M-6/24/1980 (7) .. It . f. -::> CI~~t. O~~ S\~T; \'O\:c.\ pr:.OC~EDI""';:J~ C/" lCl"\l '~frr~\' S~\TA ~O\IC\ c=:~ CCU~CIL p_\ ~~'I \G .'tU :"Old T'i f-iCUS I ',;C:\U l'~I[i:U ~y ,",'T'" v. ;,[~r2'ir~=I..Gr~[[\T ~CC"'C~~ ";'.me :4., l.980 ,he ca-:':lnueci 'lIeet1:H': ',as called to oyder a.t S 09 P " t..- "Ie>''-OT Ba1'1Dl-1('~", h2.\ lag bee"l contlI'uei iro'1 :he J01 'It C1 ty co:,mcll a'1a ;<e8e'.clGpre'1: ',,'.:~-,-,- weEtlng ~cij at 7 00 P)I th~t sare e'"enlng Ro:': C<..li Present 'i:p'or .Jo"n J Ba.,b:-1Cl' '];J."',,-':)!" p:~Q :e'.Ti"pO-:-~ Yanr..~-:t.J.. Gol::h!.'a", Counc11~erber ~~111~' r Jcnn~~~5 Councl:~eMDer ctY15tlae E ~e~~- Councl:ffi~~~er Cae~;l ~tcJe~ Co~rcll~erbe~ ?er~~ Scr~t cc~ncll'elbe.r fleter van de~ Steeu~o~e~ C~ty 'lanager C1::J.rles 1(. ~.[cClall1 \C~lng Cl~~ ~t~c~~e~ S~e?~eq Stark (lty Cler~ \n~ ~. ~(oYe ~5enda Item 2 P18sented fer consl~era~lon ~as a pUjll~ ~e~:~~g Ie ~'e;.::arc. ::c dlSpOS=-tlQn a::1d. de..-e!v,?''1ent cf p:-opert\' locat~d 0.: 1-;:' :::C2a"", :~'.~~~~"~. .~:f':~~:::':::.:'::'~~'C ~:~:~:,:::~:c:;:1.~'~:~,;' ';) :>:e'J.T "1e'1',:;,e:'5 Ji' t.'~,e !)~,bl1C :for~ t:lree 1'lnutes 8'].;;;1 :,eC:l:lU ",': '::'" ~,r ,Pro ~e~pore Yanna~ta Gc1d~'av C.QU"1.-:'li. \rO-c0 eno.nl7:01~51~.- a.r?~ c'-ed :-u T'le ;:;Ll'J 11;:; ''lea~ J.:J.; '.';:'5 ;::.eclared c;:,e:' at. S 2 D I c',. : he ~,'j~r 0 i ~po2 \ia' or Rus~ ?a~:1d"':':' pre5e'lte~ a~ter.at:',es ::0 :l.:le\'~a:2 :"18 k~,''\.=-r; . S!~OTt~ge DOO ~Gura reQGe5te~ tnat the ?rQ~ertv be re-oue~ed Lor ?aT~ln; acd eqtered Into the record the ~al~ Street ~erc~a,ts ;SS~Cl~::O~ raT~ln; St~~V ~a:e~ 5c~~c,her iS~9 Jehp ful~ SB1d there 3re ct~er alter~atl~es ~C;' ie\eio~ln~ ~OUSl~~ a~d paTk=-~; on t~at lar~ ~al:e~ 5c~'a:-t: 5~c~e '11 r-.-~.~ of T;;"l.-b~"+::'+1n' +r~ ~x~"+cr:~ )~ "111'[" r2.'"l~ :;"1;;'1.1".1-' s;::;'--~ In :",O:'~L ~ h-~'':''::~:~~- ,'" ~.,~,~ ,~:~:':"": _,",0_ - '__d ",,~,,- +8.'9- of ._e..",b~...