O1343 \.. . e ("A:RMM:rmnO?1i'1 C;lty c;nllnrll Mpl"tlnl) g-10-R5 Santi'! Monlca, r.allfornla mmr NA NrF: NllMRF.R 13~]_(CCS} lClt.y (:'ounCl' Sprli'!c;l AN URDrNANr:F.: OF 'fHF (;'l1'Y C'Ol!NC1L OF THF: CITY OF RANTA MONICA AODrNG SRrTION 4706 TO TH~ SAN'T'A MONTr.A MUNtr.TPAL r.ODE ANn AMF.NTHNG qAN'T'A MaNTrA. MllNlr.TPAl. C~D'" SF:GTTONS 4702 AND 470~ 1=lF:1.ATTNG '1'0 DTSCR1MTNA'1'fON TN H()IIR1N(~ 'T'HF' rT1'V ("OIlNr:U, OF 'l'HF rTTV OF SANTA MONTCA DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SF.r.'T'TON ,. Sprtlon 4707 of thp Si'lnti'l. Monlr:a Mun1cIpal C;nop l~ nmpnrlpn ~o rpi'ln MS f~l lows, S.p,tlon 470? ProhIbIted Ar~..!~~ . Tt shall h~ unlawful for any ppr::;on offprlnC) fo r' rpnt (Jr lea5f', rpntlrH], Ipilf.lnl}, ()r ]l.:.;tlng any hOll~lng Cl(";("ommodClt.l(Jn1 or <'.Iny nllth(Jrlzed agpnt or f'mploypp of sll,h pprson, to cl(J or i'lttPmpt to on any of th@ followIng: ial Rt'-fu'":p to rpnt () I" l~riC;p rt hOll~lng ar:~omm()rli'ltlnn, (Jr access to or usp of thp common arprt~ And fa(") Iltlf>fi of ~h~ hOIl<:;lnC) ac(:()mmodat:lon, l'lP('V@ a nCl~ll-::e of tprmlnatlon t") t tf"nanry, ("(1mmpnrp ;:In lmlawf\ll rlpt:alner <'I("t) on, or nt:herwlsP . e c]pny tn or wIthhold from} Flny pp-rson or ppr:o:oos} .'l hnllo.l Tl<J ;H'r.nmmon;lt I on on thE" h.'lS15 of age} pFlre-othooo, pregn.'lncy, or thp pc:tE'"ntl.'l1 or artll~l Or'llprln,y "f.'l mInor rhlld. Ihl R@pre~pnt to .'lny person. on the hrl51~ of .'l9'P, p.'lrPfltho()o, prf'gn.'lnry, or thp potentl.'ll or .'l~tual or.rupanry af the mInOr rhiln That a hOl]':;1n!] accCOmmOc1.'lt"JOn 1':; not avallahle for lnsppctlan or rental whpn 5urh hOU~lnn .'!("commonatlon 15 In faCT -' .'lv.'lllahle for InspectIon or rental. I ("" 1 Makp, prInt, {"~r pll tJ 1 1 5 h , or r.'lIlSf" to hE'" marlp, prlnteo, or pUhllshed anv .. notlC"f'; statf'mf'nt, Slt)O; aovprtlsement, .'lppllcatlon} or rantract WI th rf'C)arrl to .'l ""11"; 1 flg i'l rrommonat 1 or; offp-rpn hy that person th.'lt IndIcates any prpfprpncf>, IImIT.'ltIon, or dIscrImInatIon w1th rp<;perr: to ag~; parent.hood, p,p0nanc:y, or thp potpnt"li'.ll or actual o'("llpanry of a mInnr ,hI1o. (c'll Inc:lllrh'" In <'lny rpntt11 i'iIgrt=>pmpot or le.'lc;e for i'l hOllslng accommodatIon a rlt'll1C-;p provlrllfl0 thrl.t as a conrlltlon ot rontlnUf'n oc:rllpa ncy , thp tenant.s shall rf>m.'llt1 rhl1dlpsc:; (H~ -=:hal 1 not" hl'>ar ? e e c:hl lon"'n or othprWl!,;p (lot mHlntaln a hougi?holo wlth i'l pf'r~on or pprsong nf i'J rprtNln i'llJP r pI 'I'hrp.'l.tpn to rommpnC':p or c:ommpnrp PVlr-tlon prorpPolngg agaln~t any tpni'lnt on thp grollnog thi'lt hp or "thp hag hrparhpo a rpntal agrppmpnt If thp i'lllp~PO hrpi'lC'h arlgpS Olit of an loC"rpac:;p 1n thp nllmhpr of orc:upi'lntg ChlP to thp marrl agp at thp tpnnnt, provlnpn thi'lt thp oc:rl1pan\.y My t hp <:;onllSf> 1::::; ot,hprwl c:;p 1 '1wfu I . . If 1 'I'hrp""tpn to rommpnrf> nr c:ommpnc:pc:; pVlrtlon proC"PPolngc:; agalnc:;t any tpn.:int h~""d of hOllgpholr'.l on the grollnrtl=: thnt hp or shp h""c:; vlolatpo thp prnvlC:;lon~ of a rental agrppmpnt whprp thp vlolatlon ron!">lc:;tc:; of .qn lnrrp""c:;p 1n thp numhpr e,t orrllpantc:; arl~ln~ ollt of the hlrth) aciopllnn, or C'hi'lI'"'lC)P of I Pgi'l: 1 rllc;tony ot a mlnor c-h 1 1 ci of whom thp tenant hf"i'Hi of hnllc:;pholci or hlC; or hpr c:;pnusp lS th... parpnt or 1 ega 1 gllarol an, anci provlopd that thp orrupanry of c:;alO m1nor rh1 Id 1~ ntherWHlp 1 awflll . SF:C'I'TON 'I C)pc:tlon 4'lO~ (..,t rhp San1"a MonlC"it MlI01("lpitl Coop 1<:; ampndpd to read a!"