SR-9-B (13) /' 98 -- . .i , , i JUl 0 9 1996 - ccs BS yldeH:hs/councIl/master mf Santa MOllica, CalIfornia CIty CouncIl Mtg June 1 L 1996 TO: Mayor and eny CouncIl FROM Cny Staff S{;BJECT: RecommendatIOn to approve 1996 Santa Momca Cultural Arts Master Plan Update mISSIOn statement and goals INTRODUCTION ThIS report descnbes the development of the 1996 Santa :Ylomca Cultural Arts Master Plan Update by AMS Planmng and Research, summarIzes Its goals and recommendatIOns. and requests approval of the mISSIOn statement and goals BACKGROUND .. In 1992. the CIty of Santa MOllIca retallled the serVIces of AMS Planmng and Research to evaluate the CIty's present cultural arts programs and services and to propose a multI-year Cultural Arts Master Plan ThIS document \vould mcorporate the VISIOns and goals for the Clty'S cultural future WIth a strategy to attam those goals A pnmary purpose III creatIllg the . Master Plan was to assemble a broad cross-sectIOn of the Santa MOllica arts commumty and general publIc to assess the needs and desHes of the CItIzens of Santa :Ylo111ca ThIS document dId not recommend specIfic art programs or projects Rather. It \yas mtended as a foundatIon upon 'whIch the Santa r..lolllca Arts CommiSSIOn and the CIty can develop programs uSIllg the artistIC VISion of the community whIle creatmg an atmosphere III which local arts organIzations and artists can thnve 98 J U L 0 9 1996 - A staff reVIew in 1995 of the goals and objectives set forth m 1992, determined that almost 75% of these goals had been met with no addItIOnal staff or CIty fundmg resources AMS P1anmng and Research was engaged m October. 1995 to re-examine the plan, determme which specific objectives were substantlally complete. wInch needed addItIOnal \vark and what ne\-\' goals and objectives \vere reqUired to address emergmg Issues AMS Plannmg and Research took four steps to gather mfonnatIon needed for thIS update' reVIew of a \\Tltten status repon completed by Cultural Afft1lfs DIVISIon staff. a senes of mterVle\VS m WhICh they gathered mput from commumty leaders. artlsts, arts organIzatlOnS, the publIc. and Cny staff. mdn.'ldual meetmgs \...Ith each of the Arts ConumsslOn's advisory committees; and finally. a senes of broadly advertIsed publIc meetmgs held in December 1995 to address three key topICS arts and educatIOn. the performmg arts. and marketmg and promotlon of the arts All three publIc meetmgs v,-ere advertIsed m The Outlook and a flyer was dIstributed at all CIty lIbranes and arts venues and sent to over 1.500 area reSIdents by mall At the conclUSIOn of thIS process, a publIc meetmg was held m February 1996 between the ongmal members of the 1992 Cultural Arts Master Plan Steenng Commlttee and the Arts CommlsslOn m which the consultants presented theIr prehmmary findmgs, answered questlOns and receIved comments At the Apnl, 1996 meetmg of the Arts CommIssion, the 1996 Cultural Arts Master Plan Update was unanimously approved DISCDSSIO:\'" The ongmal 1992 Cultural Arts Master Plan conSIsted of 11 goals and a total of 87 objectIves These mcluded the development of programs deSIgned to strengthen commUnICatIOn wnInn the Santa MOnIca Arts Commumty. the use of commumty resources to augment arts educatIOn , L. programmmg In the Santa :NlonIca/Ylahbu Umfied School DIstnct. orgamzahonal Issues of the Santa Momca Arts CommIssIOn and FoundatlOn. and ways to mcrease pubhc partICIpatiOn and attendance at Santa Momca arts programs The followmg YllssIOn Statement \-vas prepared by a subcomnllttee of the Cultural Arts Master Plan Steering Committee and is intended to represent the overall mtent and dIrectlOn of the Plan and 1996 Update "Art is a \Vindo,,, to the \Vorld" liThe City of Santa l\lonica supports the Arts. \Ve recognize that Santa 1\lonica is richly endowed with artists of various disciplines, all of whom, through their collective efforts, significantly enhance our lives. \Ve also recognize that the true significance of the artIsts' work is as a cornerstone supporting education, personal enrichment, economic vitality and community involvement. Therefore, we consider the support of the arts to be a basic cit), service. \Ve believe it is our responsibility to sustain the arts and arts organizations to the best of our ability and to foster support of the arts and arts organizatIOns through government, public and private partnerships in the community." In the Update process the follow"lng SIX goals. consolIdated and reformulated from the 1992 Plan. emerged as top pnontIes for future focus .oi. Marketing and Promotion Goal: "To increase public participation in and attendance at arts and cultural events and programs." Aml1ence development, marketmg. promotIon, mformatlOn dIssemmatIOn and artractmg VISItorS and tOUrIsts '\vere all major concerns of arts orgamzatIOns In the Cny Dunng the three publIc \vorkshops conducted for the Cpdate. the oyerndmg theme common among all groups IS the ongoIng need for mformatIOn flov\-' betv.een arts and cultural organIzatlons. artIsts, reSIdents and VISItOrS ., .) The consultant" s proposed ObjectIves under thIS goal mclude development of a one year marketmg \york plan and more effective use of eXJstmg CIty mformatIOn outlets such as PEN, the CIty'S World WIde Web SIte, the kIOSks on the Promenade and at the lIbrary. and the CIty'S cable teleVISIon statIon to promote arts, cultural events and actIvItIes Other mformatIOn dIssemmatIOn vehIcles proposed by the Update mclude the creatIon of an arts newsletter or calendar. a "Santa .\tfomca Arts Access Pass" contammg multIple adnllSSIOn tIckets to local cultural venues. a group and tour tIcket sales program and slIde promotIOns at local mOVIe theaters The Update also calls for Increased use of eXlstmg publIc outreach matenals such as ConventIOn and VISItor Bureau gUIdes. bulletIn boards, and commumty maIlers such as PTA and school newsletters to promote arts opportunltles. ... Programming Goal: "To create art and cultural programs that focus on specific neighborhoods and populations, establish an annual performing arts festival, and increase opportunities for exhibitions of ,'isual art." Dunng the mItIaI cultural planmng process m 1992 the Steenng CommIttee and assembled focus groups dIscussed a vanet)' of Issues related to VIsual and performmg arts programmmg focusmg on the CIty' s netghborhoods, dIverse populatIOns, and opportumtIes for collaboratIve and cooperatIve programs spearheaded by the CIty's populatIOn of artIsts and arts and cultural orgamzatIOns Throughout the Update process much progress was reponed - the Santa Afomca Arts Festlval. A J;[onth of Sundays concerts m Lmcoln Park. and mural projects \vere speCifically CIted as eVIdence of a renewed commItment to celebratmg the en)' s neIghborhoods and dIverSIty Ne\v programmmg needs recommended m the Update mclude a Cttyv\i"lde VIsual art exhIbItIon, the development of arts programs targeted to the CIty's semor populatIOn, and the creatIOn of a CItYWIde "new plaY\\'TIghts festIval" 4 ... Arts Education Goal: "To create and facilitate arts education programs that integrate schools, arts organizations, Arts Commission, and community volunteers." Both the ongmal Cultural Arts 1'laster Plan and the Cpdate found a crItIcal need to consIder arts educatIOn as an mtegral component of a well-rounded K-12 educatlOnal curnculum Thorough groundmg 1ll the arts has been demonstrated to Improve SAT scores of students natIom\'lde \VhIle there was general consensus that the Santa Ivfomca Mahbu Umfied School DIstnct IS better than many Cahforma dlstncts In then arts educatIOn course offenngs, Issues centenng on Increased commumty lllvolvement and more coordmatIOn bet\veen communIty arts orgamzatIons and the SMMUSD have been IdentIfied as a focus of the Cultural Arts Master Plan Update update recommendatIOns m thIS area mclude the expanSlOn of the Arts CommIssIon' s Arts EducatIon CommIttee, creatlOn of a resource dnectory for chIldren' s arts and cultural programmmg, development of the MIles Playhollse as a central resource for youth arts educatIOn programmmg_ and expanSIOn of adult arts educatIon resources and programs ... Facilities Goal: "To evaluate and prioritize renovation of existing performing arts facilities and/or create new facilities and establish multi-disciplinary cultural centers at the Santa Monica Civic Center and Santa Monica Airport. The need to renovate and restore MIles Playhouse. MayfaIr Theatre and Barnum Hall were all frequent tOpICS of dIscussIOn along With the need for artIsts' hve\vork. studIO and exhibition space I\1uch progress was made SInce the 1992 Plan, most vlSlbly embodied m the opemng of the Bergamot StatIon Arts Complex and new artIst studlO spaces at the AIrport StIll. the 5 C pdate IdentIfies a pressmg need for performIng arts facilItIes and for creatlon of vIsual arts exhIbItIOn space The Update recommends that m the future. the CIty undertake a Cultural FaCIlItles Development Plan mcludmg an Inventory, needs assessment and development plans for adaptIve re-use of eXlstmg bmldmgs and/or ne\v constructlon to meet assessed needs In addltlon the Arts CommIssIOn should exanllne the possIbIlIty of a feasIbIlIty study for non- profit eXhIbItIOn space dedIcated to \...-orks of local artIsts and momtor avaIlabilIty of temporary and permanent exhIbItIOn space Other recommendatIOns Include the creatIOn of a dedIcated posItIon for an artIst on the Clty'S ArchItectural ReVIew Board. pnontlzatlOn of cultural uses m the Clty'S planned CIVIC Center, IncludIng the CIVIC Audltoflum. development of collaboratIve opportumtles wlth future performIng arts developments III the City such as the ~1ark Taper Forum. and the development of MIles Playhouse as a commuruty performmg arts venue for youth ... Funding and Support Sen'ices Goal: "To secure public and private resources and funding for distribution to the arts community and create an ongoing mechanism to facilitate communication between artists, arts and community organIZations." In the 1992 Cultural AIts ~faster Plan, the consultants made recommendatIOns mvolvmg the restructunng of the Santa 1vIomca .A.rts FoundatIOn. reYlsmg the Clty'S grantmg program pohcles. provldmg support sernces to mdlvldual artIsts and arts orgamzatlOns. and encouragmg the Cny to develop better methods of commumcatlOn and ne1\vorkmg between local arts 6 orgamzalIOns The 1996 assessment concluded that much progress had been made m the development of commUnICatIOn between the Cny's mts orgamzatIOns but that many other objectIves III thIS goal remamed mcomplete One recommendatIOn IS to mvestlgate the possIble creatIOn of an "arts cleannghouse" to produce educatIOnal forums and semInars. Increase techmcal aSsIstance to artIsts and arts orgamzatIOns, and explore development of cooperatIve fundralsmg efforts The consultant makes speCial note that publIc fundmg IS not aVallable m amounts needed to Implement sIgmficant objectIves of the Update and made a strong recommendatIOn that the CIty'S arts commumty engage the commumty's financtalleadershlP III an effort to raise pnvate fundIng It IS recommended that the Santa tvIomca Arts FoundatIOn (whIch currently shares the same board as the Arts COmnllSSIOn) be reconstltuted and remvIgorated \Ylth ne\v membershIp and leadershIp WIth lInks to pnvate busmess. mdlvIduals \vho could InItIate successful fundralsmg actlVltles The Update refers to the pOSSIble creatIOn of a "umted arts fund" as seen m cltles such as Chattanooga T~, Wasau. WI, and Broome County. NY In an effort to develop other strategIes to mcrease pnvate support for the arts, the 1992 Plan dIscussed the usefulness of an evaluatIOn of the economIC Impact of the arts In the CIty Currently. the Cultural AffaIrS DIVISIon IS conductmg such a study III collaboratIOn WIth the CalIforrua Arts CouncIl. Los Angeles County :.