-::"",~~.... en r"~.' ~m, v_"c fi._U,,1.n.;; OJ'. t"e s=-~e Ro :c_ C "-:_co S~O~e 1n. taVor or lo~ cost nousLn~ Joseuh p~1a::010 SDo~e ~~ ~a'or O~ ?a~k1.ng a't ~~lS site Conn1e :e~k1~S spoke 1~ O?P051Clon ~0 loc3t~ng anc;her par",,~n.g ~ot 1": t'H~ area . ~r R:;C.r.a.Y6. ~ose., spohe :,r. fa.::or ?f ,p2r~lng DSPld c;~~LSC.hvl1er spo~~ =-, J9~OY C~ tC~5:ng ~re~ ~~cu:~tcn ~!I:nt~:~~:~~:~~;::I:;::=~~t~~~ ;~:~i;iL:~~:~~"~;~~O;~;:~~;~';::~~~~~~' ~e~be~ vsn de~l Steen~o~c~ - Cc':..rr".;.c:.l \:-Q~e U~3r:~o~sl~ appro~-cci --0 The sub~,e:;;:: '.as Cl"c_,=se';'. ::!.t len;;.,::h 'ld.' c:- Dye -;:-c'l'~Ore ',"0;",,1::3. ';01(,','C" .oyed. t~ a.J.D3t C'ar".c:n 1. ;U::'-Cl;' t 8.23;::.1:,,:,::01 ,;c 1,,3 ej'~l ":.:..e.1 " '~::'- ~~ II :::'~ OF T'cIE D ~R'\.:',G ~~U:;iITd Tr CF Tq:: (:1 n 2F S'~ ':1 ~ '.'oJ\ <::::: '- D.;:'::" \i' I - " Fr:p~~-:-'i .'>..1 1-::' ~C\:-',\ p~:,[ aC,CL:::'.'\G::, TO 3!: s'J~rl.U5, ....\: lc.TL:::C,:::,,-; -IS ::"-.,-\SfC:l< FOR ?UJ<.?OS=S Q;: r~o' lDT,\,' :",;:;i', r.... rO'::L ~iCToI\I~". '-2_L~ Lr-.:; t" c, :.'-02 O,l.y 3.'1.::: ,''il'.'-'!!:. [Ilr:'~e~ .,...~:,.l:.n", t'l~~eo[, l:1.c'..e.J1'1; :'e-'.:I<':'o- 1 ~1::' Se;::lC~-3 ~..,-c t'l.e te5(':;'Ut:.;T' p'e:oc"::cc'. to 115 0'- st3f'::. e,.~.::,~"t'~r; ,::",,;:;:::.':' ::, aQ.Jlq.,;: ~;::'G'_tlc~JJ.l ~l,..c::r';" :0 :"e 1\";:1'1'_'5'5 l~ ::1',<; ,)-:,,,,::..,:::=-c," ~~~~~:.~'~~~,~~~~iJl.;:::~.:t~~~ ~;.~"~~~~~~'.';:~:~~~~'i,:'~~~ ~:., ne..er exceeGed Ii' l'el.::e~,t .lrd " ?Tl' a::e io~ J.;se :l':.ct ;-e\Cl ;c ,'::02<:;'.':" :;~ ;;e~'=C'r.::. a'~ a:::.cl1-::'LiJ'i',l :LL.'.~r.:: rl-[a:: It '.ou:"c t.e re.l30~;O.b:;'c J........:. c~s ~~~~~~~~~~~_c~~~~~:~~~~l~~~~~~~~~~~l~~~t~Q~~ ~~~~;~~~~~~i~~~~~~.~~~_rc_'I"- ~ ~. - -:........ ;:.~ e fl.:'....] ~-L::;S t 1le 'fe~C- ~'1~ C' ~ ~~1 ~ ~~I~l '1. S:. .....eet ::1'" ::.~,~. ~,,' -_'._ ~ ~:,-.~.. -.-c -H" - -::: e:=:- 2,-c:::',:.1::~; '_':l;-;=-T~:.f <::.1'," ~,;:c:>. - ,c'~' ~---.... ~..; ..1~ .:. _-"1- 1~;1 0.::. 6:::! ,-" ~c 1 In , , e - uresented to t~e PlanPl~~ (c,niS510n as Ye~50nablc ~r2 sur~:c~~~~ 3cl- tlQn to the Dar~lne ~pobicTS lO :~c CC220 FJrk 'lea. lnc:udln~ the G~cstl.ons s?ecl:?':c;ll\ l1en:=-Q~'C'-d to us 11"' t}~.C' ~":l'b:'lL l">ear:r-; t'~l.:lt t'tc~.-~ are legal lnped1nents to uSlng :~lS plopertv ~or an\thln~ ot~er t~a, l:S c~rrc~t e~13tlng use. i\hlC]~ 15 hcuslng4 ~hc le~al 1F=edlTentS bel'~ ~n~~- ments t~e C:tv arc.. tile Rec..c\-elQ~n.er~ -\gef\C~' ha'.c s1~red t t~c :harte~ awecd~ent J~al1P~ :\~th r8!lt CClltrol and t]~e r:g:lts ~~ ~enant5 W~lO ha~'e Jee!"l -j15pl3.ced. anc na~~\r cur~~entlv i1.',,'c there, IncluulT"'!