SR-501-002-01 (4) ~ . . f-c ~ 11 19B.r CA:RMM CIte} Cour-'::;~l ~ieetl"g ':'L-~1-84 Santa MOY1lca. Call+ornla ::w/~ tJOZ-O/ STAFf- REPORT T,-, U' ~a~or ana CIty COUPsIl !="ROI1: C It") H t t Co r n e v S!JBJ EC T : OrdlnaY1Ce H~endlno Mur-1Slpal F'elatl'l9 ~o Cabie TeleVISlor Code Se~tlon 6623H Utlilt~ Users 1ax This =,t a ff ReporT TraY1Smlts to the CIty Coune 1 i an ordlna'lce "'llner-'d: ng 5al1 t a 110'lI.::.a MU'IIClpal ~ode ~eC{IOn o623H rei3tl"g to "hE' Cable Tel'3'vlSlon Utll1tl,..: Users Tax. atopted. thIS amendme~t wOLld delete t~e utility users tax on te le.....:ls lC~ Signals :ser>t for a Tee or c~arge b~ mIcrowave or dr-V other ~et~od o~ teleco~munlcatlon other than bv a cable. {-; bUSIness 11Ce'lSe "ee on SUbscrIptIon teleVISIon Ser\.Jlces I~Jas successfu ll'~' cnalle""lged In the recent case of Clt~~_~la~eda V. PremIer LOfYlmUn Icat IOi'S He1:~"ork. Inc.. 1130 Cal t4DO 3d 148.. 202 ea i . Rp t - . ':l8Q (1984', Tloe Llt._) or ~l:!lf'eda adopted a DU:::. u-'e5::: llsense "(-3:>, cot 3% o+: ,he qro5s ~eC81c;tE earlled I;Jlt~lr- t t- e i::'. 1 t .~' . Hotlna tha" subscrIPtIon telf"..>ISlO'l ser"Ices .AI e - e cor-s Ide red I~Jltr-iln protected tree :<:'D~ecr- rIghts t~e CQU~t stated tnat t~e t3V could not 51:3Pd unt~ss there l:a5 an overrIdIng governms'Ital Inte'^est. i'l partIcular t~e court founj that '3 taxInc s')stem wl-tlcr- treats protected fI~st ome~d~ent actlvltles dlT~erertlv ~rom taXIng 5')5 t ems aOD l. led to bUSInesses lr> -:::Jenerai are unconstl- tutlonall~ burdensome. g-c, DEe 1 1 e:J . . TL<IO at ~ne bUSlr,esse-3 a++ected D'''' itLJ'I1CIDal Lode SectIon 66231-'-. S~ I Be- T<; ar"j en T'~'. ..av~ re -.- a 1 ned !: he 1 aw firm 0 l' W).-'m<:ln, t:iautz:et' Rot~man_ ~uchel a~d ~I!bert ~o challenae the LItv s ta,.. Sl~ce the two bUSinesses could conceIvablv be faced wIth tho<=. t =<'" In ever:) Cltt) they 5erve~ the',' IndIcated that the :::.~nt-a r-1c;r> 1 ca orClr:arce would be challe~Qec as a test case. l Se eat t a c h e d let t e r ) . ~Irce e~t~nslV~ lltlgatlo~ In Federal court 15 e~pected. tt--. e c-~st at an+-orclng and collectIng the cable televlslor u t 1 i I t 'J users ta~ ~Ili exceed the projected revenue ~rom the t a" . Ht the current -: 1 rne there are app rox 1 ma t e i '~I 9'UO subscrlb8"':S 1 t""l Santa tion lca 'dhlch ,.JO u ! d "I P P r OJ '0 I ma tel ~J V lei d $ 1;: , '7 0 iJ a r '1 U all 'J . ~lthough The Cl[~ Attornev believes that the [Itv tax on S '.J b :5 C rib e r s IS dIfferent fro~ the tax etruck down In Alaweda. the r e ',''3 n u e froll' the 1: '=I., Coes not: )u:stlfy the litigation costs. whlc~ could Include attorne~'5 fees tor the SelecTV and ON H) 1 .... t!-te Cltv IS u~s~cce5stul. The City Attornev has erg aged 1'"\ :l number of dlSCUS510ns ioJl'(h -;::he reoresentatl'-,;e of ~:;~ 1 ~c Ttj and 'JH Tl) ar-c: bell~\}~S t:-.at t !'"'"Ie'..) ~.Jl! 1 commene:oo:- Iltlgatlcr It the ordlnarlce 15 not amended. Since the ~egai Issue':> -':Ire like 1,_, to be resol,Jed l'l lltlqatlon aaalnst ':Jther cltles, 1 t IS prudent to amend the ordinance a~d awalt t~e outcome at suc~ Iltlgatlor. -J L I t . IS res pee t f u 1 1 '_' . Rt::C/jl1!1Er'i['h - 1 (jl'~ reco:JrnrlOen deci t: ho3 t PREPf4REC, 8 I : ordlrance be l~troduc~d tor ~lrst reo3dl~g. Ro be'" t i1. 