M-2/28/1995 (3) /-It 9- i} ~ - 7' . . ; :/" J I !. -. oJ \.0' ~....' -../ y CITY OF SANTA :MONICA ~; ('! r~; }r j / HOUSING AUTHORITY MINUTES FEBRUARY 28, 1995 A specml meetIng of the Santa :\lomca Cny CouncIl was called to order by Mayor RosensteIn at 630 PM. on Tuesday, February 28. 1995, In the CouncIl Chambers Roll Call Present Mayor Paul Rosenstem Mayor Pro Tempore Asha Greenberg CouncIlmember Ruth Ebner (arrIved at 645 PM) CouncIlmember Ken Genser (arrIved at 632 PM) CouncIlmember Robert T Holbrook CouncIlmember Pamela O'Connor CouncIlmember Paul Rosenstem Also Present CIty Manager Jolm Jahh CIty Attorney Marsha Jones Moutne ASSIstant CIty Clerk Beth Sanchez Counctlmember O'Connor led the assemblage m the Pledge of AllegIance to the Flag of the Cmted States of Amenca Councllmember Genser reported present at 6 32 P M CouncIlmember Ebner reported present at 6 45 P ~'I At 8 25 PM. a SpeCIal CIty CouncIlIHousmg Authonty/ Redevelopment Agency SpeCial Jomt Meetmg was convened 1 February 28. 1995 Housmg Authonty Roll Call Present Chmr Paul Rosenstem V iCe Chalf Asha Greenberg CommISSIOner Judy Abdo ComnussIOner Ruth Ebner (arrIved at 8 26 P ~1 ) CommISSIOner Ken Genser CommIssIOner Robert T Holbrook CommIssIOner Pamela O'Connor Also Present Secretary John JahlI Authonty Attorney IvIarsha l\-{outfle ASSIstant Authontv Clerk Beth Sanchez " HAIRA-I: MINUTES APPROVAL VIce Chair Greenberg moved to approve the Housmg Authonty mmutes of~ovember 22.1994 Second by CommISSIOner Abdo The motIOn was approved, CommISSIoner O'Connor abstamed, ComnnsslOner Ebner absent CommISSIOner Ebner reported present at 8 26 P M CC/HA/RA-2: FY 1994-95 MID-YEAR BUDGET REVENUE AND EXPENDITVRE CHANGES Presented were resolutlons of CIty CounCIL Housmg Authonty_ and Redevelopment Agency approvIng FY 1994-95 MId- Year budget revenue and expendIture changes To be conSIdered WIth Item No 9-A 9-A: BUDGET PRIORITIES/POLICIESIFY 1995-96 Presented was a publIc hearmg to conSIder staff recommended budget pnontles and polICIes, receipt of publIc Input. and dIrectIOn to staff regardmg preparatIOn of the FY 1995-96 CIty budget At 8 36 PM. ~\'fayor RosensteIn declared the publIc heanng open ylember of the publIc Joy Fullmer expressed her concerns Members of the publIc Rosemary Regalbuto and Mark Olson spoke m support of the Meals On \"'heels program Member of the publIc Frank Schwengel spoke III support of the proposed 1995-96 budget for the CommunIty and Cultural SerVIces DIVISIOn of the CIty as proposed by the RecreatIOn and Parks ConumssIOn Members of the publIc Janet Bregar and Lauren Burton spoke III favor of support for SOCIal serVIce agenCIes Member of the publIc Clay Evans spoke III favor of support for recreatIOn programs Members of the publIc Rebecca Refuerzo and A11sa Donner spoke m favor of support for programs for at-nsk youth rvlember of the publIc JennIfer Wolch spoke III favor of support for dog parks and SOCIal serVIces Councllmember Genser moved to hear a late speaker Second by CouncIlmember Abdo The motIon was unammously approved "tv1ember of the publIc Dems Karpeles spoke m tavor of support of youth sports programs ~vlayor Rosenstem closed the publIc heanng at 9 lOP :VI CounCIl asked questIons of staff Councl1member Abdo moved, on behalf of the CIty COWICIl, to approve the staffrecommendatlOll. mcludmg the resolutIons whIch recommend revenue and expendIture budget changes. mcludmg the 2 Februarv 28. 1995 Cay's earthquake recovery budget for pubhc facIlltles. personnel actIOns, and vanous fee increases to complete ImplementatIOn of fees preVIOusly approved m the Adopted Budget for FY 1994-95, and approve the reImbursement hst between the Redevelopment Agency and the General Fund Second by Councllmember Holbrook DISCUSSIon was held The motIon was approved by the follow-mg vote CouncIl vote Atnrmatlve CounCllmembers O'Connor. Holbrook. Greenberg. Genser. Ebner. Abdo. Mayor Rosenstem CommISSIOner Abdo moved. on behalf of the Housmg Authonty, to approve the staff recommendatIOn. mcludmg the resolutIOns WhICh recommend revenue and expenditure budget changes. mcludmg the CIty'S earthquake recovery budget for pubhc facIhtIes. personnel actIons. and varIOUS fee mcreases to complete ImplementatIOn of fees preVIOusly approved m the Adopted Budget for FY 1994-95. and approve the reImbursement lIst between the Redevelopment Agency and the General Fund Second by CommISSIoner Holbrook The motIon \vas approved by the followmg vote Housmg Authonty vote AffirmatIve CommISSIoners Abdo. Ebner. Genser, Greenberg, Holbrook. O'Connor. Chmr Rosenstem By VIrtue of the above actIon, ResolutIOn No 8867(CCS) entItled "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COCNCIl OF THE CITY OF SANTA yl0KICA AMENDING THE BCDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1994-95," and ResolutIOn No 66(HAS) entItled "A RESOLUTION OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SA.:.'\TA 110NIC\ A1vlENDI~G THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1994-95." \vere passed, approved. and adopted, readmg by tItle only and ""-mvmg further readmg thereof At 10 00 P ~1. the SpeCial CIty CouncIlJHousmg Authonty! Redevelopment Agency SpecIal Jomt Meetmg \vas adjourned and the Crty CouncIl Meetmg was reconvened ATTEST APPROVED Beth Sanchez ASSIstant Authonty Clerk Paul Rosenstem Chmr '" -' February 28. 1995