M-4/11/1967 "- - ~ ,. e e ,'" ,i- I PARKING AUTHORITY rUNUTES COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL, SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA Apr11 11, 19~7 7:30 POMb The Parking Authority of the C1ty of Santa Mon1ca met- in regular session at the above na~ed time and ~lace. The Pledge of Allegiance Mas g1ven. PRESENT: f1embers: Rex H. ft.'linter, P'endell Corey, Clo Hoover, James B. Re~dy Jr., Herbert Ab Spurgin, Kenneth A. Famsley ABSENT: fvlem1:Jers: Royal N. Sorensen ALSO PRESENT: Perry Scott, C1ty Manager Robert G. Cock1ns, City Attorney ~illiam A. Hard, Asst. C1ty Mgr. Bartlett L. Kennedy, City Engr. Joseph D. Nadon, Parking & Traffic Engr, The ffi1nutes of the neet1ngs of January 10, January 24, February 22, and March 28. 19)7, were approved as presentedb The Chairman 1ntroduced the first item on the agenda, the award of contract for Par1{1nC] Structures Nos. 3 and 4. It was the C1ty Engineer's recommendation that se?arate contracts 1n the amount of $783,000 for Structure No.3 and $799,OCO for Structure No.4 be awarded to Van1ar Construct~on, Inc., which was the low bidder. Both contracts call for complet1on of work by December 1, 19S7. with $500 per day l1ou1dated damages for each day after December 1 until completion. There was some dis- CUSS10n concerning the $12,000 saving involved by awarding the contract to the low bidder (Vanlar Construction, Inc.) on the basis of B~d No. 1 providing for construct1on of both structures under one contract. It ,\,ras ?ointed out that this would result ~n a delay of U~ to 30 days between start of construction of Structure No.3 and Structure No. ~, and ?rovide only partial occu-oancy of Structure N06 4 dur1ng the Christmas season. Mrb Reidy brought u~ the matter of Vanlar's experience 1n ~ost-tensioned concrete construct1on, and Mr. Kennedy re- ferred to the letter from T. Y6 L1n and 8ss0c~ates concern1ng th~s firm. Mr6 Spurg1n moved to accept the recommendation of the C~ty Engineer and to award separate contracts to Vanlar Con- struction, Inc6 The motion was seconded by Mr. T1amsley and carr~ed by the follow1ng roll call vote: a ... e e PARKING AUTHORITY ~INUTES REGULAR ~ESSION A9r:>.1 11. IS"7 Page 2 AYES: Members: Corey, Hoover, Re1cy, SDurg1n, pamsley, Minter NOES: l"1embers: None ABSENT: Members: Sorensen The Chairman ~ntro0ucec the second 1tem on the agenda, the em~loYMent of t~o res1dent enSlneers for lnspection durlng constructlon of the two structures. Mr. Corey questioned the neec to eq:)loy t,.,o engineers, statlng that only one enJineer was used during the construct1on of Structures land 2. fIr. Kennedy ey~la1ned that during construction of Structures 1 and 2, S1nce only one resldent englneer was emDloyed, it was necessary to use as-needed hel) from other City deDartments and that thlS hao ?roven unsatlsfactory. After a general discllssion l1rs. Hoover hoved to emoloy t~.70 res1dent engineers. The mot1on ~das seconded by i\-lr. P_unsley and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Members: Corey, Hoover, Reidy, Sourgln, TJamsley, rllnter NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: Sorensen Mr. Spurg~n stated that it had been a custom ~n the past to put a olaque on all Clty structures, lnd~cat~ng the contractor, archltect, ~ember5 of Counc~l, etc. There was a dlScuss~on concern~ng cost of such nla0ues, and ~t was moved by ~'lr. S'?urg~n that the Parl<~n9 Author~ty a\:lprol,?riate $ 200 each, total of $400, from the bond ~ssue funds, and that the ad~inistration be in~truct€d to ~nstall such plaaues on park- lng Structures 1 and 2, indlcat1n3 the ~eople who ~ad served the co~mun1ty at that 2art1cular time. The mot~on was seconded by ~"lr. f{eiC!y and oassed by the follO\nng roll call vote ~ AYES: Members: Corey, Re1dy, SDurgin, Mlnter NOES: MemJers: Hoover, Wamsley ABSENT: Members: Sorensen Mr. Corey asked what the cost would be to chan3€ the color in the parking structures to a more beco:nlng color. A short discussion followed, but no actlon was ta~eno Ivlr. I'1.inter stated that the administration had been in- structed to provlde aesthetlc llghting for the structures and that ~ t "Jas his understand~ng thlS was about to take Dlace. The Clty Englneer reoorted that this should be ready 1n a wee~ 1. '\ . I tr (J, 111 (" :}.