\fUSIC and Performmg Arts CommIssIOn. the Santa )"lomca Chamber of Commerce. the Santa ~lomca ConventIOn and V Isnors Bureau. the Central Busmess DIstnct. the NatIOnal Academy ofRecordmg Arts and SCIences, and the Santa :~vlomca!V emce Art Dealers ASSOCIatIOn Results of thIS report mdIcate that at least 467 arts. culture and entertamment-related non-profit and for-profit orgamzatlOns and busmesses are 7 actIve In the CIty These orgamzatiOns employ 8.585 people and account for a mlmmum of $407 mIllIon m annual revenue In 1992. AI\.1S Plannmg and Research advIsed restructuring the arts grantmg programs to proVIde a competItIve process for all applIcants. mcludmg those currently funded as "....ell as other ehglble orgamzatIOns Arts and cultural organIzatIOns receIve fundIng from the CIty m one of two ,"vays operatmg support m the CIty'S annual budget as well as m-kmd serVIces WhIch IS prOVIded to t\'Vo orgamzatIOns, speCIfied project fundmg through the Cny's Commumty Arts (CO-ARTS) Grants Program which IS awarded competItIvely The 1996 Update proposes usmg the fundmg levels of currently supported orgarnzatlons as benchmarks for any future expanSlOn of cultural orgamzatlOn fundIng The recommendatIOn to proVIde operatmg grant support to nable commumty arts orgamzatIOns IS based on the premIse that in order to continue to attract top qUalIty organizations and busmesses as \vell as cultural tounsm It IS VItal that Santa :t\-Iomca mamtain the non-profit arts organIzatIOns that prOVide the base support for the arts m our community The futures of several of Santa yfomca's most dIstmgUIshed arts and cultural agencIes are uncertaIn ... Infrastructure Goal: liT 0 restructure Cit).. of Santa 1'lonica organization and management of cultural fundmg and other programs. tI The 1992 communIty plannmg process YIelded substantIal mput concernIng the roles of the Arts CommIssIOn and the Clty'S Cultural AffaIrS DIVIsIOn F ollowmg the 1992 recommendatIOns. Arts CommIssIOn membershiP was reduced from twenty-two members to 8 thIrteen The current Update adVlses that Comm1SSIOn term hmns be hmlted to t\-\'o consecutive three-year appomtments Usmg five ne\y commlttees (Arts EducatlOn, Grants. ::vlarketmg and PromotlOn. Performmg Arts. Pubhc Art) the CommlSSlOll has reduced 1tS act1v1t1es as a programmmg body perceIved as competltlve l,,\'lth commumty arts orgamzatlOlls and mstead, oversees the CIty'S cultural affans. grant makmg. promotIOnal and marketmg efforts. and advocacy functlOns To effectuate the successful contmuance of thIS commIttee structure the Update suggests formahzmg commIttee membershIp recrUItment pohCIes. terms of office. and development of work plans Slmllarly. the Arts CommIssIOn' s pubhc art program was exammed and the 1996 assessment recommends penodIc publIc heanngs to renew the program' s pohcles and procedures to msure a umform method of sohcltmg and conSIderatIOn of pubhc mput .A. Conclusion The Santa j'vlomca Cultural Arts 1\'faster Plan Update recommends a frame\-vork upon which comprehensive programmmg and hIgh qUalIty projects can be developed Santa MOllica IS seen as a natIOnal leader m mnovat1ve mumclpal arts programmmg Tills Update exammes past accomphshments and recommends mecharusms by which the)' can be translated mto future successes It recogmzes the role that the arts play m the CIty and the value of the arts as demonstrated by the commumty It underscores the City's leadershIp role as an arts service proVIder and seeks ways to mamtam that posItlOn It notes ways m \yhlch the arts can be used to market the CIty. enhancmg the Cny's financIal resources from local Vlsltors as well as natiOnal and mternatlOnal tOUrIsts Fmally, It exammes methods to ensure the contmued 9 avmlabIhty of high quahty arts programmmg from the many local arts and cultural organIZatlOns that are perceIved as vital to the quahty of hfe In Santa Moruca BCDGETlFI~ANCIAL AdoptlOn of the 1996 Santa Maruca Cultural Arts ivlaster Plan Update mISSIOn statement and goals does not have Immediate budgetary or tlnanclal impact Specific projects developed under the :Ylaster Plan Update - s dIrectlOn w111 be brought before the Arts CommIssion and the City Council m the context of the City - s annual budget processes RECOM~IENDATION Staff recommends that the CIty CouncIl adopt the 1996 Santa :\Jomca Cultural Arts Master Plan Update mISSIOn statement and goals as approved unammously by the Santa Monica Arts CommIsslOn and dIrect staff to renew the consultant" S recommendatlOns and \vhere feasible Implement wlthm avmlable resources Prepared by Barbara Stmchtleld Actmg DIrector, Commumty and Cultural ServIces Maria LUIsa de Herrera Cultural Affmrs AdmInIstrator. Cultural Affairs DIviSion Hamp SImmons AdnUnIstratlve Analyst, Cultural Affmrs DIViSIon 10 't . Cultural Arts Master Plan Update CITY OF SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA CULTURAL AFFAIRS DIVISION ARTS COMMISSION MAY 1996 Am AMS Planning & Research 915 D Street Petalurna, CA 94952 707.778.8445 ~ CONTENTS MISSION STATEMENT ill....... ......".......... .............. ........... .... ........ ............. ..... ....................... ...... 1 INTRODUCTION & EXECUTIVE SUMMARy................................................................. 2 HIstory. ... . . .... p" ..... .. .. . .... .. .. .. .. .. .... .. ... P. .. .. . 2 The Update Process - 1995-96 h . ... h ...... . ...--- .. .. . ... .. ...... .- .... 2 Summary of 1996 Update ObjeCUves . . .. H ""n .. n....... ........... ................... n.... . .n..' .. n. 3 MARKETING & PROMOTION ......... .......... ............... ..................... ........ ............ ..... ........ 5 Orgamzatwnal Structure . .' .. . .. .. ..... .......... . h ...5 Publzc informanon -- . . .... .. ... H . . .. .oO .... ... . . .. 5 Marketlng . . .. . . . ..... .... .. . ... ........ .. .. . ...6 Promotwnfor VmfOrs . .. .. ... ..... . . . .. . ...... .. ... ......... .7 PROG RAMM ING ...... .............. ..,.,.... ............. III.... ... ................. ................ .... .............. ............. .......... ...... 8 ARTS EDUCATION .. ...... ............. ............ ............ ....... ..................... ........... ........... ....... 10 Communuy involvement . .. . . .. . ~ .. .... ...... .... .. - .... 10 Curnculum . . . . . . .... .. .. ... .. .... .. . .. 11 Coordmatwn . .. ..... .. . . ... .... ..... .. . ...... .... ....o............... .. .. 11 Other -- . .. . . . . ...... h' .. .. .... 11 F ACILITI ES.. ...... ......... ...... ....... .... ............ ... ....... ........ ....... ..................... ..... ... ... .... ... ... .......... 13 FUNDING & SUPPORT SERVICES ............................................................................. 15 ORG ANIZA TIONAL STR UCTU R E................. ................ ............... ... ..... ....................... 18 IMPLEMENTATION PRIORITIES ................................................................................. 20 Marketmg & PromotIOn . . .. . .. . -. . ...... . .. . 20 Programmmg. . . .. . __. ... h __.' U. ....... h.........____..........__... .......__.........__......................20 Arts EducatIOn . -- .. .. . . .. . .. u .. __ . . .. . 21 FaclllUes . . .. . .. ., .. .... .. 21 Fundmg & Support Services . .. . . 22 APPENDICES: 1 - ARTS COMMISSION HISTORY 2 - SUMMARY OF 1992 GOALS 3 - 1996 GOAL AREAS & 1992 CROSS-REFERENCE 4 -1992 GOALS, OBJECTIVES, & UPDATES , MISSION STATEMENT "Art is a Window to the World" The City of Santa Monrca Supports the Arts We recognIze that Santa Monrca IS richly endowed wIth artIsts of vanous disciplines, all of whom, through their collective efforts, slgmflcantly enhance our lives We also recogmze that the true significance of the artists' work IS as a cornerstone supporting education, personal ennchment, economiC vitality and commuOIty Involvement Therefore, we consider the support of the arts to be a basIc city service We believe It IS our responsibility to sustam the arts and arts organizatIons to the best of our ability and to foster support of the arts and arts organizations through government, public and pnvate partnershIps In the community AMS Plannmg & Research Page 1 City of Santa MonICa Cultural Arts Master Plan Update May 1996 . INTRODUCTION Be EXECUTIVE SUMMARY History The CIty of Santa MonIca's Art Program celebrated Its tenth annIversary In 1992 In honor of that event, the City, under the gUidance of the Santa Monrca Arts CommissIon, embarked on the development of a long-range Cultural Arts Master Plan Intended to Incorporate goals for the CIty's cultural future and the strategies by which to attain them In March 1992 under the auspices of the City'S Cu~ural & Recreation Services Department Arts DIVISion, AMS PlannIng & Research was selected as a consultrng team, and a Steenng Committee was assembled representmg the Santa Monrca arts commumty, rndlvldual artists, education, busmess, SOCial services and government sectors A Commumty ProfIle was developed incorporating pnmary market research With data on residents and vIsitors to the City, interviews WIth key leaders, a market analYSIS, and survey of arts and cultural organizations, programs and indIVidual artists In the area Nearly 200 communrty members With Interests In speCifIc tOpiC areas attended focused group diSCUSSIOns at sites throughout the City The Steermg Committee held addItional meetmgs to organize the communIty's Ideas and to formulate goals for a umfled cultural plan for the City The Cultural Arts Master Plan, completed In 1992, was Intended to serve as a "structural" document, provldrng a context and organrzatlonal scaffoldmg for bUilding the future of cultural actIvity In Santa Momca The Plan's objectives were Intended to be pragmatic, grounded In the philosophy that publlc-prrvate partnershIp IS the key to a successful long-term development of the arts and culture In Santa Mon/ca. A cntlcal ieature of such a partnership was the establishment 01 a close workmg relationship between the City'S Arts CommissIon and commumty-based non-profit arts and cultural organrzatlons (More mformatlon on the 1992 Plan can be found In appendices to this document) The Update Process - 1995-96 Over the last four years the City wItnessed tremendous change In a harsh economic envIronment emergmg from a long statewIde recession and battlmg effects of the Northndge earthquake, Santa MOnica welcomed new entertarnment mdustry busmesses and saw the growth of an art gallery hub at Bergamot StatIon In 1995 staff of the City's Cultural AffaIrs DIVISion (formerly the "Arts DIVISion") began taking stock of progress made on goals and objectives contamed In the 1992 Cultural Arts Master Plan. With no additional staff or funding resources smce completion of the onglnal document In 1992, staff were able to report slgmflcant progress or completIon on close to 75% of the ongmal Plan's objectives AMS Plannmg & Research Page 2 Glty of Santa MOnica Cultural Arts Master Plan Update May 1996 . - In order to continue momentum begun rn 1992 and establish new program and service pnontles, the DIvIsion retained AMS Planning & Research to conduct research and sohclt public Input aimed at developrng a Cultural Arts Master Plan Update Four steps were Involved In gathenng Input for the Update . A senes of key mformant interviews were conducted by the consultants With members of the city's arts community, Chamber of Commerce, bUSiness dlstncts, government offiCials, and educators . Individual meetings of three Arts Commission standing committees followrng a structured rntervlew protocol . Cultural Affairs DIVISion staff completed a written status report . Three public focused group diSCUSSions, covenng the areas of Arts Education, Visual Arts, and Performmg Arts, were faCIlitated by AMS staff Dunng each of these opportunities partiCipants were asked to Identify progress made on the 1992 document, outstanding Issues and needs, and new pnorrtles for program and service delivery Summary 011996 Update Objectives The Plan's ongmal11 goals have been condensed Into SIX new goal areas * Marketing & Promotion: => Expand Arts Commission Marketing/Promotion AdVISOry Committee) => Disseminate information on arts and cultural events, programs, services, and actiVities to the public ~ Create new audience development programs ~ Continue work With tounsm entities to showcase the city's cultural assets to vIsitors * Programming: ~ Develop a CitYWide art exhibition => Expand arts programs and services for senior Citizens => Explore creation of a CitYWide Playwrights Festival * Arts Education: => Expand role and compOSition of the Arts Commission's Arts Education Committee => Sponsor an Arts Education Summit and Advocacy Campaign => Work With the Santa MOnlca Mallbu Umfled School Dlstnct to evaluate needs for expanded In-school arts programs AMS Plannmg & Research Page 3 Glty of Santa Mon1Ca. Cultural Arts Master Plan Update May 1996 . - => Sponsor an Arts Education "Resource Fair" ==> Develop the MIles Playhouse as a community arts education venue * Facilities: ::;:) Conduct a comprehensIve Cultural FacIlities Development Plan (to address small performance venue and support space requirements) ::;:) Explore the feasibility of a vIsual arts clearinghouse => Involve artists In deSign of public bUlldmgs and developments ::;:) Prioritize cultural uses In the CIVIC Center re-deslgn => Continue efforts to develop specific faCIlities (e 9 , MIles Playhouse) as renovated performlng/vlsuaVeducatlon facilities. * Funding & Support Services: ::;:) Develop an Artist Cleannghouse and related artists' techmcal assistance functIons => Determme a future role for the mactlve Santa Monica Arts Foundation => StandardIze CIty cultural fundmg programs => Create new city operating support for arts/cultural orgamzatlons * Organizational Structure: ==> Formalize Arts Commission Committee pOlicIes and procedures (recrUItment, appointment, work plans, etc) ::::) Explore the appomtment of new Cultural AffaIrs DIVISIon support staff ::::::> ReVIse Arts CommIssion term lrmlts => Contrnue refrnement of public art selectIon processes Now more than ever, ImplementatIon of objectives noted In thIS Cultural Arts Master Plan update Will reqUIre energies of both the public and pnvate sectors. While the City of Santa Momca's City CouncIl, Arts CommissIon, and profeSSionally-staffed Cultural Affairs DIVISion are committed to fOCUSing new energIes on strengthemng the City'S culturellife, theIr intentions can only be successfully accomplished With significant participation from the city's private sector, namely Its non-profit arts and cultural organizatIons, bUSinesses, clubs and aSSOciatIons, and educatlonalmstltutlons For additIonal information on the Cultural Arts Master Plan Update process, document, or to learn how to become Involved In furthenng