_i; in the ~'t:!I:lI-11S'S reference to t~e qedevelcpTent Agenc. ~greeLc't ~or Sale of ~and for Pn, ".1te Deve';'op1'ent dated Serote;rber 14, 197- Seco,j b~' Councl.l;;Je'1lber Rh~de"l FOll;wlng JIScu5slcn, Co~nc~11e~ber ~3ed moved at a~::d~~nt ~c ddd to the ~esc":,,,u~lon. ~d~ere"eY s~a:;:[ neers It apr-;.-OpiliJ.t:8, a .t.r.::!\.~..---'S cl"'d.~se th.::.t tre Pa~kL~~ \U~hC~ltv dec:are.s Its lntenLlon to sell t~:s ~rODeTtv :0~ It5 aS5es5e~ Y~l~e and to rese:~~e t~e rroceeds ~roT sue:) s~le ~ar t~e exclt:s' P"rpo-~ o~ "rn"-doDc adCl---on~l ~~'-'nr:0 l~ the 'l-In 'T~ae" n"-'''e<~ o-~, ..... .~'-_-'--.L-_..L.;"'o U::L.......lti r-i:1...~-"-..~=-...l 1 ~ ~"'''':.~''''~:::'_J-_-JOLoo.~''''-u- south o~ ?~co to -Jarlwle ~:reet, SGC~ parK~PZ to De 1~ aC~:~la' tc t~~~ nar~l&; ~1~2?dv o~ne~ b\ t]le ~uthcrltY, a'~ SU~~ a~d~t~oqal ~q~k~n; _ ~o lTIcluce. O~: no: De llr.1te~ to, the ~osslbL~ltv 0: co'strUC:L~~ ot d ?a:-hl'1; stTl:cture Gr stru;::::~y~S 0:1 land alieaJ'. C)hned b'.: ~""e- ~u~herlt, DUr~n; dlScu5s1on, Counc~lTe~ber Ree~ rephrased t~e ar.en~nen: to ~rc~~ate ~h&t "-::he P.;r\:lng .{ut~crlt'\ declzres lts .1"'1tep:lv~ :0 :-eCe!l'--e C~!::51de:-a:::',J:-J ~or th::..s prGpert\-- at l":'''=; Gcean Park Boule"'\.-ard 111h~.;:1-: CQns::..de~a-'tl()'"l 15 ecual to .:)T great0:::- thar~ the ap")ralseci '=-alue oi t~e proper~~'~" "'~a'\ c~. Pre -oe'-'p::rie Yannatta Gol~r.Lav~ ~l:~ t~e C8TIsent of the seccEd, :ncl~ded In the ,otlcn Counc~l"""'erber i.e~:: 1 s arrLer:.C:1i.ent as. state~ 'la..-rc-r ?ro ~e-rl}cre Y2,-r..2.t:a Coldi"a'. adc.ed an c.ie'ldf'e,t to :r-e TCtHlll to Incluc.e :..r :i:e "-esclutl.on SectIon ~ as :::roDosed :;,~ sta=i" C1T~e Pa~kl"l~ r"--ut~or~:'~,,- a.:rees to dJ..3DCS8 'JoT t~:;. s prct:e~ty" ar...d C::. re::: 5 -rhe E\:ecu: ~ ",re Sec~eta~'~ to caus e a~ appralSdl of thIS prGpertv to be nade ana to SOl:"Clt yro;osals ~TO~ publIC ent~tIes for tra~5ier of property and re~abll1tatlcn of t~e ex:..stln~ d~elllDg ~~~ts for the ?ur:Jose of prD--;~l.G.:r..g lCl:' '::'03t hC~..lSl~g It) T:je mo"'t:-ar. a~ anel:d.ed, ~(as a??rQ~e~ by t~e fol:c~.lng VD~e Cc.:JT'L:::.l '/ote 1;:fl:-Tatl"e 2Qu~c:lreT8e~s Y5.