SR-202-011 (7)by fund FY99-00 CITY OF SANTA MONICA Council Session Date Agenda Item Number Description Amount Fund Mid-Year Budget Review Changes Reduction of appropriations for TORCA Loan program (when loans are made, the appropriation is reduced and a "Loan Receivable" is created on the appropriate fund balance sheet) Reduction of appropriations for MERL Loan programs (when loans are made, the appropriation is reduced and a "Loan Receivable" is created on the appropriate fund balance sheet) Termination and/or adjustments of capital improvement project appropriations for completed projects or for various technical reasons. Miscellaneous technical adjustments Council Action Grand Total EXPENDITURE BUDGET REVISIONS FOR THE PERIOD 1/1/00 - 6/30/00 FY 1999-00 EXPLANATION OF PREVIOUSLY APPROVED 9-A Sunset Park Interim Traffic Improvements 6-I Tide and Wise Paratransit Services 6-G Virginia Avenue Park Expansion Project 8-A 4-B CC/RA-2 9-B ??? ???? ?Police Traffic Enforcement Program and Automated Red-Light Enforcement Program. Reconfiguration of Parking Lot #9 6-C Police Teen Driver Awareness Program sponsored by Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Grant 6-H Legal settlement 4th Street Parking Garage capital improvement project 6-D 6-P 6-E Purchase of four new diesel powered forty-five foot, fifty-seven passenger commuter coaches. Reduction of appropriations for Low/Moderate Income Housing Loan program (when loans are made, the appropriation is reduced and a "Loan Receivable" is created on the appropriate fund balance sheet) Reduction of appropriations for CDBG Citywide Housing Trust Fund loan program (when loans are made, the appropriation is reduced and a "Loan Receivable" is created on the appropriate fund balance sheet) U.S. Department of Justice Community Oriented Police Services 2000 Technology Grant California Office of Criminal Justice Planning (OCJP) grant from California Law Enforcement Technology Equipment Purchase (CLETEP) program. Lease for ten small 26-passenger transit buses. Administrative Actions Review of City Assistance Tenant Relocation Plans 16-A EXPLANATION OF PREVIOUSLY APPROVED EXHIBIT A (continued) Total (Gross) Less Reimbursements and Transfers Total (Net) Administrative changes for Disaster Relief Fund EXHIBIT A (continued) Legal settlement with Valley Crest Police Traffic Enforcement Program and Automated Red-Light Enforcement Program Termination and/or adjustments of capital improvement project appropriations for completed projects or for various technical reasons Lease for ten small 26-passenger transit buses California Office of Criminal Justice Planning (OCJP) grant from California Law Enforcement Technology Equipment Purchase (CLETEP) program 4-B CC/RA-2 EXHIBIT A (continued) Purchase of four new forty-five foot, fifty-seven passenger commuter coaches 8/10/1999 $387,680.00 1.00 11/16/1999 8000.00 1.00 2/8/2000 211192.00 1.00 2/15/2000 196250.00 1.00 2/22/2000 8984587.00 1.00 -273132.00 -77686.00 196967.00 1521.00 1.00 15470.00 15470.00 1.00 $9,530,047.00 $17,900.00 10800.00 1900.00 5200.00 11.00 -22054.00 -24044.00 1990.00 11.00 ($4,154.00) -4671942.00 -39808.00 4632134.00 13.00 1995.00 -4632134.00 1995.00 4632134.00 13.00 -4669947.00 $417,256.00 14.00 -63050.00 14.00 $354,206.00 $14,701,546.00 15.00 -16723.00 15.00 $14,684,823.00 $967,000.00 16.00 $967,000.00 $54,298,625.00 