M-6/24/1980 (6) - e GA \'::< ~, :,u';J " 2 198(\ rriC.~E'[J~ \"GS Sf ...~~.I..:T "IEE~T\..:~ C3f- C 1 T"'[ C:;-UYCI::'" A \:: ~E:E' ~LCD"~S\.: \ ~- I\;~'1 Jut'}c :-1., 1980 0.l~: IT'Cetl:l~ .;)f :he SaG:a "10nlc.a L'::~~ CO:~~:'l~ dni Fc-deo, e:cP1"("..-.t ~:...:... Pc.- has ~L,::ied to Qrder at '7 '1~ P \' ~... 'la\oT Sarbr:.ck ,,,'tc Ie::' t"le ~l'-scT':-l:~.~ 1r t'"1C !J.::.ec.ce of al:eglance to ~he U'"11te;:: S~.::.tes G~ _.\~"lerlca It,:J.~~lJr 3;rrDll..:T'\. ther lLt!"oduced A~'pha "iae hrcatley, V"l;:e ChalYI.Cin, cl~St :~:~l3-:1(1 C!-o:.llch, "'he offered the 11.....ocat1..')TI R.ol1 Ca~l Prcse'lt navcr .Jcjm J Ba'1bn,d: ~.~a'\.Jr P:-o "'rer"'.::-:):"e Rut~ 'i"anT:,::l:ta :G::::.~~.ay CouPcllrember'KLllla~ ~ Jenrlngs Counc:.l~e0ber C~~ls~:.ne E ~eed (:-epcrtec.. p!'eseTlt at -; 28 p '1 Ccu~~llne.,be:- Che ry 1 R~-'ccle~ Ccu'cllTe~~e~ De~rl~ Sc~tt Ccu,c :llre'llbe:- ?iet:er "'-a"'""'! den 5~-2clhc'.:2"'1 CltV '~faTJ.age:' Charles;" ,rCClaln ~c~ln~ Clty \t~0r~e,r S!eD~e~ S~a~k C1 t~.:- Cle:-k ~nn Sho:-e 'L~' or 3a-,br:ck ;rese"'1ted El1':):;'ovee ,e~:J;T!.l !lcn _-\.1,...a:-ds ~c ~-~ar::"~r :;.]...... :e::"s ~r..cl. ':c-c S~~.;.c:.5S nnlfle.;i.. as cU-:3tan~ ~ "'\5' er1;l?Y:es ;)f ::le Ge-le.....~: SeY'Pl~es ~e~a~tuen: fOT :~e tlTst SlX ~o,tJS O~ _9~~ \;e~da Iren 1 Pre5e~~ed tor co~s:dera~~aq '~as ~ pub11c ~earl~; 1n YE"gJ.ri to t~e ~:-.~r.)5e::: -~lS;:;QS1tlCr: of yeal p:-o;:e!~-:~"- on t....le s~.uttl~es"t corner of t~e :~tc~sectlon of \el15Q~ ant Sar&a~d 1~avs l~ Cce2~ Pa~k ~e~e\:-e:0~1e~t ?~o3ec: l(b) :0 :~e C3~te~ States CondcTlnLuT Corporatlcr ~pe s:a!f ~e~~~: l~as p~ese~~e: D~5CUSS:Q~ ~a~ ~e~1~_includl~;,~~~t:Cl- tatlcn DY 5ta~~_~~d ~~ C1C'J :~e~~~2nt Q~ :he_L~:ted ~~~~e~ C=~~2~~~1~1 L;):-J'J~aL18Jl ~Lounc:lr'e.,..-ber ....;.eec. e'"l:.erea at ..:,8 P ~~ ~ ..he ':1ubl:.::: hea:-::.r g ~ias oDe~eci at - 3:':' ? ~.f bv order of ~1-e \1a~;,~:J~. Rus 5 3a:.... ;:..rd 5~oke ~n s~~PQr: c: t~e F~o~ect as D~cv~dln~ r~31cen~la~ b~:~nce l~ ~~e ..:ie3.~ re==1:...estec. stu..::I:.;r J:: ~re :;:-a-:-kl'"lg p:-:::cle; ~n ~.~aln St~~e~. 2.,i cr:e:"e=. ~~~~~~0~5~~~~~~~~e~~.t~~~~~~~~~;beyT~~~~e;e~~fe~~ ~~e~~;~~v;:.~~~r~u~f:= hear:ng ::lose::. a\: .... 3-:5-? ~l Sec:Ji1G. bv \12..".::)-::- ?:-Q Tejr'J~e \(i'ir...s-tt3. G:}1:i:'-2~ Copr:;c:l \.cte. U~anl~c~slv ap~r8~e~ ~.0 ~eter k3~'~1::er) prc]e~: ar~~it~c:, ~~r:te~ ci2scr~bed :~e rrc~csa~ ~~ t~e U~l~ea S~a~e5 Ccn~o'l'lU' CO~Dora:~Oq ?cllcv~pg dlSCU5S10Q cE :}e C=:~::-~:.t ::or :1::e S8-l~ oi L3-~t-l ::.;):" ?