SR-417-007 (32) * " GS:SES:JAS ~ Councll Meetlng: February 28, 1984 - Santa Monlca, Callfornla ~ TO: I/Ir'--Oo 7 Chalrperson and Parklng Authorlty Members PA-Z Parklng Authorlty Staff FROM: SUBJECT: Improvements to Parklng Structure No.2 m %j llBN Introductlon ThlS report transmlts prellmlnary plans for lmprovements to Parklng Structure No.2 located on Second Street between Broadway and Santa MOBlca Boulevard and recommends that the Parklng Authorlty approve the plans and dlrect the staff to proceed wlth flnal worklng drawlngs. Background For several years the staff and representatlves of the buslness communlty have been engaged ln efforts to lmprove the SlX parklng structures WhlCh serve the old Mall and the Central Buslness D1StrlCt. Past efforts lnclude openlng the stalrwells adJacent to the street ln all SlX of the structures, the removal of the metal grllle facade on three of the structures to allow more naturual llght lnto the structurest the engaglng of a graphlcs consultant to lmprove the graphlcs wlthln all of the structures and the replasterlng of the stalrwells to lmprove thelr appearance. The current Parklng Authorlty budget lncludes $315tOOO (Account No. 77-700-610-000-904) for capltal lmprovements to the SlX structures. Th15 15 the flr5t year of a mult1-year plan to lmprove the structures. The staff has planned a proJect to lmprove Parklng Structure No. 2 slgnlflcantly. Most of the budgeted funds wlll be used for thlS structure WhlCh was chosen ?A - 2. 1 FEe 2 g 1964 GS:SES:JAS Counell Meetlng: . February 28t 1984 - Santa Monlcat Callfornla for the lnltlal proJect Slnee lt has, In the oplnlon of staff, more lntense problems than the other structures. Current Problems Some of the problems wlth the current structures are: There 1S a peree1ved lack of both personal securlty and securlty for the parked automoblles. There lS crlmlnal aetlvlty In the rest rooms. Past attempts to solve thlS problem have lncluded 10ck1ng the rest rooms at nlght. Tnls has resulted In foullng of the stalrwells and other portlons of the structures by users. Selectlon of Archltect and Features of Deslgn An RFP was prepared by the staff to sollelt proposals for archltectural serVlces to redes1gn Structure No.2. Four local archltects were 1ntervlewed by a board WhlCh 1ncluded Mall Improvement Committee Chalrman Ernle Kaplant Crlme Preventlon Task Force Chalrman and Former Mayor Herb Spurgln and archltect James Mount, as well as staff. Archltect Hak Slk Son of Santa Monlca was chosen (for a fee of $10,000) for the proJect. The proposed proJect as prellmlnarlly deslgned eonslsts of the followlng: 2 GS:SES:JAS Counc1l Meet1ng. . February 28, 1984 - Santa Mon1ca, Cal1forn1a " The prov1S1on of 7.500 square feet of commerC1al space on the ground floor Net 1ncrease of 15 add1t1onal park1ng spaces (but loss of 11 ground floor spaces due to commerc1al space ut1l1zatlon) Improvements to the rest rooms The open1ng of the alley sta1rwells Prov1s1on for operator control of the structure If desired The prov1s1on of open1ngs of the center shear walls for greater V1Slblllty The prov1s1on of open1ngs 1n the north end wall for more natural llght Entrance mural New graph1cs Add1t1onal 1nter1or 11ght1ng Prov1s1on of new metal facade The proposed plans ne1ther prov1de for. nor preclude expanslon of Structure No.2. The structure can be expanded to the north over an eX1st1ng park1ng lot and 1t can be expanded upward as has been done Wlth Structure No.4. The staff bel1eves that based on a study done 1n 1981 WhlCh showed an average occupancy In the shopper (3 hour llm1t) spaces of 79%. the structure need not be expanded at th1S t1me. When Mall uses and other surroundlng commerc1al uses change. staff wl11 reassess the park1ng demand and recommend appropr1ate expanSlon and/or operatlon changes. Comme rc 1 a 1 Space The prov1s1on of commerc1al space 10 the structure 15 strongly supported by the BUSlness Communlty. The plans propose to provlde maXlmum flex1b1l1ty of the co mm e r c 1 a 1 5 pac e by any pot e 0 t 1 a 1 use r . Till S pro J e c t w 1 11 pro v 1 de floors. exter10r walls and ut1l1tles to be compatlble Wlth any tenant lmprovements. The Commun1ty and Economlc Development Department 1$ developlng a proposal for approprlate uses and management of the planned 3 GS:SES:JAS Counc1l Meet1ng: . February 28, 1984 - Santa Mon1ca, Cal1forn1a commerc1al space. ThlS wlll be brought back for Counc1l approval at a later date. EX1st1ng Bond F1nanclng Clty staff has revlewed the bond documents and base agreements and has determ1ned the proposed reta1l use of ground floor park1ng 1S not 1n confl1ct wlth any of these documents. Operat1ons and Securlty Although the Central BUSlness Dlstr1ct Improvement Comm1ttee of the Chamber of Commerce has approved the prellm1nary plans, they cDnt1nue to re1terate the1r concerns about user secur1ty 1n the structures. The lmprovements proposed by staff would enhance securlty 1n the structure, and would be cons1stent w1th vlrtuallY all types of securlty systems the Clty may w1sh to employ 1n the future, 1nclud1ng the use of Clty or prlvate operators of entry or eXlt gates for vehlcles. ~~mmary The prel1mlnary plans show a reduct10n 1n ground floor park1ng spaces from 31 to 20 but a total net lncrease of 15 spaces due to restr1plng of the entlre structure to accommodate 50% compact cars. The prel1m1nary estlmated cost of thlS project 15 $280,000. The archltect and the staff have presented the prel1ffilnary plans to the Archltectural Revlew Board and the Central Bus1ness Dlstr1ct Improvement Commlttee of the Chamber of Commerce and secured the approval of both groups. In add1tlon the staff has made a presentat10n to the 3rd Street Mall Corporatlon. The arch1tect w1ll make a presentat10n of the prel1m1nary plans to the Parklng 4 GS:SES:JAS Councll Meetlng: . February 28,1984 - Santa Monlca, Callfornla AuthOrl ty. If the Parklng Authorlty approves the prellm1nary plans, f1nal work1ng drawlngs wlll be prepared and the project w1ll be advertlsed for constructlon wlth1n the next 90 days. ConstructlOI1 w111 be completed approxlmately 120 days after award of contract. Plans are aVdllable 1n the Councll off1ce for reV1ew. BudgetjFlnanc1al Analys1s Unencumbered authorlty rema1ns 1n Account No. 77-700-610-000-904 1n the amount of $304,820. Leased commerclal space wlll provlde addlt1ona1 revenue of approx1mately $90,000 annually. Reductlons 1n ma1ntenance of approxlmately $5.000 annually are est1mated due to projected reductlons 1n vandal1sm lnherent 1n the deslgn changes. Recommendatlon Staff recommends that the Parklng Authorlty approve the prellmlnary plans and author1ze the staff to proceed wlth flnal worklng drawlngs and advertlse the prOject for construct1on blds. Prepared by: Stan Scholl, Olrector of General Serv1ces 5