Santa Monica's cultural life, please contact the CIty's Cultural Affairs DIVISIon at (310) 458-8350 AMS Plannmg & Research Page 4 City of Santa MOnica Cultural Arts Master Plan Update May 1996 , - MARKETING & PROMOTION . GOAL To increase public participation in and attendance at arts and cultural events and programs i Rationale: Dunng the course of the 1992 Cultural Arts Master Planmng process, mvolvmg the publIc In Santa Monica-based arts and cultural programs and actIVities emerged as a high pnoflty goal dlfectly related to the overall success and future of the city's arts commumty AudIence development, marketmg, promotion, mformatlon dlssemmatlon and attractmg VISitors and tounsts were all major concerns of arts orgamzatlons In the City. Durmg three publIC workshops conducted for the 1996 Plan Update, (Arts Education, Performmg Arts, and VIsual Arts) the overndmg theme common among all groups IS the stIli on-going need for informatIon flow between arts and cultural organiZatIons, artists, and the public, and for the strengthemng of programs aImed at marketing and promotmg the City'S arts and cultural assets to residents and VISItOrs. It IS a commonly.held vIew among the City'S key leaders and arts community that major work remainS to be done In thiS area. OBJECTIVES: Organizational Structure . Expand representation of CommisSion's Marketing/Promotion AdVISOry Committee to Include representatives of arts and cultural organlzatlons and Santa MOnica College . Marketing/Promotion AdVISOry Committee should develop a one.year work plan (based on Cultural Arts Master Plan update) Identifying resource requirements, Incorporating deadlines and establishment of subcommIttees Public Information . Explore mstallatlon of mformatlonal kiosks at Santa MOnica Semor Center and Santa MOnica PIer AMS Plannmg & Research Page 5 City of Santa MOnica Cultural Arts Master Plan Update May 1996 . - . Improve utilization of eXisting kiosks at ThIrd Street Promenade and Santa Monica Library through exploration of "electronIc media" component (e.g., PEN "stmgs, vIdeotape capability, atc ) and more extensive arts/cultural orgamzatlon information/promotIonal (e g., dIsplay) Involvement . Expand use of PEN and CIty of Santa MOnica World Wide Web site (Cultural Affairs DIVIsion Home Page) far dlstnbutlOn of arts and cultural event/activity information . Expand work wIth City's cable teleVIsIon station to promote arts and cultural events/actIVIties (e.9 ' regular arts show, calendar listings, etc.) . Explore other informatIOn dlssemmatlon vehicles such as slide promotions at Santa Mon!ca Cinemas, use of Nelghborhood/Busmess Dlstnct mailing lists . Develop system for dlssemmatlon of arts/cultural informatIon through City of Santa MonIca Parks & Recreation faclhtles (e.g., bulletm boards, special displays, etc ) . Create regular CIty of Santa MOnlca arts newsletter/calendar Insert to be dlstrrbuted through Seascape, Outlook, Chamber of Commerce newspaper . Explore utilizatIon of SMMUSD dlstnbutlon vehicles for diSSeminatIon of arts/cultural mformatlon (e g , PTA newsletters, elementary school "weekly envelopes," ete) Marketing . City of Santa Momca Arts CommissIon's Marketing/Promotion AdVISOry Committee should design "Santa Momea Arts Access Pass" (e 9 , multIple admISSion sampler card to assorted cultural venues and programs) with Involvement of Chamber of Commerce, Convention & VISitors Bureau . Develop city-sponsored program (wIth extensive Involvement of non-profit arts and cultural organizations) to facIlitate group and tour group sales to performing and VIsual arts and hentage programs m Santa MonIca . City of Santa Momca Arts Commission's Marketing/PromotIon AdVISOry Committee should explore opportunitIes for leveraging corporate marketing dollars through promotIon of sponsorshIp opportunities With indiVidual (and CitYWIde) Santa Momca-based arts/cultural organizations AMS Planmng & Research Page 6 City of Santa MOnica Cultural Arts Master Plan Update May 1996 . - Promotion for Visitors . New VIsitor gUides should Include, In addition to cultural facIlities listed on city maps, sample "cultural VIsitor Itlneranes" showcasing the city's arts and cultural assets AMS Planmng & Research Page 7 City of Santa MOnica Cultural Arts Master Plan Update May 1996 . - PROGRAMMING GOAL To create art and cultural programs that focus on specific neighborhoods and populations~ establish an annual performing arts festival, and increase opportunities for exhibition of visual art Rationale: Dunng the Initial cultural planmng process the Steermg CommIttee and speclal/y~ assembled focus groups discussed a variety of Issues related to visual and performmg arts programmmg focusing on the City'S neighborhoods, diverse populations, and opportunities for collaboratIVe and cooperative programs spearheaded by the City'S population of artists and arts/cultural organizations. Throughout the update process much progress was reported - the revIsed Santa MOnica Arts FestIVal and mural programs were specifically Cited as eVidence of a renewed commitment to celebratmg the city's neighborhoods and diversity. New and on-gomg programmmg~related needs were also Cited. the opportumty to develop a collaborative citywide visual art exhibition and to develop arts programs targeted to the City'S semor population. OBJECTIVES: . The Santa MOnica Arts Commission should appomt an Ad Hoc CommIttee (mcludmg representation from the Santa MonlcaNenlce Art Dealers AssoclatlOn, 18th Street Arts Complex, and Santa MOnica Museum of Art) to pian/design the scale, scope (e g , Open, InvitatIonal, Theme) and mterval (e.g , one-time, Annual, BI-annual) of a citywide exhibition showcaSing the work of reSIdent artIsts ConsideratIon should be gIven to linking exhibitIon with 18th Street Arts Complex Studio Tour . Santa MOnica-based arts and cultural organizatIons should be encouraged to be senSitive to senIor needs m eXIsting programming and to develop special targeted senIor programs (e g., matinees, coordmatlon of performance times with public transportation, use of Santa MOnica Semor Center as venue, etc ). Consideration should be given to establlshmg a formal linkage structure between commumty-based arts and cultural organizations and WISE for development of ennchment programs and semor volunteer opportunities AMS Plannmg & Research Page 8 City of Santa MOnica Cultural Arts Master Plan Update May 1996 . . ~ . Santa MOnica-based theatre companies and other performing arts organizations should explore possible collaboration on a citywide "New Playwrights FestIval" or other themed, coordinated programming AMS Plannmg & Research Page 9 City of Santa MOnica Cultural Arts Master Plan Update May 1996 , . 4 ARTS EDUCATION GOAL To create and facilitate ans education programs that integrate schools, ans organizations, Arts Commission. and community volunteers Rationale: The ent/cal need for arts educatIOn to be considered an mtegral component of a we/l- rounded K-12 curnculum and as a tool to develop future ans audiences has been a pnmary concern of both the ongmal and update cultural plannmg processes While there IS a genera} feelmg that the Santa Momca Mallbu Un/fled School Dlstnct IS better than many CalIfornia districts In theIr arts education course offerings, Issues centermg on commumty Involvement and coordmatJOn between commumty organizations and the SMMUSD have been /dentlfIed as of focus In this Cultural Arts Master Plan update. OBJECTIVES: Community Involvement . Expand membershIp of Arts EducatIon Committee With representatIon from SMMUSD staff, teachers, and parents, Arts Booster clubs, Santa Momca College, Chamber of Commerce, Santa MOnica Vemce Art Dealers AssocIatIon, and commumty-based orgamzatlons. . Arts Education Committee should work to facIlitate linkages between community instItutions (Santa MOnica College, busmesses, pnvate schools, Museums. Parent-Teacher groups) and SMMUSD through => DisseminatIOn of Information to parents through PTA Monthly newsletters, elementary school weekly envelopes, secondary school back to school mghts, Santa MOnica Outlook education reporter, and other communication vehIcles (ConSIderatIon should be gIven to the development of an Arts EducatIon Newsletter) AMS Plannmg & Research Page 10 City of Santa Montca Cultural Arts Master Plan Update May 1996 . . ~ Developmg stronger linkages between SMMUSD students and Santa MOnica art StudiOS, artists, galleries for use as arts education resources ::::) Explonng opportunities for city/community Involvement In SMMUSD arts cUrriculum meetings as addltlonallmkage ::::) Arts resource information should be Included In City of Santa MonIca Youth Resource directory . Arts Education Committee should sponsor an "Arts Education Summit" to present Issues and Identify partnership opportunities to assist the SMMUSD with enhancement of Its arts education cUrriculum and develop a plan to secure long-term fundmg . Arts Education Committee should spearhead advocacy campaign for fundmg and Implementation of comprehenSive arts education cUrriculum. Curriculum . Arts Commission Arts Education Committee together with SMMUSD staff should determine scope of comprehenSIve arts education program and compare with new 1996 Statewide Visual & Performmg Arts framework . SMMUSD should develop budget for Implementation of recommended comprehenSive arts education program including field tripS, drama and dance Instruction, reSident artists, HS visual arts program Coordination . "Get Acquainted Resource FaIr" should be held regularly to anent arts groups to arts educatIon opportunities In schools, and to acquamt Dlstnct personnel With potential arts education programs, mcludlng a published handbook of educational opportunities Other . Community-based arts/cultural organizations, SMMUSD parent aSSociatIons, and Interested Santa MOnica Citizens should spearhead an advocacy effort to lobby City CounCil for a portion of the City's annual appropnatlon to SMMUSD (approximately $2 million) to be earmarked to support arts education programs and actiVities AMS Plannmg & Research Page 11 City of Santa MOnica Cuhura/ Arts Master Plan Update May 1996 . . . . Efforts to develop Miles Playhouse should continue wIth an emphasIs on the venue as a focal pornt and central resource for structured after-school arts education activities . Arts Education Commlttee should explore opportumtles for expanding and/or accessing Adult Arts EducatIon resources and programs. . Arts Education Committee should consider applymg for Callforma Arts Council Arts Education Fundmg (State "ArtIstic License Plate" fundmg) for support of expanded Santa MOnica arts educatIon programs AMS Planning & Research Page 12 City of Santa MOnica Cultural Arts Master Plan Update May 1996 . . , FACILITIES GOAL To evaluate and prioritize renovation of existing performing arts facilities and/or create new facilities and establish multi..disciplinary cultural centers at the Santa Monica Civic Center and Santa Monica Airport Rationale: Dunng the Imbal cultural plannmg process slgmflcant focus was placed on the need to develop additional perlormmg and Visual arts facIlities m the City. DIScussions have centered on opportunities afforded by venues such as Miles Playhouse, Mayfair Theatre, and Barnum Hall, on the need for artists' live/work, studiO, and exhibit space, and on the potential for cultural facility development m the CIVIC Center area and the Santa Momca Airport Smce the Plan's completion In 1992 there IS much progress to report most vIsibly embodied In the openmg of Bergamot Station and new artist studiO space at the Airport. Still, pressing needs remain for performmg arts faCIlities (small and mid-Sized theaters and rehearsal space) and for creatIon of Visual arts exhibit space, espeCially m light of the pendmg displacement of the Santa Momca Museum of Art OBJECTIVES: . The CIty's Cultural Affairs DIvISion should secure funding for and contract With a consultant to undertake a Cultural FaCIlities Development Plan including Inventory, needs assessment and development plans for adaptive re-use of eXisting bUildings and/or new construction to meet assessed needs Plan would Include estImates of capital and operating costs, technical reqUirements, recommended management scenanos, prOjected schedules of use, Issues related to zonmg and establishment of performmg artsJtheatre dlstnct, etc. EmphaSIS would be on meeting preliminary needs for 99- and 250-seat performance venues and rehearsal space PotentIal relationships with CIVIC Center and Bergamot theater developments would be assessed and discussed. . The Santa MOnica Arts CommiSSion should appoint an Ad Hoc Committee to determine the need for, scope of, and resource reqUirements for a "VIsual Arts Clearinghouse" to oversee AMS Planmng & Research Page 13 City of Santa MOnica Cultural Arts Master Plan Update May 1996 , ==> Feasibility study for a non-profit exhibItion space dedIcated to exhibiting works by local artists, to be pursued as a publIc/private partnership ==> Momtormg availability of temporary and permanent exhibition space (Third Street Promenade, commercial galleries, etc), LlvelWork space, affordable artist housing, etc. . The City of Santa Monica Arts Commission's Public Art Committee should determine policies and procedures with respect to Involvement of Santa Momca-based artists dunng conceptual planmng and design phases of bUildings and developments (e.g , "consideration gIven to," "pnonty conSideration gIven to," ete ) . The City of Santa MOnica Arts Commission should officially request of Mayor/City Council an artist-dedicated position be established on the City's Architectural Review Board. . The City's Plannl ng and/or Land Use and Transportation Management Departments should be encouraged to pnontlze cultural uses In future redesign of the City's CIVIC Center, rncludlng deSign and equlpprng of the CIVIC AudItorium, potential for new faCility development (large and small theatre faCIlitIes), utilization of high quality architecture, and the InclUSion of outdoor plazas SUitable for arts actIVIties . The City's Arts CommiSSion should help to faCIlitate and seek collaborative opportunIties With future performing arts developments In the City such as ~ Mark Taper Forum at Bergamot Station => Development of Miles Playhouse as a communrty performing arts venue => MOnitor avaIlability of unused/vacant bUildings for use as temporary or permanent performmg arts venues AMS Plannmg & Research Page 14 City of Santa MOnica Cultural Arts Master Plan Update May 1996 , . . FUNDING & SUPPORT SERVICES GOAL To secure public and private resources and funding for distribution to the ans community and create an on-going mechanism to facilitate communication between artists, arts and community organizations . . Rationale: Dunng the course of plannmg In 1992 discussion among arts and cultural organizations focused on strategies to leverage additional pnvate support for the arts In Santa MOnica (ViS-a.