~:-..-.~te "'-edepeI;::'";:l'e""":: -:;e-:T..een :r.e R:.:.:..::.\ e!.:)::~el-:: -\ge:'lC'~ .J: t'''e '=l~~.. 3.na :;'e ~~T!.: ted St~~e5 CCr-":':]T::nl:l1 C8~~~G- ~qt~o~, So~ccll'-eT~eY ~eed -o'-ed ~o 1~5e~t :aDguage to :~e ~1rs~ p~r~~~~p~ ::r f'a.5.~ 20 ::!.e:!..ega::.~:g tG- t::-.i.e E".:.ec...;.t:!.."':"e J-::.rec-::,or -:= t,:e :::eje~"e::::"~le""1t i.~!~~:~~~~~~f~~~,i~:~~::~~~~:~~~i~~~~:~~~~~~:~8~~~~~G~;;~~~~:~~~~~ ,;~~~:~ ..::.u'.:- --~::c...:-:;. .::"":......1.t.:..c..n:; S2-.:or..:.; b..- ~.:aYC'T ?:-c TeT~Gre Y~'"1I"':.8--:~3. (:-;).;...:::l."c.V c~.u--:.c:: 1-;J~e U'1 0. l' ll-ousl \' ,,-!,p:'o'-e i -.oJ C:)-JI~c:lr~T:"'e:- ~j--..o::.:c, Ic~-ed. t';) a~cp-: Qc~e~rel':-:::ie'1t -\~c!":'I !~sC:l'::0'!""1 '---:::" .::.b:; e-'--':'l tlei '.~Eso!..~r,- I(Y\ -J? ~l[E ::'E.=iE'\~[:'2F\r['-~1 \i~=:\C\ D~ ~r:r: ':::::1"":. C"= 5\\ -~ '!C\Z;:-~ ~r?~IJ1 ='".'~ r;!:2 S-~':"'L OF L.J,"'~J =\ T~"E .:)CE l\ ~~}~:~ ~~::=~, [L'~:~-;::'---- rr... -- C.... li~b"'- :'~ :.r"\;l~::' .:;~~::S C':\~<.~~-~J:"'~I:;~.f CCRPO~1~!O~.. ;\S ~.:1~~::::-=::\1:: ~..;: [', LC1Jl ~;:"- :2F .; J:::5r.'I;~=~=':\ \:'-.[: D="r=Lc~~uE\-:' :;'--~QEE~jE~..:: qE<:F:=C:l '"C. S~\.=J :'\.'-~ " TCac.:--:; ::n- t1.:le iJn:~: 3.~.1.j '..a-=-~--l"1J fu-:t.'1e~ -."e:t.:.:r;: t~erc:';:-. 3.r.d :c- .~~~'~:,~~;',~'~~'~~~~:~ >~~~l~C~:~~ ;~~~"EdF~~ ;~~ :r~~hE~~'~~ ;:~ :;~;1 ~~~,~;l~=~C\ 1- I~., _1- 'I 1-:"-:::-":::. -:-~~l 'L] e \..''''r~ ":;r.. ..:.t -:1 t' e"',J c=: Sc:,-tlO~ -I~I: .3" -- ~ t :~. e ,"- C r_ t r.; C t ~ '; --:::: ~ -:. -t ~ I - -: i~ e :- : : ': j' 1: r e. S ~-", C -~ 1:' ..... L :- d _ ~ ~ ::; :L -: r.. 5 ..: 1 ~ r-:- ~ t~. : s -;::. c ~ ~ ~- r - -....1::; 51"'::' ~ l . I, [~: -= l~ ~ i : ..... :.: -'- L= J l ,~ 1.;. '::'-+:.;:.' r ;;A , -.) of e e ~11~ la~~u~g~ ~lJ~ej ~~ t~le Con~ra~: b," CG~'~~:'e~bQT~?e~dls e~rl~~~ ~ct:c~ ~~~ a Jcnaaa tJ:~t 1t the 501~r 5~S:CI~ :5 le~: o~t 0: toe ~r~lcc: :t .~1~: C8~"C' bacl ~cfo't"'e tlle \(Cn.C~r Secopd b'/ \:avor Pre- Te,pc.re- "'-ar.'1dtta G:)l:..;'...-l.~ Cou~C::i"~~lt:(:~ !~~lo;j,cn. "t\rlt:l t";'2 -::oaSC"'lt QI teae seccT'~.. lnc:~::.i~:..! l' :~e I~O:~~~ ~~~e ~u;ge5t:Oq of Counctl~e~ber Jen~1'~5 to a,c,j tIle Co]::rj~:~ P~~t 1, to 5a~r ~]lat ~~e atta=~Mert ep:l~:e~ ~UD Ur~ar Rc~c~~al ~~-O~13~ Tell"S an~ Co~t:tlcn5, P~r~ iI, ~c ~od~~~cd en page IJ~ Se~tlor 5G3, b-. ;::laG~ln~ the ::olcr to a ;:.e:-l.:JG. after .'a:'pro....al of the a;eGc-.