17.00 3/7/2000 569848.00 17.00 $54,868,473.00 $711,000.00 18.00 $711,000.00 11/9/1999 26084.00 19.00 $574,314.00 19.00 -1530415.00 19.00 -800000.00 19.00 -1730017.00 5000.00 20.00 589.00 169452.00 20.00 2/22/2000 4000.00 20.00 5/2/2000 550000.00 20.00 5/23/2000 115550.00 20.00 -469069.00 20.00 -580868.00 -180098.00 -580868.00 -180098.00 770.00 400000.00 20.00 100.00 -770.00 400000.00 100.00 770.00 400000.00 20.00 -205835.00 517000.00 21.00 517000.00 209180.00 22.00 -210219.00 22.00 -1039.00 108306.00 92949.00 600.00 2400.00 100.00 617.00 6400.00 4204.00 1036.00 25.00 -94657.00 -3148147.00 3053490.00 25.00 13649.00 15599.00 3399.00 7500.00 1100.00 2900.00 700.00 27.00 -260060.00 27.00 -244461.00 100497.00 15600.00 400.00 3000.00 200.00 69973.00 200.00 700.00 502.00 6400.00 2365.00 100.00 1057.00 30.00 100497.00 31700.00 400.00 600.00 30300.00 400.00 31.00 1119301.00 -152906.00 1272207.00 31.00 320800.00 1272207.00 320800.00 1272207.00 31.00 1471801.00 9100.00 32.00 9100.00 2319.00 1819.00 200.00 200.00 100.00 33.00 -29275.00 33.00 -26956.00 -242050.00 34.00 -242050.00 18143.00 16043.00 100.00 2000.00 37.00 18143.00 228669.00 18900.00 49600.00 14800.00 23100.00 34500.00 31400.00 31550.00 4900.00 18319.00 1600.00 228669.00 18900.00 49600.00 14800.00 23100.00 34500.00 31400.00 31550.00 4900.00 18319.00 1600.00 41.00 2406625.00 41.00 6/13/2000 300000.00 41.00 2935294.00 10478.00 7578.00 100.00 2800.00 51.00 10478.00 180000.00 53.00 127958.00 53.00 307958.00 102108.00 54.00 11700.00 10100.00 1400.00 200.00 54.00 113808.00 1800.00 55.00 63434.00 55.00 65234.00 6068.00 57.00 6068.00 12800.00 12700.00 100.00 59.00 12800.00 $79,572,920.00 8/10/1999 $387,680.00 1.00 11/9/1999 26084.00 19.00 5000.00 20.00 11/16/1999 8000.00 1.00 2/8/2000 211192.00 1.00 102108.00 54.00 1800.00 55.00 2/15/2000 196250.00 1.00 2/22/2000 8984587.00 1.00 $17,900.00 10800.00 1900.00 5200.00 11.00 $417,256.00 14.00 $14,701,546.00 15.00 $967,000.00 16.00 $54,298,625.00 17.00 $711,000.00 18.00 $574,314.00 19.00 589.00 169452.00 20.00 517000.00 21.00 209180.00 22.00 108306.00 92949.00 600.00 2400.00 100.00 617.00 6400.00 4204.00 1036.00 25.00 15599.00 3399.00 7500.00 1100.00 2900.00 700.00 27.00 100497.00 15600.00 400.00 3000.00 200.00 69973.00 200.00 700.00 502.00 6400.00 2365.00 100.00 1057.00 30.00 31700.00 400.00 600.00 30300.00 400.00 31.00 9100.00 32.00 2319.00 1819.00 200.00 200.00 100.00 33.00 18143.00 16043.00 100.00 2000.00 37.00 228669.00 18900.00 49600.00 14800.00 23100.00 34500.00 31400.00 31550.00 4900.00 18319.00 1600.00 41.00 10478.00 7578.00 100.00 2800.00 51.00 180000.00 53.00 11700.00 10100.00 1400.00 200.00 54.00 12800.00 12700.00 100.00 59.00 2/22/2000 4000.00 20.00 3/7/2000 569848.00 17.00 5/2/2000 550000.00 20.00 127958.00 53.00 5/23/2000 115550.00 20.00 2406625.00 41.00 6/13/2000 300000.00 41.00 -1530416.00 19.00 -469069.00 20.00 -273132.00 -77686.00 196967.00 1521.00 1.00 -22054.00 -24044.00 1990.00 11.00 -580868.00 -180098.00 770.00 400000.00 20.00 -210219.00 22.00 -94657.00 -3148147.00 3053490.00 25.00 -260060.00 27.00 1119301.00 -152906.00 1272207.00 31.00 -29275.00 33.00 63434.00 55.00 6068.00 57.00 -63050.00 14.00 -16723.00 15.00 -800000.00 19.00 15470.00 15470.00 1.00 100.00 20.00 320800.00 1272207.00 320800.00 1272207.00 31.00 -242050.00 34.00 $84,242,866.00 -103908.00 $84,138,958.00 -4669947.00 -39808.00 4632134.00 1995.00 13.00