-VIS the Santa MOnica Arts FoundatIOn) and the need to mstigate revIsions to the City'S grantmg program poliCies Arts and cultural groups and artists also cited "lack of communicatIon" among themselves as a barrier to cultural development In the City While slgmflcant developments have been reported In the area of cooperation among the City'S arts community, there remam many needs for on-gomg support services (technical aSSistance, clearmghouse functions) Fundmg for arts programs In Santa Momca has remamed largely public, the Foundation has not mcreased ItS pflvate tundralsmg actIVities nor IS there eVidence of the City'S non-profit orgamzatlons ralsmg slgmflcant pnvate dollars OBJECTIVES: . The Santa MOnica Arts CommiSSion should appoint an Ad Hoc Committee to conduct research and plannmg to determine eXisting services, the need for, scope of, and resource reqUIrements for an on~golng "Artist Cleannghouse" to ~ Produce a senes of regular, structured, topic-based semmars/forums featunng guest speakers ::::) Disseminate InformatIon on techmcal assIstance workshops to vanous public venues (e g , coffeehouses) through expansion of Cultural AffaIrs DIVISion mailing list AMS Planmng & Research Page 15 Cdy of Santa MOnica Cultural Arts Master Plan Update May 1996 . => Explore potential of contracting with communIty-based/regional organizations (e g I CARS, 18th Street Arts Complex, other service organizatIons) for expansion of technIcal assistance provIsion to Santa MOnica-based artIsts and organizatIons => After completion of the City'S Economic Impact Study of the Arts, convene an "Arts & BusIness Summit" to explore mutually benefIcIal projects, new potentIal funding sources, etc. wIth Involvement of Santa Monica-based entertainment mdustry busInesses => Explore development of cooperative fundralslng/resource development structure wIth emphasIs on meetmg arts/cultural organlzatlon needs for office space, board recruitment, volunteer/rntern programs, ete . The City of Santa Monrca Arts CommIssion and Cultural Affairs DIVIsion should => Determine appropnate future scope and role of Santa MOnica Arts Foundation Consultant Recommendation: It IS clear that public sources of fundmg are not and WJII not be avaIlable m adequate amounts to Implement slgmflcant objectIves In the Plan. The CIty'S arts commumty must, If it IS to achieve stability and growth, engage the community's fmanclsl leaders In an effort to raise pnvate (corporate, foundation, mdlvldual) fundmg. If the city's arts commumty does not imtlate a collaborative effort (e.g., a United Arts Fund drive and/or revitalization of the Santa Momca Arts Foundation) to secure non-city dollars then many objectives of thJS Plan may need to be reconsidered. The Santa Momca Arts Commission IS not well positioned to fulfill thiS role. Expeflence m countless other commUnities mdlcates that a qua/lfled board of dJ(ectors (with Imks to pnvate busmesses) IS an essential success cntena for leveragmg sIgnificant private doHars. The City maintains a structure for such an organIzation, namely, the Santa MOnica Arts FoundatIon. It will, however, be unrealistiC for a publ1cly- appomted CommIssion to be expected to raIse significant pnvate dollars without bemg reconstituted and reinVIgorated With new membership and leadershIp (This alternative would not reqUIre the establishment of a new non-profit orgamzatlon but, rather, the recrUitment of Foundation board members With successful fundralsmg track records. It would necessItate additIonal support staff m the Cultural Affalfs DIVISIon to proVIde staff oversIght and support of fund- falsmg actiVities). AMS Plannmg & Research Page 16 City of Santa MOnica Cultural Arts Master Plan Update May 1996 . , Recent studies undertaken by the National Coalition of Umted Arts Funds (NCUAF - an affiliate of the American Council of the Arts) detaIl annual gIVing (through umted arts fund drives) In almost 70 commumtles. A bnef survey of the 1994 annual report reveals per capita giVing amounts rangmg from $0.61 (Albany, GA) to $8.69 (Chattanooga, TN) In citIes with populatIons rangmg from 40,000 (Wasau, WI) to 200,000 (Broome County, NY)_ The average per capita glVmg In cIties with UAFs was determmed to be $2.33, suggesting that a CIty such as Santa Momca mIght have an opportumty to raise m excess of $200,000 pnvately through such an effort. The CIty's Cultural Affairs DIvISion should undertake research (or contract With an outside consultant) to determme the feasibility of mstltutmg a united arts fund drive for Santa Momca-based cultural organizations. Success Cf/tena of umted arts fund dr/ves (e.g., type of partlClpatmg orgamzatlOns, corporate/busmess base, workplace glvmg and foundation partICIpation, etc.) should be evaluated with respect to the situation In Santa Momca Plannmg meetmgs With representatives of arts and cultural orgamzatlons, local businesses and corporatIOns should be held to ascertam mterest, concerns, and pOSSible working structures. => Determine poliCies and procedures for standardlzmg city arts/cultural organization funding through central grant program Consultant RecommendatIOn: Lme Item appropnatlons for the Santa MOnica Symphony and California Square Hentage Museum should be conSidered as benchmarks for expansIOn of other cultural organization fundmg The City'S CO-ARTS grants pool should be expanded to make City fundmg more eqUItable for other City-based arts/cultural organizations (to be based on annual budget percentage targets through a standardized application process). =:} Develop poliCies and procedures for on-gomg operating support grants to Santa MOnica-based arts and cultural organizations Consultant Recommendation. The consultants are m support of a city fundmg program which would provide stabilization funding O.e., on- gomg operating support) to Santa Momca-based arts/cultural orgamzatlons With the following eligibility criteria' Santa Monica base, track record of successful programs/actIVities m the City (for at least two years), 501 (c)(3) status, serve culturally-dIverse audiences. AMS Plannmg & Research Page 17 City of Santa Monica Cultural Arts Master Plan Update May 7996 . ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE GOAL To restructure City of Santa Monica organization and management of cultural funding and other programs Rationale: Substantive mput was received dunng the Initial cultural plannmg process concernmg the role of the Santa Momca Arts Commission and Its composition ObjectIVes In the 1992 Cultural Arts Master Plan responded to commumty mput that the Ans Commission reduce ItS activities as a programmmg body and, mstead, oversee the City'S cultural affalfs (to ensure eqUitable poliCies and support for commumty-based orgamzations), promotIOnal and marketmg activities (mcludmg Imkage with citywide promotIon efforts), and advocacy functions with outside mstltutlons (such as the Santa Momca Ma/ibu Unrfled School District). While there IS a Widespread feelmg m the commumty that the CommIssIOn has functioned more effectIvely and effiCiently over the past four years, there remam concerns over mission and compOSItion expressed by key commumty leaders. OBJECTIVES: . Santa MonIca City CounCil should revise CommIssion term limits to no more than two consecutive three-year appointments . The Public Art Committee of the Arts Commission should reconstitute artIst-selection junes to Include representatives of the Santa MOnica community (at large) and speCifiC neIghborhood where works are to be placed, 10 additIon to "art experts." . The City of Santa MOnica should evaluate the need for additional staff In the Cultural Affairs DIVISion to assist With overall Cultural Arts Master Plan Implementation (e g ,oversight of Marketing/Promotion, Arts EducatIon, FaCIlities obJectives). . The Santa MOnica Arts CommiSSIon should formalize Its CommIttee structure through the followmg tasks' AMS Planmng & ResearCh Page 18 City of Santa Momca Cultural Arts Master Plan Update May 1996 . . => Develop policies and procedures for recrUitment and official appointment of CommIttee members (e g , applications for committee membership, appomtment by Committee Chair and/or Arts CommISSion Chair, etc ) => Institute regular terms of office (e g , re-appolntment for no more than two consecutIve three-year terms) => Development of focused goals and work plans for each Committee (With clear Identification of human and funding resource reqUirements) => Formalized meeting agendas with designated "Public Comment" sectIons ::=) Continual evaluation of the need for and work tasks of each Standing and Ad Hoc Committee (With recommendation for dissolution of any unnecessary or duplicative committees) . The Santa Monrca Arts CommIssIon should undertake perrodlc public heanngs to review public art program poliCies and procedures AMS P1anmng & Research Page 19 City of Sama MOnica Cultural Arts Master Plan Update May 1996 . IMPLEMENTATION PRIORITIES Based on substantial and measurable progress since 1992 related to many Cultural Arts Master Plan goals and commumty mput regardmg as yet unmet needs, participants In the Cultural Arts Master Plan update process have strongly vOIced their support for Implementation, over the next five years, of the foJ/owmg objectives' PRIORITY OBJECTIVES: Marketing & Promotion * Marketrng/Promotlon AdVISOry Committee should develop a one-year work plan (based on Cultural Arts Master Plan update) Identlfymg resource requirements, Incorporatmg deadlines and establishment of subcommittees * Improve utilization of eXisting kiosks at Third Street Promenade and Santa MonIca LIbrary through exploratIon of "electronic media" component (e 9 , PEN IIstlOgs, videotape capabIlity, ate) and more extenSive arts/cultural orgamzatlon mformatlon/promotlonal (e.g., dIsplay) Involvement * Expand use of PEN and City of Santa MOnica World WIde Web site (Arts DIVISIon Home Page) for dJstnbutlon of arts and cultural event/actIvity mformatlon * Develop system for dlssemmatlon of arts/cultural mformatlon through City of Santa Monica Parks & Recreation faCIlities (e g , bulletm boards, speCial dIsplays, ete ) * Create regular City of Santa MOnica arts newsletter/calendar IOsert to be distributed through Seascape, Outlook, Chamber of Commerce newspaper * City of Santa Monrca Arts CommISSion's Marketmg/Promotlon AdVISOry Committee should deSign "Santa Momca Arts Access Pass" (e.g., multIple admISSion sampler card to assorted cultural venues and programs) WIth Involvement of Chamber of Commerce, Convention & VISitors Bureau Programming * The Santa MOnica Arts CommISSion should appomt an Ad Hoc Committee (lncludmg representation from the Santa MonicaNenlce Art Dealers ASSOCiation, 18th Street Arts Complex, and Santa MOnica Museum of Art) AMS Planmng & Research Page 20 City of Santa MOnica Cultural Arts Master Plan Update May 1996 . . to plan/design the scale, scope (e g., Open, Invitational, Theme) and Interval (e g., one-time, Annual, BI-annual) of a citywide exhibition showcasing the work of resident artists Consideration should be given to hnkmg exhibition with 18th Street Arts Complex Studio Tour Arts Education * Expand membership of Arts Education Committee with representation from SMMUSD staff, teachers, and parents, Arts Booster clubs, Santa MOnica College, Chamber of Commerce, and community-based organizations * Arts Education Committee should work to faCIlitate linkages between community institutions (Santa MOnica College, businesses, pnvate schools, Museums, Parent-Teacher groups) and SMMUSD through ~ Dlssemmatlon of information to parents through PTA Monthly newsletters, elementary school weekly envelopes, secondary school back to school