M-9/10/1968 e e r PARKING AUTHORITY MINUTES COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL, SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA SEPTEKBER 10, 19SP 7~15 P.M. The ParkLng Author1ty of the City of Santa Monica met 1n SpecLal seSS10n at the above named place at 7:38 P.M. The Pledge of AllegLance was g1ven. MEMBER13..PRESENT: Herbert Spurg1n, Wendell Corey, Anthony D~tur1, Clo Hoover M-EMBERS__ABSE.NT: James Reidy, Royal Sorensen, Kenneth Wamsley ALSO PRESENT: Perry Scott. City Manager B" L. Kennedy, City Engineer Richard Knickerbocker, Assft. CLty Attorney James J. Wrenn, Acting Parklng & Traffic Engr. Mr. Spurg1n explained that the only subject to be d J_5- cussed was the CLty Attorney's recommendation regardLng the 011, gas, and m1neral rights in the case of the Parklng AuthorLty versus Upham. The City Attorney recommended that the Parking Authority except from Lts taking all all. gas, and mineral substances lYLng below a depth of 100 feet from the surface of the property wLth no right of surface entry ~n return for tae Uph~m's wa~ver of any clai~ for abandonment fees or costs. Mr. Sorensen entered the meet1ng. Mrs. Hoover moved to accept the recommendation of the City Attorney as presented. The motion was seconded by Mr. Ditur1 and carried by the following vote: AYES: MEMBERS~ Corey, D~turi , Hoover, Spurgl.n NOES: 1'1EMBERS: None ABSTAINING: MEMBERS: Sorensen ABSENT: MEMBERS: Reidy, l^Jamsley Upon motl.on by Mr. Corey, sccond~d by Mr. Dl.turl. and carriod 1..lnC'lmH"'n<:;ly, the m€:,pti.n':} was adJourned at 7:42 P.M. t