M-12/10/1996 I I I 310 CITY OF SANTA YIONIC~ CITY COUNCIL YllNUTES DECElVffiER 10. 1996 A regular adjourned meetmg of the Santa ~fomca CIty CounCil was called to order by \.-layor Rosenstem at 6 45 pm, on Tuesday. December 10. 1996. In the CouncIl Chambers Roll Call Present :\.fayor Paul Rosenstem :\rlayor Pro Tern Asha Greenberg COUllCllmember Judy Abdo CounCllmember Ruth Ebner COUllcIlmember Ken Genser CounCllmember Robert T Holbrook CounCllmember Pamela O'Connor Also Present CIty Manager John JalIlI CIty Attorney I\.Jarsha Jones Moutne Citv Clerk Mana M Ste\vart .; CounCllmember Holbrook led the assemblage In the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the Umted States of Amenca ~SPIRA TION A moment of mspuatlOn of proVided by the Santa \.fomca High School Marchmg Band Mayor Rosenstem presented a commendatIOn to the band m honor ofthelf accomplIshments \.-Iay01 Rosenstem announced the purpose of thiS meetmg was to swear m ne'\vly elected officers for the School and College DIStrIcts, the Rent Control Board_ and the CIty CounClI 1. Pl.:'BLIC I~Pl:T \.Jember of the publIc J01 Fullmer expressed her concerns on varIOUS Issues \.Iember of the publIc Dan Ehrler, speakmg on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce, congratulated everyone \vho participated m the electIOn process that brought everyone to the meetmg thiS evemng Member of the publIc Jerry Rubm discussed the recent electIOn and the Importance of renters' nghts and affordable housmg, the enVIronment and public safety 2-.4: OFFICL\.L CAl"VASS/OFFICIAL STA TEl\IENT OF VOTES CAST!ELECTIO~I ~OVEl\.mER 5, 1996 CIty Clerk Stewart reported on the results of the Consolidated lVlulllctpal Election held on ~ovember 5, 1996. for the Umfied School Dlstnct, the College Dlstnct. the Rent Control Board. the CIty CouncIl, and for ProposItlon EE, the pubhc safety bUlldmg 1 December 10_ 1996 311 measure I ]\fotlOn by CouncIlmember Abdo, seconded by Councl]member Holbrook to adopt ResolutIon )fo 9]07(CCS) entItled "RESOLUTIOK OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAKTA ~VI0?-JICA ACCEPTING THE LOS A..l'JGELES COUNTY REGISTRAR RECORDER!COl):-.JTY CLERK'S OFFICIAL CA:-.JVASS AND OFFICIAL STATEt\1ENT OF VOTES CAST FOR THE CO:-.JSOLIDATED r...1L?\lCIPAL ELECTION HELD ON NOVElvlBER 5. 1996, A1\1) DECLARING THE RESLL TS THEREOF." readIng by tItle only and WaiVIng further readmg thereof The motIon was approved by the follO\vmg vote Aves Councllmembers Genser, Holbrook. Ebner. O'Connor. Abdo, 1I/layor Pro Tern Greenberg. 1.fayor RosensteIn ~one ~one ~oes Absent 3: RECOGNITIONS AND PRESENTATIO~S vIayor Rosenstem read a commendatIon to ylayor Pro Tempore Asha Greenberg In recognltlon of her dedIcated servlce as l\-1ayor Pro Tempore and her e"\."traordmary commltment to the CItIzens of Santa ylomca ~.fayor Pro Tempore Greenberg read a commendatIOn to .\layor Rosenstem m recogmtIOn of hIS I dedIcatIOn and leadershIp dunng hIS term as Mayor JVlayor Rosenstem recogmzed Ruth Gallanter. Los Angeles CIty Counctlmember. who presented a Clty of Los Angeles resolutIOn to outgomg CouncIl Member Judy Abdo for her outstandmg serVIce to the people of Santa :Ylomca and \Vest Holly,"vood ~.Iayor Rosenstem recogmzed Ann Htller. representmg Senator Tom Hayden, \vho presented a CertIficate of RecogmtlOn to Counctlmember Judy A.bdo m honor of her humanltanamsm. dedIcatIOn. tenaCIty. and aJob well done ylayor Rosenstem recogmzed Laune Newman. representmg the Speaker Pro Tempore of the State of Cahforma, Assemblymember SheIla Kuhl, who presented a resolutlOn to CounCllmember Judy Abdo m recogmtlOn of her dIstmgmshed record of leadershIp, and exemplary achIevements Mayor Rosenstem recogmzed EIleen LIpson from the Women' s Caucus of Santa ~Jomcans for Renters' RIghts. \""ho presented a plaque to Councllmember Judy Abdo III recogmtIOn of her career as a successful actIVIst and counctlmembei" J\.Javor Rosenstem acknowledged commendatIOns to Coune-llmember Abdo from the CIty of ~ ~ j Beverly HIlls. CIty of\Vest