~-"':2..tt.s. Gold.L'~c..v, ,JeTInIn;S, Reed, ~hcde':, '-a::1 cen Steenhopen ant v&vor BaT"Jr:cK \e:5atl~ e CcuLc~:?e~bec Scat: T~e s:aff ~e?Qr: T"a5 presented ~J~ regard to ~he C~~y ~c~s:~g ~l.thorl:\. p~oposed agree~ent wl~~ t~e C~untv BcuSl~g ~U~~O=l:V D~OV~~:~g ~OT 10'."- rent hcuslr~ 0::1 ~~IS s~:e DISC~SS:~:l was ~eld, l:lcludl~; pSrtl:l?a~18r bv ~es~le Fusse, re~~ese't~t~'~e of ~te Ccua~v ~cuSIPg 1ut~a~lt' ''.!~\--:Jr ?~C Tel"l1T)o-=::c .i3.n:13.:ta :JO:2T_.d"~. 'lc'.-ed ~:'"!a:: ~:re Cl:~;" =--:=:J~':::.:..r:: 1u:J-'c-r:..t.. ;~~::i~~:~~~~~~~f~~~~L~f.:~~~!I:"i~~::~;~~~!!~~~~fl~~~~~~:~is::~::~~~: :~~J ~;~~~~'~~~; '~~r,l~c~~~~:: ;;d s~~~~~ S i~~~a~J'~a~~s ~o~~~:~ ,.~~~e:,,;'l~,_,"~~~e 't~]~~r' a Se':'-:lcr t,) re~ld~ .tth~5 agree"1e'tl-c s}lall. be po:c := -::1:e proJ::.osal is a,:-: :Gr::~....;],li1.~ fre..... t\e C:Jilr...t'~- ~.f01151JL~ )-utI"';Jyit.\- '.-i-::"!::"!l a .....easona:,~~ peYlc...Y ct :l~e as c:etct'''l:''ec ':J': :hC' C:::'.' ~1C'JS:-'; .1,:.J.t'wr::.c:','" So:cc:ld~' CO'.J.]'c:l- rer--;:t:...... '1i-,:.;:::er ~~~~t~~~~~:"~~~I~~~.(~~~~~d~~~S~:~t~~~~~~~~~.bV \ell S-:.:::aac. ;:::llE"ctcr 0:- rc.l":':J~~:..rs ~i:SC~.:;51.:)~j I_~~~.-o:- Pro T~-r-.:-o:e Van~a-:ta U'':;'...-....-T..,J.\, '..'1::1" tJ,c :,:,:-rS2--: cf t:)-2 SCCG.;'~. l:l.::l:1Jed IT' ~r.C' ~ctlc-r: o1cd2t~c~-:.::Jl ~rlf.:~,:d.I'er.ts :-21 ire C8i~T'lel d.tlon ~~1 CeIL'l: :J~ ~"':1~e :, Scctlcr 1, se:::Jl:' l~~~e ~ :l-::~t:~ t......~ -."01":5 '.,>""........'~ ~1,.-J5'r,~ ...,.....'--......r~: 1. :l'''la-t.c ..aurr:c.....l-.q-.' .....n~~ l"1-;;:,::......t "-::-r,-'=':;:: -t-"'l3.t 1. :~;~~~:~ C;U~~;~-2~~~;S ~c' ;l~oL th~-~C~C;~~~J;;~r; ~~:~0r~~'-~; ;ct ~l;~- "::'"e.:;~~;...-:::c :~'C. _ --.._ts l'=-'::~:2(:':-"".:: :...:; 2ce~-:a. Pall Bc-~l:..--:.:::-r::.. ~;: ',1::"1 .1:..: :. ~, :) ~. ~ : ~ t -1 C ...... J LFl t ~. ~ p -..: 5 :.. ':' ~ '- ~: t :" ::. :- =- t '. t c .::...;:: -: -~~, '"1 :; ~ p ~ -=-- 6/:-1/ SO . e e Further 0.1 SCiiS S i(:1-"'-,- :\.3.S :le ld tatters untIl tre '1(',t ~e;'!l,l ~~lt~en dc~ure~t~ to CO~~Cy~ ~e~ber 5=ot: TIle rQt~o~ f~1 Cou~cllTc~ber Reec ~c ec tc :3b:~ :1'C5t ,2 '~~~.~~71 a~~'''~~~~~;f!;t~~c~~r~r~~~~~)~~ > ."''