nights, Santa MOnica Outlook education reporter, and other commUnication vehicles (ConsIderation should be given to the development of an Arts Education Newsletter) ::::) Developing stronger linkages between SMMUSD students and Santa MOnica art studiOS, artists, galienes for use as arts education resources ::::) Exploring opportunities for city/community Involvement In SMMUSD arts CUrriculum meetings as additional linkage * SMMUSD should develop budget for ImplementatIon of recommended comprehenSIve arts education program. to Include field tripS, drama, dance, reSident artIsts, HS Visual arts program Facilities * The City's Cultural AffaIrs DIVISion should secure funding for and contract With a consultant to undertake a Cultural FaCIlities Development Plan including Inventory, needs assessment and development plans for adaptive re-use of eXlstrng bUildings and/or new construction to meet assessed needs. Plan would Include estimates of capital and operating costs, technical reqUirements, recommended management scenariOS, projected schedules of use, Issues related to zonmg and establishment of performing artsltheatre dlstnct, etc EmphaSIS would be on meeting AMS Plannmg & Research Page 21 City of Santa MonICa Cultural Arts Master Plan Update May 1996 . preliminary needs for 99- and 250-seat pertormance venues and rehearsal space * The Santa Monica Arts Commission should appoint an Ad Hoc Committee to determine the need for, scope of, and resource requirements for a "Visual Arts Cleannghouse" to oversee :::;::) FeaSibility study for a non-profit exhibition space dedicated to exhibiting works by local artIsts, to be pursued as a publlc/pnvate partnership Involvmg I ndlvldual collectors => Momtonng availability of temporary and permanent exhibition space (Third Street Promenade, commercial gallenes, etc ), Live/Work Space, affordable artist housing, etc * The City of Santa MOnica Arts Commission's Pubhc Art Committee should determine policies and procedures with respect to Involvement of Santa MOnica-based artists dunng desIgn phase of bUildings and developments (e g , "consideration given to," "pnonty conSideration given to," etc.) * The City of Santa MOnica Arts Commission should offiCially request of Mayor/City Council an artist-dedicated position established on the City's Architectural Review Board. Funding & Support Services * The Santa Monica Arts Commission should appoint an Ad Hoc Committee should conduct research and planning to determine the need for, scope of, and resource requIrements for an on-going "Artist Cleannghouse" to: ~ Produce a senes of regular, structured, topic-based semmars/forums featunng guest speakers ~ Disseminate information on technical assistance workshops to vanous public venues (e.g., coffeehouses) through expansion of Cultural Affairs DIVIsIon maJlmg Irst ~ Explore potential of contractmg with communrty-based/reglonal organizations (e.g., CARS, 18th Street Arts Complex, other service organIzatIons) for expansion of technical assistance provISion to Santa MOnica-based artIsts and orgamzatlons AMS Plannmg & Research Page 22 City of Santa MOnica Cultural Arts Master Plan Update May 1996 ~ . ~ Explore potential of convening an "Arts & Business Summit" to explore mutually benefiCial proJects, new potential funding sources, etc With Involvement of Santa Momca-based entertainment mdustry bUSI nasses ~ Explore development of cooperative fundralslng/resource development structure With emphaSIS on meetmg arts/cultural organIzation needs for offIce space, board recruitment, volunteer/mtern programs, etc. * The City of Santa Momca Arts CommIssion and Cultural AffaIrs DIVISIon should ~ Determine appropnate future scope and role of Santa Momca Arts FoundatIon Consultant RecommendatIOn. It IS clear that public sources of fundmg are not and WIll not be available m adequate amounts to Implement Significant objectives In the Plan. The City'S arts community must, If It IS to achIeve stabllJty and growth, engage the community's financial leaders In an effort to raise pnvate (corporate, foundatIon, indiVidual) funding. If the CIty'S arts commumty does not Initiate a collaboratIve effort (e.g , a Umted Arts Fund dnve and/or reVitalization of the Santa Momca Arts Foundation) to secure non-city dollars then many objectives of thiS Plan may need to be reconsidered The Santa Momca Arts Commission IS not well positioned to fulfill thiS role. Expenence m countless other communities indicates that a qualified board of directors (With links to pnvate busmesses) IS an essential success cntena for leveragmg slgmflcant pnvate dollars The City mamtams a structure fDr such an orgamzatlOn, namely, the Santa Momca Arts FoundatIOn. It Will, hDwever, be unrealtstlc for a publlcly- appDmted CDmmlsslon to be expected to raise slgmficant pnvate dollars Without bemg reconstituted and remvlgorated WIth new membership and leadership. (ThiS alternative wDuld nDt reqUIre the establishment of a new nDn-proflt orgamzatlOn but, rather, the recrUitment Df Foundation board members With successful fundralsmg track records. It would necessitate additional support staff m the Cultural Affairs DIVISion to proVide staff oversight and support of tund- ralsmg actiVIties). Recent studies undertaken by the National Coalition of Umted Arts Funds (NCUAF - an affiliate Df the Amencan Council of the Arts) detail annual giVing (through umteci arts fund dnves) In a/mDst 70 commumtles. A bnef survey Dfthe 1994 annual report reveals per capita glVmg amounts rangmg from $0.61 (Albany, GA) to $8 69 AMS Planmng & Research Page 23 City of Santa MOnica Cultural Arts Master Plan Update May 1996 ... (Chattanooga, TN) In cities with populations rangmg from 40,000 (Wasau, WI) to 200,000 (Broome County, NY). The average per capIta gIVing In cities With UAFs was determmed to be $2.33, suggestmg that a City such as Santa Momca might have an opportumty to raise In excess of $200,000 pnvatety through such an effort. The City's Cultural Affairs DIvISion should undertake research (or contract With an outSide consultant) to determme the feaSibility of mstltutmg a umted arts fund drive for Santa Momca~based cultural orgamzatlons Success cfltena of umted arts fund dT/ves (e.g., type of particIpating orgamzatlons, corporate/busmess base, workplace gIVmg and foundatIOn partiCipatIon, ete.) should be evaluated With respect to the sItuatIon In Santa Monica. Planmng meetmgs With representatIVes of arts and cultural organIZations, local busmesses and corporations should be held to ascertam mterest, concerns, and pOSSIble workmg structures. => Determme poliCies and procedures for standardlzmg city arts/cultural organization fundmg through central grant program Consultant Recommendation: Lme Item appropnatlOns for the Santa Momca Symphony and Callforma Square Hefltage Museum should be conSidered as benchmarks for expansion of other cultural organizatIOn fundmg. The City's CO-ARTS grants pool should be expanded to make City fundmg more eqUItable for other city-based arts/cultural organizatIOns (to be based on annual budget percentage targets through a standarclized applicatIOn process). ;:::) Develop poliCIes and procedures for on-gomg operatmg support grants to Santa Momca-based arts and cultural organizations Consultant RecommendatIOn: The consultants are In support of a City funding program which would prOVide stabilization fundmg (I e., on- gomg operatmg support) to Santa MOnica-based arts/cultural organizations With the followmg eflgiblltty cntena: Santa Momca base, track record of successful programs/activities In the CIty, 501 (c}(3) status, serve culturally-dIVerse audIences. AMS Plannmg & Research Page 24 Crty of Santa MOnica Cultural Arts Master Plan Update May 1996 .. APPENDIX 1 ARTS COMMISSION HISTORY (The following history of arts programmmg In Santa MOnica was ongmally prepared for the 1992 Cultural Arts Master Plan) In just ten years, the Santa MOnica Arts Commission has initiated programs and poliCies that have made the City a "hot bed of contemporary art," as noted by Los Angeles Magazme The Los Angeles TImes saluted the City's arts programs, calling Santa Monica a "haven for the arts" And Artscene magazine credited the Commission with "injecting a much needed vitality to spur new actiVity " Clearly the Mayor, City Council and Arts Commission of Santa MOnica have assumed leadership roles In the area of arts development and support By declanng that recogmtlOn and encouragement of the arts IS a baSIC service of municIpal government and mandating the development of mnovatlve programs through the Arts DIVIsion, the CounCil took the first step In making Santa Monica a leader In the public art movement Santa MOnica's arts and cultural programs have been recognized as outstanding by the United States Conference of Mayors, which presented ItS 1989 City LIvability Award to the City In 1990 the City was the recipient of the Los Angeles Beautiful BUSiness and Industry EnVironmental Award for Its public art program Additionally, the City'S programs have been recipients of grants from such noted organizations as the National Endowment for the Arts, the California Arts CounCil, the Kroc Foundation and the Los Angeles Times Some of the accomplishments of Santa MonIca's Arts Program- . The establishment of a Public Per Cent for Art Ordinance . The bnngmg of the arts to the fore of the City'S planning agenda by advocatmg "arts fnendly zOning," resulting In over sixty new art gallenes . The gUIdance of a collection of 75 Significant works of art that constitute the Santa MOnica Art Bank . The development of a major sculpture park, the Natural Elements Sculpture (NES) Park on Santa Momca State Beach . The presentation of outstanding performing artists In yearly festivals . The creation of a new VISion and energy for Santa MOnica through the bUlldmg of support for the arts by the bUSiness commumty AMS Planmng & Research Page A-1 Glty of Santa Monica Cultural Arts Master Plan Update May 1996 .. . The forging of public and pnvate alliances by facIlitatIon of Artlsts-m- Residence programs at Santa MOnica Place Mall and the contnbutlon of $750,000 for public art work on the PIca Seagate . The promotion of innovative programming for the City's Latmo community . The initiation of the Poetry on the Bus program that enlivened advertlsmg space on municipal buses with "poster poems" . The creation of the Santa MOnica Arts Foundation to help provide fundmg for City arts programming . The dlstnbutlon of Community Arts (CO-ARTS) Grants to provIde free arts programming for the community By commlsslonmg and acqurnng works with strong connections to the commumty and the geography of Santa MOnica, the City has amassed a public art collection conslstmg of signifIcant works by many noted artIsts mcludmg Helen Mayer Hamson and Newton Hamson's "Callforma Wash From the Mountains to the Sea"; Gilbert LUJan's "Another Magical Sunset on Santa MOnica Beach", Michele Oka Donner's "Wave and Shell Obelisks", FranCOIs and Claude LaLanne's "The Dinosaurs of Santa MOnica", Tony Delapps's gateway sculpture "The Big Wave", and Carl Cheng's "Santa MOnica Art Tool: Walk on LA" The CIty'S Art Bank collectIon contains portable works by such noted artists as KI m Abeles, Michael C McMillan I John Valadez, Richard Wyatt, Emil Kosa, Jr , Red Grooms, RICO Lebrun, Charles Gaines, AleXIS Smith, James Turrell and Alfredo Ramos Martmez The Santa Monica performing arts festivals have Introduced mternatlonally acclaImed performance artists as well as Important local artists to the City, Includmg The San FranCISco MIme Troupe, Rachel Rosenthal, Jackie Apple, Roger Guenver SmIth, The Actors Gang, Latms Anonymous, EI Vez and the Nigenan Talking Drum Ensemble Many of the performers had never before worked In the West Los Angeles area whIle others are local favontes The CommIssion IS also responsible for bnnglng about the TWIlight Dance Senes of free dance concerts on the Santa MOnica PIer ThIS event has brought thousands of VISitors to Santa MOnica's pnmary landmark, the Pier, to enJoy many notable Jazz and popular musIc performers such as Pancho Sanchez, Queen Ida, and Sha Na Na Santa Monrca's Folk and Jazz Festivals represent other accomplishments of the CommIssIon Southern Call forma's only folk and Jazz festIval Included three stages for blues, bluegrass, ragtime, Central and South Amencan folk, SWing, big band, Latino and tradItional F~77 mUSIc Well known artists such as Mason Williams and John Hartford performed at these festivals which Included poetry readmgs, chIldren's theater, mUSIc workshops and street theater AMS Plannmg & Research Page A.2 CRY of Santa MOnica Cultural Arts Master Plan Update May 1996 ~ The Commumty Arts (CO-ARTS) Grants have provided financial support to many local arts organizations since 1987 and brought creative programming to Santa MOnica's schools, parks, and community Arts programs funded by these grants Include . Plco-Fest, a two day festival celebrating Santa MOnica's PIca neighborhood . Images of Hope exhibition, Latrno Artists Agamst AIDS . Performance art workshops at Highways . Installations at the Santa Monica Museum of Art . Workshops and festivals for children at the Westslde Arts Center . Free semor matinees at the Morgan-Wixson Theatre . Shakespeare on the Pier . Youth-at-nsk art projects . latinO Cultural