1103 r T Hl r. t r. e a C ::: 0 rr'D an:/ 1 n 9 "1-)e r ~. 1~ 1 t 'J H t t 'J r n e~.' ; a c f-; 1 K 1 _ ['13 put Y C 1 t '-J ..., t tor n e y ~ ./ . . CA: R~1M C I t Y Co u n ell i'le e T- 1 r' 9 ~ .:..: - ..L l ~ t: 4 ~a~ta ~O~lca. California OPDINHNCE NUMBER ,Cl:V Council Serles1 AN OPDIN~NC~ O~ T~E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY iJF SHNiA riOtnc,:::, -'t'1EtmINC; '::.ECTION 0023'""' OF T~E. S8HT H r10r~ I eN liUN leI PHL CO[i~ PELPo T 1 NG TO L~BLE 'ELEVISION uTiLITy uSeRS THX THE. C 1 T / ;=>)UNC I L OF TiiE C I T / (ii=" SHrHH t10H I c.p. DOES ORDH i t-.l f-oS ~ OLLOW::.: SECTION 1 Sect 10'-' 06L=~H of the ::,ar-ta ['or-1Ga rlurlclpal Code Ie amended to ~eao as tDllows: SECT I O:~ o~2~.,. Cable 'alevlslon. t a ) CDrnmen.~ 1 na O~ January 1. 1984, there 15 hereb~ Iffip0S80 a tax upon everv persorl In r.Me 'c..lt~) of Sent::! '1onlca U51"lg 1 'i rhe C I t \} a cable televIsion ser"lce. Tite t a ~"- Imposed 01. ~ f thiS Sectlc'r she 11 be t l"e Per ce'1t: '':7'Y.:' OT the cheraes cnade +0'" such cab Ie te le'')1510r ser"lce '3nd sha i i be D'310 be,' tt-oe DerS:Jr> paYing Tor such cable tetel)lSlOtl ser,Llce. (b } For purposes ot thIS SeC"lon, cable tele"')l5l0tl ser-\}lCe Sh-91 i meen a tel e ',) I S 1 0 n s 1 a n a l del I ve r- e db' " cab 1 e ~ D r a tee or eharae. "+ . . ':::JEe 1 i Qq 2. .....n'" or"JC,'i:'::l,:;r-; 0+ -he ::I8nta r'!<::)n:ca J'lwnlclpal Cede or ~pce~dlces theret~ IncC~slstent ultb the prOVISions of t r' I ;Co ordlnanc~. to the e^t~~t of sucb 1~conslstencle5 and ~o further, are he reb~) reoealec Qr modl+lej to ti'">:l": exte...t neC8SS:lry to affect the prOVl~10n5 of thIS QrdInance. ~EC.TIDN 3. If a'l'~' 58CtiOr-. 'SubsectIon. sentence, clause. 0r ohrase Jf thIS ordInance 1;: for anv rea;:on neld to be InvalId or UnCO"5tIt~tlon~1 bv a deCI;:.lor 0" an',' court of an') COMpe:ent lUt lsdIctlO""'. sucf-; deCISIon :;hall not .:!ftect ,,:he 'y' a 1 I ,j 1 t ') ::d' t r-. ere Mal n I "1 ':l ::J 0 r t Ion 5 0 f the 0 r dIn a nee The C lt '.) CouncIl ne reb'~' CeCli::lre5 that , ~ . < ,,\10 L: 1 d have pa5~ed thiS orOInar':::e and e3ch and ever\-' sectIon, subsection. sentence, clcll.Jse ':J r phrase not declared In'JallO or urcons~ltutloral l.<) 1 tho u t regard to ~Jhether an'} portIon of the ordinance woulo be sUbsE'quently declare.-1 In';alld or unconstItutional. SECTlmi 4 The r'la '.)0' shail 510"1 and the Clt'; Clerk shall attest to the cassag~ of ~hlS ~rdlnance. The Clt"/ Clerk ~ha 1 1 cause the same to be oubllshed once In the oftlClal ne'..Jsoape r l\l 1-: h 1 "1 15 daus afte" Its adoptl':Jn. The OrOIF'anCe sball become e~~ectl~e after 3:j ca.)":. .......c;IT1 1 .. ~ ... "_0 adoption. 