M-1/12/1971 - e PARIUNG AUTHORITY ilINUTES COUNCIL CHAHBER, CITY HALL, SANTA rlONICA, CALIFORNIA REGULAR .i>1EET ING 7:00 P. M. Tuesday, January 12, 1971 The Par]:ing ]\uthori ty of the C~ty of Santa ilonica l,1et 1.n Regular Session at the above na~ed tlne and place. IIEilBERS PRESENT: Anthony Ditur1., CIo Hoover, Virgil Kingsley, LONe11 Patton, Jaliles Reidy, Herbert Spurgin ~!EliB:CRS l.BSE~1T: John i1eCloskey ALS 0 PRES ENT : Perry Scott, C1.ty I'lanager B. L. Kennedy, City Engineer Christina New, Acting City Attorney (Entered 7:25 P..II.) J.. J. T1renn, Par~dng 0: Traffic Engineer Heor1.ng no oojections, Cha1.r8an Spurgin ordered approved as inal1ed the liinutes of the Regular ileeting held October 13, 1970 Iir. Peter r~7al1in, attorney for the .restern Center on La"" and Poverty, spo?~e on the use of the Parking l\.uthor1.ty's property located on Neilson ~lay, and clain Street as the future site of IOll,-income housJ.ug for the elderly. Ilr. HallJ.u intrOduced his archJ. teet I Ilr. Pollak, ,.,ho spoke on the tentative poss1.bil- it1.es for the project. ChainJan Spurgin stated that a 1l1eeting was held in his off1.ce on January 7, IS71, with llr.. ;.7allin, Reverend Hales E. Sliuth, Santa lionica Redeve1op!"aent vice-Chairman J. L. Schimmer I and himself present. HI". Schim!'1er suggested that a Fl.Ore appl1.- cable piece of propel-ty in the Ozone Par~c area be considered 1.n 11.eu of the elongated Neilson I.'fay parlnng strip, and he pledged his cooperation towards acco~plishing a proJect in this area.. A discussion followed in ilhich Authority :rembers, Hoover, Ditur1., Re1.dy, and Chairman Spurgln stated the1.r o"m viet-Is and questioned lir. T:!a1lin and ar. Pollak about the1.r proposals. iIr. BcCloskey entered the lieeting at 7:25 P. lvl.. Reverend ~Tales E. Smith of the First Chr1.stian Church, a possible sponsor of the project, spoke and answered questions pertaining to existing senior c~tizens waiting 1ists. , -- -- ,,--7,-- ----1 - .~ . RoY I --~~~ -----~- . ..~ -J ,.. It e Page 2 Parking Author~ty flinutes January 12, 1971 Hear~ng no objections, Chairman Spurgin instructed both Mr. Scott and Mrs. New to report in two weeks on the length of time necessary to prepare a report on the feasibility and legal aspects of housing for the elderly in Santa 11onica. Cha~rman Spurgin stated he has rece~ved numerous letters and telephone calls regarding parking problems adjacent to the ma~n library. He requested that the adm~nistration study the area and prepare a report for a presentation at the next quarterly meeting on their f~ndings and recommendations. Upon motion by Ilr. Reidy, seconded by Hrs. Hoover, and carried unanimously, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 P. M.