Festival . Collaborative performance by DominO Canton and the Nigenan Talking Drum Ensemble . Mural celebrating the LatinO Community to be painted on the Santa MOnica Freeway The follOWing Cultural Arts Master Plan speaks to the future, and to the changing face of Santa MOnica Concurrent With the history of the City's Arts program, an orgamc process took place In the community as new arts and cultural organizations were born and grew up to take their place at the forefront of the nation's cultural charge The 18th Street Arts Complex serves as a national model of a mixed-use arts space through its incorporatIon of studiO, exhibit, and support spaces. Highways performance space IS recogmzed Internationally as a presenter of cutting edge performance art while the Santa MOnica Museum of Art has orgamzed Important exhibitions documenting contemporary art from the Los Angeles area and throughout the nation. ThiS Plan seeks to support the thriVing community of arts organizatIOns and artists who call Santa MOnica home as well as the mUnicipal Arts Commission and Arts DIVISion whose programs have contnbuted substantially to an environment which welcomes and supports the creation of world class works of art AMS Plannmg & Research Page A-3 City of Santa MOnica Cultural Arts Master Plan Update May 1996 . APPENDIX 2 SUMMARY OF 1992 GOALS Summary of 1992 Plan The 1992 Cultural Arts Master Plan Included 11 goals and a total of 87 specific objectives * Goal A-Communication called for programs and services to facIlitate networkmg and collaboratIve efforts among Santa MOnica's arts community Forums to foster communication among arts and community organizations and the publication of resource matenals were key objectives of this goal * Goal a-Neighborhood Issues contained key objectives aImed at increasing cultural services, programs, and facIlities directed at reSIdents of the CIty's neIghborhoods * Goal C-Arts Education focused on utilizing community resources to augment arts education programming In the Santa MOnica Mahbu Umfled School Dlstnct In the specific areas of currrculum, coordination, and community Involvement * Goal D-Performing Arts Facilities addressed the need for additional performl ng arts facIlities In the City wIth steps to determme specIfiC needs, demand, and SUItability of eXisting spaces * Goal E-Civic Center & Airport recognized the two most opportune sites In the City which could meet the commumty's needs for performance space, exhIbitIon space, and artists studIos.. * Goal f..Artists' Issues Involved objectives relating to the need for hve/work and studio space, the estabhshment of vlsltmg artIst programs, and the prOVISion of support services for indiVIdual artists In the areas of techmcal, legal, hOUSing, and information * Goal G-Arts Organization funding contained three key objectives related to fundmg for Santa MOnica-based arts and cultural organizations' IncreaSing private gIVing to the arts, increasing local government fundmg and sources, and revIsing the City's cultural grant programs to be more responsive to needs 01 local groups AMS Planmng & Research Page B-1 City of Santa MOnica Cultural Arts Master Plan Update May 1996 k , * Goal H-Visual Arts contained recommendatIons pertaining to visual arts programming and promotion In the City through citywide exhibitions and development of non-profit exhIbIt space * Goal I-Performing Arts Festivals & Programs specifically recommended City support for pnvately-sponsored performing arts festivals, with an emphasIs on theater, neighborhood, and multicultural speCial events * Goal J-City Organizational Issues concerned reorganization of the Santa MOnica Arts Commission and Arts Foundation and related poliCies and procedures * Goal K-Public Participation focused on new programs to Increase public partICIpatIOn In and attendance at Santa MOnica arts programs and establishment of a Marketing/Promotion AdVISOry Committee of the Arts Commission. AMS Plannmg & Research Page B-2 City of Santa Momca Cultural Arts Master Plan Update May 1996 > c APPENDIX 3 1996 GOAL AREAS & 1992 CROSS-REFERENCE In order to better reflect the collective directIon of participants rn the Update process and create a more "streamlined" document, the consultants have restructured the 1992 Plan's onglnal11 goals Into SIX new goal areas for the 1996 Plan Update Some goals have been combmed (e g , Goals D-Performlng Arts FacIlities and E-C1VIC Center & Airport are now FACilITIES) while certain goals have had new and remaining objectives divided between two or more new goal areas (e 9 l objectives from Goal B. Neighborhood Issues now appear under FACILITIES and PROGRAMMING goals), as noted below OLD GOALS NEW GOALS A Communication FUNDING & SUPPORT SERVICES B Neighborhood Issues PROGRAMMING, FACILITIES C Arts Education ARTS EDUCATION D Performing Arts FacilIties FACILITIES E CIVIC Center and AIrport FACILITIES F ArtIsts' Issues FUNDING & SUPPORT SERVICES, FACILITIES G. Arts Organrzatlon FundIng FUNDING & SUPPORT SERVICES H Visual Arts PROGRAMMING, FACILITIES L Performing Arts Festivals PROGRAMMING J CIty OrganizatIonal Issues INFRASTRUCTURE K Public PartIcipation MARKETING & PROMOTION AMS Plannmg & Research Page C-1 City of Santa MOnica Cultural Arts Master Plan Update May 1996 ... ,. . APPENDIX 4 1992 GOALS, OBJECTIVES, & UPDATES GOAL: MARKETING Be PROMOTION To increase public participation in and attendance at arts and cultural events and programs Key Objectives: . Establish multi-pronged mformatlonal campaign to highlight arts activitIes I n the City . Develop programs to better market the City's arts and cultural offenngs and make them more accessible . Create lInkages with other efforts that promote Santa MOnica as a VIsitor destmatlon . Create informational matenals to clanfy and highlight City's role In cultural affairs and arts programming Other Objectives: Infrastructure . The Santa MOnica Arts Commission should estabhsh a Marketmg and Promotion AdvIsory Committee composed of commumty leaders from the areas of public relations, advertising, cable teleVIsion, pnnt media, marketmg and specifiC locations (Pier, Bayslde Dlstnct) to adVise on development of an overall marketmg plan for the City's arts groups. Update'Marketmg/PromotlOn Committee of Arts Commission established; meets once every two months; representation from Commission members and commumty members. Committee has recently discussed lack of progress due to absence of clear goals, structure, deadlmes, marketmg plan I budget. AMS Plannmg & Research Page 0-1 City of Santa MOnica Cultural Arts Master Plan Update May 1996 L"O; JIo Information . Citywide promotional efforts should be hIghlighted In the development of a Plan, including working with local print medIa and eXisting publicatIons to explore publication of an arts mformatlonal msert and/or newsletter, information kIosks, usage of cable teleVISion for programming, and Improved avallabllrty and dlstnbutlon of tfckets Update, InformatIOnal kiosks In place at Third Street Promenade, Public LIbrary; City'S Cultural Affairs DIVISion has commenced workmg with local cable televIsion station; dlstnbutJOn of tickets achieved dunng one round of CO-ARTS grants. Marketing . Marketing/Promotion AdVISOry Committee of Arts CommissIon should consIder establishment of an access pass program for arts events In Santa MOnica Update, No progress reported. Promotion for Visitors . Santa Momca ConventIon & VISitors Bureau should Involve local arts and cultural organizations In Its overall marketmg efforts, Includmg representation on CVB commIttees, honorary memberships, ete Update: SMCVB IS represented on Marketmg/Promotlon Committee of Arts Commission, Widely-held view there IS more work to be undertaken m thiS area. . Arts and cultural assets should be prominent features of all marketing matenals promotmg Santa Momea as a convention and VISitor destinatIon as IS done In Santa Barbara. Update' New Issue of SMCVB promotional magazine Will feature more mformatlOn on Santa MOnica arts AMS Planmng & Research Page D-2 Cdy of Santa MOnica Cultural Arts Master Plan Update May 1996 "'. ... ~ Resource Materials . The CIty should contract with a commumty-based orgamzatlon to produce a directory of Santa MOnica-based arts and cultural organizatIons (including descriptions of programs and services offered) UDdate: Design of directory IS complete; $22,000 grant received from Ca!Jfomla Arts Council for design and pnntmg; $33,000 In matchmg funds bemg sought . The City should commISSion a cultural map of Santa MOnica's neighborhoods to be published and distributed UDdate. Map deSigned as part of Commumty Arts Brochure; Cultural Aff81rs DIVISion workmg with Los Angeles MUSIC & Performmg Arts CommissIOn on countyWide map. ResearCh . The CIty's Neighborhood Support Center (m aSSOciation with the LatinO Task Force and Santa MOOlca College) should conduct complete inventories and needs assessments of cultural programs, facilIties, and needs according to neighborhood, With a focus on the PIca COrridor and other underserved areas UDdate. Countywide CARS directory serves as faCilities mventory by neighborhood. No needs assessment conducted. Cultural Affairs Division - Informational Campaign . The City Cultural Affairs DIVISion should contract With a local artist and/or graphiC deSign firm to produce an informative brochure descnblng City cultural programs and servIces In all departments Brochure should be deSigned With the assIstance of a local publiCist UDdate: DeSign completed and partial fundmg for prmtmg and dlstnbutlOn receIVed. AMS Planmng & Research Page D-3 City of Santa MOnica Cultural Alts Master Plan Update May 1996 . ~ J'- - . The CIty's Cultural Affairs DIvIsIon should establish a regular newsletter and calendar publication to mform the public about Its role and servIces Update - City'S Seascape newsletter IS bemg better utilized for dlssemmatlon of arts and cultural program mformatlon. Creation of mdependent newsletter IS under consideration by Cultural Affairs DIVISIOn. AMS Plannmg & Research Page 0-4 Crty of Santa MOnica Cultural Al1s Master Plan Update May 1996 .... c-, I GOAL: PROGRAMMING To create art and cultural programs that focus on specific i neighborhoods and populations: establish an annual performing arts i festival. and increase opportunities for exhibition of visual art Key Objectives: . Produce festivals and programs to showcase cultural expressions of ethmc and neighborhood populations . Support eXlstmg commumty.based orgamzatlons In developmg an annual performmg arts festival to showcase Santa MOnica's performmg arts commumty . Develop programs and non-profit exhibition opportumtles to showcase Santa MOnica-based visual artists Other Objectives: Programming . Other City cultural programs aimed at multicultural and low-income populatIons (Recreation DIVIsIon, Commumty & Neighborhood Services DIVIsion, Police ActivIties League) should be encouraged to utilize Santa MOnica-based artists and organizations In development and ImplementatIon of programs Update: Interdepartmental Arts Workmg Group formed as part of Santa MOnica Arts FestIval and utiliZed In plannmg of other cultural affairS events. . The City's Public Art Program should pnontlze and support the commissioning of murals, with Involvement of local youth groups, In and around the City'S vanous ethnic neighborhoods. UDdate: Procedure employed with recent (PAL) and planned (City Yards) murals. AMS Planmng & Research Page D-5 City of Santa MOnica Cultural Arts Master Plan Update May 1996 . , .I' . Support of neighborhood festivals (as with recent PICO Fest) should be contmued and sponsorships should be sought from busrnesses and institutions located in the speCific dIstricts Update - Arts Festival reconstituted to address thiS need and successful corporate and media sponsorships developed. . ConSider models of non-traditIonal arts education Involvrng neIghborhoods, schools, parks Update. City'S Cultural AffaJrs DIVIsion and Santa Momca MalJbu Umfled School Distnct (SMMUSD) submlttmg Jomt applicatIOn for state and pnvate fundmg to support non-traditIOnal arts education . A portion of City cultural grant funds should be earmarked to support programs In neighborhoods and those affecting underserved populations In Santa Monrca. Update: Latmo CO-ARTS grants program (portion of City cultural grant funds) reflects thiS obJectIVe. . The Santa Monrca Arts CommiSSIon should work with organizations such as the Santa MOnlcalVemce Art Dealers ASSOCiation, 18th Street Arts Complex, and Santa MOnica Museum of Art to establish an annual CItywIde exhibition showcasmg the work of reSident artIsts Exhibit should be heaVily promoted, Involve all local commercial gallenes and the Santa MOnica Museum of Art, and might be hnked with a Santa Monica ArtIsts StudIo Tour Update: No progress reponed Support services . The City's Cultural Affairs DIVIsIon and Arts CommISSion should work with pnvate and government human and SOCial services agencies In Santa MOnica to develop programs to enable attendance and partiCipation by underserved populations (lncludmg low-mcome, elderly, multicultural) at arts events, including subSIdy 01 tIckets, provISIon of child care and transportation funds UDdate: Ticket subsidies for seniors funded through 1993 CO-ARTS grants; Latmo CO-ARTS grants supported