8PPPOVED ~S 10 ~ORM: RO~i::;5'o- CIt') H'"torne:) '7 . . L.AW OFFICES WYMAN, BAUTZER, ROTHMAN, KUCHEL. & SIL.BERT WASI-'INGToN. DC A PAAT..r~5-"1c. '!'lICU.,D'NG pQO=-E5S'OfolA.i,. CORPORAnONS Ne:WF'ORT ee:AC'" WASHINGTON, 0 C ~0037 r202) .....e 2222 TWO CENiURY PLAZA. FOURTEENTH F'L.OOR 2049 CENiUFlY PARI<. EAST 600 NiE:W ~"'MPSI.HR!: "yENUE N w. Sv'TE. Bose L.OS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA 90067 ....100 MAC.ART:HUft BO...."EV...Ft'D ...e:WPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA >.>l660 f714' "eo &1300 12131s56-eooo (213) 879-eooo BARFlY E FINK P C PAATN ER CABLE ADDR~SS WYBARO:K June 26, 1984 Robert M. Hyers CJ.ty Attorney City of Santa MonJ.ca 1685 MaJ.n Street Santa MonJ.ca, CalJ.fornla 90401 Re: Santa MonJ.ca Tax on SubscriptJ.on Televlsion Services -- SelecTV and ON TV Dear Nr. Myer 5: In connection WJ.th our ongoing discussJ.ons wJ.th you concernJ.ng the valJ.dJ.ty of Santa MonJ.cals taxatJ.on of the subscription televisJ.on services provJ.ded by our cllents, SelecTV of America, Ltd. ("Sele.cTVlT) and Oak IndustrJ.es, Inc. (liON TV), we hereby enclose for your review a copy of a recent CalJ.forn~a Appellate Court decislon, City of Alameda v. Premler Co~~unicatlons Network, Inc., 115 L.A. Daily Journal 1876 (DaJ.ly App. Rep. Supp., June 6, 1984), in which a munJ.cJ.pal tax on subscrlption televJ.sion services was J.nvalidated on First Amendment grounds. C~ty of Alameda J.S the fJ.rst Callfornia appellate case to consJ.der munJ.cJ.pal taxatlon of subscrJ.ption televJ.sion since the u. S. Supre~e Court's recent holdJ.ng J.n MJ.nneapolJ.s Star v. MJ.nnesota Corom. of Rev., U. S. , 75 L.Ed.2d 295, 103 S.Ct. 1365 (1983r~~As --you-"W11l note, the Appellate Court interprets MJ.nneapolJ.s Star identically to the way we J.nterpreted it J.n our brlef submltted to the City of Santa Monlca on November 21, 1983. Moreover, the Court's opinlon adopts and approves an argument J.dentJ.cal to that advanced J.n our brlef. To summarize, the opLn2on fJ.rst notes the Supreme Court's ernphasJ.s, in M~nneapolls Star, that a "tax that burdens rights protected by the First Amendment cannot stand unless the burden 18 necessary to achJ.eve an overr1dlng government J.nterest," then stresses that the government's 2nterest 2n raisJ.ng revenue, standJ.ng alone, cannot )ustJ.fy the J.nherent censorial power of "specJ.al treatment of a segment of the med~a wh~ch dissemJ.nates protected speech," and fJ.nally concludes that a mun~clpal tax on subscrJ.ption television servJ.ces lS "unJustlfied by any compell1ng 1nterest of the City. If ,. . . '.... Robert M. r~yers Page Two June 26, 1984 Accord~nglYI the Court invalldated the tax ordinance in issue as v~olat~ve of the F~rst Amendmentts guarantee of free speech. In l~ght of the C~ty of Alameda decislon, we respectfully re~terate our argument that Santa Monlca's taxation of subscrlptlon televls10n serVlces lS constitutionally lnvalid as an ~mpe~lss~ble burden on free speech and repeat our request that the Clty cease its attempt to collect such tax froffi SelecTV and ON TV. We look forward to your prompt response in this ~atter. Very truly yours, ,,- -' /-LAA-\.~ /. --__~...; L - Barry ~. F1.nk, A Professlonal Corporation BEF:crv Enclosure cc: LOU1S R. M~ller, P.C. Mr. George Gates Mlchael E. V~ebrock, Esq. JUdlth Mann, Esq.