- b\ the ~Qll'J;"lr: '~.G:e CC-U;!Cll "1!.ote \~' ~""'r"'"l.:::~'C CC:..tn;:_l.l..,cr.he r.5 Ree::i, Sea:: t 3 rc .-'":lor :1 ~ .., S:eenhc'yer :":ega t 1 '<e lDunc llreT~Ders ':'anr,;l t: ta Gol "'"""1", Jer..nlPf;S. ~eed, Rl'oc.en and ~ia.~-Gr Ba,"brl;:~ 'Ia....o r Pro ;'g"[eer.1ent. Te"lDcr-e ) ar.:'1a:ta Goldl'l;:r~!'" 5 r:l?tlcr.. ~o -lY'rr01re the as ~!'fen~eG. ~\.~~5 ap?TQ'::-e;:: b':"" ti.e rO.:.....C'...~~15 '..ate Coope~atl;)Yi Co;;r..cll ','o:e ). ffl -:"""'1& t.:.. ~--e C~unc:l-I'e~8ers ~~n~~~ta ~o12 ~~, Je'1.n:r;;s. P/'c::en :m~ ',',l'.'cr 5c.'p:,,:c:' ':ega~=-". e Cou'lcll"le,bers den S~e(;:"'lh(;~'8L rikc:...- "'''''-'-'--'-, Scot: a~d ';3.n }ja~or Pro T'-e~uo~e Vanna~ta Gcld~-'a...t r,oved. ~o ace:': .:lt4,~ Ccu"L::ll T{es-::l:..tt:.:::J '\0 6031 (CCS~' 8ftI :led "'{ESOc.TJT!.C', O::-~'l~ C:1',. C:-:L;\'CI~ OF 7HE C::'t :F 5-\\ T-\ -"~O,{:::C...-\ j.P?ttOVI"'~G Tr~ S0:iHII7':'AL or _\ Pft2.D::S.';:'" FOP 'TH[ D:=~.rE!...0P"-'E".~:-,. ';{Ei-iJ..BJLIT~LT:CX, CO'<"STRT..;CiIO\! =\~~D e~";~..:ERS}1:P OF L')1.-="E\T HO'!JSIi\G ?;;'CJEC--=-S . OF \OT~TO-EXC~ED 27 :r,':i:LI..I~.-~C: J:-'~IJ.s lOC_;rED 0\1 1;5 OCE.i;'~ P~RK 30U!.-E"i;~1D, , \',I} .WP'l.O\~:\G F'E FCR.::l OF COJPERUIO'.j .'.C<.:;:::;'lE"T 3:::.,':::1': 1fE cr:'y OF S~\T; ~O~IC~ ~'D T~~ HOuSI~G AUT~OQITV OF T1~ COU'TY Or LOS ~~GEL~5, C..\LlFCil\P., ....:\D \UTr.C~:: I':G 17S EXECUTIO~", ,ead:!..r,g cy t1 tle cPol van;! '..~a1.v~i1g ':urther r,oad1.:-:lg t~ereC':i, approPlng CQnt~act ..~o 3522 (CCS) , ,anend1ng the ResolutIon 01 ,age 3, Sect:!..on 2. bv addl:lor- of tie WCT~ "::oncep"tuall V-'. a:::-rer "hereby.' a-;1d a f~er t1.1e '...crds P(cun::v FallS 1!1:;':: .J..c:'"'.:rl "".:'. 'I ~ "icr tlle c!:)!lstrUC:'lon ,~: ,eha';nl::..tatlon a"1d oFrtershlp or lon~-te~'- l<=<i.SC b\p th,: Los :\'!"! ge l:~ Cou.nt"~ _ HCUSl~;;. ';ut\orl :4~..'r I ar.. arer d-:-o,:c-nt _ t8 the ~c 01'::- ':J.- i -::10'1 --1.syeerr en"t .&G.Oln; :c- ::;;ec "".:lon loA lithe teiva p;:o: 02-;: t :: ....Lal..;.. re an t'12 : ur_lts a~ 175 Ccean Park Boulevard 11 Seco.Jna. ~,-- C:011r...cli.Te,ber H.~o:ieT' CcuncllRe~ber Jen,l,gs ~c~eG an aTend~errt t~at Se~~lon ~ o~ Res~l~tlO~ \0 6031CCCS~: be c:"a,~ed-t-J reac. <tTne Cl-rV' Courc~l G.ces .r'e~e'v'~- ag:-ee to ente!'c:aln :no~os 3.1 5 fro. :he La s .