- _ 1 ~ , , ~ ~ . "r' .' J ,Ii' . . "f- 4', J ~~i ,,,," ~o r e e PARKING AUTHORITY lUNUTES REGULAR SESSION AY)ril II, IllS? ?age 3 or ten days. There was some discussion concerning these lights and wherE they ~~11l be located. The C1ty Engineer stated that they ""J.11 oe above the ':Jlanters on the columns, nr. Minter brought u) the SUbJect of the need for COln changers J.n the parklng structures, statlng that J.t would bE deslrable to lnstall COln changers. There was a dJ.scussion concernlng the t~o extra COln changers not now ln pse and ore- sently J.n the Pollce De':>artrnent. Mr. Pams ley questloned the s~endlng of ~oney necessary for lnstallation of taese COln c~angers vs. the need for the~. After a general discussion regarding thlS Natter. Mr. Minter moved that the h1thority lnstruct the adMiniEtratlon to lncor~orate 1n the ne~T struc- tures the COln changers '.vhlch 1,,'e now have. The P1otion r,,".Tas seconded by i?ir. Corey and carried by the folIm,dng roll call vote: AYES: Me~bers: Corey, Hoover, Reldy, Spurgin, thnter NOES: Mem1Jers: Wamsley I"BSENT: Members: Sorensen Mr. Hinter also su}gested that we should have small s1gns in the ~arking structures indicat1ng that Dub11c rest- rooms are avallable ln the structures. I1rs. Hoover commented that the nlantJ.ng vas very well done on ~tructure No.2, but that the olantlng on Structure No. 1 was not very attractlve. She suggested that the arti- f1cial geraniums on Structure No. I be removed. ~ d1scusslon was had concernlng Dlanters on Structures 1 and 2 as well as 3 ano 4. Hr. Scott reDorted that the administratlon was ma'~1ng a cOl11':larison of maintenance costs bet'veen the 11ve and artl- flclal -:>lantlngs on Structures land 2, and that a renort 1,oJouId be made to the ~'uthorlty hlhen that study was com~Jleted- No further act10n was ta~en on this item. Mr. Reidy as~ed 1f there are meters on the rema1n1ng portlon of Lot No. ~ and 1f the Clty meter malds are check1ng the lot. He was advised there are no meters on this nor on any other lot wlthln the Parklng and BUSlness ImDrovement D1strlct. There was a dlScusslon regardins th1S lot and the privately owned lot on 2nd St. north of Arlzona AVe. In con- nectlon w~th the lot on 2nd St. north of ~rlzona, Mr. Reidy brought un the subject of t~1e sl.gn on th1s lot ~ndlcating that Dar~l.ng ~as by courtesy of Sol's Yardage. He stated that many oeo~le would not know the f1rst hour 0ark1ng was free w1thout valldatlon, or that they could shop at stores other than ~ol's Yarda~je 0 Mr. Re1dy 0uestlonec. the \vordl.ng on the oar'clng t1c1-::ets for these lots in crmnect10n \nth the stores '.'lh1Ch had been E"ubrrutted for credlt. It "'as suggested that in order to .. '!.!1rl _ r ef'-:~< ii i . :; :. - r ,1,,=.... ,~ ~ L- !' r if.." 1:.-~ . . , .' . ~ r. . -~ t" c t ~ .. I . ____..... ---- ~ P 1',RKING AUTHORI.HINUTES REGULAR SESSION Apr11 11, 1967 e Page /~ clE'arly show the f1rst hour free ?ar~l.ng without validat10n courtesy of the merchants 1n the assessment dlstrl.ct, the wordlng be changed on the ?ar~ing tickets. i\1r. T'1amsley asked about the wanner 1n which the nerchants have thel.r uar~1ng tickets ~rlnted, and about refusing to grant tay credits to merc~ants vlolatl.oq park10g standards. Mr. Scott lodicated that tax cred1ts could be withdrawn lmmediately. He also 1ndicated that the pro~erty 1n 0uest10n was soon to be ac- nU1red by t~e ~uthor1ty, €1ther through negot1at1on or emlnent domain ~roceedings. After a general discuss1on, Mr. Reidy moved to require the word1ng on ryarK1ng t1ckets 1ssued on prl.vate lots to clearly 1ndicate that thE fl.r~t hour 1S free ?ar~1ng with no val1dation required. The mat10n ....vas seconded by Hr. r.hnter and a roll call vote ~'Jas taken, '.11th the follo~h11ng resultsg AYES: Members: i'hnter NOES: Hembers: Corey, Hoover, Re1dy, T';ramsley FBSTAIN: Members: Spurg1n l\BSENT: Members: Sorensen ivJ.r. I"linter moved that the Parfnng Autrority requ1re, ?rior to July 1, 1967, that the s1gns on these lots be changed to read II F1rst hour free ?ark~ng T,n thout vall.dat1on". Hr. lJamsley seconded the rnot~on and 1t was ?assed by the follow- lng roll call vote: lWES : Members: Corey, Hoover, Re~dy, l'!amsley. rhnter NOES: f'lembers: None ABSTAIN: Mem~ers: S~urg1n ABSENT: liernbers: Sorensen Mr. tl1nter rr-oved that the adm1nistratlon be lnstructeo to prov1de an apDroprlate 510n or slgns 1n each of the park- Lng structures, WhlCh \oJould be V1S 1ble both from thE: exter10r ane the interior, inclcating there are public restrooms 1n the bU1lding. ars. Hoover seconded the mot1on and It \vas carr1ed by the following roll call vote: I' AYES: i'lembers: Corey, Hoover, Re1dy, 5ourgin, ~"ramsley, r-l1nter -', NOES: 1'4ember5 : None ABSENT: I'1embers: Sorensen There be1ng no further business to come before the ^uthority, the meet1ng was adJourned at 8:15 P.M.