~,. .. a"c. delctln; t~"1e ~eMali1jer .::.~ that paT3.gr~T'h afte r t~e ,...o!'d r':JY;J~rlded'" Tl'c lilOt:'O'-7 as 8-wendcc, r..as 3.pproYed by the :.:ll-:J~-'..:n; .i.,:-ote Counc:l Vo'te Unan:~Quslv apprcved 7-0 '"f.1~-:J:- !Jr:J :eP"'pore :an~....a~t.;.. Gc-:.d.;l,av -rcved ~o adont C::.{ Cc::...:.nc::l Rcso!.'~~::)L 'c ~~13 c:s~ enti~lcd .':~ESJLJTIO~:F T~~ CI~Y CGU\CIL C~ T~E CIT~ ~r 5";\"T'; ~-'D"-;=C\ CO"lSE'JTI\"G TO TH::; 5~1.: 8.j: L~'\D I\T ':-;;:: OCE_';~; ~~P-\ ~E=i~~.-~LCJI- "'E\ -:- ? R;]:E.::::::: 1 (b} 3Y r;-;E RED[\.E~:Jr..rE\~ )\Gi:\CY ';::-F L~::E C::i 7'1 O? S..l-"-,7'.l '.1('-. I ': I ie" TiE:: J\:TES 51 -\:~S CO\D:v:~:J'~f COR?O'i.:\-:-IO-".~ ~~:D :-~iE E\EC:.JTIO"'; ;~F .; 01 S:>:::~IT I;.';\ ,;:'8 u:;""ELOTIIX: AG::{EE'"E'IT !lIS ::>ECI:' G S;\ ID L~ ':J". readp; b\ tlt:e o~:v g,d -~al~lng furt~er ~ead1ng ~heTeo~ Seccr~ b~ Cc~~cll~e~bcr ::10109'1. C(ll.;r:.cl1 Vc;:e Un2n~'ouslv appYc'~ed ~-J :ld}'or rro TeL?c~'e Y :lrrra C::.::t Go ldFa" '-0'-":::' that t:1e Re;;.e"e 1 op'le'l ~ .~ ger C:' a~~~o~~_ tf~~S~b:~t~2~ ~a~lc ~cr~~~: ~~~~l~g~ f~~ t~: 2~ea~_p~~~ !~d~:~~CD- ~_nt r.Ol~__ nl.~ _~e _n~ers~ar:.~:~. _t~_ .n_ ~_rber_ __ t~c -~e~_'l__ be ac::~e~~ l~~Clvec In the ~:ca~l:atlon of these rla~s ~nd t-a~ the ~':cr:5.:L:lg dral-;l-=1gs allG. GUlldl'; 5pecl-fl.':3.~lCaS be ::etu~r:ed ~-:; t:tE: ~e::.epe~:J;- ,ent ~~e,c~r ~efore f1~al apn=ovsl 15 coro!e~e~ Secord ~v C~u~cl!~e~22~ ':a""1 ~er Stee:lPDver:. ~ 4 Co~p..c:..l 1,,:--cte U~~nl'louslv ap;rove:::. 7-0 Ccunc:: l,e-I'" ber 'Pan -;::en .~-reeFl.l:o'l,:"en "lo'l~ed ~o 8,.;;::" y.~ }. se:-da : -:-2L _ - _ - e t :"1;:::- rat:e~ ~= ~Gr5~Ge~a~lC~ c~ a Rescl~t~on 0= t~e Redeyelo~~e~t ;~eJ~\' acce~::~g :Tansfer of lap~ a~ 17~ O~ea~ Par~ So~le'.a~i ~~~ apD~c. :rg t:1E t~~:~~~r;~'o~~\' ,._~~e d~~r~~~~c~~;~~:l:~ t'- ~~~:)~';:-l;:l~o~r:~~~e~;~~'1r:c~er ~~cl!~e~ 1~ :~e_'9t~0~ ~~e ~e9ues~ o~ C~u~=~l~.el"h~~ See:: th~t t~e ~~:~e of :ne :~,~ t~ ~~~e~e~ =rOT tne ;ro;os2c re50~~~lon The ~O:~2~ ;.-as ap~~8' e~ bv tne :Cl~~~lng vote Ccu~c~: ',:a:e 'Ina:ll.."aOU5 :!.. y an"'.:;rc'-e c.. --:' - 0 .1..t S '~8 ? 'oj , CC:..lr:Cl1r-,e~ber :]..ee6. r0"':--~.::!. ~:) ::cr:l---:ae tr-e '"!1ee:lr.:: :l"t'>d =C~I~~~l~; a;e~~a l~er5 ~o t~e :Olqt 'eetln~ oi t~e C::~ C~u~c~:~ n~~~~.