ticket dlstnbutlOn to low-mcome populations, mdlvldual selected CO-ARTS grants support audience development and ticket dlstnbution to low-mcome reSidents (e.g., Cornerstone Theatre). AMS Plannmg & Research Page D-6 Cdy of Santa MonICa Cultural Ans Master Plan Update May 1996 ... . . Festivals . The City's Arts CommisSion and DIVISion should Issue a call for proposals for community-based organizations to sponsor festivals with performmg arts focus or components aimed at generating International attention Uadate: Santa Montca Arts Festival has been restructured to Include community-based arts organizations and busmesses. City'S Cultural Affairs DIVISion IS workmg with Santa Monica Place on co-sponsorship of mternatlOnal festIVals . Theatre compames In the City should convene to consider undertakmg of new playwrights festival or other themed coordmated programming Update: Under diSCUSSion In Performing Arts Committee. . The City of Santa Monica should support pnvate Initiatives for festivals and performing arts programming Update. In progress through CO-ARTS grants and through community mvolvement with Santa Momca Arts Festival. . The City of Santa MOnica's "Showmoblle" should be made available to local arts organizations on a regular basIs Vadate. Showmoblle used In Santa Momca Arts Festlvat; rental information distributed to public via Arts Commission committees. Visiting Artists . City of Santa MOnica Arts CommissIon should work In conjunction with Santa Monica-based arts instItutions to develop vlsitmg artIst senes of lectures, eXhibitions, and artist-in-residence actiVities. UDdate. Several pnvate mJt1atlves workmg In thiS area: Santa Momca Museum of Art sponsormg senes of Salons, 18th Street Arts Complex has Australian artlst-m-res/dence program and IS consldenng reciprocal artist programs with ASian and Latm Amencan nations, Bergamot Station IS explormg a French consulate artist-exchange relatIOnship. AMS Plannmg & Research Page 0-7 City of Santa MOnica Cultural Arts Master Plan Update May 1996 . . Jo GOAL: ARTS EDUCATION To create and facilitate ans education programs that integrate schools, ans organizationst Arts Commission. and community volunteers . . . . . Key Objectives: . Increase the Involvement of community-based arts organizations and instItutions In arts educatIon programs . Implement State of California Visual and Performmg Arts Framework 10 Santa MOnica public schools . Improve the coordination between community volunteers and arts groups and the Santa MOnica Mahbu Unified School District . Develop speCifIc programs with arts educatIon components Other Objectives: Community Involvement . The Santa Momca Arts Commission's Arts Education CommIttee should be expanded to Include community members, education professionals, students and community-based arts organizatIons Update: Arts Education Committee formed with expanded membership; undergomg membership recrUItment and restructurmg In early 1996 with new Incommg Chairperson. . Newly expanded Arts EducatIon Committee should work to facilitate linkages between community institutIons (College, busmesses, pnvate schools, Museums, Parent-Teacher groups) and pubhc school system Update: No progress reported; Committee being reconstItuted. AMS Plannmg & Research Page 0-8 City of Santa MOnica Cultural Arts Master Plan Update May 1996 0I.c ~ . City could help faclhtate funds for transportation for fIeld tnps to cultural sites/events UDdate: Cultural Affairs DIvIsion established Arts Education Transportation Grant program. . Arts Education Committee should sponsor an "Arts Education Summit" to present Issues and Identity partnership opportunities to assist the SMMUSD WIth enhancement of Its arts education CUrriculum and develop a plan to secure long-term fundmg Update: No progress reported. Curriculum . Newly expanded Arts CommIssion Arts Education Committee should determine scope of comprehensive arts educatIon program and compare With Statewide Visual & Perlormlng Arts framework UDdate: SMMUSD updated curnculum gUides m 1992-93, new statewide framework anticipated m 1996. . SMMUSD should develop budget for Implementation of recommended comprehensive arts education program Update: No progress reporte,d . Arts EducatIon Committee should spearhead advocacy campaIgn for funding and Implementation of comprehensive arts education CUrriculum Uodate: No progress reported. Coordination . Santa MOnica Mallbu Unified School District should establish a part-time coordmator posItion to oversee lIaIson activities With commumty-based arts organizatIons offenng arts educatIon programs Update: SMMUSD appomted Dlstnct Arts Consultant AMS Planning & Research Page D-9 Crty of Santa MOnica Cultural Arts Master Plan Update May 1996 . .... . . "Get Acquarnted Resource Fair" should be held annually to onent arts groups to arts educatIon opportunities In schools, and to acquaInt District personnel with potential arts education programs, including a published handbook of educational opportunities Update' No progress reported. Programming . A portion of the City of Santa Monica's cultural grant program funds should be earmarked for arts programs and activities with educatIonal components Update: Educational program components are gIVen high pflonty through CO-ARTS grants program . A portIon of the City of Santa MonIca's $2 million appropriation to SMMUSD should be earmarked to support arts education programs and activities Update: No progress reported. AMS Plannmg & Research Page 0-10 City of Santa MOnica Cultural Arts Master Plan Update May 1996 l(.. . , . . . GOAL: FACILITIES To evaluate and prioritize renovation of existing performing arts facilities and.or create new facilities and establish multi-disciplinary : cultural centers at the Santa Monica Civic Center and Santa Monica . Airport . Key Objectives: . Develop comprehensive Inventory of eXisting (non-theatre) spaces sUitable for performing arts presentatIons . Evaluate needs for performing arts facIlities and assess sUitability of eXisting theatres for renovation . Develop a pnontlzed Cultural FacIlities Plan . Work with eXisting Task Forces and Commissions to pnontlze and enable cultural uses for CIVIC Center . Stimulate public awareness of opportumtles for cultural development at AI rport . Involve artists In City public works and other architectural projects . Explore development opportunities for artists' live/work space Other Objectives: Inventory . The City'S Resource Management and/or Planmng Department, In association with the vanous Neighborhood Associations, should undertake a comprehensive mventory of bUlldmgs and spaces sUitable for performing arts presentations (including Miles Playhouse, Mayfair Theatre, Barnum Hall), including Information on ownership, current state of bUildings, estimates to refurbish or upgrade, etc Inventory should Include all potential spaces such as churches, schools, community centers, parks. plazas, etc , and should utilize eXisting information. UDdate: CARS regional directory contams Ilstmgs of most sites; Cultural AffaJrs DIVIsion workmg with Los Angeles MusIc & Performmg Arts AMS Planmng & Research Page D-11 Cdy of Santa MOnica Cultural Arts Master Plan Update May 1996 . . .... . CommiSSion to develop countywide cultural map; no other progress reported Needs Assessment . The CIty of Santa Momca should utIlize cultural plan research information (augmented If needed) and host a charette (workshop) to assess and document performmg arts facilIty needs Update. Needs established, Commission's Performmg Arts Committee IS charged with this task Cultural Facilities Development Plan . After Inventory and needs assessment (described above) have been completed, City should formulate a Cultural Facilities Development Plan for convertmg eXisting bUildIngs and/or new construction to meet assessed need Plan would Include estimates of capital and operating costs, technIcal reqUirements, recommended management scenarios] projected schedules of use] Issues related to zonmg and establishment of performmg arts/theatre dIstrict, ete Update: No progress reported. . Santa Momea Arts CommissIon should convene a meetmg mvolvmg representatives of the City's Police Department and community arts groups aImed at Increasmg police patrols of venues dunng performances Police Department should be encouraged to appoint an arts commumty liaison to serve as pnmary contact for organizations needmg pollee presence at performances Update: Meetmg held In 1993. . CIty of Santa Momca Cultural AffaIrs DIVIsIon should host an onentatlon sessIon involving managers of local performing arts faCIlities and Interested arts orgamzatlons to dISCUSS "How to Access and Use FacIlities," Update: No mterest expressed by arts orgamzatlons. AMS Plannmg & Research Page D-12 City of Santa MOnIca Cultural Arts Master Plan Update May 1996 . .... < . r . Civic Center . The CIVIC Center Task Force should place a high priority for cultural uses In the redesigned CIVIC Center, including design and equipping of the CIVIC Auditorium, potential for new facIlity development (large and small theatre facilities), utilization of high quality architecture, and the IncluSion of outdoor plazas sUitable for arts activities. Artists should be utilized on desIgn teams from the outset of the project Update' Arts CommiSSion represented on CIVIC Center Master Plan Task Force, several cultural SItes proposed. . The City Manager's Office should faclhtate diSCUSSions between the Santa MOnica Arts Commission (involving an Ad Hoc Committee of performing arts organizations) and management of the Santa MOnica CIVIC AuditOrium to discuss Increasmg usage of the audltonum by community groups. Topics for diSCUSSIon would Include establishmg a cooperative relationship with the union, loan of Audltonum equipment for community usage, long-term potential for lowenng costs for commumty re ntals UDdate: Meetmgs between CIVIC Center staff and performmg arts orgamzatlons held In 1993, diSCUSSIons between CIVIC Center staff and un/on are contmumg. Santa Monica Airport . An Inventory and archItectural assessment of available spaces at the Santa MOnica Airport should be obtained or commissioned by the City (through ItS Resource Management Department) including appropnateness of bUlldmgs for artIsts' studIO space, performance space, exhibition space, etc UDdate: New artJsts' studJO space developed at AJrport, plans for new studIO space at Bergamot Station, AMS Plannmg & Research Page 0-13 City of Santa MOnica Cultural Arts Master Plan Update May 1996 . . . -"'* - . The CIty of Santa MOnica should seek a qualified organization to secure long-term leases of available spaces and/or undertake development of affordable artists' studIo space In aIrport buildrngs for Santa MonIca performrng and visual artists UDdate. Cultural Affa/rs staff assisted m fac/Matmg development of studiO space at Santa Momca Airport; Bergamot Stat/on opened, future plans call for development of studIO space at Bergamot Neighborhood Facilities . The Cultural Plan Steering Committee and participants support the city's efforts to develop a Latrno Cultural Center In Santa Monica to partIally meet the goal of plaCing cultural facilities In the city's neighborhoods. Update: Cultural Affairs DIVISion's Latmo CO-ARTS grants program has supported Latmo cultural programs m the City; Vlfglma Park has grown mto a Center for Latmo cultural actiVitIes. Integration of Artists . City's PublIC Art Program should Incorporate mto Its guidelines and cntena the Involvement of Santa MonIca-based artists With archItects commencing WIth the deSIgn phase of buildings and developments Update Artist Involvement (not all Santa Momca-based) In progress With multiple capita/Improvement projects (e g., B./ G., PIca Boulevard Streetscape, Douglas Park, Po/Jce Fire and Emergency Operations Center) . A dedicated pOSition for an artist should be established on the CIty's Architectural ReView Board Update: No progress reported. AMS Planning & Research Page D~ 14 Glty of Santa Momca Cultural Arts Master Plan Update May 1996 . ..... . , . Visual Arts Facilities . Recommended space mventory should Identify the need and opportunity for a non-profit exhibition space dedicated to exhlbltmg works by local artists, to be pursued as a pubhcJpnvate partnership involving rndlvldual collectors Uodate: Several non-profit exhibitIOn spaces have opened durmg the past four years mcludmg the Commumty Focus Gallery at Santa MOnica Place and The Artists Gallery . The avaIlability of recently-closed commercIal gallenes should be momtored for their potential to serve as sites for non-profIt exhibition space Uodate: No progress reported. . BUlldrngs along the Third Street Promenade should be explored for their potential to house temporary and permanent exhibits of work by Santa Monica artists Uodate' No progress reported. . Santa MOnica Arts CommiSSion should convene meetmg of City plannmg and zonmg staff and representatives of arts community to investIgate and IdentIfy specific obstacles to development of live/work and studio space City ordmances should be modified accordmgly (as was done to allow commercial galleries In light industrial areas) and bureaucratic barners removed Update. Not IdentifIed as problem arealJssue; Plannmg/Zonmg staff have demonstrated wlllmgness to accommodate arts