; the other to preparing for negotIations for franchise renewal. Although these 2ctivItIes are quite distinct, as they wlll proceed simul taneously it is important that th€ decIsion-makIng context over the next two years include conSIderatIon of each activity's impact on the other. Smrme ry After consultation with numerous individuals Including members of the Te.sk Force; the Ci ty Attorney; cab Ie communica tIons administra tors in othe r c~ ties; Group W representetl ves; cable consultants; and representatives of non-profIt organizations, the fa llovllng r-/ork program IS proposed. It is designed to be in complIance wIth the Cable CommunicatIons POlICY Act of 1984. The obJective of this process is to: Ensure a hIgh qualIty, state of the art cable co~munications system with a diversIty of features which meets the needs of the c~t~zens of Santa I>1onica. It IS intended that there be so~e overlap In the varIOUS tlmeline components as several activitIes will represent an ongoing commitment by the City. However, due to limited staff resources lt is necessary to selectively direct staff attention to particular Issues as the process moves along to insure satisfactory results. August 1985 - February 1986 Conduct technIcal studies regardlng economic feaSIbility - 2 - e e of InteractIve and InstItutional network capab~lIty; and interconnection. Drrect efforts to enhance use of existing system capacIty includIng ImplementatIon of JOInt-use character generator at the College of Sante Monica and Increased use of public access studIO ana cablecasting by non-profit organizat~ons. Calendar Year 1986 Conduct more formal ized needs assessment proce ss. With completIon of the above-noted studIes the City should be prepared to present a wore conCIse set of technical and economic parameters for consIderatIon. The components of the needs assessment process are descr 1. bed more fully below but WIll be handled In such a way to insure that an adequate record is provided under t~e terms of the Cable Act. Develop minimum standards for new franchise agreement. Prepare new cable ordInance. Recommend future admin1.strative organIzation for cable efiorts. January 1987 Subrl'i ttal by Group 11 of proposal for new Santa HonIca franchIse. January 1987 - January 1988 NegotiatIons for new franchise agreement or other action. - 3 - " e . Rationale for Reco~~endatlon The Clty wants to be In the strongest possIble posltlon to undertake the franchise renewal process. In order to accomplish that, two thIngs must occur - more education must be provided on specifIC technlcal end economic Issues; and more use must be made of current cable capacity in order to document communIty Deeds. The tIme frame set fortl1 allows those two things to be accomplished. In order to bUIld on the work of the Task Force and Insure the most productIve outcome of the needs assessment process, the Clty needs to develop a llst of prIoritIes for a cable communicatIons system. By havIng technIcal and econorolc assessments done In the next few months, the public can be presented wlth options within parameters for thelr Input. While the Task Force provided broad horizons of p08S1bll1 tIes beyond simply entertaInment prograroming, the C~ty must decIde what is the most efflclent and cost effective means to accompllsh certaln tasks, such a8 teleconferenclng and data transmlssion. CrIteria to evaluate proposa 1 s shaul dine 1 ude reasonab leness, technIcal and economic feasibility, com~unlty demand and Impact on rates. In addIt~on to setting technIcal priorit~es for negotiatlons, it is lwportant to distInguish between the three types of channels beIng considered -- publlC access, ~unIcipal and educatlonal and determine where 2nd what type of resources should be devoted to each. Flnancing rea 11 tIe 8 and resource requirements to support each of these areas need to be clarlfled. A future adminlstratlve organlzatlon ~ust also be developed. - 4 - e e Once background educational Information IS completed, a formalIzed needs assessment and perforwance reVIew can be undertaken and documented for use in negotlet~ons. The needs assessment is expected to consist of publlC hearings/workshops; cont~nued contact with non-profIt and other publlC organizat~ons; d~ScusSlon WIth buslness leaders; and reVIEW of consuwer sat~sfaction inforwatlon. As part of this process it wi 11 be crItIcal for Involved organIzations to realIstIcally assess their commltffient and ability to contrIbute to Increased cable use. In the meantIme, discussions with Group W wi 11 take place on a regular baSIS to discuss operational issues as they arIse. In addItion, there WIll be tIme for the uncertain regulatory envi ronment to sort out to some degree as well as for possIble reallzatlon of some of the more Imminent technologIcal changes such as \Hder bandWIdth on a SIngle cable which enables more channels to be carrIed. Conclusion ThIS paper IS Intended to gl ve a br lei overVIew of the issues facing the City in the nExt few years in the area of cable cOJI1f'lunicat~ons. The opportunity to deal w~th some of these issues in more depth WIll be offered at the August 13 City CounCIl study session. Prepared by: Lynne C. Barrette ASSIstant City Manager (cablewp) - 5 -