Hollywood. and from C S Senator Barbara Boxer I " L. Dee-ember 10, 1996 I I I 312 On behalf of the City CouncIL .:Ylayor Rosenstem presented a commendatlOn to Councllmember Abdo III great appreCIatlOn of her extraordmary dedIcatIOn. leadership. and devotton to the CIty of Santa l\lomca Councllmember Genser, Mayor Pro Tern Greenberg. Counctlmember Holbrook, CounCllmember Ebner, CounC1lmember O'Connor, and Mayor Rosenstem conveyed their appreciatIon of the many accompltshments of Counctlmember Abdo Councllmember Abdo addressed the assemblage and thanked staff and vanous members of the commumty for their assistance throughout her tIme as councllmember 4: ADJOUR:\)"E~T OF COrKCIL AS CO~STITUTED ~'vlayor Rosenstem adjourned the CounCiL as then constituted. and turned the meetmg over to CIty Clerk Ste1vart 5: S\VEARI:\'G I:\' OF NE\V OFFICERS Cny Clerk Stewart called the meetmg to order and announced that the oath of office would be admlillstered to all new officers 5-A: SAKTA MO~lCA COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES The CIty Clerk presented the Cemficate of Election, and admlmstered the Oath of Office to Annette Shame)' (not present) Pat Nichelson Ilona Io Katz 5-B: SANTA MO~ICA-lVL-\.LIBU UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD l\IElVmERS The Cny Clerk presented the Certificate of ElectlOn, and admmlstered the Oath of Office to .\1argaret Franco Dorothy Chapman Todd Hess 5-C: RE~T CO:\TROL BOARD The City Clerk presented the Certificate of Election, and admInistered the Oath of Office to Lacy Goode "\1 Douglas \Vlllts 5-D: COU~CIL)'fE:VIBERS The CIty Clerk presented the Certtficate of ElectIOn, and admlillstered the Oath of Office to A.sha Greenberg ]\.'11 chae! F emstem " -' December 10. 1996 313 Ken Genser Paul Rosenstem I 6: CALL TO ORDER Crty Clerk Stewart called the newly constItuted CIty CouncIl to order for roll call Present CounCIlmember Ruth Ebner CounCllmember MIchael F emstem CounCllmember Ken Genser CounCllmember Asha Greenberg CouncIlmember Robert T Holbrook CouncIlmember Pamela O'Connor CounCllmember Paul Rosenstem 6-B: ELECT[O~ OF IVJA YOR AND l\'L.\YOR PRO TE::\:l Cny Clerk Ste\vart opened the floor for nommatIOns for the ensumg two years :rvlotlOn by CounCllmember Rosenstem, seconded by Councllmember Greenberg. to nommate CounCllmember 0 - Connor and CouncIlmember Holbrook to serve spItt terms as YIayor and J\Jayor Pro Tern With Councllmember O'Connor servmg as l\.Jayor and CouncIlmernber Holbrook servmg as 1-1ayor Pro Tern for the first year. the followmg year CouncIlrnember Holbrook would serve as Mayor and CounCllmember O'Connor \vould serve as l\.Jayor Pro Tern Subsutute motton by CouncIlmember Fem"em. seconded by Councllmember GenseL to appomt I Counolmember OTonnor to the posItIOn of Mayor for a term ofrwo years The motIOn farled by the followmg vote Ayes ~bstalll )Ioes Absent CounCllrnembers Genser, O'Connor. Femstem CouncIlrnernber Holbrook Councllmernbers Greenberg, Rosenstem, Ebner None The ongmal motIon "\-vas approved by the follo\vmg vote Aves CounCllrnernbers Greenberg, Holbrook. Rosenstem. Ebnec O'Connor. F emstem CounCllmember Genser None Koes Absent 6-C: RE~L\RKS AND ACKNO\"LEDGl\':IE~TS/COUNCILIVIK\IBERS CouncIlmember Rosenstem, Councllmember Genser. Coun('1lmember Greenberg, CouncIlmember FeInsteIn. l'vlayor Pro Tern Holbrook. CouncIlmember Ebner, and \.-fayor O'Connor commented on past accompl"hments and dIscussed future challenges I 4 December 10, 1996 314 I 6-F: PUBLIC CO~Il\'lENT 1\.-Jember of the pubhc J01 Fullmer expressed her concerns on varIOUS Issues Member of the publIc John Jurenka dIscussed ProposItIOn EE \.fember of the publIc Ilona Katz congratulated CounCIl and encouraged everyone to work together 6-G: ADJOrRN)tIE~T At 8 15 pm. the meetmg ,vas adjourned to a speCIal meetmg to be held on Saturday, December 14, 1996, for the purpose of dlscussmg personnel matters ATTEST ~~~~ , A.PPROVED l O~ ylana Iv1 Stewart CIty Clerk Pamela O'Connor Mavor I I 5 December 10, 1996