\nge1..es Co;;r.,::'.- '-jOUSI1g ;'u tl:or:.: v fo r :l' e de'-elcpv:.ent, \:.cr;.stru~t~oll or rel---:.2.blllta-r:on ard :)-r\ne_"snlp O~ lc---":~-terlr; lease bv the lcs ;r:geles Cou~--:y" t.:oUS:J'~f; -\utJ:or:!'r- of 27.3 2C€32 P3.r\: E-.:)l1::2','.T:"': aLd. the operatlon of tl:e ~:'cal -\utpOTl:V:!.n. -rne Cl-:\" SEco':1d ~r: ~1aY~r :BarbrIck \favoy ?ro Tc,?cre Yannatta Go12ha-'-t 1~.l:h ~re conse:1: of tre secondJ 1ncl~~ec Courc~l~eGbeT Jennlng's ~~e,cnelt l~tc :re ~al~ ~O:lCh The 'O:10~, as a'e~deci. was approved bv t~e fo:lcN1~g .~:c- C8Ur.:::: 1 \'0 t e -\fflTi.;::.t:\e (CU":1Cl:l1e"'1:::-eys Yan'!")J.::~ Go.i.:i~'~a4;"... Jenrangs, t<.l:cde" a"1::'.. '!::;.yor B:!'L'~rlc'.:: .... e-';3:':!.. .:'e Co~~~~l,e~bers ~e~J, 5~ct~ anc \a~ ~e' Stee~~o~!en ~c~lc',.::..~; ilS~u3s~or, .~'~-~:1c:-lLc~~.b€r ~~CJ~~l rc-y?c to :.:.ef~r c;.::....J.....uJ c.::r:-:--'\_2 '-\ge"1d? 1 te'T:: :. 1 :;. ::tilG _ J e . t.r.e P:.cce~.e ~0~~en t \~~r;::" ~esel__= t :.::::-.-. S ~~gr~~~g~e~~l~;~~-~~~,r~;~~}S~;:~~~~ ;~:c~~;at~~~~;~1;~<~~r;~~5~;: ;=~;~~_ ..L.- t ....n,;:, -TIl '1 r f" fj- :~c .......__.rGl.l.::e t;:) ~,l"'. t~.e P3-r;':.~~ .....~.::~::-::t--~. a-~I ;~~~~~~c~=~~a~~it0~~~d;~i~ ~ ~ ~'t~e~I~_I-~,~~t::,~;~~:cr g~e~~,~~~~l~:~~,~:':;:~:r~.~~'~~c:~~,~,~;_:",~:_-~ a;~~c:e5 IC! ~Qnc~~er~:lCp ~~ ~ _. ~ __ 1_ _ _~~ ~ ~ ~ v~ ___ lan'1:::t:a G,:Jli'- ,r Councll '.ete Ln.;l1~1-i:=".J.31"J; ap:::ro~re.:i ~-e :\t 10 59 p n , Ccu-,-:~lLc'-~~r S;:ct"".: l"G\eJ L~ ;)~10:--':~i-=- tc ..,-e::::ne.5ddV~ J;..'-l~ 25. 1980 t :It - ::<~ J:;~ -lnl~ 1:~1J.~ t"~e re[~:~1::L:- C:.. i-.... CCGEc11 ,j;2"lJ:1 DC :::cn1.l.rued to t\::lt. t~...,.::. '.......-""!l1d'-l'.... jl-..:::" ~':h; -c "1C':T~~-;ZS CC-r::l:''''''''':L1 -::';-c:-;e-:.r. 5e;22"!"'-.J. b\. CC.t'a~~l--le~b~r ~R;~J ... T'.1~_L~C~~~;.I- ....~ .lp.J1C\ .~2 r.'. t:"2 i;:;l :::-~-ll-":' 1-ote -:: 6':1/8-;) .. ... r ~ e COl'ncll ',/Ct2 -\;-rcST i\nn ---1 Sh:Jore Cltv CleT., ~ : f ~ rT 2 t l' e -.. c;a:l~...e e CO'J.II.":lll"~cnters =(cc.~~ ~ ~hGd.cn t .~-::.;): t ~ T...-ap dC'"'1 S-cCCr:=lc'-e:i""i 3n:..: I....U.~ or Edr:~.~~=-...::, COllYlcll.i1e"l'be-:-::: 'er.nlngs ~ G':)Lh-iay 3.n~ Y.;.T'nJ~t~ -\pp ~CV~D Jo'm.J 3ambrlck \ia~. or .: 6/24,'8:)