~~ ~~~~~:~~Vj~~~~~~~g:~~~~0~~~; :~~eR:~:~~~~FTe~~:~~~~~: ~~~~c~~-~-j~. \ alL.lt::l -::;,'):11- a\- CGU1.-::'::" .V.:Jt:'3 -.J"'1ailTC::$::'"'- ,J.!):} rc'-ec. -: - I] ';.T~:S- ~ ~ f'1C!!cE~ :-- -1": ~ ~ 3.?~":::r ~ :: ~"" C.:. t' ~..i.~ I'\. ,~ :1.. :2 r 6 '2,L'3C ~ r ~ e ~ _ t~~ng ~he bu:ldi'~~ hel~~t ~O t::8 lct Kldth Second b\ C0unCl11~cnoer an den Steenhoven ~:Iayor p,Q TeL~o~e Yannatta Goldway reques~ed that ~e ~ecorj =ontaln her co~ment t~at nanv neoDle llvlng ln ~ultlple :oned areas and condoIDlnlums are experIencIng> s~~liaT problems WIth bUIldIngs of three storles and lorts taklng over solar TIghts and she has requested actIon to change the codes. The motion was approved by the followlng vote Councll Vote Unanlmously approved 7-0 Consent Calendar 'The Consent Calendar was presented b. the Cltv Clerk after WhlCh Councl1- ~e~ber Rhoden moved to approve the Conseqt Caie~dar l'lt~ the exceptlon 'of Agenda Items 6-A, 6-C, 6-D, 6-E aqd 6-J, adoptlng the resolutIons and ordInances t]~reIn, readlng by tItle only and waIv~ng further readlng thereof. Second by Councll~e~ber vaa den Steen~oven Counc~l Vote. Unan~mously E?proved 7-0 ..., Agenda Item 6-A: Presented ~or co~slderatlon ~ere tnc ~lnutes of Clty . Cauncll meetlngs. Cauncl1;aember Je:mln~s '1\oved '.0 app:-0ve the mlnutes as follows. the "'nnutes of a joint :aeet.i'1g of ".,e C1. t.,: Counc:Ll, 1-!ous:.ng AuthoTltf, Redevelopment Agencv and ParkIng AvthorJtv held ~ay 14, 1980, ~ere apPToved as wrltr.en, t~e ~I~utes of a regular ~eetlng of the Clty Councl1 held '~y 27, 1980 ~ere approved as wrItten, ~h~ ~lnutes of an ,adJourned meetlng of t~e Cltv Ccunell held June 3, 19SC, were approved as '~r:Ltten. the ~lnutes of an adJouTP-ec qeetlng of the Cltv Councll held JU"'le 11,1980 ;,rere appro'.ei ,,~:h the follo'ong correctIons Page 2, . second paragr3.ph~ ~hl.:"::' Ilne, delete the 'ti'ord IISeT\.::.ceU before "1cmbudsflann i a~l:' inser:t :'serve ~sn, Page .5 ~ beglE-;llng In the fou~t.h I1ne from ~he , bottoll. ot t;1e flf1:n parc;raI'n, 1 tread lnstead" so t~"at the Re:J.e"elop- ~ent Agencv be ~elj acco~~:aJle ~or all money it has :oa~ed to the Cow,u- nlty Develcpll'ent Bleck GTa,:1t I',md as far back as legally posslble... ", Page 11, ~lfth pa:ragrapl;, ti.e seco~cl. llne be ye"lsed tc. read" " liater DlstTlC~ ~a~e pollcles ~nd t~e 1TICreaSe reques~s . lr~ a~d tre Mlnutes of 8.'1 ac.hourned meet::':1g of ti.e Clt:> Co:.:.ncll held Junc 1'. ~98'), were approved as wr~t~en SecJ'1~ ay Councl1ne~ber Reed CounCil Vote Unanl~ously a~proved 7-0 i I ; Agenda Ite" 6-5' _-\ reouest for t'eillbursement of the follc'.