> follows: '0\ e e SECTION 4703. F.xpmptlo~ NothIng cont.Fllneli In thl~ Chapt.E"'r o;hall apply to nr l'1P C'onstrllecl. r ,':j 1 1'0 affert a hOll~ 1 ng nC'C":nmmot'1ntlon OPC;Il)np(J '::l),d Opf>"i'.ItE>O E'XC":ll1~lVply for ~enior adults, and their ~p(")l1~P5; or any nur':;} nCJ hnmp, ('"novn) f>~r:f>nt hnmp, or retlrpmpnt home rhl '1'0 walVP any fpopral, stFltp, or local ];:lW rplrltlng 1'"0 o(,"C'lpan C'y or c1pn~lty_ (r:1 To force a person t.o rent a hllll!':109 ;:lrcommnnn1'" 1 ()P to ., f.=lmlly whoSf> trjta 1 numher of persons exc~eds thE" rf>a.o:;on<'lhlp llvlng SpRCP <'lV<'lllrlhlp In th0 rpnt.,l unIt. In Flny ar-tlon hrought nllr~ll<:ln1'" .. to Sprtlnn 470S <:Ind 47a~ of thl~ Ch"'ptpr, the person offerIng the unIt for rpnt "hall hNVP thp hLlrnpn nf provl ng thf' rea<:;onah]pne~s of the ocr:llpancy standard. SPC'T'TON ~. Spctlnn 470h IS addpd to thp Santa Mantra Mllnl<:lpal Cndf" to read as follows: SECTION 4700 EiJtlltahlp Rf>11pf. All i'irtloo for ealllta~}lp . 1"pl1Pf to SP("llrf" rompllanC'P WIth thp prOVISIons of thIS Chnptpr may hp ("nmmpnc:p('l hy tr,p. CIty Att.nrnpy, DI~trIC1'" Attnrney, or by any 4 e e person, c:orporatlon) ac;!':oc;jatlon, or pntIty actlng for th~ lntprp~ts of Itsplf, ltc; memhprs, thp general put"111e) or thp protpc-tpc'l cli'isf'i. SF.:C'T'TON 4. Any proV1R1on of the Santa MonIca MunIcIpal Cne'll? or arppnrll~p~ thprpto lnconsl~tpnr wIth thp rrnvl~lonc; ot thIC; nrc'llnancp, to thp pxtpnt of such 1nconslc;tencleC; and no fllrrhpr, 1<:; hprphy rpppalprl or modlfIPO to that pxtent nprpsc;ary to 01vp full forcp and effect to the provIsIons of thIS (l1"dI nancp. SF.C'l'TON C) . Tf nny sec:tIon, subsect Ion., ::;pntence, Cl,HlSP, or phra~p of thlS nrdlnancp 1<:; for any rpason hpld to .. hp InvalId or lInconc;t.ltutlnnal hy a dpcIc;lon of any court of cnmpptpnt )llrlsc'.llctlon, !'luc:h rtp("l<:;lnn shi'lll nnt rpndpr lnvalld the rpmalnlng portIons of the ordInance. The Clty CounCIl hprphy npr.larps that It wOlllrl havp passpn th,s ord,nancp ann eac:h ann pvery c;ect,on, Slll)Sect Ion, sentence, clause, or r h r a s e fl n t d p , I a r POl n v <l 1 Hi 0 r \I n (" (J n c., t 1 r 11 t Hi n a 1 W 1 t h n II t r p 9 i'i r rl tn whpthpr t:lny portIon of the ordloance would be suhsequently opr.:larpn Invalld or lInc:()nstltlltlcHli'll r; e e SECTION h. Thp M~ynr ~hatl ~10n and thp Clty C}prk sha 1 1 atte~t to the r~~~~gp of th,S ordlnan~e_ The Clty ~lerk Shlill ,i'lIli':P thp samp to he outd, c;hPO onep, n thp off 1 C"t a I ~ newsp~rer wIth,n 15 days after lts adoptlon. The ordlnanCE' Shlill hpcnmp pftpctIve ~o dnys from lt~ Ndoptlon. APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~~1 ~ ...- 0-- ROBERT M MYF:RS Clty Attornpy 6 ~ e e Adopted and approved this 10th day of September, 1985. r.-h~J. ~- ;I Mayor I hereby certi fy that the foregoing Ord inance No. 1343 (CCS) was duly and regularly lntroduced at a meeting of the Clty Council on the 13th day of August 1985; that the said Ordinance was thereafter duly adopted at a meeting of the Clty Council on the 10th day of September 1985 by the following Council vote: Ayes: Councllmernbers: Conn, Jennings, Epstein, Zane and Mayor Reed Noes: Councllmernbers: None Abstain: Councllmembers: None Absent: Councllmembers: Katz ~- ATTEST: -7; ; ~lt; llerk" ....