orgamzatlon/artists' needs AMS Plannmg & Research Page D-15 City of Santa Momca Cultural Ans Master Plan Update May 1996 . . . - ,.;. , --- GOAL: FUNDING & SUPPORT SERVICES To secure public and private resources and funding for distribution to the arts community and create an on-going mechanism to facilitate communication between artists, arts and community organizations Key Objectives: . Research and develop strategies to Increase pnvate contributions for arts . Increase local government arts and cultural funding . Develop and Implement equitable cnterla for CIty arts fundmg to community-based arts organizations . Develop programs of artists' support services . Work with eXlstmg communIty and arts organizations to facilitate on-gomg commUnicatIon . Produce matenals to better promote cooperation and collaboration among artists, arts and community organizations Other Objectives: Funding . A coordinated fundralsmg effort should be established to target local resident performers, celebntles, entertainment Industry professionals and related busmesses as well as national foundations and corporations to raise funds In support of Santa MOnica-based non-profit cultural organizations Update: Olfect mall tundralsmg efforts not successtul; tundralsing by Foundation on hold. . Santa Monica's arts organizatIons, under the auspices of a deSIgnated community organization, should determine their role In coordmated fundralsmg actiVitIes Update: Under diSCUSSIon by Santa MOnica Arts FoundatiOn. AMS Planmng & Research Page D-16 City of Santa MOnica Cultural Arts Master Plan Update May 1996 ---- , ...... ' . . . . A reconstituted Santa Monica Arts Foundation should be considered to spearhead a Citywide private fundralsmg effort Update: Santa MOnica Arts Foundation explonng means of Jomt fundr81smg With local arts/cultural orgamzatlOns; also in diSCUSSion through Marketmg/Promotlon AdVISOry Committee . The City should commiSSIon a report documentmg the economic Impact of arts and cultural actiVities and related arts industries on Santa Momca's economy, and prOVide results to community-based arts organizations to assist With fundralslng efforts Research should Include mformatlon regarding VIsitors and tOUrists to quantify the Impact of culture on the City's vIsitor-serving Industry UDdate: Grant receIved from Callforma Arts Council; consultant retamed, report to be completed May 1996. . FollOWing the findings of the economic Impact study, diSCUSSions should be held With City staff and elected offiCials aimed at Identifying and dedicating a tax surcharge (e g , cable franchise, utilities, transient occupancy, etc) to the development and promotion of cultural actiVities and increasing general fund appropnatlons for arts and cultural programs and organizations Update: Economic Impact Study to be completed May 1996. . Santa Monica Arts Commission and Cultural Affairs DIVISion should host regular feedback sessIons to SOliCit speCifiC Input on City grant program gUidelines and procedures UDdate: Done annually through CO-ARTS grants program. . Based on Input, City's CO-ARTS funding gUidelines should be modified accordingly EnVISioned changes might Include dedicated funds for. major Institutions (stabilization), emerging groups, facility access, projects With educational components, projects for underserved audiences and speCifiC neighborhoods, projects employing IndiVidual artists, and speCifiC project or programmmg areas determined on an annual baSIS. ConSideration should also be given to modifying granting poliCies to restnct City funding to Santa MOnica-based organizations Update: Some grant funds have targeted educational components, ticket distribution, transportation. DISCUSSion of Insfttutlonal Operatmg Support on-gomg m Cultural AffairS CommIssion. AMS Plannmg & Research Page D-17 City of Santa Monica Cultural Arts Master Plan Update May 1996 , . . ~ T . suppon Services . The City should contract with a commumty-based orgamzatlon to establish monthly networking forums for Santa Monica's arts community, conslstmg of workshops, semmars, and Informal get-togethers, and to produce an arts mformatlon newsletter Update' Techmcal ASSistance workshop conferences held m 1994 and 1995; City'S Cultural Affairs DIvIsion co-sponsors twice monthly workshops with California Lawyers for the Arts (discounts provided to Santa Momca- based artlsts/orgamzatlons). Creation of Cultural Affairs DIVIsion newsletter m progress. . The City m conjunction with community-based cultural groups should convene an "Arts & Busmess SummIt" to explore mutually benefIcIal projects, new potential fundmg sources, and lay the groundwork for development of a "Chamber of Culture." Update: Cultural AffairS DIVIsion staffworkmg closely with Santa Momca Chamber of Commerce; Cultural Affairs Commission's Marketmg and Promotion AdVISOry Committee dlscussmg formation of Arts and Busmess Council . City of Santa Monica's Cultural Affairs DiVIsion should Issue a request for proposals to commumty-based organizations to proVide support services for indivIdual artIsts, mcludmg planmng and provldmg technIcal assistance services (legal, promotional, Job placement), proViding live/work space assistance, and other potential services (I.e low cost art supplies, informatIon on available grants, etc.) Contracted organizatIon could proVide Similar services for non-vIsual artists, such as performing, literary, entertainment Industry, etc I and should coordinate with slide registry service of Santa MOnica library (DIvISion should look to models mcludlng ArtHouse, ProArts, and others) Update: Cultural AffairS DIVISion 15 co-sponsoring techmcal assistance workshops WIth Callforma Lawyers for the Arts. . Ad Hoc Committee of Arts Commission should be established to explore establishment of Chamber of Culture Involvmg artIsts and arts mdustnes m the CIty Committee should Include representation from arts community, archItects, deSigners, graphiCS firms, film and recording mdustry, advertiSing agencies, and related bUSinesses Upt;Jate: No progress reported, Cultural Affalfs DIVISion strengthenmg ties With Santa Momca Chamber of Commerce. AMS Plannmg & Research Page D-1B City of Santa MOnica Cultural Arts Master Plan Update May 1996 . "- . . , l- . A pnnclpal goal of the Chamber of Culture should be the establishment of linkages between artists, architects, and other design professIonals In Santa MOnica UDdate. Concept on hold; Marketmg/Promotlon AdvIsory Committee IS strengthenmg relationship with Santa Monica Chamber of Commerce AMS Plannmg & Research Page D-19 City of Santa Momca Cultural Arts Master Plan Update May 1996 . ~ III ~ :r ~ I GOAL: ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE . To restructure City of Santa Monica organization and management of I cultural funding and other programs Key Objectives: . Restructure the Santa MOnica Arts Commission to ensure balanced representation from arts disciplines . Reconceive role of Santa Monica Arts Foundation In relation to Arts Commission and the arts community . Revise the City's Pubhc Art Program to ensure consistency In policies and procedures Other Objectives: Santa Monica ANs Commission . It is recommended that the Santa Monica Arts Commission be reconstituted with up to 15 members Includmg representation from vanous arts disciplines (including performing, Visual, literary, education, etc.) UDdate: Complete; CommisSion sIze now fixed at 13 members . CommisSioner terms should be Irmlted to three years, with only two consecutive appointments UDdate: No progress reported. . A policy statement should be formulated to establish the Arts CommisSion as an adVISOry body to City Council and faclhtator of efforts by commumty-based cultural organrzatlons, Includmg support of multi- cultural arts programmmg To thiS end, It should be a stated polley of the Arts CommisSIon that all programs and services should be contracted to non-profrt commumty-based arts and cultural organizations where and when feaSIble ljpdate: No progress reported. AMS Planmng & Research Page 0-20 City of Santa MOnIca Cultural Arts Master Plan Update May 1996 "- I . " ~ . It IS recommended that eXisting Arts Commission committees for Performmg/Llterary Arts, Visual Arts, and Development should be dissolved to recognize the Commission's shIft away from servmg as a programming and fundralsmg organization. Update' Complete With the exception of Performmg Arts Committee (not dissolved), five new Committees formed . The following new Arts Commission committees are recommended to be established. Pubhc Art (to provide oversight for the City's Public Art Program), Marketing/Promotion AdVISOry, and Grants (to provide oversight of the City's cultural grants programs) The Arts Education Committee should remain an eXisting committee of the Commission. UDdate: Complete; additional Performmg Arts Committee Involved In oversight of Santa Momca Arts FestIVal. . All Arts Commission committees should be expanded to Include membership from throughout the commumty With an emphaSIS on multi- cultural representation on committees Update. Complete; Committee membership IS typically two commiSSioners and up to 10 commumty members. Santa Monica Arts Foundation . The Santa MOnica Arts Foundation should be reconstituted to ItS onglnal form as an entity mdependent of the Arts Commission dedIcated to ralsmg private funds In support of cultural activities by commumty-based organizations In the City The Foundation IS envIsioned as bemg modeled after a local "Community Foundation" In support of arts and culture Update. No progress reported. . The Santa MOnica Arts FoundatIon should not compete directly for fundralsmg With community-based arts and cultural organizations, but should support and augment fundralslng actiVities by community-based arts and cultural organizations. It IS foreseen that funds raised by the Foundation would be utilized to augment City cultural grant program moneys (ClAP) and for Implementation of Cultural Arts Master Plan goals (ConsIderation should be given to earmarking Foundation dollars for speCific grant program categories to ensure appropnate recognition [e.g Arts Education Grants, a project of the Santa MOnica Arts Foundation)). AMS Plannmg & Research Page 0-21 City of Santa MOnica Cultural Arts Master Plan Update May 1996 ,. .. I ", ~ Uodate" Cultural Aff8lrs DIVISion IS not currently seekmg fundmg for programs other than Santa Momca Arts Festival. . The City of Santa MOnica's Cultural Affairs DIvIsion should provide administratIve support for the dlstnbutlon of FoundatIon funds through Its CO-ARTS grant program Update" Meetmg held In May 1995 for diScussion of pOSSible Arts Foundation tundralsmg approaches . DIscussion should be held wlthm the arts commumty regardmg the fund development aspects (staffmg, board composition, actiVities, administration) of a reconstituted Santa Monica Arts Foundation Update' No progress reported. Santa Monica Ans Division . ConSideration should be given to renaming the Arts DIvIsIon as the DIVISion of Cultural Affairs to acknowledge Its actiVIties outSide the area of fme arts, and to promote better cooperation among arts, culture, heritage, and related organizations Update. Completed. Public Art Issues . Junes Involved In selecting artIsts for public art commiSSions should be reformulated to mclude representatives of the Santa MOnica community (at large) and speCific neighborhood where works are to be placed, In additIon to "art experts" Update: No progress reported. . A umform policy wIth respect to soliCItation and conSideration of public mput on public art commiSSions should be adopted and adhered to by the Arts Commission. Update' PublIC Art CommIttee has developed program tor temporary placement of artworks In Parks, adopted by Commission. Review procedures tor permanent works on hold AMS Plannmg & Research Page 0-22 Glty of Santa Momca Cultural Arts Master Plan Update May 1996 .... t . .. " . The Santa MOnica Arts CommisSion should undertake periodic public heanngs to revIew public art program policIes and procedures Update: No progress reported . Arts Commission should establish a Public Art Committee (to replace Visual Arts CommIttee recommended to be dissolved) to oversee City'S Public Art program Update: Complete. . The City should enact the proposed ordinance requiring that a percentage of construction costs of all pnvate developments In the City be dedicated for public art Update: Staff workmg with City Attorney and Planmng Department staff on Fee for Art ordmance. . The City should undertake development of a Master Plan for placement of Public Art in the city's Parks Update: Public Art Committee has developed program for temporary placement of artworks In Parks, adopted by CommisSion ReView procedures for permanent works on hold. Other City Organizationa/lssues . City of Santa MOnica should establish an Interdepartmental Cultural Affairs WorkIng Group (sImIlar to Interdepartmental Youth Working Group) to provide forum for communication and collaboration among vanous City departments Involved with cultural programmmg or services Update' Interdepartmental Arts Workmg Group formed as part of Santa Momca Arts FestIVal and utilized In plannmg of other cultural affairs events. AMS Plannmg & Research Page 0-23 City of Santa MOnica Cultural Arts Master Plan Update May 1996