-Il.ng Departmenta'l Revo lVlng Cas\ FU;J.ds .!;ir,Lrn s tratl'ce Ser" lces - ~4 ~ '3 ~ 3, L lbrary - $148 <n, Pollce - 5187.60, C~~y Yar~s - $61.18, Cell'etery - $35.;7 was approved !Agenda Item 6-C Presented for conslderatlon ~as an ordlnance for : adoptlon allendlng the \lassage Parlor licenslng 1a'I/' , Introduced at tl-te mcetl~g of June 25, 1980 The staff report was presented. Councll~e~ber Rhoden noved to adopt OrdInance ~o 1165(CCS) entitled. F~ DR~I\A~CE OF iHE CITY COU"'~CIL OF THE CITY OF S.;"fT.\ !>-1O~IC.\ .'\.\.IE'\DIKG CHAPTER XII, ARTICLE VI CF THE S...\.:\'TA ~:O.':ICA UIj'HCIPAL CODE E\TrTLUJ "l~SS),GE OPfO_.l..TORS 70 P::tOV'iDE FOR EX.4J.iI\ATIO~ OF APPI.ICo\~TS FOR 1-lASSEURS I PE;<J.llTS ,..:.m TO I CG'\FOIDI STA.'\DARDS FOR THE ;:JEXIAL OF PER.\UTS TO TEOSE SET FORTH n THE COVER.\'"\IE:fT CODE", readlng by t~ tle only and wal vlng further readlng tteyeof, anc to request t~e Clty .\ttorney to prepare a~ allended e~ergency and reg~lar ordlnarce pertaInlng to fees as reccm~erned by staff Second , by Ccunc~lmeTber Reed CO:':;1Cll \late Unanl~ou51y approved 7-D ~ge~da Items 6-0 and 6-E ?T~5e~ted for consl?eT~t:on ~er~ Re~clutlo~S ap~ rovl~g FInal Tract ~1c. p \0. ::'6 i 8-1. S-"'E~'l t ted b~/ ~(;. TJ:et L td _ :Eor a 32- ~":~ new condcnlnlum at 1:33-1139 ~inth Street ani a?prov~ng F~nal Tract '.!;:PJ ~.D. 39644 sub"'.1tte~ b:" ';8"125 5 a-,d Elsle Taye '\1uraf.at5u fOT a 6- ;....~ ~ t ":},e~. car donlJ! lU'11 at 1325 Ce~t lle 1 a ~\ en~e CQ~""-l :::111freTber ~eed .,c,rec. to Jdopt ~esalu~lo~ va SJ3JrCCSl e~t:tled '~ aESOLUTiC\ Of THE CI~l C:JJ'. ~ I L OF ~HE C -: 7\ C~ S~." -- ~ '::....: C::' ':;'::'CEPT I \,G ';'"\0 ~?rP.,OY:\!G SURD IV'! S ~ O\~ ~:--;' ,""::C :;'ACT \;0+ 3.S-3~.') ;;:";L'::- ReSG:ut~QL \0 5:::3SfCCS"1 e!1t.ltlc.l '"A =-::: =-:'~~T1C. C7"' :q:: -:1"-- C.~~ ~ CIL C,.: ::..JE CI:-~ c;:: S~""~l-\ \~D"L~::::-";. ~CCEP:-l'o,~.3 :.\J -~ =-... ::-: S:;3DI'\;ISIC'-. q,.;- ~F ~~~=7 '.: ~9:;1~.', ::e:::..d~i~ b' ::tl'=5 o~l} J.71:.J. . -:; 1 ~~:: :-:.:yt\e"!' YE!-..."' _~::. -.--- ~ :: Ie.::; -: -: S=:?c ="d b' Cc~,-.".,;.::: :r2"22~~ ~cc"'t t T;~e --:~G-' ~'2:"-. ;3..?:}rc'~Ld -=- t;~r~ i"~l~::::' l.....,~ .Gte -/S'"::)D